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Chapter 359 Crocodile, Going to the New World

Rainy land.

A few little girls who were playing around and making noise flashed in front of their eyes, and suddenly four more people appeared.


Perona, who was the first to discover the four of them, rushed directly towards Kazan among them, but she took the chance.

"Oh~Pepe! Brother is back."

Kazan looked at Perona who was rushing over and directly stretched out his arms to hug her into his arms.

Because Perona's body shape is more loli, even though Kazan knows that she is now 17 years old, he still can't help but regard Perona as a little sister.


Perona had been lying in Kazan's arms for two seconds before Weiwei's voice sounded belatedly.

The other sisters also looked over and didn't ask anything. There was no second result in their minds.

Moreover, it will be the result of my brother and the others returning here.

"Yo Xi! Let's go and have some fun with you."

Kazan held Perona with one hand, and with the other hand took Vivi from Reiju, who wanted to be hugged by Kazan, and then began to walk around the rainy land.

"Brother, let's go first."


Kazan tilted his head and nodded.

On the way back just now, Kazan asked Monet to call Fon Clay to inform their forces in Alabasta that they were ready to take over the 'legacy' left by Crocodile.

Bellamy and Akin volunteered to stand up and said they would help Feng Clay share his worries.

In fact, both Kazan and Monet could tell that they just felt that following Kazan was too boring and wanted to go out and find a fight.

Kazan didn't stop them and just let them go.

Monet didn't go, but she still liked to follow Nissan obediently, even if she just stayed by his side doing nothing.

When Kazan was having fun with his little sisters and fulfilling his obligations as a big brother.

Feng Clay and Robin basically spent the past few days, cooperating with the royal family and the people they transferred from other islands to clear out all the people in the Baroque Works.

Even if Kazan didn't say anything, von Klee was still letting people take over the fruits of the Baroque Works' labor.

Albana, inside the Royal Palace.

"Okay, now that Crocodile has been solved by Kazan, you can feel at ease, Bell-chan~"

Feng Clay came to Bell's side and put his hand gently on Bell's shoulder, which suddenly gave the latter goosebumps.

Although Bell is a very gentle and warm man, he still can't stand what Fon Klay has done.

Robin stood aside and glanced at Fon Clay and Bell with a smile, and then recalled the historical text he saw at the royal tomb of the Neferutari clan in Alabasta a week ago.

When Kazan comes back, Robin will still have to talk to Kazan.

Although he knew that Kazan was probably not very interested in these things, Robin couldn't help but want to share them with Nissan.

"Huh, it looks like there's no problem...then I'll be relieved."

Cobra's face looks much more relaxed now than it did a week ago.

After hearing about Crocodile's actions from Fon Clay and others, he asked Bell and Gaka to directly and secretly lurk in several port cities in Alabasta to investigate.

He really found out that someone from the palace army was transporting dancing fans into Alabasta in his name.

At this time, Cobra almost vomited out three liters of blood.

Now that Crocodile's problem is solved, the historical text that has been pressing in his heart has "disappeared" from this world.

This made Cobra feel that Alabasta's future was bright.

At the same time, the favorability towards the monster family is up↑, up↑.

I heard on the phone bug that Kazan asked Von Klay to send someone to take over Crocodile's industry.

Not only did Kobra have no objections, he even started friendly cooperation with the monster family as the king of Alabasta.

"By the way, Kobra-chan."

"Hmm? Feng Jiang~"

It is estimated that even Kazan would not have thought that the king who was hooking up with Feng Kley at this time was such an irregular person in private.

This is a king who would take his subordinates to public bathhouses to spy on girls bathing...

He is also a second-rate king who goes out to buy groceries and gets into fights with ordinary aunts...

But perhaps it is precisely because he is such a slovenly king that the people love him so much.

"Do you know that little Weiwei has been considered by Kazan as the adopted sister of our monster family?"

"Oh? I really don't know about this."

Cobra shook his head, he really didn't know about this, but he didn't have any idea in his heart, as long as Weiwei was happy.

Feng Clay glanced at Kobra and felt relieved knowing that this guy had nothing unacceptable about his daughter becoming the younger sister of a group of pirates.

"Well... now, we are... emmm, relatives. If you need anything in the future, just use the phone bug to call our person in charge on this island. They will obey your orders.


Von Kresse gave Cobra a phone number, and he was the person in charge of their monster family's arrangement in Alabasta.

"That's a good relationship! It just so happens that after this time, I also plan to get in touch with the underground world. If this happens again, I won't know anything. With your power, it will save me trouble. In the future, Weiwei will go out to play more

It’s safe.”

Cobra was not polite to Feng Clay at all and agreed directly.

"However, you should be careful. The Nu family is really afraid that you will accidentally admit your relationship with our monster family to the people of the World Government. We will be fine by then, but you may be in trouble."

"Peace of mind, peace of mind~"

Cobra patted Fon Clay on the shoulder, not paying much attention to this matter.

The king of a country has a relationship with a certain pirate group. This kind of thing is common in the New World and everyone knows it.

Although it is relatively rare in the 'Paradise', it is not a big deal. As the king of a country that joins the World Government and the leader of the Nefertari clan, Kobra obviously knows the 'hidden rules' in this regard better than Fon Clay and the others.


"As long as you are prepared."

Feng Clay glanced at Kobra and didn't care anymore. Although Kobra sometimes talked nonsense, he was still worthy of peace of mind when it came to important matters.

Moreover, he is assisted by several calm ministers such as Icarem and Kabel.

"Okay, okay, Feng Jiang, don't worry about that. Let Kazan and the others play outside. I will also take you to a good place~"

Cobra pulled Fon Clay away with a look of obscenity on his face. Icarim next to him sighed when he saw Cobra like this, already knowing where he was going.


However, Mr. Feng Klei looks like this, can he go to a brothel?

Ikarem had a question in his mind, but he would not ask it. He glanced at the quiet and elegant Robin and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it would be great if Princess Vivi could become such a woman in the future.

Feng Clay went to play by himself, and Robin had no reason to stay here in a daze.

She asked Ikarem for directions, then ran to their library in Alabasta to read. While reading, she waited for Kazan and the others to come back.


A week after Kazan found Crocodile, Kazan took Weiwei and the others to play in several nearby cities, and then returned to Yuba.

After casually teaching Kosha the swordsmanship of two brushes there, he continued towards Albana.

On the way, Kazan often told Weiwei about all the things and people they met along the way, which made Weiwei yearn for and admire them, and she was fooled by Kazan, the big brother.

During this period of wandering around for a while, Kazan and his party gradually returned to the palace of Albana.

Weiwei was not satisfied with this and wanted to continue hanging out with Kazan and the others.

But it obviously won't work in a short time. It has to stop for a while. The world government and navy will probably take action.

Kazan also had to learn from Robin what was recorded in the historical texts.

Here Kazan learned about the location of ‘Pluto’.

Somewhere on the shore of Alabasta.


Mr.1 and Mr.2 looked at Crocodile standing on the rocks in front of them and looking at the sea.

Ever since the man named 'Red Dog' used that devastating move a week ago, Mr.1 and Mr.2 felt that their boss had been hit by something.

This makes them worried.

Although Mr.1 doesn't like to talk, he admires Crocodile very much, so he is also afraid that Crocodile will collapse.

mr.2 This life was given to him by Crocodile, so no matter what Crocodile became, even if he went to the fields to be a farmer, he, mr.2, would still do it.


"Yes!" x2

"I plan to go to the new world and kill Kazan with my own hands. What about you? Do you want to follow?"

"Of course!"

Mr.2 said excitedly that although he would follow Crocodile no matter what he became, it was obvious that he still wanted to follow the ambitious Crocodile.

Mr.1 did not speak, but quietly took a step forward to express his choice.

"Hmph! Get ready, let's go! Next time... I won't lose again."

Crocodile's face was expressionless. This sentence also meant that he admitted that he had failed this time. It was very difficult for a man like him to admit this.

Originally, he only admitted that he had lost to one man in the world, the 'World's Strongest' Edward Newgate.

But now, he admits that he lost to a man again and wants to become the next 'world's strongest' Kazan.

Crocodile left with Mr.1 and Mr.2.

Also on the second day after he left, a group of World Government personnel came to Alabasta.

He was sent to investigate what the Monster Pirates and his crew were up to.

It doesn't matter if the result is not checked, once checked...

'Krokdal is suspected to have been driven out of Alabasta by Kazan, and the Baroque Works was completely wiped out by the Monster Family.'

Immediately following the World Government, came the Navy, led by three senior Navy Vice Admirals.

Suddenly, the situation in Alabasta seemed to suddenly become serious.

Three days passed.

The entrance to the palace.

A group of navy wanted to enter the palace to search for members of the Monster Pirates, but the palace army blocked the door.

"Get out of the way! Cooperate with our navy to investigate!"

"Investigate your sister. Investigate. If you say no, then there is no. Is there something wrong with you?"

The palace and the navy have been arguing for three consecutive days, and the navy has not even set foot inside the palace.

The navy is also stupid. It can't be rough with them. If it's not rough, it can't get in. How can there be such a shameless group of people?!

Does your king know?

"Ah...Miss Reiju is back, please come in."

Suddenly, the door opened, and Reijiu walked past the navy as if nothing had happened, entered the palace, and then closed the door again.

"Okay, okay, get out! I told you there are no pirates anymore, why can't you understand human speech?"

After Reiju entered, the palace army began to chase people away again.

In the palace, Kobra sat at the entrance of the conference hall and looked at Jaka next to him: "How is it? Are those marines gone?"

"No, they come every day."

"Oh, it's okay, it's absolutely true! When we do things, we only have a clear conscience! We don't have people from the Monster Pirates here, only people from the Monster Family, do you understand?"


Kobra stroked his beard, looked at Jaka with a 'teachable' look and nodded.

In the backyard of the palace, the monster family and Weiwei were playing here.

"Ah hahahaha! I'm wrong, I'm wrong, Peppa Pig, I'm wrong! Ah hahaha!"

Weiwei hugged her belly and lay on the ground laughing, with a grinning clown ghost lying on her head.

"Hmph! Let's see if you dare to play tricks on Nei-chan next time! Come back, Laughing Ghost."

Perona pouted and recalled her little ghost.

Weiwei finally calmed down, collapsed on the ground and gasped, feeling like she was about to suffocate and die from laughter.

These days, Weiwei hangs out with the girls from the monster family every day, and her relationship is extremely good.

Fon Clay was away dealing with the property they had just taken over from Crocodile in Alabasta.

Bellamy and Arkin were sent out by Kazan, responsible for driving Caruso to a secret place, and then guarding Caruso to eliminate all the past world government personnel and navy.

Monet followed Icarim's wife to learn Alabasta's special cuisine and improve his cooking skills.

While observing the progress of the record pointer, Perona tried to develop various weird little ghosts, with the main development direction being 'human emotions'.

Reiju often went in and out of the palace, collecting various desert-specific poisons across Alabasta, and experimenting with newly developed poison techniques and 'poison healing techniques' that almost no one in the world could master.

The trio of Kerla, Tang, and Weiwei hang out together every day, playing around carelessly.

As for Kazan and Robin, they stayed in the library of the palace every day, combining the contents of historical texts and digging out clues from eight hundred years ago from various long-standing historical reading materials.

Although most reading materials seem to have been maliciously destroyed, there are always some traces of incomplete destruction in tens of thousands of books.

In these days, Kazan and Robin have discovered some things from eight hundred years ago.

There is a name among them that Kazan and Robin have seen in the totems on Askar Island.

Eight hundred years ago...the Peruvian Empire.

This chapter has been completed!
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