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Chapter 374 Pirates and Arad?! ??The Lord of the Sea King (emphasis added)

Today, Montblanc Kulique woke up early as usual and went into the sea to explore and look for traces from the Golden Land.


"By the way, there were lightning flashes two days ago, but the weather has been exceptionally good these two days."

Kulikai came ashore from the sea and sat on the shore, looking at the sky in trance.

It was successful.

Monster Pirates.

That day, Kulikai saw with his own eyes that the dragon-headed ship climbed into the sky along the sky current and never came down again.



Kulikai frowned. He seemed to have heard something just now, but he thought it was his auditory hallucination.

After soaking in the sea water for too long, it was inevitable that some physical problems would occur, and sometimes tinnitus would occur, so Kulikai didn't care too much.


Kulikai frowned tightly, stood up from sitting on the shore, and looked at the sky intently.

Wasn't it really his auditory hallucination just now?


"Is it...a bell?"

Kulikai's fists suddenly clenched, his pupils dilated, he looked at the sky and opened his mouth slightly, his expression revealing disbelief and...expectation.

Ring again!

Just one more ring!

One second...two seconds...three seconds...

Three seconds passed, and the sound that sounded like a bell stopped ringing. Kulikai suddenly felt a little lost.

Is it really an illusion?



The ancient and crisp sound sounded again, this time louder than any before, and even aroused the guide birds in the jungle on Gaya Island.

"...So, the Golden Land really exists, right, Mr. Kazan..."

Kulikai bit the cigar in his mouth tightly and stared at the sky where the bell sounded.

The agreement between Kazan and him was completed.

Four hundred years ago, the entanglement between the 'Great Warrior' Kalgara and the 'Great Liar' Montblanc Nolando ended the moment the bell rang.


It is located in the golden land, in the space inside the door of Shantora.

"This is what you found? In this Shantora?"

Kazan swallowed and looked at the object he was holding in front of him, his eyes full of shock.

A black stone emitting a faint blue light and an unknown black-purple solid object with spikes.

If you ask people from the pirate world to identify them, no matter how many people you look for, they won't be able to figure out what these two things are.

But if a certain part of the people in Arad continent were to identify it, they would be able to recognize it.

At this time, one of Kazan's hands was a Terra stone produced on the planet Terra, and the other was an interdimensional fragment.

Forget about the Terra Stone, Kazan once went to the depths of Loland with his second senior sister Nou Yu, and saw this stone with his own eyes in Billmark's training ground. He also had his senior sister in the small warehouse in Arad.

Where is the Ring of Terra Stone given to him?

This is a stone that is extremely powerful, but not very easy to control. If used properly, it is an excellent material for building equipment.

As for the extra-dimensional fragment... not all characters can encounter this thing.

If his master Xilan hadn't collected a sword made of fragments from another dimension before, Kazan wouldn't have recognized it.

But the biggest problem now is...

Why are there substances from Arad in the pirate world?!

"Well! Do you know Onii-chan? We asked Sister Robin, but even she has never heard of these two substances."

Perona came over curiously, but she didn't dare to get too close because the two things in Kazan's hands made her feel uncomfortable.

"It's very hard, at least as hard as sea floor stone."

Bellamy glanced at the two objects in Kazan's hand. He had tried to squeeze the two objects with all his strength without causing any damage.

If it weren't for this, they really wouldn't pay attention to these two things.

"How many are there? How many of these two things are there in this Shantora?"

"Only this..."


Kazan is feeling a little numb now. The appearance of these two things means that the world of pirates must be connected with Arad somewhere.

But the key point is that he knows that this kind of connection exists, but he doesn't know what kind of connection it is.


Monet looked at Kazan's frown and felt a little worried, so he came over and gently rubbed his forehead with cool catkins.

"Huh... It seems that it is necessary to take a closer look at the history of this world... things that happened eight hundred years ago."

Kazan looked at the substance on his palm, took a deep breath, and began to feel a little psychological pressure.

Something happened in the world of pirates that he could never predict or imagine, and that was his connection with Arad.

The Golden Township has a history of at least eight hundred years, which can be known from the historical text that exists deep in this Shantora.

Kazan suspected that the Terra Stone and the different-dimensional fragments probably appeared in the blank history eight hundred years ago.

After all, apart from this blank history, nothing particularly eye-catching seems to have happened in the world of One Piece.

And the matter involving Arad is definitely not a trivial matter in this world of pirates.

"Have you found the historical text?"

Kazan took this piece of Terra Stone and such a small amount of interdimensional fragments into his arms. It seems that such a small amount has no other use besides trying to strengthen equipment.

But now I don’t know if anyone in this world has the ability to use these two things to enhance equipment.

What to strengthen and who to use it after it is strengthened are all questions. Kazan is not going to consider this now.

Now he only cares about the historical text.

Now the history of eight hundred years ago has as much status in Kazan's eyes as it does in Robin's heart.

Unless Kazan is sure that the history of eight hundred years ago has nothing to do with Arad, otherwise, he will definitely dig out the history of these eight hundred years.

"I found it, come with me."

Feng Clay retracted his gaze from Kazan and walked ahead to lead the way.

Judging from what Kazan just said, those two mysterious things are related to the history of eight hundred years ago. Although I don’t know how Kazan judged it, Feng Kley didn’t care much.

He is not interested at all in what happened eight hundred years ago, he is only interested in how to make Kazan become king.

The rest of the monster family had similar thoughts. Except for Robin, no one had any intention of asking those two things.

"Nissan, those two?"

How could Robin suppress his curiosity when it came to things that were about eight hundred years ago?

"You can guess it. The materials left over from about eight hundred years ago are all materials similar to sea floor stone. They have wonderful properties. I have seen them before, but I was just surprised because I didn't expect them to appear here.

Don’t pay too much attention to it.”

Kazan frowned, not knowing how to explain to Robin. Should he just say that this was a substance from another world?

Moreover, he himself still hasn't figured out the reason why these two things appeared in this world. Even if Robin is curious, he can't give any valuable answers.


Robin responded softly. She could feel that Kazan was probably in a confused state now, so she didn't ask any more questions.

Anyway, as long as we continue to search for the historical text, the history of eight hundred years ago will always become clear.

Kazan, who was walking to the location of the historical text, was still thinking about what had just happened... thinking about it, he really came up with some messy things.

"Robin, the historical text of Alabasta once mentioned...the word Demon Realm people."

"Emmm, yes, there are three words for people from the demon world."

Robin thought for a moment, then nodded and confirmed.

Kazan frowned, sorting out the knowledge about Arad in his mind.

If he remembered correctly, Master Xilan once said that there was a huge war on the planet Terra where the Terra Stone was produced, which led to the destruction of the entire planet. Later, only the city of Terra named after the planet survived.


Later, the city of Terra had another name, "Demon Realm". The reason for this name... Kazan couldn't remember clearly.

In the historical text of Alabasta, it is said that the people on the moon have a separate name, they are called people from the demon world.

If the people on the moon are the people from the demon world, and the people from the demon world refer to the people from the demon world in Terra City...

Does that mean that the moon is the devil's realm?

But the demon world is obviously near the Arad continent...

Moreover, why are the things that the Demon Realm people should possess in Shantora? Are the Sandians the Demon Realm people, the so-called Moon People?

Also, what does the appearance of extradimensional fragments mean?

Has there ever been an interdimensional rift in the world of One Piece?

Kazan thought he had discovered something, but he still didn't think of the key point.

This feeling was very painful, but he didn't cure it. The only thing to blame was that he didn't listen carefully to what his master told him about the demon world.


While Kazan was still thinking hard, Feng Kley's voice suddenly sounded, drawing his attention to the huge stone in front of him.

Historical text.

When Robin saw this stone, he immediately pounced on it, looked at it with interest, and murmured: "Is it related to Poseidon, the King of the Sea?"

Last time it was Pluto, the king of Hades, and this time it was Poseidon, the king of the sea. There is still a piece left that records the king of heaven, Uranus...

With the historical text in front of him, Kazan stopped thinking about what happened just now. There were gaps in the clues, and he couldn't continue to think about it for the time being.

It didn't take long for Robin to read the entire historical text.

After reading it, she just stood there in a daze. The other members of the monster family did not call her, so they just left her alone.

Kazan asked everyone from the Monster family to help the Sandia family prepare their new home, and then he stayed alone and waited quietly for Robin to come back to his senses.




"How was it? What did you say?"

Kazan pulled Robin to sit next to him, looking at her expectantly and anxiously.

Robin looked at Nissan's anxious look and couldn't help but chuckle twice, and then started talking about business:

"'Sea King' Poseidon is located 10,000 meters under the sea under the holy land of Mary Joa, that is..."

"Fishman Island."

"Yeah! And Poseidon's true form is the mermaid princess who lives on the Fish-Man Island every eight hundred years. Her ability is that she can communicate with the Neptunes and even directly command the Neptunes. She is the king of the Neptunes."

"Well, what else?"

Kazan knew all this, and he even knew that the current Poseidon, the king of the sea, is the current mermaid princess Shirahoshi.

Kazan even knows a lot of things, but now he only wants to know what he doesn't know.

"When Poseidon, the king of the sea, is born, a guide will appear in this world, a person named 'joyboy'."

"The master of Poseidon, the king of the sea, is this guide?"

Kazan remembered that it was previously recorded in the historical text of Alabasta that both the King of the Sea and the King of Heaven had their own masters.

Kazan is very sure that the ‘joyboy’ of this era, also known as ‘Joyboy’, is Monkey D. Luffy.

So, the master of Neptune Poseidon is also Luffy?

"No, a guide is a guide, and a master is a master. The master of Poseidon is not Joyboy. This is clearly stated. Her master is her brother, who was also the second god of the Peruvian Empire eight hundred years ago.

one of..."


"The last name was forcibly erased..."

Robin's words suddenly stunned Kazan, stood up directly, and walked towards the historical text.

I browsed anxiously, and finally discovered at the last bit of the historical text that those few words had been forcibly erased by an unknown force, leaving only scratches.


Kazan is not confused, his mind is running crazily. If he looks at his personal dashboard now, he will find that his IQ at this moment is .max.

Wulaoxing? No, they don’t have the guts.

What the hell!

The number of people in this world who have the ability to erase ancient texts from historical texts can be counted on one hand.

And the person who can erase the most crucial names so accurately must be able to understand the historical text, so he must be a person from eight hundred years ago.

The Kozuki clan who created the historical text do not have to do this, their purpose is to let others know the truth.

Also, those who erased this name must be people who don’t want their history to be discovered. They are afraid that others will see this name.

The Tianlong people... those losers probably can't do it.

Then, it can only be that guy Im.

He has that ability and can also recognize historical texts, and he doesn't want the history of eight hundred years ago to be discovered.

Kazan didn't know whether it was that guy Im who erased it, but the information he had so far allowed him to judge that Im was right.

"Why erase the name?"

"I'm afraid of being known."

Robin came closer and looked at the scratches on the historical text. She felt pity and irritation. Guys who don't respect history are the people she hates the most.

"Why do you need to specifically erase this name..."

Kazan's murmur made both of them fall silent, and then their eyes lit up and they looked at each other.

"Is this person still alive?!"

If this person dies, it doesn't matter whether his name is known to others! Anyway, he can't be reborn to find Poseidon, the King of the Sea in this generation.

Even if others know this name, it has no meaning. Its value is not even as good as those ordinary contents. Wouldn't it be better to just leave it alone just like the contents of other historical texts?

Why go to extra trouble to erase this name?

The cost of erasing these words must be huge, otherwise wouldn't it be better to just destroy the existence of such a thing as the historical text...

This chapter has been completed!
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