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Chapter 226. The transformation of the black rhino armor is completed

Now that Kazan's body has undergone some slight changes after the Steel Fruit entered level 6.

For example, the skin begins to become a little reflective, the weight increases invisibly, and the muscle toughness of the body becomes stronger.

Kazan randomly picked up a dagger from the ground. The handle of the dagger was smashed on the ground for a moment. The bottom of the handle and the ground were subjected to high-intensity friction for a moment, generating extremely high heat.

The high heat stimulated the dagger blade, causing it to retract directly, and the entire dagger turned into an ordinary small cylinder.

Performing the same operation again, Kazan slightly opened a thin layer of steel film and directly used the dagger to slash his arm with all his strength.


A tiny trace of blood just appeared, and then the dagger blade immediately broke.

It's not that Kazan lacked strength, but that the material of the dagger itself couldn't withstand the double squeeze of Kazan's strength and physique.

Kazan can understand this. After all, they are not high-end materials, just common materials used for experiments.

Although Kazan used all his strength, it was very rare to be able to scratch his steel membrane.

As for these weapons on the ground, the principle is very simple.

As long as you find a way to suddenly generate extremely huge heat at a certain point of these weapons, you can switch them back and forth between 'combat' and 'hidden' states.

But because of this mechanism, some people are not suitable for using this type of weapon.

For example, Kazan, Sakakis, Charlotte Irving, future Ace and other characters.

Kazan then told the clones of the Vinsmoke family who were guarding him about the switching mechanism of these weapon states, and told Fon Clay or Monet who would come over later, and then left here and returned to Caruso.



Kazan returned to Caruso and slept hard for a whole day and night to make up for the lack of sleep these days.

After getting up, he called the clones of the Vinsmoke family and directly dialed the image phone to communicate face-to-face with Gaji.

In the smelting room, Kazan and Gaji once again used the image phone bug to talk.

"You...so fast?"


"...Then let's get started."

Call Image Telephone Bug, Gaji began to remotely assist Kazan in the transformation of the Black Rhino Armor, and Kazan's smelting room began to emit heat.

While transforming the Black Rhino Armor, Kazan glanced at the walls around the smelting room with a cold sweat on his forehead.

He felt that the walls of the smelting room might not be able to withstand his maximum temperature, and he had to consciously control his own temperature.

Kazan felt that he needed to go to some special places specifically for Caruso. All members of the monster family were becoming stronger. How could Caruso, as a member of the monster family, be left behind.

In Kazan's knowledge, there are only two places in the entire Grand Line that are capable of upgrading and strengthening Caruso.

One is the Fishman Island where Tom's brother, Dan, lives. When he was on Serenity Island, because there was no rainbow wood on Caruso, Dan only brought a little bit, so it was only enough to repair Caruso's hull.

, cannot be upgraded further.

But Dan is definitely capable of upgrading and strengthening Caruso, there is no doubt about this.

Although Kazan was an amateur, the way he spoke at that time and the underwater coating technology he was said to have used when he was under the sea were enough to prove Dan's profound knowledge as a shipwright.

The second is Tom's apprentice, Bingshan and the Seven Waters City where Franky is located. The former has stable attainments and has inherited Tom's steady shipbuilding skills.

The latter has a rich imagination, and if he transforms Caruso, he may come up with many functions with unexpected effects.

Moreover, the other shipwrights in the Capital of Seven Waters are all top-notch high-level shipwrights on the entire great route, and they are all very powerful.

There must be many shipwrights on the Grand Line who are capable of upgrading Caruso, but the problem is that they have basically been assigned to someone, and Kazan does not think that the other party will carry out modifications for him.

Only Fish-Man Island and the Capital of Seven Waters are places where Kazan has determined that Caruso will become stronger. Needless to say, the friendship between the former and Dan also said that he will take good care of Caruso after going to Fish-Man Island.

As long as the latter gave enough money, there would be no problem, and... Kazan still had some impressions of everything in the Capital of Seven Waters.

Kazan stayed up all night in the smelting room for another three days and three nights, and Gaji naturally accompanied him to the end with ease.

For a scientific researcher like him, it is normal to stay up all night for several days on research.

In the smelting room, Kazan failed three or four times in three days and nights, and the high-level shape memory alloy was almost exhausted.

During this period, the Black Rhino Armor was almost scrapped by Kazan several times. However, it was a blessing in disguise. After several reshapes, a lot of the metal materials that were randomly added when he didn't know anything were shaved off.

This also makes the Black Rhino Armor a little easier to use in the next experiment, and the weight is also a little lighter, which is a good thing in Kazan's opinion.

After all, Bellamy's speed is not very fast, so the lighter the Black Rhinoceros armor is, the better without weakening the defense.

When the materials only supported the last transformation, the Black Rhinoceros armor was finally transformed successfully.

There are no changes in material or properties, except that it can be carried by Bellamy at any time.

This is the result of Kazan's research over the past ten days, and it cannot be said to be outstanding.

But Kazan is sure that, just talking about the current Black Rhinoceros armor changing form, there are definitely not many people in this world who can do this.

It’s not that Kazan looks down on the level of scientific research in the world of pirates, it’s that there are only a few scientific research teams in this world, and they are all in a mess, and there are only a handful of powerful ‘doctor’ level ones.

In this transformation, if there is no assistance from Gaji who specializes in battle suit technology, such an advanced shape memory alloy, or Kazan's steel fruit to assist any of them.

This is a transformation destined to fail.

Gaji is the absolute authoritative level when it comes to researching combat uniforms. Even Vegapunk has to submit, otherwise the world government will not pay so much attention to the Vinsmoke family.

Except for Gaji, there are no famous doctors in combat uniform research in the world. This is one of the reasons why Kazan is so sure that almost no one in the world can achieve the current level of Black Rhino Armor.

When Kazan walked out of the smelting room, he held a pair of dark boots covered with thorns in his hands.

This is the compressed Black Rhino Armor.

The deformation principles are impact and friction, both of which are indispensable.

The main reason was that Kazan recalled Bellamy's habitual starting position. From now on, as soon as Bellamy lowers his body, then slams his feet on the ground and rushes forward, these boots will instantly become

The complete Black Rhino Armor automatically armed Bellamy's body.

"The transformation...is completed."

This chapter has been completed!
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