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Chapter 311. Preparing to go to Marin Vando

"'Red Dog' Kazan, I, Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Stoloberg, on the orders of the Warring States Marshal, have come to inform and pick you up to attend the Shichibukai Conference in the Navy Headquarters, Marineland."

Stoloberg stared at the man with bloody eyes and black pupils in front of him, feeling invisible pressure in his heart. He carefully spoke the words he had organized in his mind.

But he didn't dare to relax physically at all. He put his hands on the two sabers on his waist, ready to draw the swords and fight at any time.

"Well, let's go then."

Kazan nodded, relatively kindly, and did not embarrass Stoloberg.

Unless he is too boring, Kazan himself is not a trouble-seeking guy.

He was more interested in the strange hair of the Lieutenant General named Stoloberg in front of him.

Kazan is now twenty-one years old. Not counting his hair and shoes, his net height is exactly 300cm. His body is almost completely in shape. Today’s three navy generals are almost all around this height. The tallest is Akainu Saka.

Ski 306cm.

If Kazan includes hair and shoes, he is about the same height as Sakaski.

The Stoloberg in front of me is almost 280cm long, but...at least thirty or forty centimeters, including the straight and long hair he suffered from the head injury.

This weird style attracted a little bit of Kazan's attention. What kind of hairspray has such a powerful styling effect?

If it weren't for the long hair that allowed Stoloberg to at least keep up with Kazan's figure in appearance, I'm afraid the navy's momentum would have been overwhelmed by the seven people from the monster family.

They are all the ‘new generation’ who have just been promoted...

Kazan glanced at the nervous sailors behind Stoloberg and could probably guess that some of them might have just finished their probation period.

He had just become an official Marine Headquarters soldier and was about to go out to meet the Shichibukai, which was a bit miserable.

But luckily, I met Kazan who had a two-faced attitude towards the navy, so I can basically get through this disaster safely.

And this lieutenant general...

Kazan lowered his head and looked at Stoloberg. He could clearly see that Stoloberg was nervous. This mentality was not in line with Kazan's psychological expectations for the lieutenant general.

I guess he is the newly promoted lieutenant general.

"When will we leave?"

The quality of these naval forces made Kazan suddenly lose all interest in them, and he asked directly about the departure time.

"Today we will replenish supplies nearby and make some adjustments, and we can set off tomorrow."

Stoloberg breathed a sigh of relief. He could see to some extent that the character of this 'Red Dog' might be slightly different from what was rumored to be from the outside world. He was the kind of person who was easier to talk to.

Stoloberg collected information about the Monster Pirates from the pirates he caught on the way to Forchat Island.

It’s nothing more than these few keywords.

Killing people like hemp.

Bloodthirsty and brutal.

Cruel and ruthless.

Fierce and evil.

All in all, there is not even an adjective that is neither praise nor derogation.

Originally, Stoloberg was already prepared for a bloody battle, but as a result, the intelligence was wrong, and Kazan was actually a relatively stable pirate.

No wonder the Marshal of the Warring States Period personally recommended Kazan as a candidate to the Five Old Stars. In addition to meeting the standards of strength and reputation, there is also something more worry-free.

Kazan didn't know what Stoloberg was thinking. If he knew it, he would definitely tell him that the information was not wrong.

It's just that this information should be used to describe other members of the Monster Pirates, such as Bellamy and Jin, who completely fit these terms.

Unless he is a person of sufficient weight, Kazan will never take action. How can those ordinary pirates know what kind of person Kazan is?

"Then you go and prepare. I will also give you some instructions."

Kazan nodded, turned around and took his brothers and sisters back to the village, leaving behind the navy who breathed a sigh of relief.

In the end, this group of sailors performed well. They didn't collapse on the ground or gasp for breath. They still had the most basic qualities.

"Xiao Feng, Monet, after I leave, pay more attention to the surroundings of the village. If anyone with something wrong sneaks up on you, kill them directly without asking them for their identities."


"Got it, Nissan."

If Tiger, the Vinsmoke family, and the people from Umet Shipping have something to say to the Monster family, they will first contact Feng Clay through the phone bug instead of approaching directly.

In fact, there was nothing special about the last day.

Everything that needs to be explained has been explained a few days ago. It is just a period of departure, and it is not a life or death separation or anything like that. There is no need to be so endless.

After returning to the village, the monster family gathered around the room, all with their own feelings and thoughts in their hearts.

"Kazan, I suggest you take Monet with you."


Kazan glanced at Fon Clay, not expecting that he would suddenly make such a suggestion.

"I also think it would be better if I go with Nissan."

Monet also couldn't control his expression and looked worried.


If Monet is with him, as long as Porusalino is gone, he can fly away from Marineventor even if something happens.

Although the Moon Step gave those marines the ability to move forward in the air, their speed was definitely not as good as Monet who ate the Snow Snow Fruit.

As for the remaining navy who still have the ability to fly... Smoker, Smoker's Fruit, but with the strength of this guy, Smoker would be dead if he caught up with him.

"No, I'll go by myself."

Although bringing Monet with him is a very safe approach, Kazan also has his own stubbornness.

In the past Shichibukai conferences, how could there be a Shichibukai who took his subordinates to Malinfando for a meeting?

Leading his men to Malinfando was originally a sign of lack of confidence. He suddenly showed a gap with the other Shichibukai, and he would definitely be looked down upon by some people.

A strong person must be courageous.

If you don't even have this bit of courage, it's better not to embarrass yourself by being a Shichibukai.

It is estimated that the Warring States Period also used this Shichibukai meeting to test the courage of these new Shichibukai in recent years.

"...All right."

Fon Clay nodded. Since it was Kazan's decision, he must have agreed, and he had not failed to take into account what Kazan had in mind.

It's just that in Fon Clay's eyes, these are not as important as Kazan's life.

And if even Fon Clay agrees with Kazan's idea, then the rest of the Monster family will definitely not raise any objections.

"You must come back safely, Nissan."

Monet still looked very worried, and his pupils couldn't help trembling. At this moment, Monet didn't look like a big sister, but like a little sister who was no different from Perona, Kerla and the others.

"Well, don't worry, Nana."

Kazan reached out and gently placed his hand on Monet's head, covering her eyes that were about to cry.



Kazan looked at Robin who suddenly called him. He thought Robin would suddenly become like Monet.

However, it was not the case. Robin silently took out a stack of paper. Kazan took it and glanced at it casually, and then he understood what was on these papers.

"When was it collected?"

"Just these few days."

All the information collected on this pile of paper is the current intelligence of Marine Fando at the Navy Headquarters.

All this information was collected by the girls of the Monster Family in the name of "going out shopping and relaxing" during the past few days when Kazan was not doing anything. Every little girl worked hard to collect information.

Bellamy, Ajin and Tiga used force when necessary to kill people who seemed to have evil intentions or dissatisfaction and dig out information from their mouths.

In the end, Robin wrote it himself, sorting out all the information collected and writing it down on the paper stroke by stroke.

Of course, Malinfando's intelligence cannot be collected casually. Obviously, Robin and the others may have used the capabilities of other organizations, such as using the power of the Vinsmoke family and Umet Shipping to get rid of Tiger.

Kazan didn't know any of this. He had been observing Fon Clay's decision-making ability these days and didn't notice the girls' actions at all.

But now, looking at the expressions of Feng Clay, Bellamy and others, they are not surprised at all.

Kazan knew that he was careless.

These little guys know very well that Kazan doesn't like to use the power of other forces, and he doesn't want to find other organizations to help him no matter what.

So, the little brothers and sisters united.

They deliberately asked Feng Klei, who was receiving much attention, to deliberately make some mistakes to attract Kazan's attention, and then they would do these things while Kazan was not paying attention.

Should Kazan be angry about these things, or should he not be angry?

Kazan didn't like this, although Tiger and the clones definitely didn't feel it.

But using the power of other organizations made Kazan involuntarily feel that he owed those organizations, and he hated this feeling.

But the little brothers and sisters are thinking about their own safety.

"Forget it this time, don't use the power of other organizations in the future."

Kazan looked a little serious, obviously he really didn't like this matter.

The younger brothers and sisters were relieved, and even a little happy. They were all ready to be beaten, and they were also ready to be scolded.

Obviously, this result was a bit of a surprise to them.

"You go and do your own thing, I'll take a look at this thing."

Ka praised the pile of paper in Yang's hand. He must have carefully looked at the things the little guys had collected.

There is actually not much information. It is basically analyzed by Feng Clay, Robin, and Reijiu from different angles. Only a very small part of the information can be determined with certainty.

However, in Kazan's opinion, this little bit of information was already very helpful to him. For example, these few points could even change Kazan's original action style in going to Malinvando this time.

1. ‘Akainu’ Sakaski is currently in the New World. What he is doing is not clear yet. Anyway, he cannot return to the Navy Headquarters before and after the Shichibukai Conference.

2. ‘Kizaru’ Porosalino is on forced leave, and the probability of the Shichibukai Conference appearing in Marineland is extremely low.

3. Navy hero ‘Iron Fist’ Garp went back to his hometown to take care of his children, and he may not be able to come back after the Shichibukai Conference.

The confirmation of these three pieces of news made Kazan decide that he could be a little more arrogant during this trip to Malinfando.

Among the three generals of the Navy, Kuzan and Kazan, the Blue Pheasant, can be regarded as more or less acquaintances.

And among the three generals, Porusalino was the most troublesome, Sakaski was the least able to communicate, and only Kuzan was the one who could still communicate.

He is also relatively calm and kind-hearted. He has his own views on pirates and upholds his own 'justice'. Among the three generals, Kazan thinks he is the best guy to get along with.

Although, Kazan almost killed this guy.

But Kazan doesn't hate Kuzan, the fight is about stance.

And according to what Kazan learned after waking up, Kuzan obviously gave in at the last moment in that battle.

Based on Kazan's understanding of Kuzan's combat power and fruit abilities, if Kuzan insisted on chasing them at that time, they probably wouldn't be able to escape.

The reason why Kuzan released the water may be because the Warring States Marshal wanted to win over Kuzan to join the Shichibukai.

Or maybe it’s because it’s still unclear whether the monster family is ‘good’ or ‘evil’.

At that time, Kuzan, who was chasing the Sun Pirates across the world, was full of doubts about the judgment of the monster family.

This is obviously a group of pirates, but as long as it is a village that the Monster Pirates have visited, basically the villagers there think that the Monster Pirates are a group of guys who are easy to get along with, and they have not done anything that pirates should do.

, but it helped the villagers a lot.

The most eye-popping thing at that time was that that year, the monster family slaughtered pirates in the West Sea and basically wiped out most of the pirates in the West Sea.

In the year leading up to the Western Sea, the reputation of the Monster Pirates in some villages even surpassed that of the surrounding navy branches.

It was precisely because of what he saw and heard at that time that he deepened Kuzan's idea of ​​letting the monster family go for the time being. Otherwise, just relying on the fact that Sengoku regarded Kazan as one of the candidates would not be enough to make him violate his justice.


Maybe... there is also a part of me that wants to witness Robin's future.

"If that's the case, it would be fun, hehehe."

Kazan couldn't help but smile. Among the remaining pillars of the navy, in his opinion, Crane was the biggest trouble, and Zefa would probably never see it.

And Warring States and Kuzan...

"Hey hey hey."

Some interesting and playful thoughts popped up in Kazan's mind. Whether he will do it or not will depend on the situation.

"Speaking of which, I wonder how many of the Shichibukai will come..."

Kazan recalled the characters in the Shichibukai in his mind, and which one he was most familiar with had not yet fully taken over. Among the few people he remembered, there were some who had already stepped onto the stage of the Shichibukai...

'Hawkeye' Jorakal Mihawk.

‘Empress’ Boya Hancock.

‘Sea Hero’ Jinbei.

‘King of the Desert’ Crocodile.

‘Shadow Mage’ Moonlight Moria.

This chapter has been completed!
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