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Chapter 365 Exploration before the war

"I know you want to play on the empty island, but please bear with me for a while. You also heard it just now. Just mentioning Anilu here, that guy can notice that even if you play, you won't have fun. Wait until Anilu is solved.

Nero, please have fun again."

Kazan looked at the few girls who were about to move and comforted them.

"I'll give you some information about Enel first."

Gan Fore attached great importance to this operation. After all, the strength of Kazan and his team gave him hope.


"Eniru, in the mouth of the Sky Island people can only call it a god, it controls the natural power of 'thunder', and any attack is basically difficult to cause damage to it. This is also what I am most worried about. If I can't attack

As for the other party, no matter how powerful he is, he can't be defeated."

When Gan Fore said this, his brows furrowed and he felt uncontrollable worry.

"The Natural Thunder Fruit is known as the most powerful natural devil fruit. I didn't expect to encounter it here."

Before Gan Fore finished speaking, Robin immediately thought of this devil fruit that was rumored to be the 'best in the world'.

"Thunderbolt...Oh, this is very troublesome."

After Feng Clay heard about Enelu's ability, his face became a little gloomy.

In the world of pirates, there are not many people who use "thunder and lightning" as a means of attack, so there are also few corresponding ways to resist lightning, because it is difficult to find places where it is needed.

In addition to armed domineering and technology, people in this world basically have no ability to withstand thunder and lightning, and they basically rely on their bodies to resist.

With physiques like Big Mom and Kaido, even if they don't use armed Haki, tens of millions of volts of lightning may not be able to hurt them.

Kazan was also a little confused about the Thunder Fruit. He was very confident in his armament, domineering power and physique, but he was not sure to what extent Eniro had developed the Thunder Fruit.

If hundreds of millions of volts had been developed...then Kazan's life would also be in danger.

Especially when entering a combat state, his defense will be greatly reduced, and it is still at an altitude of thousands of miles with thin air.

"It's a little troublesome..."

Kazan sighed, not everyone has the rubber fruit ability, and not everyone has a body like Big Mom and Kaido.

The strongest natural system is not just a boast.

But there's one thing, Enelu doesn't know how to be armed and domineering at all. If they want to kill him, there aren't many ways to do it.

"Enirou will be solved by me. I will defeat him head-on, subdue him, and then talk to him."

Kazan thought of something, and then suddenly showed a strange smile, making the rest of the monster family a little confused.

If Hancock were here, he would understand what Kazan meant. During the Shichibukai meeting, Kazan also showed this smile before plotting against Moonlight Moria and Crocodile.

"Huh? You...are you planning to fight Enelu head-on?"

Gan Faure was a little confused about Kazan's decision. Even a sneak attack may not be successful, let alone a frontal attack.

"That's all you're worried about."

Kazan suddenly grabbed Monet behind him.

Then a scene that shocked Gan Fore appeared!

Kazan's hand 'pierced' Monet's body and stretched out from the other side, but Monet seemed to be fine.

Oh, my face is a little flushed.

"Hey~ I was penetrated by Nissan."

"No weird noises allowed!"


Kazan took out his hand, gave it a domineering aura, and flicked Monet's forehead hard, making the little girl burst into tears.

However...it was obviously very painful, but Monet was still staring at Kazan eagerly, as if he wanted him to do it again.

Forgot...this girl has M physique...

Kazan's face suddenly turned ugly. He didn't expect that after so many years, Monet's physical condition hadn't improved yet?!

Gan Faure didn't care about the flirting behavior between Kazan and Monet. He was only immersed in the scene just now.

He didn't understand what kind of ability or principle this was.

But, at least he understood what Kazan wanted to express, that is, he could attack Enel!


In a certain room on Sky Island, a group of people walked out of the door.

Gan Fore and Kazan looked at each other, nodded, and then left here immediately.

Perona silently released a few little ghosts into the underground, and then suddenly emerged from the white sea, floating swaggering towards the 'Island of Gods' Apayado.

During this period, the little ghost attracted Enelu's attention and was struck twice by thunder and lightning falling from the sky...

Suddenly, the lightning passed directly through Perona's little ghost without causing any effect.

Enelu, who was far away in the Temple of God, could only watch these little ghosts wandering around in his territory, and his attention was completely attracted to them.

That's when Enelu focused all his attention on the little ghost.

Funkley turned into a guide bird imitated on Gaya Island and flew to the "Island of Gods" Apayado.

Apayado was originally part of Gaya Island, and there were also guide birds on it, so Funkray, a guide bird with a somewhat stunted physique, did not appear to be out of the ordinary.

Robin put on the hood and cloak he had worn when he was on the run, and left the house alone. Based on the map provided by Gan Fore, he began to search for the place where the largest number of books were stored on Angel Island.

As for the others, they all stayed in the room, not going anywhere, waiting quietly.

Three days later.

In the 'House of God', Enelu's eyes were bloodshot, and around his body a bunch of little ghosts kept flying around him.

These little ghosts just kept staring at him, and they kept making weird chuckles like "Peck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, clucky out there out there!"

The most important thing is that Enelu can't hit these little ghosts at all.

No matter whether you use the power of lightning or physical attacks, they have no effect.

Eniro feels that after these three days, he has become depressed, and his supervision of Apayado and Angel Island has been greatly relaxed.

And on Angel Island.

Feng Clay and Robin have returned to join, and everyone once again entered the space inside the sugar door.

First, Fon Klee said what he saw:

"Well... as far as the slave family can see, it's just an ordinary ancient island, but... there are two places that really need our attention.

One is a giant tree, and Enero is probably on top of it, Pepe?"

"Yeah, that's right. My little ghost went up the tree and found Enero. By the way, that guy can't be armed, so he doesn't pose a threat."

Perona held her little bear Kumasi and sat obediently aside. No one could imagine how she was torturing Enelu with her little ghost.

As Kazan said, Enel is not domineering, so she has nothing to do with Perona's ghost. If Perona wants, she can use her various 'emotions' ghosts to torture Enel to death.

"There is another place... that is the 'Golden Country' Shantora we are looking for. It is at the root of that giant tree, a golden city buried underground.

If I hadn't accidentally discovered a cave, I wouldn't have thought that the legendary city was actually underground in Apayado."

Feng Clay showed a surprised tone, and now he couldn't help but be shocked when he thought about what he saw at that time.

"Does it really exist?"

"It's all gold? Are there a lot of other jewelry?"

"Another big beli."


The members of the monster family already regard the gold in the Golden Land as their trophy.

Everyone had a look of relief on their faces, because each of them no longer took Enelu, who was unarmed, into consideration.

Except for Kazan, who looked solemn, he did not underestimate Enel.

In terms of just lethality, that guy is pretty strong.

"Ah, and the golden clock Li Zitou mentioned...

I also saw it. It looks like a place with a very long history. Robin-chan should be very interested in it. And...

In the past three days, a group of people have attacked the priests on Apayado every day."

"Angel? Or from Qinghai?"

"No... they are not angels, nor do they look like Qinghai people. They have wings like angels, but they hate angels. Basically, they will attack without explanation when they see angels."


"The Sandians, this is the name of their tribe. They seem to have some connection with Apayado, and they are very attached to that land."

Feng Clay showed a puzzled look. He did not go too deep into the territory of the Sandians.

"This point has to start four hundred years ago."

At this moment, Robin picked up what Feng Clay said. The history she saw in the library recorded things about the Sandians.

It may not be complete, but it can provide some reference.

"Four hundred years ago, at the moment Apayado was washed up into the sky, a distant and mysterious ancient voice sounded, attracting the attention of the residents of Angel Island. All the angels on Angel Island regarded that as the voice of 'god'


But according to my judgment, that should be the sound of the golden bell.

At that time, the 'god' of Angel Island saw such a land for the first time, and immediately came up with the idea of ​​occupying Apayado. The angels of Angel Island also fully supported it, because they had already transferred the land they had seen for the first time.

Considered a 'holy place'.

But no one thought that in this land that suddenly appeared, there was another race, a race that also had wings, Shandia.

The war broke out, and the Sandians were defeated by the 'god' of Angel Island at that time, so they were driven out of their homeland. For the next four hundred years, the Sandians continued to fight, and the war never stopped.

Sandia has been fighting to regain her homeland and continues to this day."

“How deeply attached are the Sandians to their homeland?”

"I'm afraid you can only understand this by entering the current territory of the Apayado or Sandia clan."

Robin shook her head, obviously she also thought there must be some reason for this.

The reason why the Sandia clan is so obsessed with Apayado.

Robin then told everyone in the monster family about many specialties unique to Sky Island.

For example, there are shells with various functions, cloud tools with various functions, etc., which everyone finds very novel, and especially want to go and see it now.

And Kazan listened more seriously, because the shells on Kongdao were also one of the main purposes of coming to Kongdao.

The shells from the empty island will play a vital role in future voyages, and are also one of the important materials for transforming Caroso in the Water City.

Kazan is determined to get these shells.

But all those things will be considered after solving Enel.

"There is nothing to prepare. Let's take a rest today and go to work on Enero tomorrow."

Kazan looked at his brothers and sisters with relaxed expressions and sighed in his heart.

He always had a feeling that something big was going to happen this time.

As for whether this matter was good or bad, Kazan had no idea.


The next day, the monster family set out, starting from inside the door.

So it didn't attract anyone's attention along the way, and even Gan Fore didn't know that everyone was heading to Apayado.

Kazan and his party, led by Fon Clay, walked all the way in. During the process, they saw many priests, but they had no intention of dealing with them.

After Enero is dealt with, these guys will be dealt with.

For these priests, Kazan has already thought of the best destination for them.

Then it is used as a whetstone for his little sisters.

The strength of these priests is not weak, but their strength is limited. They are all a little stronger than Reiju Sugar and others.

This strength makes them very suitable to be the whetstones for several young girls.

But there is also a more troublesome point...Perona.

Perona's ability is basically determined. Those who know how to arm themselves can bully her, and those who don't know how to arm themselves will be treated like toys by her and played with until death.

Just like Enel, who gave even Kazan a headache, he could only be played like a toy by Perona because he didn't know how to arm himself.

But in the New World, a place where everyone is armed and domineering, Perona appears to be very weak.

The little ghost is very powerful, but also very fragile. It will basically be scattered with one punch. What will Perona do then?

Kazan has also been having a headache about this, and even asked Fon Clay Robin and others to give Perona advice.

The two suggested that they form a team.

The two people's thoughts made Kazan realize that he was restricted by his thinking.

To put it simply, in future battles, Perona will have a partner who will work with her to defeat the enemy.

This idea was unanimously approved by everyone. After all, this is not a 1vs1 world.

Fighting between real men and so on is something that only captains and captains like Kazan, the head of the family, have to do.

It was precisely because of this that Kazan took it for granted that Perona's single-target combat capability should be improved.

But now that I think about it, it's totally unnecessary.

Since it's so dangerous for one person to act alone, let's act together and take care of each other.

Kazan didn't want his little sister to be in danger.

So it was finally decided that Perona would just continue to develop her fruit abilities.

As for the enemies who are armed and domineering, let her partner control them.

Not only Perona, but others will also have a fighting partner in the future.

As for who will be partnered with whom, it probably won't be decided until we enter the new world.

This chapter has been completed!
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