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Chapter 354. The Queen's Righteous Sister Reaper

"Oh~ the little duck runs pretty fast."


In the desert, Kazan's mini-boat was driving towards the rainy land. Next to it was a fast-running big yellow duck. On the back of the big yellow duck was a little blue-haired lolita.

"Of course, Karu is the captain of the Super Karu Duck Force, and he can run super fast."

Weiwei's face was filled with pride and pride that she couldn't hide.

Before setting off, Kazan was still thinking about who to let Weiwei and Karu duck sit in a boat with, but since Karu duck is so powerful, it would save trouble.

"By the way, Karu Duck looks very similar to Sugar. Is that the green-haired girl over there?"

Kazan pointed to Weiwei, who was sitting on a mini boat with Kerra in the distance.

"Uh... That's a lie. How is it similar?"

"They all like to say 'Quack', 'Quack', hahahahaha."

"Idiot Gua Gua, what are you talking about there?!"

Sugar has been eavesdropping on the conversation between Kazan and Weiwei since just now. When she heard Kazan comparing herself to a duck, she felt angry.

"Ah... I really know how to croak."

Weiwei didn't know that Sugar had always called Kazan "Quagua" instead of "Oni-chan" since he was a child.

"Hahaha, right? That's the little duck that big brother has raised since he was a child. He was about the same height as you a few years ago, but he has grown so big in the blink of an eye."

Kazan looked at it a little sadly, pretending not to hear, deliberately not looking at the sugar here, feeling a little funny in his heart.

When did you develop such a slightly arrogant character?

"Brother...are you pirates?"

At this time, Weiwei changed her previous innocent child appearance and looked calm.


"...Will you bully Weiwei?"

"Pfft...of course not. I'm not naive enough to bully a child maliciously. And if we bully you, your father won't let you follow us."

Kazan was a bit dumbfounded. He had just mentioned a little bit of his adult appearance, and then he said such cute words again.

"Then, will you bully everyone in Alabasta?"

Vivi's eyes were blazing. When it came to the people of Alabasta, Vivi was surprisingly similar to her father, Cobra.


Kazan smiled maliciously, intending to tease the little girl.

"...No! You can't bully everyone! Weiwei, the deputy leader of Shasha Group, will protect everyone!"

Weiwei stared at Kazan as if she were facing a formidable enemy, and even Karu underneath her also stared with her.

"Hmph, Weiwei, we are pirates, and we are extremely powerful pirates. I just killed a king like your father last month. Do you know what this means?"

"...Weiwei is also very powerful!"

"Quack quack quack!"

Weiwei suppressed her blush and was a little scared, but she still tried her best to growl at Kazan, just like a little lion.

"Weiwei, look, this is Nissan's reward order."

Monet raised a wisp of flying snow with his hand and sent it to Weiwei with a reward order.

These patches of white sand almost made Weiwei go crazy. She had never seen snow before and didn't even know it was called snow.

"Wow...'Red Wang' Kazan, the bounty... is a lot!"

Weiwei frowned and tried hard to decipher the words on the reward order. Finally, her eyes rested on the numbers on Kazan's reward order, and she was startled.

Weiwei has also seen many bounty orders. Bell and Jaka have killed many so-called big pirates, but those pirate bounty orders are not as shocking as Kazan's.

"Kazan...are you very powerful?"

"Of course, I can make you cry for a hundred days with one punch."

Kazan threatened Weiwei with a smile, while Sugar, who was silently eavesdropping, smiled disdainfully.

She received more than one punch, huh, she only screamed for three hours at most.

The other members of the monster family are also a little helpless at their eldest brother's occasional childish behavior.

"Besides, Nissan used to be a Shichibukai, and your 'Sand Crocodile' Crocodile in Alabasta was one of the Shichibukai."


"... Gua..."

Weiwei was stunned, and the Karu Duck riding under her was also stunned and ran passively.

The reputation of the Shichibukai is indeed great enough. Even a ten-year-old girl knows how precious the Shichibukai is in this sea.

"..Wow wow!!! Don't hurt everyone, okay!"

Now that Weiwei knew how powerful Kazan was, she was immediately frightened, especially afraid that Kazan would kill everyone.

The pirates themselves are bad guys who kill cruelly and indiscriminately, and if Kazan is so powerful, wouldn't everyone in Alabasta be in trouble?

Weiwei didn't know what to do. Thinking that everyone might be killed, she could only cry loudly.

"Well, if you accept me as your adoptive brother, I won't hurt anyone in Alabasta."


"...Do you agree now?"

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Weiwei looked at Kazan a little aggrieved and expectantly. This look made Kazan stunned. It seems that there really is no such quirky little girl in their monster family.

"Kazan Kazan...are you a pirate captain?"

"My name is 'Ni-chan~', yes, I am the captain of the Monster Pirates and the eldest brother of the Monster family."

"Monster family?"

"Yes, everyone here and the two brothers and sisters left behind are all members of the monster family. They are my younger brothers and sisters, and they will also be Weiwei's brothers and sisters in the future."

"Brother and sister?"

Weiwei's eyes lit up, and she looked at every member of the monster family. Everyone else also smiled at Weiwei, except for Sugar, who seemed to be ignoring Weiwei.

Weiwei, the only daughter of a royal family, has always been lonely because she has no playmates.

Even if he went out to play, he would sneak out to play with Kosha and the others, and would be caught back to the palace every night.

In her opinion, the magnificent palace was not as warm as their shabby and narrow base.

Sometimes Weiwei is extremely envious when she sees everyone in Shasha Group having brothers and sisters to accompany them when they return home.

I often think that it would be nice if I had brothers and sisters, so that I wouldn’t have to find ways to sneak out of the palace every day or beg Bell to take her out to play.

Now that so many brothers and sisters suddenly appeared, Weiwei couldn't accept it for a while.

"Don't panic, take your time, we still have a long time to get along."

Kazan saw that Weiwei was a little panicked and opened his mouth to comfort her.



Kazan nodded, reached out and rubbed Weiwei's little head. Weiwei rubbed it until she was dumbfounded, sitting on the back of Kalu Duck and quietly looking at Kazan.

"Ni-chan, that logo on your body...Does Weiwei want to draw it too?"

Weiwei pointed at the monster family logo tattooed on the outer thigh of Reiju, and looked at Kazan expectantly.

Their Shasha Tuan doesn’t have a logo like this. It looks so handsome, and Weiwei wants it too.

"Uh... no! This is a tattoo, something only adults can do. Weiwei is still young and can't get a tattoo."

Kazan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

Of course it has nothing to do with age, but a matter of status.

Why did Kazan accept Weiwei as his adopted sister instead of his younger sister?

Because Vivi is the princess of Alabasta and the next leader of the Neferutari clan. She has other missions and responsibilities and cannot set foot on Caroso to set off with them.

This is the same as Hancock. Hancock is not just a pirate, but the Shichibukai, the queen of the Amazon Lily, and cannot travel with them.

So they are adopted sisters.

Kazan does not object to Vicki and Hancock getting tattoos of their monster family. On the contrary, Kazan would be very happy if they got tattoos.

Because it shows that both Weiwei and Hancock care about their identity as Kazan's little sister.

But since Kazan defines them as adopted sisters, it means that the relationship between them and the monster family is not destined to be that kind of close relationship.

They cannot be intimate.

In other words, the princess of Alabasta and the queen of Amazon Lily cannot have too close a relationship with the Monster Pirates.

The tattoo will expose the relationship between them. At that time, both Alabasta and Amazon Lily will cause trouble because of this tattoo.

By the way, these two adopted sisters, one is the queen and the other is the princess, the future queen...

Kazan suddenly felt so proud!

Could it be that I am the queen's adopted sister, the harvester?


"Wait until Weiwei grows up a little before you think about getting a tattoo. Be good and listen to Ni-chan, you know?"

Kazan ordered Weiwei in an elder brother's tone and carefully observed Weiwei's expression.

Kazan knew that Weiwei rushed into the conference hall desperately before. She was a rebellious little girl. The more she was not allowed to do something, the more she would do it.

Kazan was really afraid that Weiwei would secretly give him a tattoo, and then Kobra would hate him to death.

"Yeah! Weiwei knows!"

Weiwei nodded. This was the first time she had been instructed by her 'brother'. It made her feel very novel, so she was particularly obedient.

Kazan breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

"Nissan, there is a city ahead."

"Oh? Are you in the rainy place so soon?"

Kazan looked forward, and a desert city covered by woods appeared in front of the monster family and his party.

"This is not Rain Land, this is Yuba, the base camp of our Shasha group!"

Weiwei looked at the oasis city in front of her with some expectation in her heart.

It’s not that I’m looking forward to seeing my friends, they meet often, so there’s nothing to look forward to.

What Weiwei looks forward to is that she can tell Kousha and the others that she also has a brother and sister!

The group docked the mini-boat outside the oasis city of Yuba, and then decided to walk in.

Originally, Weiwei planned to ride in on Karu Duck, but Kazan hugged her over without any explanation.


"Ni-chan, don't you want to hug you and go?"

Kazan lowered his head and looked at Weiwei with a smile, his big brother's warm temperament fully released.

Huh, it's just my replacement.

Sartang stood behind Kazan, looking at Kazan's posture and movements of holding Weiwei, smiling slightly mockingly, tightening the two guns around his waist, and suppressing some violent thoughts in his heart.

Perona stared at Weiwei in Kazan's arms with her big dark eyes, pouted, and hugged Kumasi in her arms. Two little pink ghosts were about to move in the shadow behind her.

Kerla didn't say anything, but she was a little uneasy in a strange environment. She followed closely behind Reijiu, who had a sisterly temperament. Reijiu was also very happy, holding Kerla's little hand and smiling.

Monet stood at the back of the team and had a panoramic view of Sugar's performance. As his sister, Monet could roughly guess what kind of state of mind Sugar was in.

"If Brother Feng and Robin were here, there would definitely be something they could do..."

Monet tilted his head with a slight headache and held his cheek with one hand, not knowing how to unwrap the sugar.


Weiwei also smiled at Kazan, very happy, and looked back at Bellamy's Ajin who was on both sides of Kazan. She felt that her Nijiang was so handsome and domineering.

Weiwei still doesn't understand that this is called the 'big boss temperament'.


Kalu Ya was stunned for a moment, suddenly feeling a little lonely, wondering if he was too redundant.



Suddenly, a heavy weight on his back made Karoo duck a little stunned. He tilted his head and saw that there was a little rabbit and a little tortoise on his back, and he was greeting it with a smile.




The three little animals have finally gotten to know each other. Karoo Duck is very happy that he has made two new friends. He runs around with Willump and Ramos and introduces them to various interesting places in Yuba.

Yuba, the largest trading city in Alabasta, brings together specialties from various cities in Alabasta, and you can also buy products from other islands here. It is also the oasis city of Alabasta.

Although patches of green plants have died in recent months, you can still see large expanses of green in the city.

Kazan hugged Weiwei and played around with the little girl.

Although Weiwei was tired of playing many things, it was a completely different feeling to have her brothers and sisters accompany her this time.



"Hehehe, it's okay."


Kazan smiled, knowing that Weiwei was probably entering a state called the 'honeymoon phase'.

Kazan is actually the same. He always takes special care of the younger brothers and sisters who have just joined the monster family. After they get familiar with the monster family, they will slowly stop taking this special care and become like everyone else.


"Hmm? Kosha~Mina~"

Several childish calls came from the hill in the distance. Kazan and Weiwei turned to look at them at the same time. They saw a group of children about the same age as Weiwei.

The oldest one is a young man with dark green hair, holding a slender knife in his hand.

These seem to be members of the so-called "Shasha Group", and the boy holding the knife is Weiwei's childhood sweetheart, Kousha.

He is also the future leader of the Alabasta rebel army, if the rebel army is still established.

So many little dolls!

Kazan's black and red eyes emitted wisps of light, making the members of the Shasha group in the distance couldn't help but feel chills.

This chapter has been completed!
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