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chapter 412. two and a half months later

Two and a half months have passed since the weapons test.

For two and a half months, the inside of the mini-island was uneventful, but the sea outside was unstable.

Originally, many forces thought that after the emergence of the red-haired pirates and the establishment of the situation among the four emperors, the sea would be more stable, and only they would cause trouble at this juncture.

But, as luck would have it, everyone thinks so.

Let’s talk about Sihai first.

Due to the large-scale recruitment of the navy, the number of navies in the four seas has rapidly expanded. Every time, there are piles of people going to catch pirates.

Even though the Four Seas Pirates also have relatively powerful characters, they can't handle such a huge number.

As a result, the number of pirates in the four seas dropped sharply, and the number of pirate groups entering the park dropped significantly.

The Navy has finally regained the face it lost due to the Monster Pirates all over the world.

The naval branches in the four seas that performed well or had special abilities were also brought to the naval headquarters for observation. Those with good character were kept for training, while those with poor character were thrown to the naval branch of the Grand Line to serve.

The number of students under Zefa in the Navy Headquarters Recruit Training Camp has reached a saturation level, and now it is a headache for him to lead hundreds of people by himself.

The sea has been noisy recently, and the navy has no time to correct the character and outlook of the new navy members who have been sent to the branch.

The World Government also took advantage of this time to deceive many people into joining the World Government for brainwashing and training in the name of naval recruitment.

Spandam is now the only commander left in CP9, who exists in name only. The World Government is slowly recruiting subordinates for him. The quality of this batch is obviously not up to the level of Rob Lucci's batch.

Of course, the world is so vast, it’s not just the navy and the world government that are causing trouble.

And the revolutionary army.

The revolutionary army originally thought that the navy and the world government would be temporarily stable for a period of time due to the establishment of the four emperors, but they did not expect that they would instead focus on the four seas.

The navy is okay and doesn't care much about the revolutionary army, but the world government is different. The army will just chew up the revolutionary army if it catches them.

As a result, wars of varying scales broke out between the two parties in various countries and islands all over the world.

The revolutionary army had an arrow in its bow and had no choice but to take action. It had no intention of stopping and started a guerrilla war against the World Government.

Let’s talk about paradise.

Compared with the generosity of the Four Seas Navy on the surface, the pirates are making trouble on the surface of the paradise.

Many pirates whom I had never heard of appeared one after another and committed "heinous crimes" one after another.

Needless to say, the reason is simply the vacant position of ‘Shichibukai’.

The big pirates in the new world are either powerful or they don't like them.

The little pirates from all over the world are useless if they have any ideas, it's not their turn.

As a result, the paradise has become the main battlefield for the position of the Shichibukai. All kinds of monsters and monsters appear at this moment, fighting to the death for the reputation and privileges of a "Shichibukai".

Secretly, the revolutionary army troops are still taking action in the paradise.

They plan to disperse the forces of the Four Seas Navy and the World Government by causing trouble in the paradise.

If the Navy and the World Government disperse their forces, then it will be as they planned.

If they don't come, then the revolutionary army will change its main target and start causing trouble in the paradise.

In addition to the revolutionary army, there is also restlessness in the dark world.

An alliance formed by the four forces of the Monster Family, the Vinsmoke Family, the Umet Shipping, and the Golden Pirates began to unscrupulously control the territory and interests of the Quixote family in the paradise.

Everyone thinks clearly.

With the current momentum of the monster family, they have completely taken over the dark world of the paradise and turned it into their territory.

The Don Quixote family is in the new world, trying to invade the dark world of the new world. In the process of arguing with the Charlotte family and the beast family, they have no energy to take care of the paradise.

Moreover, they are beyond their reach and cannot care about this.

By the time Don Quixote's family sent someone, the day lilies were already cold.

not to mention...

The monster family has not entered the new world yet. Now everyone is very idle. The Don Quixote family sent people to the park just to deliver food.

By the time the monster family enters the new world, the paradise must have been completely captured.

At that time, the Four Corners Alliance will also shift its focus to the New World.

As long as the monster family is in front of them, they are not afraid of the Charlotte family and the Beast Pirates.

Finally, the new world.

The situation among the four emperors was formed in a hurry, and there was no time to stabilize it.

It is now in the process of stabilizing.

Whether it is the Pirates, the Beasts Pirates, or the Whitebeard Pirates, they are all drawing clear boundaries and territory, and at the same time recruiting scattered, ownerless pirate groups in the new world.

Among them, the Pirates and the Beasts Pirates are expanding outward like two mad dogs, constantly growing the power of their own pirate groups.

The pirate group at least used the name of 'marriage' to integrate external pirate groups into Charlotte's peripheral families.

The Beasts Pirates directly used his wife as his son and his younger brother, and it was useless if he refused to accept it.

Those who obey live, those who disobey die.

This is the rule of the pirate world. Those who disobey the strong will die unless they have some shining point that can make the strong show mercy.

As for the red-haired pirates, they are relatively weak. They have few people and they take the elite route.

He doesn't want any territory or subordinates, he just wanders around the new world and holds banquets.

There are really not many idle pirate groups in the New World nowadays. Those who have not joined the forces of the Four Emperors are basically those with special circumstances or strong strength.

For example, the Don Quixote family is based in Dressrosa, has the name of the Shichibukai, and was one of the twenty Celestial Dragon clans. It is protected by the World Government, and its own strength is not weak.

In addition, he has cooperated with the Charlotte family and the Beast Pirates in the dark world of the new world, so the latter two will not quarrel with him.

There are also the Baroque Working Society and the Thunder Gods. There are only three or two people in total. They can leave and stay as they please. They can come and go as they please, and they are very free.

The leaders Crocodile and Eniro are strong and mobile. They may be able to defeat them by sending multiple generals, three disasters, and captains, but they cannot outrun them.

There is also the Moonlight Pirates who have not yet been merged into the Yonko's name, but the situation is different from the first three.

They were able to save their lives entirely because of their special geographical location. Otherwise, due to the grudge between Kaido and Moria, how could he be allowed to stay in the new world.

There is also a sea area in the new world similar to the Devil's Triangle in the paradise. The terrifying three-gallon ship of the Moonlight Pirates has always been there, and just finding them is a problem.

All in all, the new world is also restless today.

However, compared to Sihai and Paradise, where the chaos will continue for some time, this may be the fastest place to cool down.

The Monster Pirates have made huge waves in the world.


Speaking of mini island Nai.gu

The Dragon Pirates and the Aqua Pirates left half a month ago.

The Dragon Pirates are going back to Fish-Man Island. They haven't reported their safety to their families for so long, so they are a little worried.

Moreover, they also learned about the current "Kazan Fever" situation on Fish-Man Island, and they could help Jinbe control the situation when they returned.

Especially Aaron, whose bounty was greatly increased along with the Monster Family in previous battles. Now he is a supernova with a bounty of 100 million, and he is the kind of person who advances and retreats with the Monster Family.

His words might really help Jinbei a lot on Fish-Man Island.

The Yaqua Pirates went to the Capital of the Seven Waters, and there was no bounty on them. After all, they were just making soy sauce from the beginning to the end.

They thought about going back to see the city where they had stayed for so long before setting foot on the sea.

As soon as the two noisy pirate groups left, the mini island instantly became deserted.

Gaji also took the clones of the Vinsmoke family and left the mini-island after completing all the tasks a week ago.

Unlike the Dragon Pirates and the Aqua Pirates, who felt very sorry, Vinsmoke's group walked away very easily.

I don't care about Caruso's final appearance and function at all.

Now Gaji just wants to take people back to the laboratory to quietly study the scattered technologies seen on the Pluto design drawings.

Those things can help their Vinsmoke family grow further.

Compared with these things, the weapons and technology handed over to the World Government are nothing.

Also, before leaving, Gaji also received the blood of ghost hands from Kazan.

This is also a research project that he has always had high hopes and looked forward to.

Research on the blood of ghost hands has brought him engineer goblin clones, combat soldier minotaur clones, and assassination soldier cat demon clones.

Gaji is looking forward to continuing to study some strange bloodline genes from the blood of ghost hands.

It is precisely because of these that the people of the Vinsmoke family left without any regrets.

Today's mini island has also become deserted.

Only the monster family and three shipwrights are left.

The three shipwrights are still concentrating on building Caroso and carrying out the final perfection work.

Even at this time, they were still patient and focused, not anxious or relaxed at all, which even moved Kazan.

It is precisely this kind of guy who can become such a powerful shipwright.

Ramos has been following the three shipwrights and learned a lot of shipbuilding techniques from their intentional or unintentional teachings.

From now on, Caruso's repairs have been completed, and Ramos can truly take on the responsibility of the Monster family's boatman.

On the other side, the two people who have changed the most are Willump and Monet.

Willump was stimulated by the reward order and has been training crazily for the past three months.

She even went to Reiju and asked her to get her some medicine to promote physical growth and development.

This was not a difficult task for Reiju, and this level of medicine would not have any negative effects on Willump, so she quickly agreed.

In just three months, Willump grew from 1.2 meters to 1.8 meters today.

Taking hormones is not as good as this, it is just surgery.

Now Willump has a fat body, sharp claws, and ferocious teeth that can put invisible pressure on people.

He has completely gone away from the cute little fur ball he used to be, and has turned into a big and cruel man, twice as tall as Ramos.

In terms of strength, it's actually almost the same as Kerra's melee level.

But combined with his appearance, Willump is indeed scarier than the little angel Kerra.

Willump doesn't care about appearance, he just wants to become stronger quickly and change the damn bounty order.

Otherwise, how will you raise your head in front of people you know in the future?!

As for Monet...


Isn't that all there is to it?

Now Monet keeps coming in and out of Kazan's side, back and forth, sometimes launching fierce attacks, sometimes shyly retreating like a little beast.

Kazan was almost driven out of his mind by Monet.

Monet has always been wandering between the contradiction between "sister" and "woman", but he can't make up his mind and muster the courage to stand firm on a certain position.

She was afraid that because of her identity as a 'sister', she would never be treated as a 'woman' by Kazan.

But I am also afraid that after becoming Kazan's 'woman', I will no longer be able to enjoy Kazan's doting on his 'sister'.

As for the third situation of giving up the identity of 'sister' and becoming Kazan's 'woman', Monet did not consider it at all.

Monet is still very confident in his own charm.

After all, she has been working hard to change her appearance, body shape and personality in accordance with Kazan's aesthetics since she was a child.

Kazan likes women with fairer skin. Monet never exposes himself to the sun and takes sun protection measures every time for fear of getting tanned.

Kazan likes gentle and intellectual women, so Monet worked hard to make herself gentle and intellectual. Even if her original personality was not like this, she has now developed a habit.

Kazan liked women with fleshy thighs, so Monet worked hard to control his eating and exercise, just to make his legs grow fleshy without affecting other places.

She devoted a lot of youth, energy, love to Kazan...

And she will pay more in the future.

Monet is very sure that the current self is the most suitable candidate for Kazan's 'wife', absolutely!

after all...

No one in this world loves Nissan more than me.

However, if you don't make a choice, there will be no result.

Monet still hasn't made up her mind, can't muster the courage, she's still hesitating...

Kazan could see the anxiety and worry in his eldest sister's heart, but he didn't know that it was because of him.

He also talked to Monet, but it was impossible for Monet to tell him such a thing.

So until now, the two of them are completely inseparable.

As for the rest of the monster family, they are carrying out daily training step by step.

It's just that when Tiga is alone, her face will occasionally struggle, sometimes revealing obvious hesitation and annoyance.

This is something Tiga has never shown before and will definitely not be able to show.

But none of the members of the monster family know this.

This chapter has been completed!
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