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Chapter 362 Golden Township, Does It Really Exist?

After the bounty order for the Monster Pirates and their group appeared.

Any pirate group that sees Caroso's figure on the sea will immediately stay away from that sea area, and even some pirates with a reputation of being 'arrogant' among pirates will not come to cause trouble.

Today's Monster Pirates are well-deserved monsters in "Paradise" and are one of the strongest pirate groups.

No pirate group wants to verify the name of the Monster Pirates as the 'strongest', they just want to send them into the new world as soon as possible.

When the monster family encounters other pirate groups on the sea, they usually will not chase them unless they run out of supplies on the ship and want to rob them.

But this basically doesn't happen.

Caruso was still heading towards Gaya Island, and Kazan lay on Caruso's head in a daze every day, thinking about the next plan.

The rest of the Monster Pirates don't know, but Kazan knows exactly where their destination is.

It's not Gaya Island, it's just a transit point. What he wants to go to is the sky.

Sky island.

There is a piece of historical text there.

Originally, Kazan had no interest at all in the so-called blank history of eight hundred years ago, but after what Robin saw in the historical text, Kazan began to become interested.

And that Enel... Kazan also had some ideas.

Caruso arrived at Gaya Island less than two weeks after leaving Alabasta.

A mediocre small island, Caroso found a place at random and docked on the shore of Gaya Island.

"Huh? Why?!"

Perona's surprised voice came, attracting everyone's attention.

Kazan also looked over, and when he noticed Perona looking at the record pointer on her hand in surprise, he understood.

"What's wrong, Pepe?"

"The record pointer...points in the direction...to the sky..."

Perona was in a daze. She followed the direction of the record pointer and arrived at Gaya Island. However, after arriving here, the pointer pointed to the sky instead.

"Legend has it that there are empty islands in this world, which are islands floating in the sky and built on clouds. They are also a type of ecological island. However, most people don't believe in the existence of empty islands."

Robin held his chin and thought about something.

"In other words, if we want to go to the next island, we must either move forward blindly without recording the pointer, or we must go to the empty island and record it before setting off?"

Monet had no doubts about the existence of the so-called empty island, he just looked at it with a normal mind.

"But does Sky Island really exist? So the question is, how to get up there?"

Feng Clay looked up at the sky. Apart from a patch of blue and a large number of clouds, there seemed to be nothing else.

"There are two routes, one starts from the top of the Western Sky and takes the empty sea, passing several empty islands along the way, and the other... takes a sea current that bursts into the sky to reach the empty island."

At the end of this sentence, everyone looked at Kazan in surprise. No one in the monster family thought why Kazan would know something that even Robin didn't know.

Kazan did not explain, but looked to the sea next to him, where there was a person.

The other members of the monster family had obviously discovered this person, and their attention was drawn to him.

A muscular man with chestnuts on his head and shirtless body.

The man obviously noticed the pirate ship docked next to him. He looked at the Monster Pirates with shock in his eyes, but otherwise showed no other expression.

Pretty calm.

"Xiao Feng, bring him here."

Kazan stared at the man with chestnuts on his head, feeling somewhat impressed.

Without saying a word, Fon Klay turned into a bird and caught the man. The man probably knew that there was no point in resisting and allowed Fon Klay to take him to the deck of Carlo.

"Why is this great pirate with a bounty of 400 million on his head trying to catch me?"

Montblanc Kulikai looked at the tall man with red eyes in front of him and felt a sense of oppression coming over him. He swallowed, but he was calm and did not panic.

"I want to ask you something. If you don't know, let you go immediately."

Kazan glanced at Montblanc Kulikai in front of him, always feeling that this guy looked familiar, but he had forgotten such a character.


"We are going to Kongkai. We can't take the normal route. We can only take the sea current. I heard that there is a current in the legend that can allow ships to reach Kongkai directly. Have you heard of it?"

"You...what did you say?!"

Mont Blanc Kulikai was immediately shocked after hearing Kazan's words, and looked at the man with red eyes in front of him with wide eyes.

What did he say?

Sky island? Ocean current? Normal route?

"Have you ever heard of it?"

Kazan did not repeat what he just said, but just stared at the man in front of him quietly, as if he knew something.

"...Come to my house and talk about it. I know the current you are talking about and have seen it before, but it won't appear recently. It's useless for you to be anxious. Why don't you listen to me first."

Montblanc Kulikai tried hard to calm down, but he had not forgotten what kind of existence the red-eyed man in front of him was.


Montblanc Culique's home is also on the coast, so the Monster family did not get off the boat, but drove Caroso directly there.

Finally, they stopped in front of a large castle.

It is actually a wooden board facing the sea. The wooden board looks like a castle, but on the other side of the board is a small stone house.

"Sir Kazan, I won't talk nonsense. I just want to know, are you serious about going to Sky Island...?"

"Pepe, come."

Kazan didn't say much, but pulled his little sister and pointed at the record pointer on her wrist.

The pointer points straight to the sky.

Montblanc Kulikai glanced at the 'Princess Mononoke', and then looked at Kazan again.

"Does Sky Island really exist?"

When Montblanc said this, there was anxiety and expectation in his heart.


Kazan nodded and looked at the man in front of him and the picture album he held in his hand, feeling like he had recalled something.


After Montblanc heard what Kazan said, he slumped down on a wooden stake and could not recover for a long time. He did not notice that Kazan had taken the album away from him.

What the album talks about is that a man named Montblanc Nolando arrived on Gaya Island and found a place called Shantora, the "Golden Country". He found that it was full of gold, so he returned to Gaya Island.

His kingdom was told to the king.

The king listened to his words and led people to search for the legendary Golden Land. However, when they arrived at Gaya Island again, the Golden Land disappeared inexplicably.

But Montblanc Nolando couldn't accept this. In the face of doubts and abuses from people across the country, he always insisted on what he saw at the beginning, 'The land of gold is real! I saw gold in the right eye of the skeleton!'

However, his persistence had no effect. Instead, he only got the title of "Larger King" and was finally sentenced to death by the king.

The story of this picture album is very simple and seems to have no nutrition, but Kazan doesn't think so.

The Golden Land is real, Kazan knows this very well, it's in their heads.

The "right eye of the skeleton" mentioned in the album suddenly reminded Kazan of something.

He turned around and looked at the curved coast where they were, and the memory resurfaced a little more in his mind.

Also, the guy with the chestnut on his head in front of me is the descendant of the 'big talker' Montblanc Nolando.

"The story of Nolando? I saw it when I was a child."

Robin's voice rang from Kazan's ears.

Since Kazan is sitting on a super short wooden stake and Robin is nearly two meters tall, he has to lean down slightly when reading the album.

As a result, Kazan turned his head and saw a mysterious ravine, but he didn't take it seriously and simply ignored it: "Robin, do you have any impression of this Nolando?"

Robin didn't notice that Kazan's eyes had reached her chest. She straightened up and thought about it for a moment: "The expedition admiral and botanist of the Kingdom of Lubnir in the North Sea more than 400 years ago, besides...it seems that there are no

What’s left?”

"Do you believe what this liar said...the so-called 'golden land'?"

The stunned Montblanc suddenly spoke, looking at the album in Kazan's hand with a strange expression on his face.

"How can you believe something you haven't seen?"

Funkley obviously didn't believe it. He only believed what he saw with his own eyes and what Kazan said.

"Yeah...who would believe a liar without seeing it with his own eyes?"

Montblanc smiled self-deprecatingly and looked up at the sky. His actions made everyone confused, but Kazan looked at the land under his feet with suspicion.

"Robin, do you have a map of Gaya Island?"

"Nissan, I have it here."

Monet handed over a map of Gaya Island, which showed a skull with its left eye missing.

"The Golden Land... was washed up into the sky, right?"


One of Kazan's guesses made Montblanc stand up and look at Kazan in surprise, as if he had found a close friend.

"Do you... believe in the existence of the Golden Land?!"

"No one can tell whether the Golden Land exists, but there is probably an empty island above our heads, and what Nolando said made me make some guesses... Perhaps, the recording location of the recording pointer is still

Gaya Island is just... the piece of Gaya Island that was washed up into the sky by the sea currents."

Kazan's words stunned everyone in the monster family. If it is really the same as before, then there seems to be no problem?

"What kind of ocean current can directly tear apart an island and rush thousands of miles into the sky?!"

Feng Clay looked at the land under his feet in shock. It looked like a piece of land had been chewed off... maybe it was really possible.

"Sky-high currents!"

Montblanc gritted his teeth and said something. Kazan's words made him more convinced that his ancestor, Montblanc Nolando, had reached the Golden Land.

"What I'm looking for is this ocean current soaring into the sky."

Kazan smiled. He had always forgotten the name of this current, but now Montblanc reminded him of the name.

"Your Excellency Kazan, I have a favor to ask of you!"


Kazan was very interested. He wanted to hear what this descendant of Nolando had to say.

"My name is Mont Blanc Kulikai, and I am a descendant of the 'Larger King' Nolando. The chestnut on my head is proof of this!"

"Yeah, I guessed it."

Kazan's words made Montblanc raise his head again in surprise. However, when he looked up, he found that everyone in the monster family seemed to have guessed it.

Huh?! Is it so obvious?

"Well, I have always wanted to know whether my ancestor Nolando was a liar and whether the Golden Land really existed.

But I am self-aware. I can do nothing but go to the sea day after day to look for gold. I don’t even have the courage to ride on the soaring currents!

But your appearance gives me hope. I will risk my life to send you safely to the sea in the sky. If you die, then I will die too."

"How can you help us?"

Kazan only cared about this, he didn't think the chestnut man in front of him could help them.

"Hull modification, and ocean current monitoring."

Montblanc's tone was full of confidence and determination.

"Current monitoring?"

"Yes! If you want to reach the sky-high current safely, you must seize the opportunity and ride on the current as soon as it appears. Once delayed, the subsequent current may not allow your ship to reach the target due to reduced power.

I also have an organization called the Sarushan United Army. Our ships are filled with a large number of monitoring devices. Whether it is gold under the sea or currents in the sea, we can detect anything wrong immediately.

We can tell you in advance the time and location of the sky currents!"

"Well...it does have some effect."

Kazan thought for a moment and nodded.

"So, what about your request?"

"Bells! Nolando once heard the beautiful bells that could travel thousands of miles when he encountered a storm. He arrived at the Golden Land based on the sound of the bells.

If the Golden Land really exists, please ring the Golden Bell, I will definitely be able to hear it even from thousands of miles above the sky!"

"Okay, I will ring that bell...if the Golden Land really exists."

Kazan knew that that mouth type really existed and seemed to have a special symbolic meaning.

But he forgot.

“Thank you very much!”

Montblanc Kulikai gritted his teeth and bowed to Kazan. He had bet all his life on this one time.

If the bell doesn't ring, then...

Maybe he will really accept his fate.

To accept Montblanc Nolando is to be a liar.

If the Golden Land is really fake...

Then there is no point in staying on Gaya Island to dive for gold day after day.

The meaning of his life no longer exists.

"Then, let your coalition forces monitor the sea currents. Also, try your hull modifications, but don't mess with me."

"Don't worry! We won't start any construction on the hull. This ship was built by a master. I still have this bit of vision. We will only add some 'peripherals'."

Montblanc gained some trust from Kazan by gambling his life, so he allowed them to add peripherals to Caruso.

It can also be regarded as a little preparation for riding the soaring current.

This chapter has been completed!
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