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chapter 322 .

Seeing so many familiar faces, Kazan felt uncontrollably excited.


His domineering aura uncontrollably pressed towards everyone in the conference room.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, this is the first time we meet. My name is Kazan and I want to become the strongest man in the world."

Kazan looked at the Warring States Marshal sitting at the front of the long table and politely introduced himself.

Of course, he looked very polite while ignoring his overbearing aura.


Crocodile's face turned slightly darker. He was not surprised that Kazan had awakened his domineering aura. On the contrary, he felt that men like Kazan would be evil if they did not have domineering aura.

After all, this guy... is the same kind of person as that old guy.

Crocodile put his feet on the long table, smoking a cigar in his mouth, looking at Kazan, and he felt like he was seeing a white beard.

This feeling made him very unhappy. Crocodile found himself in conflict with such people. Whether it was Whitebeard or Kazan, they were the targets he wanted to kill.


However, Crocodile felt a little irritated at the thought of owing Kazan his life.

"Hehehehehe, you look good, Red Dog."

Moonlight Moria has lost a lot of weight. Although her belly is still a little big, she no longer looks like an eggplant when she first saw her in the West Sea. She has a long sword on her waist, and her shadow is also waving hello to Kazan.


Kazan's sudden display of domineering domineering power didn't feel at all inappropriate to Moonlight Moria.

Moonlight Moria had strong expectations for Kazan as the opponent who brought him back from his frustration.

He has no doubt that Kazan in the future will definitely be one of the figures standing at the top of the new world.

Kaido is his target, and Moonlight Moria wants to use all means to kill him.

Kazan is his old enemy, and Moonlight Moria hopes to defeat Kazan in a head-on one-on-one duel and regain the position he lost.

There was also Hawkeye, who looked at Kazan for a moment and nodded slightly inadvertently. There was no further communication, and Kazan's overbearing color did not show any signs of strangeness.

Hawkeye's personality is such that he generally doesn't communicate with others when outsiders are present, and most people think he is aloof.

However, Kazan and Shanks, who knew him well, knew that this guy simply didn't want to talk. In fact, he had a warm personality.

As for Jinbei, although he had already expected that a man like Kazan was destined to awaken his domineering haki, when Kazan actually awakened, Jinbei could not help but be surprised.

Looking more and more like dad...

Jinbei smiled generously at Kazan. He didn't know exactly what the domineering domineering color represented.


Jinbe could vaguely feel it a little bit.

That is, Kazan’s overlord-colored Haki is different. His overlord-colored Haki makes Jinbei feel that it has the same origin as his father’s overlord-colored Haki.

When Jinbei was sailing on the sea with Tiger, he felt the dominance of other people. The feeling of those people's dominance to him was...'ordinary dominance'

Those people's domineering colors are very ordinary, and they are completely determined by their own 'ambition', but Dad's and Kazan's are different.

Jinbe couldn't tell what the difference was, but...

The owner of this kind of domineering and domineering look is more likely to win the respect and admiration of others, and is more attractive.

Maybe... Kazan will have countless followers like his father in the future.

Jinbei smiled secretly, feeling sincerely happy for his friend's 'extraordinary talent'.

Then he looked at Hancock who was standing next to Kazan, thought for a moment, and then showed a somewhat complicated expression. It was obvious that he had misunderstood something.

Kazan glanced at all the Shichibukai present, and this was what he said before that only Kazan understood.

His joining was half the reason why the Shichibukai system collapsed.

Right now, there are seven people in the Shichibukai, three of them are friends with him, two more have some relationship with him, and only the last one has nothing to do with him.

And it's only temporarily irrelevant now, who knows if it will be relevant in the future.

That's it?

The World Government has always hoped that the relationship between the Shichibukai would be one of "hostility" and "cooperation of interests" at best.

But the addition of Kazan directly caused the situation they originally hoped for to completely collapse.

Seven pirates who were supposed to keep each other in check, now four of them are working together, playing ball?

Moreover, Kazan is not a peaceful master, and he will have something to say to Crocodile and Moonlight Moria later.

In his opinion, the Shichibukai are too boring. He wants to make the Shichibukai active in this sea. He will never let the Shichibukai develop independently as in the original work.

There is no passion at all.

The situation that the world government hopes for is bound to be shattered by Kazan today.

The new world will inevitably become more chaotic in the future because of Kazan's actions today.

Kazan did not communicate with this group of 'old friends' for the time being, but walked directly to Kuzan, who was also standing looking at him.

Kuzan looked at Kazan expressionlessly. Four years ago, Kazan was not that tall, so Kuzan had to lower his head slightly to see him.

And now, Kuzan even had to raise his eyes a little to look at Kazan.

"Ah la la... time flies so fast. You have grown into a possessor of domineering and domineering aura."

Kuzan raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, and said words of surprise, but there was no tone of surprise.

"Yes, that battle back then brought me a lot of gains."

There was no hostility in Kazan's eyes, because he did not hate Kuzan, and it was a fact that he gained a lot from the battle that year.

Not to mention, Kuzan let them escape in the first place. The reason is not important, they survived anyway.

"Hey...this is not a place for fighting, and I'm too lazy to fight."

Kuzan glanced at Kazan's hands suddenly placed on the handle of the knife, and covered his head with a headache.

He shouldn't have stayed at the Navy Headquarters. He should have found a chance to run away. He would be much happier basking in the sun outside than staying here.

"That's enough, Red Dog, find a seat and sit down, get ready to start the Shichibukai Conference."

Sengoku was probably the only one among everyone present who had no expectation that Kazan had overlord-colored domineering energy.

After all, he had never had any contact with Kazan before, and all he knew about Kazan was information he got from other people's mouths and on paper.

But after all, he is a navy marshal. Although he is surprised and has a few more ideas, he will not let it affect his original plan and mentality.

who is he?

He is the "wise general" Sengoku in the navy.

"There is another Shichibukai who originally planned to come, but due to some reasons he was unable to be present, so this time we are the only people in the Shichibukai meeting."

When Sengoku talked about the last Shichibukai, he obviously had a headache.

But according to Kazan's understanding, this Shichibukai is a very ordinary Shichibukai, with no outstanding strength, unassuming personality, and nothing special. He is one of the more "honest" Shichibukai, so he shouldn't be

What troublesome things would you do?

Then...it's probably the so-called 'reason'.

Kazan really couldn't guess this at all, after all, he had no desire to know about the last Shichibukai.

This person didn't even have a name in the original plot that Kazan knew about, so Kazan had no intention of getting to know him in particular.

"To be honest, the fact that there are six Shichibukai here has exceeded my expectations. What I didn't expect was that you two would come."

Warring States glanced at Mihawk and Hancock, and then continued: "I won't ask what the reason is. The purpose of this Shichibukai Conference is to reshape the original rules."

"Since the establishment of the Shichibukai system, the rules of this system have not been clearly stated. Now it is up to me to propose some clear regulations."

"Wait a minute, the Shichibukai is affiliated with the World Government. Shouldn't it be made by people from the World Government to formulate regulations?"

Jinbe became the Shichibukai because of the threat from the World Government. He was confused by the fact that the World Government did nothing but asked the navy to convene the Shichibukai Conference.

"That group of people thought it was troublesome, so they asked me to come."


Jinbe didn't know that the existence of the Shichibukai system was one of the ways the world government used to balance the combat power between the four emperors and the navy.

Although I don’t understand the reason why the world government maintains a balanced situation, as long as there is a force like the ‘Shichibukai’ to deter it, its existence is valuable to the world government.

As for the rules and regulations, it doesn't matter at all. As long as it doesn't threaten the interests of the World Government, they won't care what these pirates want to do.

After all, it is ridiculous to rely on some so-called 'rules' to restrain pirates who talk about 'freedom'.

"Let us first discuss the two matters of 'Shichibukai Selection' and 'Recruitment'."

"The first is the former. In the future, every time a Shichibukai retires and the next Shichibukai is decided, we will choose the person, and you will vote whether you agree with this person becoming a Shichibukai. If you have no opinion or no reply, the default is


"Do you have any opinions on this?"

Everyone was silent. It didn't matter to them who the Shichibukai would be in the future. They didn't care.

Even if a new Shichibukai takes office by then, they will probably ignore it.

"Okay, then the second thing is recruitment. The navy has provided you with so many conveniences on the sea. It doesn't make sense for you to do nothing. After all, you are from the World Government. Why do we provide most of the conveniences to you?

The navy is coming to you?"

"So, I need you to accept a compulsory call-up every ten years when the navy needs it! As long as you don't accept the call-up, you will be removed from the position of Shichibukai and become an ordinary soldier again.

Pirates, the navy will also increase your bounty and send at least one navy admiral to arrest you one by one."

After Warring States finished talking about the matter of 'compulsory recruitment', he took a special look at everyone's expressions, and there were some changes.

Ten years is neither long nor short, and there are many Shichibukai who have served for ten years.

Crocodile, Moonlight Moria, and the other Shichibukai who have not yet arrived are all Shichibukai who have served for more than ten years. If Saku Sukui is not dead, then Saku Sukui can be considered one.

This forced recruitment seems to be a thing or not, because it is basically impossible for such a huge force as the navy to need a group of pirates like them to take action.

They may not be forcibly recruited once in ten or twenty years.

But once recruited, it will definitely be fatal.

For example, the Golden Lion once invaded Marineland alone, which was simply the behavior of a madman. Who knows where the navy will go to war with some powerful madman in the future, and then forcibly recruit them.

Waiting until the time of compulsory recruitment and temporarily withdrawing from the Shichibukai is a way, but it would be too embarrassing, and you would have to be hunted down by the admiral.

If you don't reach the general-level strength before then, it will also be a fatal job.

"The Shichibukai are not that easy to be pirates."

Warring States stared at everyone with a faint smile in his eyes, and then continued to talk about the remaining matters.

There are more than a dozen rules, large and small. Compared with the first two, which are both meaningless, the following ones are very common rules.

These rules have been done before, but they are not as clearly stated as they are now.

For example, the Shichibukai must not harm the lives of the navy or hinder the navy's work, and the navy will not interfere in the territory under the name of the Shichibukai.

Also, the Shichibukai can exchange supplies and baileys with the navy by capturing big pirates. Simply put, they have regained their identity as a bounty hunter.

There are many irrelevant regulations such as these, but it is not necessary to elaborate them one by one.

This time, the Shichibukai meeting was more like a deterrent and a temptation than the 'clear rules' on the surface.

First, let the Shichibukai come to Marineland and see the power and force of the navy, which made the Shichibukai feel constrained and fearful.

The second step is to test whether these Shichibukai are within the "controllable" range. Once the "controllable level" is very low, they will most likely be targeted by the navy and the world government in the next time.

It might even disappear quietly from this sea.

But will anyone who dares to come to Marinefando alone be intimidated by the navy?

Especially conceited guys like Moonlight Moria and Crocodile were unhappy with Sengoku's behavior of wasting their time.

After the meeting, Sengoku directly arranged for people to send the Shichibukai back to their original place. The departure time was in the evening. Before that, they still had some time to stay in Marineland.

Kazan also chose this time to find Moonlight Moria and Crocodile.

It's time to stir up the Shichibukai.

This chapter has been completed!
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