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Chapter 300. Accidentally dialed the phone bug of the Warring States?!

Now, Kazan also has direct command authority over these clones created by Gaji using the monster factors extracted from the blood of his ghost hands.

He is equivalent to the ruthless tool man of the monster family.

The only uncertainty is that Kazan doesn't know whether Gaji's command has higher priority or his command has higher priority.

"You guys, please bring the blood back to Gaji for research first. I'm looking forward to it... that he can use my blood to research more capable subordinates."

With a smile on his face, Kazan placed the blood of his ghost hand, then handed the blood to the clones of the Vinsmoke family, and watched them leave with his own blood.

If these clones also obey Kazan's orders, then...

Kazan wished Gaji would research some monsters. It would be best if he could extract the factors of some powerful monsters that he used his ghost hands to absorb part of their blood.

Watching the Vinsmoke family and the Umit Shipping people drifting away, Kazan murmured: "What an unexpected surprise."



Kazan tilted his head and looked at Robin, who suddenly called him. The girl was holding a newspaper and looking at it calmly.

"You see, the Vinsmoke family and the people from Umet Shipping are now everywhere in the entire 'Paradise'."

Kazan took the newspaper from Robin and looked at what Robin was referring to. It was indeed the same as what Robin said.

In almost the entire 'Paradise', they can be found on every island that has been published in the newspaper.

"What a big move..."

"You are very determined, Nissan. Should we do something too?"

"...Wait a minute, the underground world has just started to take off, and the situation is calm and there is no need to take action. Now our monster family is in the limelight. There are not many blind people in this 'paradise' who dare to show our face. No,


Kazan is quite certain about this.

If the name of the Shichibukai doesn't even have such a small amount of deterrence, then what's the point of having the name of the Shichibukai?



Kazan suddenly heard the sound next to his legs and looked down. He didn't know when the girl Sugar came over.


"Well... follow your sister's example and learn how to be domineering and lazy. Be careful of her beating you!"

Kazan knew that this boring sea voyage was too boring for these noisy little guys, but there was nothing that could be done about it.

If Kazan guessed correctly, the Navy Headquarters was about to launch a second wave of 'slaughtering pirates' on this sea, and he wanted to send Kella home before that.

"No way, my sister is going to bed."

"No wonder you, little girl, dare to be so presumptuous."

Kazan sighed. Ever since Monet began to teach Sugar to see and hear the domineering colors, Sugar had been suppressed by Monet and did not dare to make trouble at all. It was only when Monet was away that he returned to his true nature.

Brum brum brum.

Kazan frowned when he heard the buzzing of the phone in his ear. He looked down and saw that Sugar randomly punched out a series of numbers and then dialed them.

Picking your feet.

"What are you doing, girl...!!!"

Kazan was just about to stop Sugar, but the moment the phone call changed, Kazan broke into a cold sweat.


Kazan saw that Sugar was about to speak, so he covered Sugar's mouth with a big hand to prevent her from making any sound.

Tell me why.

Now Sugar's super wretched phone bug has changed his appearance.

Fan-shaped black hair, black round glasses, a flat black beard, and a long braid on the chin. If these were not enough for Kazan to determine the identity of the person on the other side of the phone bug.

Then the blue and white stripes on the shell of this phone bug are already very obvious.

Only the Navy's pay phone bugs have blue and white stripes.

In the navy, this appearance is...

Kazan glanced at the newspaper held in Robin's hand. On the side facing his line of sight was a photo of a navy man giving a speech.

"Hello? Porusalino, how do you call this phone bug?"

It's really the Warring States Period...

Kazan glanced at the small sugar in his arms, whose face was flushed, and for a moment he didn't know whether he should speak or not.

I am a Shichibukai, so I don't have to be so secretive, but now this phone bug belongs to Xiaosugao...

If the other party calls again in the future and hears the voice of Xiao Granu, then Granu has been exposed soon?!

Kazan has no plans to expose Sugar's identity as a member of the monster family to the world yet.

"Hello? Forget it, there is something urgent. The 'Ghoul' guy was killed by the second son of the Charlotte family in Wanguo. You go talk to the Morgans guy and ask him to cooperate with us in reporting this incident. The world

The government will reward him."

"Also, I plan to..."



Kazan was listening intently, but the little sugar in his arms struggled violently and was knocked unconscious by the phone bug.


"Quack!! What are you doing?!"

"Go go."

Kazan waved twice casually, sending away the sugar. The little girl was so angry that she hit Kazan angrily.

Kazan ignored it.

Although I didn't listen to Quan Zengguo's side, this is good.

At that time, Shi Guang paid attention to what Warring States was saying, forgetting that if someone in the family suddenly came up and made a noise at this time, the matter would be exposed. It would be better to hang up in time to avoid being exposed in an accident.

Also, Kazan feels like he has heard the name ‘Ghoul’ somewhere before...

However, Sengoku didn't realize that this was not Porusalino's phone bug, which surprised Kazan a little.

Kazan picked up the phone bug on the ground, with such a wretched look... Indeed, anyone who has seen the guy from Porusalino will probably think of him when he sees the phone bug.

As for the Sengoku side, if you call Porusalino to confirm, you should soon find out that there is someone else who just spoke to him.

However, the problem should not be big. First, the other party does not know the phone number here. Second, what Warring States leaked is not important. Maybe there is already this news in the area near Wanguo. Warring States will not do it because of this.

It’s a small matter to investigate, but I’ll definitely pay more attention to it in the future.


"Huh? What's wrong, Nissan?"

"Think about it, do you have any impression of the title 'Ghoul'?"

"'Ghoul'? Isn't this one of the Seven Martial Arts..."


Kazan suddenly remembered that 'Ghoul' seemed to be indeed one of the Shichibukai, but he had always been a transparent person in the Shichibukai, so Kazan was not impressed by him.


Just now, what Sengoku meant was that one of the Shichibukai was killed by Katakuri?!

So...who will be the new Shichibukai?

By the way, it was almost this time. In Kazan's impression, someone from the 'most familiar generation of Shichibukai' should be taking office at this time.

If the world government is involved...then who will it be?

This chapter has been completed!
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