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Chapter 370 Awakening 1/2, the strength has become stronger

The world inside the door.

After Kazan collapsed to the ground, he also lost consciousness.

To be more precise, it is that consciousness has come to another mysterious space.

In this space, there are only black and blood.

The blood color occupies 99% of the space, while the black color is only a small part of Kazan's feet.

"So, you are so overestimating your abilities..."

Kazan's face darkened as he looked at the shrinking black field beneath his feet.

After the Steel Fruit reached a high level, Kazan thought that all the troubles were over, and all he had to do next was to fool Enel.

As a result, the restless thing like the Steel Fruit felt that it was capable after reaching a high level, so it immediately challenged the ghost hand who suppressed it in the first place.

And their battlefield is Kazan's consciousness space.

The moment the battle broke out, Kazan was directly hit by the energy from two different worlds and was forced into a coma.

The situation on the battlefield is clear.

The strength of the Ghost Hand cannot be matched by a Devil Fruit.

Even the Ghost Hand with two limiters is not a being that can be challenged by the Steel Fruit.

When Ghost Hand was annoyed by the Steel Fruit, he didn't pay much attention to the Steel Fruit and spared its life.

But now, Ghost Hand obviously doesn't have that patience anymore, and is devouring the Steel Fruit with all his strength, with the momentum that he will not stop until the Steel Fruit is swallowed up completely.

If it is an animal-type phantom beast type that has also awakened, it may have the ability to protect itself, but the steel fruit is just an ordinary superhuman type, and has just entered the advanced level.

What can I do to ward off ghosts?

The Steel Fruit is finished.

Kazan is very sure of this. Now he is no longer the fake red-eyed person who just changed his profession to the berserker.

Rather, he is a true quasi-prison blood demon. With Kazan's understanding of ghost hands...

I'm afraid that the steel fruit will be swallowed up by ghost hands and not even a dregs will be left.

To say how sad Kazan felt in his heart is not to say that.

It only took more than ten years for the Iron Fruit to finally reach an advanced level and develop truly powerful abilities.

But it was about to be lost before it could be used, which Kazan felt a little regretful about.

In addition, the enhanced defense power of the Steel Fruit and the 'blood boiling' developed through the heating ability are also very fragrant and very helpful to him.

If the Steel Fruit was swallowed, it only gave Kazan the benefit of no longer being afraid of sea water.

Well, obviously.

It would be more beneficial to keep the Iron Fruit.

Kazan also has no extra time or experience to develop a new fruit.

Even he himself doesn't know what is waiting for him after awakening...


A sharp and ear-piercing sound rang out from Kazan's feet. The black color representing the steel fruit was still being suppressed by the surrounding blood, becoming smaller and smaller in this space.

Kazan could only watch helplessly, he could not intervene in the battle between Ghost Hand and Steel Fruit.

Even if he could intervene, he didn't know who to help.

The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh, so there is no reason to be partial. Kazan, who has so many younger brothers and sisters, is very taboo about the word "partiality".

"Is it really over? Steel..."


As if responding to Kazan's murmur, the Steel Fruit made the sound of the tip of a knife being unsheathed.

However, to no avail.

The ghost hand's devouring of the steel fruit is still continuing, and Kazan can clearly feel it.

Within his body, the aura of the Steel Fruit became weaker and weaker.

The battle between Ghost Hand and Steel Fruit did not affect Kazan's consciousness in this space. Kazan silently watched everything in front of him like an outsider.

"Got to get in."

Kazan looked at the black at his feet and the red in front of him and murmured.

Life is like chess, he who knows the game survives, he who breaks the game survives, and he who masters the game wins.

"I am in charge of my body, and you...all have to listen to me."

Kazan is never afraid of losing to others, because the feeling of losing to yourself is the most painful.

He worked so hard to become stronger just so that he could control his own destiny at this moment.


Taking a deep breath, Kazan closed his eyes, and the two forces competing within his body gradually became clearer in his perception.

After a while.

Kazan was immersed in the scene and completely entered the battlefield.

After Kazan completely merged into this red and black space, the blood in the sky suddenly emerged, and the blood in the air spread towards Kazan bit by bit, as if it was going to devour him.



Dark red overlord-colored domineering energy suddenly emitted on the battlefield, and the blood in the sky suddenly stagnated, and then faded like a tide.

The black man huddled at Kazan's feet also had room to breathe. Looking at the bloody man retreating step by step, the Steel Fruit was like a silly son hugging his father's thigh, and began to try to invade the territory of the ghost hand.

Now the ghost hand was completely angry, and the blood was even fiercer than before, suppressing it like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood, even Kazan's face was not given.

The black part representing the Steel Fruit retreated step by step in an instant, and soon only the little bit of black at Kazan's feet was left.

Black squirmed under Kazan's feet, trying to attract Kazan's attention and ask him to help him.

But Kazan didn't make any extra moves, he just looked at the black under his feet indifferently.

Black was stared at by Kazan's black and red eyes, and he stopped squirming, as if he understood something.

After hesitating for a moment, the black color no longer stayed at Kazan's feet, but followed Kazan's shadow and entered his body.

After the part representing the Steel Fruit entered, Kazan's body turned pure black, as if his whole body was covered with armed domineering energy.

"It's your turn, Ghost Hands."

Kazan raised his eyes and looked at the bloody sky. He didn't make too many movements, he just stared at the bloody field in front of him quietly.

A pair of eyes exactly like Kazan's seemed to appear in the blood-filled sky. They looked at each other from a distance, as if they were confirming something.

"What are you hesitating about?"

Kazan saw the complexity in Guishou's eyes, which seemed to mean 'not quite close'.

The blood-colored space shook violently twice, and boundless blood energy enveloped him, directly wrapping Kazan into a blood ball.

This blood energy is not malicious towards Kazan, but it has a 'eroding' effect on the steel fruit on Kazan's body.

Ghost Hand... looks down on the Steel Fruit very much. He thinks that the existence of the Steel Fruit delays Kazan's progress on the road of berserker, so...

He wants to make the Iron Fruit disappear completely!


Kazan frowned. The ghost hand attacked the Steel Fruit regardless of his wishes, causing him some headache and distress.


The steel fruit is wailing, and I am afraid that it will be completely devoured by the ghost hand before long.

At that time, the world of One Piece will completely lose the 'Steel Fruit', and this devil fruit will never reappear.

"I said, listen to me."

Kazan made a decision and directly integrated the few remaining steel fruits attached to his body into his body and into his blood and bones.

After that, Kazan returned to his original body color, and his eyes were filled with blood and he could only look calm.

And the blood that enveloped Kazan also dissipated in confusion. He was surrounded by Kazan and had no idea what to do.

The blood in the space was struggling, and the whole space was trembling.

Taking a certain moment as the time node, the bloody space...


The bloody space suddenly split into two equal halves.

Half of them are on the opposite side of Kazan, still waiting for an opportunity to swallow the power of the Devil Fruit that is almost disappearing from Kazan's body.

The other half is behind Kazan, protecting Kazan's consciousness and maintaining Kazan's will. They recognize Kazan's ambition and character and are willing to be his strength.

In the bloody field opposite, the same eyes as Kazan appeared again.

Kazan looked at him without fear, and then raised his ghost hand high.

The eyes on the opposite side just looked at him, watching the blood behind Kazan flow into his raised ghost hand.




The originally fragmented limiter located on the upper arm of the ghost hand finally couldn't restrain the power of the ghost hand and directly shattered, turning into fragments and blending into the boundless blood without any trace.

At the same moment, in the world inside the door, the limiter in the same position on the ghost hand of Kazan's body also changed exactly the same.

In the blood-colored space, the pair of eyes opposite Kazan had disappeared, but the space still maintained the same appearance as before.

Half and half.

Kazan stood there stunned for three seconds, then turned around and took a step into the blood of his own camp, and then slowly disappeared.

In the world inside the door, Kazan gradually regained consciousness and got up from the ground despite the severe pain all over his body.

He looked at everything around him blankly, and after a while he remembered what had just happened.

First, he subconsciously looked outside the door. The little girls were drinking tea leisurely. Although he didn't know where the little brothers had gone, it seemed that nothing was wrong.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Kazan finally looked at his ghost hand and the fragments on the ground.

The whole ghost hand... only one limiter is left on the forearm.

Name: Kazan (310cm)

Occupation: Berserker

Level: lv.48 (locked, awakened 12)

Attributes: Strength lv.7, Agility lv.8, Physical strength lv.7, Intelligence lv.?

Equipment: Limiter x1 (forearm), Black Knife Dark Moon, Demon Knife Useless

Passive skills:...blood boiling, overlord color domineering lv.6, steel frame

Active skills:... Collapse of mountains and earth, hegemony (double)


The personal panel... has changed a lot, or it can be said to be very small.

First of all, there are several changes on the panel.

1. The awakening stage becomes 12.

As soon as he mentioned this, Kazan thought of the bloody space that was divided into two parts just now, and he felt somewhat clear in his heart.

Second, the most obvious and important point is that... the Steel Fruit is gone! It was swallowed up by the ghost hand!

It was replaced by a passive name. When Kazan mentioned this, he thought of the naval marshal of the previous era and now the commander-in-chief of the entire army, ‘Cyborg’ Kong.

This passive introduction is simple and crude, and the specific effect is not very clear to Kazan, but...

He somewhat guessed that if he gets stronger in the future, he might be able to compete with Big Mom's "Steel Balloon" and Kaido's "Immortal Body" in terms of defense.

And, now...

Kazan is no longer a landlubber.

Third, the disappearance of the Steel Fruit does not make this skill disappear. This skill can still be used and no longer needs to be actively turned on. It is retained permanently and is always effective.

Nowadays, every hit of Kazan's blood-based skills has a "high temperature heating" effect, and Kazan's body has always been in a state similar to Luffy's second gear.

The difference is that Kazan's body will turn red and steam only when he is in combat.

This state consumes a lot of physical energy and will greatly reduce Kazan's combat endurance.

In the future, the fighting style will probably be more quick and decisive for the time being, until Kazan completely adapts to his current situation.

But the improvement in combat effectiveness is also obvious.

For example, agility has changed from lv.7 to lv.8. It can be said that with this single attribute, Kazan has barely entered the realm.

Fourth, the overlord color and domineering spirit have been upgraded.

From lv.5 to lv.6, this represents many things that cannot be explained. The most basic one is that the power developed by Bawang color Haki is even higher.

As for how the overlord's domineering energy was upgraded, Kazan had some guesses, maybe it was related to the surrender of the half of the blood energy in the bloody space.

Now Kazan's "monster-like kingly aura" is even more powerful.

5. Places that cannot be seen on the panel.

The blood energy content in Kazan's body has more than doubled.

And if blood gas has quality, then the quality of blood gas in his body has also improved a lot, and today's blood gas system skills will probably be improved to a greater or lesser extent.

"What a big change..."

Kazan's mind was a little confused at the moment. The Steel Fruit and Ghost Hand had just finished their work, and he himself had undergone such a big change.

It takes some time for him to adapt and sort out.

But there was one thing that was not difficult for him to guess, and that was...

He became stronger again.

And this time he didn't become stronger by just a tiny bit.

"If Awakening 12 has this kind of strength, then... what about Awakening?"

Kazan looked at his ghost hand and shook his arm. The limiter on his upper arm that had been with him for more than twenty years suddenly fell off, giving him a strange feeling.

"It's covered in blood and I feel really uncomfortable."

Kazan twisted his body. There were no wounds on his body at this time, but the blood that had just flowed out was still sticky on his clothes.

I also want Xiao Feng and Xiao Bei to test their physical changes...

Kazan scratched his head irritably, his breathing became heavier, and he even felt a little anxious and annoyed.

Kazan didn't notice the change in his mood. He had never had such obvious mood swings because of this matter before.

He only saw the benefits of awakening 12.

And this world is full of two sides, there are advantages...

There will definitely be disadvantages.

Kazan shook his head. He originally planned to keep quiet for a while, but just in time, the air door opened.

Kazan shook his body and stepped out.


This chapter has been completed!
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