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chapter 328. once broken long-cherished wish

"Well... although most of you know who this is, I still want to introduce him solemnly."

The location where Kazan is located is no longer the small broken village it was before, but in another medium-sized town.

Feng Clay finally convinced the villagers to move to this place with a higher safety factor and higher living environment.

Now, Kazan is sitting in the hall of Kella's new home. On a long rectangular table, Kazan is sitting in the front seat.

Men were on the left and women were on the right, sitting on either side of Kazan according to age.

Hancock stood proudly beside Kazan, ready to wait for Kazan's introduction.

Although he looked very angry, Kazan could detect Hancock's uneasiness at this time.

When Hancock is really arrogant, he will put one hand on his waist and stand generously.

But now, she did stand with her arms folded in front of her chest in a way that gave her more security.

The little girl is a little nervous...emmm, or maybe she's shy?

Kazan glanced at Hancock next to him calmly. The reason why he didn't let her introduce herself was because Kazan was afraid that Hancock's awkward personality and dishonest mouth would say something that would make people feel uncomfortable.


"The most beautiful woman in the world, one of the Shichibukai, the queen of Amazon Lily, the 'Pirate Empress' Boya Hancock."

Reciting a series of titles, Hancock immediately lowered his arms from his chest. He instantly felt confident and directly touched his hair with one hand.

"Oh ho~"

"Tsk...Is there another one who is stronger than me?"


Compared to Feng Clay's indifference on the boys' side, the other Hanhan trio's eyes were full of fighting spirit, because they could all sense Hancock's strength.

As for Fon Klay...he was very keenly aware that something was wrong with Kazan.

They had never had such a solemn and rigorous 'introduction session' when they joined the monster family. It could even be said...too polite.

If we really regarded him as a family member, Kazan would not talk so much useless nonsense. He should let us understand and become familiar with each other in our daily lives.

Feng Clay's eyes were fixed on Kazan, and he was not in a hurry. He believed that he would be able to detect the problem later.

As for the female voices, most of them really like this pretty young lady, but...

Except Monet.

The little girl was very hostile to Hancock. She pursed her lips and stared at Hancock, her face turned dark, and her body temperature was so low that it made Robin next to her shiver.

Thanks to Monet, Robin suddenly woke up from Hancock's temptation.

Recalling Kazan's words just now, Robin also noticed something was wrong like Fon Clay, but Robin didn't think as much as Fon Clay.

No doubt.

If Kazan revealed that Hancock's identity was not 'sister' but 'your sister-in-law', then Monet would definitely pounce on her and bite her to death.

"From today on, Hancock is also a member of our monster family.

For various reasons, I recognized her as my adopted sister. Although Hancock didn't say it, she should have become my brother.

In these more than a month, Hancock has helped me a lot and even helped me fight many times. He is a trustworthy family member."


Hancock snorted stubbornly in response to Kazan's words.

The clumsy Hancock didn't realize that when Kazan's "sworn sister" said this, the eyes of the monster family members changed.

The two babies, Kerla and Sugar, didn't understand the difference between the words "sister" and "sister" at all, so they didn't realize the problem. They really regarded Hancock as his sister.

Tiga was also a little confused about the term "sworn sister", but he didn't care about it. Since Master said it was family, then it was family.

But everyone else, including little Perona and Reiju, understood Hancock's position.

Reiju herself is precocious, Perona is fourteen years old, and she and Robin have been reading books for so long, so they also understand what the word "sworn sister" means.

If it were them, Onii-chan would never express their relationship as "step sister".

Even Perona nodded firmly at this point.

"Hancock is now twenty years old. She is the eldest girl in our monster family. From now on, she will be the eldest sister of our monster family."


Hancock glanced at everyone, and she couldn't adapt to the sudden addition of so many younger brothers and sisters.

"Well...if we have time in the future, let's get along slowly."

Kazan's words made everyone except Hancock wonder, why "have time"?

They still don’t understand why Hancock’s identity is ‘adopted sister’?

If you want to stay on the ship in the future, then sooner or later you will be your 'sister'. Is it necessary to do this now?

"Everyone should take advantage of the recent period to spend more time with Hancock. After all, she is the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates and the queen of a country. The time and probability of seeing her again in the future are relatively small."

In one sentence, everyone understood.

It turns out that he will not stay on the ship in the future...and he has another identity.

Everyone understands that Hancock cannot put his whole heart and soul into the monster family.

If this is the case, they will not accept Hancock as their 'family member'.

Presumably, although Hancock didn't have a clear idea in her mind, she should also know the difference between the group of 'family' in front of her and Sandasonia, Marigold and the others.

Although they are all family members, they are actually cousins.

Kazan went to see Kerra specifically. Fortunately, the little girl was too confused to understand the meaning of Kazan's words, which made Kazan sigh in relief.

Although Kerra will no longer stay in the Monster Family, from the moment she insists on branding the Monster Family's symbol on her body, whoever says that Kerra is not her biological sister, the Monster Family will do it.

After the introduction, it was the long-lost part of raising children.

Kazan played some childish games with the little girls at home, and he enjoyed this process very much.

He was afraid that Hancock's character would not be easy to get along with in the monster family, so he also brought Hancock in.

The game played is called house.

Kazan is the father, Kerra is the mother, Sugar is the eldest daughter, and Hancock is the younger daughter.

But Hancock was left confused, it was the first time she had this experience of being a little baby.

Other people did not suddenly change their life rhythms because of Hancock's arrival, they still did what they should do.

Hancock is inevitably a little uncomfortable with such ordinary daily life. In her eyes, Kazan's life should be full of danger.

Kazan could see Hancock's discomfort, but he didn't make any move.

Hancock will stay here for a while, and Kazan believes she can experience happiness from this daily routine and integrate into it.

As for what happened at home these days.

Although Fon Klay had plans to tell Kazan, Kazan had no intention of listening.

Kazan plans to start handing over transaction processing rights.

From now on, he will make the final decision on big things, and all small things will be handled by Fon Clay, with Robin assisting him, and he won't care about anything.

The days proceed smoothly.

Hancock also knew that Kerra was the sister just like her that Kazan said.

When Hancock saw the mark on Kerla's back, she was stunned. No one knew what she was thinking.

The well-behaved and kind-hearted Kerla has a personality that Hancock does not have, which surprises Hancock even more.


Even though you have gone through something like that, you still treat the world gently.

In the days that followed, Hancock loved Kella very much, treating her like a biological sister. He held it in his hand for fear of falling, and held it in his mouth for fear of melting.

Just like when Kazan first took care of his children, he loved Sugar as much.

After another period of time, Hancock has integrated into the Monster family. However, in the eyes of the Monster family, her arrogance will be greatly reduced, and she will become a slightly aloof big sister.

Kazan finally took advantage of Tiger's free time and invited Tiger to his home.

The reason is naturally because Hancock wanted to meet this savior and express his gratitude. This is also the reason why she has not left.

"Long time no see, Tiger."

"Kazan! You're back. Your trip seems to have gone smoothly."

At this time, Kazan's broken arms had recovered under Reiju's careful care, and there was no problem.

"Well... it's not bad. At least it's a big gain for me. Seeing how anxious you are, do you want to ask about Jinbei?"

"Ah, yes, how is that guy? What did you talk about?"

In Tiger's opinion, when Kazan and Jinbe meet, they will definitely chat for a long time.

"Sorry, there was almost no communication between us. That guy Jinbe looked very anxious and immediately returned to Fish-Man Island after the meeting."

"...Is that so? The situation on Fish-Man Island has become this serious."

When Tiger heard Kazan's words, his face became slightly serious and he found a chair to sit down.

He completely didn't notice that Hancock was looking at him next to him, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Kazan raised his hand to signal Hancock not to worry, and then looked at Tiger: "How is it? Do you have any plans to go back?"

"...No, I can't go back. If I go back, it will only make the conflict between Yumen Street and Ryugu Castle worse and worse, and it will also hinder Queen Otohime."

"Well, what about this? Well, I can't help you here."

"This is a matter of Fish-Man Island, let Fish-Man Island solve it on its own. If Kazan appears on Fish-Man Island now, the effect of my appearance on Fish-Man Island will probably not be much different."

"Huh? Is it such an exaggeration?!"

Kazan looked confused. Did he not know that he had such great influence on Fish-Man Island?

"Hahahaha, if it weren't for the propaganda of those idiots from the Sun Pirates, your reputation in Fishman Street is about to catch up with mine."

When Tiger saw Kazan like this, a smile appeared on his face that had not smiled for a long time.

"...Forget it, let me tell you one more thing."

"Huh? What's wrong? So serious?"

Tiger saw Kazan suddenly stand up, walked to a corner of the room, and pulled out a woman.


When Tiger saw Hancock, he had some suspicions in his heart for a moment, but he was not nervous.

Just now, because he was surrounded by members of the monster family, Tiger didn't have the slightest precaution, so he didn't notice Hancock's presence.

Since Kazan would let Hancock stay and listen to them for so long, Hancock must be trustworthy.

So Tiger didn't panic, but felt that Kazan was quite powerful.

He actually dragged this woman who was described as "ungettable" by the Revolutionary Army back into the monster family.

"As expected of you! Kazan!"

Tiger didn't know what he was thinking, so he smiled and gave Kazan a thumbs up.

"I won't introduce the identity of this guy in detail. Hancock is my adopted sister and was once a slave of the Celestial Dragons. Because of what you did back then, I was able to escape from Mariejoia."

Kazan kept Hancock's hand because he knew that bringing up this incident would put Hancock into a state of fear.

At this time, Hancock was huddled next to Kazan.

If Kazan hadn't been holding her, she might have squatted down and hugged her body tightly.

Hancock is not Kerra without a year of sincere care from the monster family.

She has always armed herself with a mask, and no one can help her resolve the shadow brought upon her by the Celestial Dragons.

So when the Draco were mentioned again, Hancock behaved very rudely.

Kerla was just a little scared, but seeing her brothers and sisters around her, she was no longer scared.

"That's it..."

When Tiger heard these words, he felt a little emotional. He didn't expect that his actions would have such a big impact later on.

"Thank you for your intervention at that time. Now that I think about it, three of my sisters were saved because of you. Tiger, I owe you a lot."

Kazan was now very serious and solemn. He pulled Hancock and bowed to Tiger, watching others imitate Kazan's actions.

Robin, Kerra, Hancock.

All three of them had received help from Tiger, and Kazan always remembered it in his heart.

Whenever Tiger needs it in the future, Kazan will definitely help.

"Kazan! You...you are embarrassing me like this. Don't you think it's too ridiculous for us to talk about these things?"

Tiger's face turned a little dark, even a little angry. Kazan once saved the lives of the entire Sun Pirates and almost died.

If Kazan calculates it this way, who owes whom?

"Thank you very much! Finally... finally I have the opportunity to say thank you to you."

At this time, other people also knew that Hancock was once a Draco slave, but no one cared about this, just like they didn't care about Kerra's identity.

It doesn't matter what your family's status was before. From now on, your family will be your family.

No one knows how much torture Hancock suffered in his heart when he saw the news of Tiger's death.

She just wanted to say thank you to Tiger...

She was living in a state of confusion with only this wish...

She thought that the long-cherished wish that was broken in her heart would never have another chance, but she didn't expect that she would seize the opportunity again. No matter what, she would not let it go easily.

No longer afraid of her identity being known by others, and no longer wearing a proud mask to disguise herself, she bent down and said the words she thought she would never have the chance to say again.

She was also quietly moved in her heart that Kazan had accepted Tiger's life-saving grace for her.

Perhaps from now on, she will no longer object to being called Brother Kazan.

Ah...yes, since they are all family members, it doesn't matter even if it is known that they were once slaves of the Celestial Dragons.

Hancock no longer had any worries in his heart. He believed in Kazan and the Monster Family. If everyone could accept Kerra, they would naturally be able to accept her too.

"That's enough, that's enough. Don't embarrass me any more."

This chapter has been completed!
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