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chapter 306 .

So it’s because of the status of the Shichibukai and humans...

Kazan understood almost instantly the reason for this group of people's natural behavior.

At this juncture when the three navy generals suddenly took office, even the reputation of the Shichibukai became a little more trustworthy.

In front of ordinary people who know nothing about it, they probably only think that the Shichibukai are a group of powerful and 'just' pirates.

Kazan vaguely remembered the expressions and looks of the villagers when Tiger and Kella returned to Forshat Island in the original book.

The villagers even secretly told the navy without telling Kerla, which directly attracted a major general and a lieutenant general at the time, Porusalino, which became one of the military merits accumulated by the two of them after their promotion.

Although Kazan returned with Kerra about a year later than Tiger's time in the original work, Kazan did not believe that such a delay of one year could make these villagers change their views on pirates.

Then the only remaining reason is this level of human identity.

In the eyes of these villagers, even if they look scary, pirates carrying weapons are more trustworthy than fishmen who are aliens.

"Please be a guest in our village!"

"Although the village is relatively poor, we will definitely entertain the adults well."

"I'm going to the town to buy some wine and meat."

These villages were very welcoming to Kazan and his party who brought Kerra back, and they seemed to want to repay their kindness.

Obviously, Kerla's return has nothing to do with them. It can be seen that the cohesion of this village is very strong, and everyone has a good relationship with each other. They are the same kind of people as the villagers of Windmill Village and Cocosia Village.

"We do plan to stay here for a while, but I won't bother you to prepare food. We still have a lot of food on the ship."

Kazan rejected the kindness of these villagers. Their monster family also had a monster-level appetite and could eat up the village in one day.

We can't let them make things worse.

"That's great. We'll prepare a room for you right now."

"Just sleep at my house. I haven't talked to Mr. Wang next door for a long time. I will go to live with him in the next few days."

"And my family..."

Kazan shook his head: "There is no need for this, we will build the house ourselves using local materials."

By the way, I will renovate your village.

The monster family is not a professional house builder, but it is quite easy to build a small wooden house or a small stone house.

"Xiao Feng, you go and pick up the children. Monet, you stay in the village and I'll go over there and take a look."

Kazan smelled the smell of rust and blood on the tip of his nose and looked in a certain direction. There was probably a war breaking out there.

Since Kazan could smell it, it shouldn't be far from this village. Kazan didn't want the village to be affected, so he planned to expel those people.

"Onii-chan! Where is Kirla?"

At this time, Kerra suddenly ran over and held Kazan's big hand, asking Kazan what he should do as a habit.

"Kirla, you can't disturb the Lord's work!"

Irene was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward to pull Kerla back. What the pirates had to deal with must be very dangerous, and they didn't want Kerla to be in danger again.

"Kerla, just stay here and stay with your parents. Grantang and the others will come over later. Then you can play together again."

Kazan rubbed Kerra's little head, and then left straight away. The smell of gunpowder smoke became stronger and stronger.


When Kazan was heading to the battlefield there, news was also released that Bellamy, Akin and his group were present on Forchart Island.

Not long after, people from the Navy Headquarters and the World Government were the first to know about this matter.

The World Government immediately sent some people to Forshat Island to monitor Kazan on the grounds of 'assisting' the Shichibukai in their affairs.

After receiving the news, Warring States of the Navy Headquarters directly dispatched a newly promoted Vice Admiral, Stoloberg.

This Stoloberg belonged to the same faction as Porosalino, and in the original novel was the one who killed Tiger on Forchat Island.

This man has his own absolute justice and belongs to the role of true justice, but he is pedantic and regards the slaves of the Celestial Dragons as the property of the Celestial Dragons and does not regard those slaves as human lives.

This does not look like the subordinates that Porusalino should bring out, but rather looks like Sakakis before he became marshal of the navy.

As for the reason why this man set out for Forchart Island, it was naturally not because of Kerra.

After all, no one tipped off the navy this time, and there was only one reason why he went to Forchart Island.

That was the Warring States Marshal. A Shichibukai Conference was about to be held. Stoloberg's duty was to go over and notify Kazan and take him there.

In the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku's office, there was an old woman sitting next to her.

"Warring States, how many do you think there will be in the dojo this time?"

"I don't know. Isn't this the purpose of convening this meeting to see how many Shichibukai are willing to obey the call of the headquarters? I don't want to have a group of people who are doing nothing to serve as Shichibukai."

Warring States looked at the seven abandoned reward orders on the table, thinking deeply in his heart.

"Even if you come, I probably won't be too peaceful."

"So, I asked Kuzan to come back. As for Sakakis...well, that guy's coming will only make things worse."

"Where's Porusalino?"

"What do you think?"

"Are you lazy..."



Immediately after the Navy and the World Government, those who knew that the Monster Family and their group had arrived at Forchart Island were the Revolutionary Army, the Vinsmoke Family and the Umit Shipping Company who were still on Forchart Island.

Except for Kazan's good friend Tiger, no one in the revolutionary army paid special attention to Kazan, the Shichibukai.

Because they believed that Kazan would not delay their "liberation" of Forchart Island.

Within the revolutionary army, the "red dogs" in the Shichibukai are of the lawful and stable type.

As long as you don't provoke him, you won't get into trouble.

As for the people from the Vinsmoke family and Umet Shipping, as I said before, there are now their people on almost every island in the Paradise.

The Vinsmoke family and the people from Umet Shipping are sparing no effort to join forces to set up a network in the underground world of "Paradise", in order to obtain more benefits and gain rights in more fields.

The people from Umit Shipping did not come to Kazan specifically.

Because Umit said that unless Kazan came to ask them to do something, they should generally not disturb him.

As for the Minotaur clones of the Vinsmoke family, they began to look for the location of the Monster family and their group with a slightly more positive attitude to see if they could be of use.

Kazan will soon welcome a group of useful tool people.

This chapter has been completed!
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