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The overview of this work is about the plot before and after! Show it to me! Fuck! Baga! I don't want your money!

Let me think about it, where should I start?


First, let’s start with the more important settings.

Devil fruit.

The Devil Fruit thing has finally come to an end. The purpose of setting up the Devil Fruit from the beginning was to use it as a sacrifice to rush through the awakening stage of [Berserker → Hell-Blooded Demon God].

After all, there is no so-called awakening mission in this world, and the materials and energy needed for awakening cannot be found.

So I used the power of Devil Fruit as a substitute.

But I obviously didn't expect that so many readers would be lost because of a devil fruit.

A large number of readers gave up when they read Chapter 3 because they could not accept adding a 'weakness' to themselves while having a 'plug-in'.

Speaking of which, I felt really aggrieved. I couldn't reveal the plot at that time, so I couldn't tell the story, and a lot of readers were lost in vain.

Blank history.

In fact, when I first wrote this book, I said that even those who have never played with tainted milk powder can understand it.

But I was wrong.

Because I couldn't help but add the story about Arad to the plot of "Eight Hundred Years of History".

Those who have played Poisoned Milk Powder may not be able to find many clues if they don't search for it, let alone those who have never played it.

So, I feel sorry for the readers at this point.

But don’t worry, [History] is not the main plot, so it won’t affect everyone’s reading, and I will try my best to make it clear.

When all [history] is unearthed, whether you have seen it or not, you will understand what the [history] I have described is all about.

It's just a new story for Hai fans, and a little surprise for fans of poisonous milk powder.

Combat power modifier

I just read a comment today, saying that Kazan has been practicing for so long and cannot beat Crocodile, which is outrageous.

I should have mentioned this issue before.

Crocodile was defeated by Luffy because of Luffy's protagonist aura and Crocodile's appearance too early.

Otherwise, it can be seen from the two version updates of [Top War] and [Operation Frenzy] that Oda wants to portray this guy as very strong.

Looking at Crocodile's resume and achievements is enough to explain the problem. A little search will reveal that this guy's strength is ridiculously high. What I describe is that his combat effectiveness has been weakened for some reason.

Crocodile is not the only character whose combat power has been modified like this. Most of them are characters that appeared before [Top] and in the theatrical version.

For example: Fisher Tiger, Moonlight Moria, Doflamingo, Enel, Zefa, Kurokas...and Shiki and Barrett who will appear in future plots...


Second, let’s talk about the issue of rhythm.

early rhythm

The pace in the early stage is very slow, and everyone who can see this step actually knows this.

After all, it took me ten years to enter the Paradise, but at least once I entered the Paradise, I was basically in an invincible state.

I've also mentioned the reason for the slow pace in the early stage, because I went through all of the East and West Beihai in order to make the plot run wild in the later stages.

Now everyone can see a lot of signs.

Some people who would have died have come back to life, some conflicts that would have arisen have not occurred, and some characters who were originally [villains] have now become [people].

There are still many changes that have not been described. I will write them out slowly later, trying not to forget these places.

There are too many foreshadowings, and I may forget some places...

mid-term rhythm

It's almost in the middle stage now. After coming out of the small garden, the pace is very tight.

First, ‘Kill the King of Zigu Island’, slapping the World Government in the face for the first time.

It was in Alabasta that Crocodile was driven to the new world and came into contact with the Neferutari clan, the original Draco clan. It was also here that the [History] area was completely opened.

Then there was the Sky Island to advance the progress of [History] and tricking Enel into going to the new world and becoming hostile to the Celestial Dragons, and collecting materials for modifying Caroso.

Immediately afterwards, there was the plot of Judiciary Island, completely breaking up with the World Government, and doing such a big thing as driving the Demon-Slaying Order to destroy Judiciary Island.

These plots are basically written in dozens of chapters, and it can be said that the plot is very compact.

late rhythm

The later period refers to the plot of the new world.

The preparation I made in the early stages and the content I laid out in the outline were really huge!

The plot content of the new world is numerous and complicated, and I can already imagine the pressure I will feel when describing it.

There may be many [storyboard descriptions] in the future, just like the [storyboard battle] on Judiciary Island this time.

If I can write it well.

The latter part is the most exciting part of the book.

If you can't write well...

I don’t know what it will be like, hehe~

3. Family structure

Immediate family members

The so-called direct relatives are the sisters like Fon Klay and Monet who have been staying on Carosso.

Not that relatives are better than relatives, so I call them immediate relatives.

The number of immediate family members is currently estimated to be around 15.

It was originally planned to be 20 people, but it seems to be too many. After all, the number is already a bit overwhelming for me. For example, two little guys like Ramos and Willump are often ignored by me.

collateral relatives

The so-called collateral relatives refer to sworn sisters like Hancock and Weiwei who will not stay on the ship.

Some of these will appear in the future, but there won’t be many plots, so just look forward to it.

peripheral personnel

As a monster family, they are destined to develop into a behemoth in the future.

By then there will be many, many more followers of the monster family. In fact, many of these characters have already appeared, but this area has not been officially opened yet, so they have not been added yet.

When entering the [New World] chapter, this structure will be officially launched.

This is a place that I am looking forward to and think is quite cool, so please look forward to it!

Fourth, the results of this work.

This book is a hit.

There are more than one million words, but in the end there are only 14,000 collections. There is no doubt that it was thrown out.

The number of fans so far is only 27,000, which makes me very sad.

There are no comments in the book review area. No one goes to the book review area to comment. I am so sad.

However, this book only received one new book recommendation when it first came on the shelves, and has not been recommended otherwise.

So this kind of result... is expected.

In short, no matter what, I will still write this book well.

Because this is my first book, I want to take it seriously. After all, there are some readers who really like this book, and I don’t want to let them down.

Oh, by the way, what confuses me most is that there are only two deacons, but a helmsman pops up, which makes me stupid.

People who don't know think it's my trump account, or they think I found someone to cheat.

Once again, I issue a serious warning to the big guy on the list [Zhou Ne fly], don’t reward you!

Your large rewards will make me feel stressed. I would be very happy if you rewarded me with one or two yuan to show your appreciation.

Five, Part 2 Preview

I have already thought about the next book, it will be a super god fanfic, and I have already laid out the outline.

I've already made an outline. Just like this book, it's slow to pick up in the early stages and then becomes more intense in the later stages.

The main plot takes place tens of thousands of years before the original plot of Super God begins, that is, around the time of the Order of Heavenly Palace.

The popularity of Super God is far less than that of Pirates, so the results of the next book... I guess it will be even worse.


Not enough. Actually, I haven’t decided yet whether I want to write about Super God.

I may also write about Naruto fanfics, fox demon fanfics, elf fanfics, and comprehensive comics...

And the content is either a sandbox type, a serious type, or an invincible type...I haven't decided on these yet.

Anyway, it still takes a long time, let’s discuss it slowly!

at last.

at last.

at last.

If you have any questions, you can ask me directly in the book review area or the group!

If you have any comments, you can tell me directly!

Please don’t be shy! Don’t be polite either!

Feel free to pour it out on me [black stockings]!

I love you all!


This chapter has been completed!
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