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chapter 248. the world has done so many things behind my back

After making sure that everything was done and supplies were prepared, the monster family immediately set off from Aska Island.

It was still the familiar blood-colored mist, perhaps because the Seven Star Sword was taken away. The density of this mist had become visibly lighter.

Perhaps after this time, Aska Island will no longer disappear from the eyes of the world.

Perhaps Aska Island will become a famous resort in the park because of its beautiful scenery in the future.

These are all possible.

Even if the rumors of the Seven-Star Sword spread to the sea, someone might have planned to let others take away the Seven-Star Sword.

When Caruso drove out into the bloody mist.

A lot of big things have happened in the outside world.

A series of events may even cause members of the monster family, who have extremely limited access to outside information during this period, to have the illusion that time has fast forwarded when they go out.

Caruso in the mist is no longer as quiet as when he came in.

After all, I have already experienced it once, and this time the concentration of the bloody mist has dropped significantly, making it far less terrifying than it looked before.

Especially when there are three fools at home, Bellamy, Ajin, and Tiga, who don't believe in ghosts.

If there really is a ghost, maybe they will happily discuss how best to torture the ghost.

The other two girls are also pretty good.

One is Robin. In fact, when she came in, she was not afraid and even wanted to laugh a little. She just wanted to hold her sister casually and huddled in the protective circle of Hanhan.

Robin has an unusual aesthetic, and those weird things only make her more happy.

However, after learning about the history of Aska Island, she lost interest in this mist because she had some understanding.

Novelty and mystery are necessary medicines to maintain interest, and this fog no longer feels like this to Robin.

There is also little Perona.

It's no problem that Perona was having a good time, this girl is very eccentric, but she really likes this kind of weird place.

I don’t know if it’s because of the Lingling Fruit or because of my personality.

Kazan thinks it's because of her personality, because Perona has wanted to be an elegant and mature big sister like Robin since she was a child.

Perhaps it was because of Robin's abuse that his lovely Perona went astray.


Caruso sailed toward the outside of the blood mist without stopping.

A few hours later, the monster family finally came out.

"Pepe, look in which direction is the next island?"

He had just come out of the fog, although Kazan wanted to grab a few recent newspapers and collect information from the outside world.

However, the top priority must of course be to make sure that there is no problem with the current route.


Perona held her record pointer in both hands, her face a little flustered, and even crystal clear tears began to condense in her two big dark eyes.

"What's wrong, don't cry, don't cry."

Kazan frowned and knelt down to help Perona wipe away her tears. Perona should be the kind of super well-behaved baby who wouldn't cry easily like Sugar.

Something must have gone wrong.


Perona pitifully raised the record pointer to show Kazan.

The pointer on it is completely messy, spinning constantly and not pointing accurately at all.

"Ah...it was affected by the magnetic field. I didn't expect Aska Island to have magnetism. Obviously there were no previous rumors, so I had to go to an island with a magnetic field and record it again."

"Hmm...I thought it was broken."

Perona was stunned for a moment when she heard what Robin said, and then she felt relieved and stopped crying.

As long as she made sure that the baby Grandpa Kurokas gave her was not broken, it would be good.

"Then what should we do next?"

But soon a little question mark appeared on Perona's little head, where should she go next?

"Small problem, just grab other pirates' record pointers on the way."

Kazan felt that this was not a problem and easily thought of a solution, but it would deviate from the course.

It’s not a big problem, we will eventually reach the Chambord Islands anyway.

"Just wait quietly like this. I don't know how long it will take. Xiao Feng, Monet, you go and clear out the pirate groups in the surrounding waters, and get all the newspapers and record pointers on their ships."

Kazan waited on the boat for a while and sailed for an hour or two without seeing a single boat.

This can't go on like this, let's just let the number one brother and number one girl take the initiative.

After Kazan's words, Fon Clay and Monet split up and dispersed around without any ink.

There is no need to worry about the strength of the two of them. They flew back directly within half an hour, which was fast enough.

"Nissan, I killed three pirate groups here, and also encountered several merchant ships and navy warships, without taking any action."

"I only met two of them here."

After Funkrei and Monet came back, they took out three record pointers, so the other two pirate groups didn't need record pointers for their voyages?

"The three pointers are all pointing to the same position. It seems that we are exactly on one of the routes."

Robin took over the three record pointers and immediately judged the direction after taking a quick look.

"Keep them all on the boat, along with the phone worm shells, and keep them for later use."

Kazan glanced at the three record pointers and stopped paying attention. Now his attention was completely focused on the newspapers they brought back.

"Almost every issue of the newspaper is here."

Von Klay handed all the newspapers to Kazan.

"Let me see, let me see, what has happened recently."

Kazan picked up the newspaper and read it with some anticipation. The more he read, the more surprised he became. After reading all the newspapers, he simply said, "Holy shit."

[A man named Tezzolo attacked the auction house owned by Don Quixote and stole the superhuman ‘Golden Fruit’. 】

[Former Admiral Sengoku was promoted to the new Admiral of the Navy.]

[The leader of the Monster Pirates, "Red Dog" Kazan, who has a bounty of 220 million Baileys, has filled the vacant position of the Shichibukai, and the bounties for all members of the Monster Pirates have been revoked. 】

[The extremely vicious organized revolutionary army appears near the Kingdom of Goa, and is suspected of wanting to attack the Tianlong people.]

[The captain of the Red Hair Pirates, ‘Red Hair’ Shanks, appeared in the Shampoo Islands, suspected to be looking for someone. 】

"What the hell...what happened to this world? You did so many things behind my back?"

Kazan is a little confused now. After taking a trip to Aska Island, so many things happened outside?

He was not ready to become a Shichibukai, so why did he suddenly become a Shichibukai?

Originally, Kazan was thinking of doing something more and raising the bounty for himself.

Now it seems that there is no cure, and the bounty of their monster family will be fixed at this place for a while.

This chapter has been completed!
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