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Chapter 242. The sword that affects the mind

"Is this the place..."

Kazan, Robin and Sugar finally arrived at the place where Fon Clay found them.


In Kazan's hand, he was also squeezing the neck of an old man. This was the pirate Kazan met on the way here.

Robin is relatively strong and possesses armament and haki. Robin is not strong enough and cannot break his joints, so he is ridiculed.

If this guy hadn't been mean to Kazan, he would have been able to give him a good time, but since he was so mean, Kazan wouldn't be polite.

It was a slow journey, and Kazan and the others walked for almost forty minutes.

And during these forty minutes, Kazan held the man's hand loosely and tightly for a while.

This man also suffered forty minutes of torture at Kazan's hands.

But this is really not torture.

In terms of torture methods, the one who is best at this in the entire monster family is naturally Ajin.

Some people like to talk pre-war rubbish before a fight begins, especially those who are more sophisticated.

What Ajin dislikes the most is when people who are weaker than him provoke him. For such people, Akin often hone his skills from them.

Ajin's level of torment is a level that even Bellamy and Robin call "cruel".

Kazan is not very good at this category. Like Fon Clay, he is relatively straightforward in his attacks.

So until now, the man in Kazan's hand still looks 'fearless'.

It can also be said that the broken jar was broken. He knew that he was destined not to survive today, so he had no intention of begging for mercy.

After Kazan walked into this place, the man's expression became obviously crazy.

Kazan ignored him and looked at the stone coffin, feeling nothing in his heart.

On the contrary, Wuyou around his waist looks a little bit ready to move.

"Are you excited? You are relatively young, right?"

Kazan drew the demon sword with his other hand to no avail. It looked like it really wanted to know the sword inside the coffin.

In terms of age, Wuyou is only eight hundred years old and is still a baby.

And the Seven Star Sword is at least thousands of years old, and the people it has killed cannot be compared to those that have been useless for hundreds of years.

However, Wuyou still looks very excited. He has the same personality as Kazan and will get excited when meeting strong people.

Bang bang.

Seeing that Wuyong was so excited, Kazan held it up and pointed it at the coffin board with two blows.

Not moving at all...

Although these are two swords that are not activated at random, but...even so, his power is still at the level of lv.5.

That's it.

Not even a single knife mark was left on the coffin board.

Kazan put away the knife and touched it, but felt nothing.

The material of this coffin is absolutely extraordinary. It is obviously not seastone, but it has such hardness that it can be said to be terrifying.

If there was a steel element in it, Kazan would even want to use it to update his family's equipment.

"Nissan, this guy seems to know something."

When Robin entered this place just now, he was first made sick by the smell inside.

But she quickly adjusted her emotions and began to observe the man who reacted violently.

The aura released from the rectangular coffin in the center of the stone house is very permeable.

But for Robin...it's okay.

Back in O'Hara, when Kazan had just eaten the Devil Fruit.

Kazan's ghost hand had a very violent reaction. The aura released by the ghost hand at that time was terrifying even to the giant Sauro, who was a vice admiral of the navy.

Although Guishou has behaved very...kindly over the years.

But Robin still has some impression of the aura released by the ghost hand at that time. Compared with that time, the person inside the coffin... can barely be said to be a bit less beautiful.

There is also small sugar, which was frightened for a while at first and jumped directly into Kazan's arms.

By the time Kazan held her in his arms, she was no longer afraid.

Little Sugar is a child who grew up in a cradle. He grew up under the protection of all members of the monster family.

How has she ever been frightened by something like this?

It stands to reason that an ordinary baby would have fainted from crying in grievance.

But sugar is different. Sugar is not an ordinary baby.

She did grow up in a very comfortable environment.

But this environment is different.

Growing up, he was hugged by ghost hands every day, protected by demon swords every day, stared at with red eyes every day, and he was surrounded by violent brothers like Bellamy and Jin.

This doll would not be easily frightened by a mere sword.


After listening to Robin's words, Kazan immediately let go of his hand and threw him on the coffin board.

"Are you...um...hehehehe..."

It seemed that the man wanted to say something cruel or something, but within two seconds of being thrown on the coffin board, the whites of his eyes began to turn red.


imitate me.

Now the man's eyes have become the opposite of Kazan's eyes.

The whites of Kazan's eyes are black and the pupils are red, while the man has normal red eyes.


There was a crushing momentum.

Kazan's first thought was not why this man became like this, but that he... won.

But he hasn't been in secondary school for too long, after all, he is already an old man.

Soon he realized something was wrong with the man.

"Aren't you...sleeping?"

Kazan stared at the sword carved on the coffin. According to history and rumors...

The Seven Star Sword should still be in a dormant state now, and it will take ten years before it wakes up.

In other words, does this sword still have such an influence even in a sleeping state?



There was a gunshot, and Xiaosu Tang shot the man who was standing on the coffin board and moaning to death.

Some people actually dare to show off their swords in front of the God of War, Guan Gong, and they don't know what they are capable of.

Kazan glanced at the dead man. This guy must have been emotionally affected just now.

Chesiri's emotions were originally amplified by the Seven Star Sword, but unfortunately it only affected his emotions and had no effect on his physical body.

This state of losing his mind is what Kazan is most taboo about. He can go crazy and become bloodthirsty, but he cannot lose his mind, otherwise it is not much different from unlocking the limiter and becoming a blood demon.

Once he has difficulty concentrating, he becomes a physically powerful beast. His fruit abilities cannot be adapted to the situation, and his domineering energy is difficult to use. His combat effectiveness is directly weakened by more than half.

If the man just now still retains his sense, he can directly use his armed domineering force to block Xiaosugao's bullets.

But he didn't. All that guy could think about was attacking. He ignored Granu's bullets and was killed by one shot.


While Kazan was thinking about something, the blood on the man's head flowed into the cracks of the coffin along the stone eaves.

Under the stimulation of blood, the coffin boards gradually moved away, revealing the true face inside.

Seven Star Sword.

This chapter has been completed!
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