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Chapter 425. Coming soon, Chambord!

"Moo hum!"

Motobalo thought about his actions just now, and then suddenly exerted force on his face, causing two big bumps to bulge in his cheeks.

So awesome!

However, nothing happened.


"What else is missing?"

Dibalu sat on Niu Niu's back, touched Niu Niu's head doubtfully, and moved his head vigorously, recalling the posture of Moto Balo releasing the barrier just now.

It's a pity that neither Dibalu nor Niu Niu are smart guys. They were so dizzy thinking that they couldn't figure out what was going on.

Kazan's IQ fluctuates between highs and lows, and now he is at about the same level as Dibalu and Niu Niu. He sits cross-legged on the ground and stares at the person in front of him in a daze.

Brooke came out of Caruso's music room, originally intending to get some fresh air.

However, seeing the two people's incompetent looks, I was stunned for three seconds, and then silently returned to the music room.

Returning to this side, Dibalu's face turned red as he thought about it, and one of his hands grasped the horn of Motorcycle Balo and exerted force again. At this moment, Niu Niu was also pumping his mouth and exerting force.


The tall light blue barrier appeared again, but as Dibaru removed his strength, the barrier immediately disappeared.

Dibalu and Niu Niu still looked confused.

But Kazan was different. He was always observing everyone in front of him.

Although because he was squatting now, the angle of view was too low, and the height of the man in front of him was more than eight meters high, so he couldn't see it very clearly.

But Kazan still saw something different from before.

"Dibalu, grab the horns of the veal steak and tighten it. The veal steak will continue to puff up its cheeks."

Kazan stood up, folded his arms in front of his chest, and let Dibalu and Motobalo do what he guessed.

Dibalu and Motobalo listened to Kazan's words and acted obediently according to his instructions.

The barrier appears again.

"Remember, these are the necessary conditions for you to use the barrier fruit. If you are not satisfied, you cannot use the barrier."

Do you actually need Dibalu's help to use the fruit's ability... If there is no one to help, Niu Niu will be useless if he eats this fruit.

Kazan sighed slightly as he looked at the people and the cow who were constantly trying out the ability of the barrier fruit.

It feels like there are more restrictions in this case.

"Next, in addition to your daily physical training, you should also practice using your barrier fruit ability to fight."

During the battle, the Bull-Niu may become discouraged and cause the barrier to disappear.

Or maybe Dibalu's left hand detached, causing the barrier to disappear.

There are also high requirements for the tacit understanding between the two.

During the battle, if any one of them is restrained, the barrier fruit ability cannot be released.

However, if the two of them cooperate, just parrying their attacks won't be a problem.

If you want to restrict one of them, the other will inevitably attack.

Unless there are multiple enemies and they are all powerful enough, it is not easy to prevent them from using the Barrier Fruit ability.


Kazan is still thinking about various possibilities for the future battle between Dibalu and Motobalo.

This person and a cow have already started trouble on the other side.

When Kazan moved his eyes over, he found that Niu Niu's square face was squeezed right against his barrier.

Kazan was confused for a moment and didn't fully understand what these two people wanted to do.

"Hey...this barrier can't be moved..."

Dibaru's words solved Kazan's confusion.

It turns out that Dibalu and Niu Niu wanted to try to see if this tool could move along with them.

Very good idea.

If possible, then there will be few people who can stop their charge attack.

"Yes, as long as you practice hard and keep trying, you will always be able to do it. The potential of Superman-type devil fruits is infinite, use your brains to think about it..."



Dibalu and Motobalo listened to what Kazan said, with embarrassed and ashamed expressions on their faces.

It seems that the two of them also know their own heads...

"If you can't think of anything, you can ask your brothers and sisters. Many of them are Devil Fruit users. They still have a lot of experience in developing Devil Fruits. Maybe they can help you think of a solution."

Kazan saw the expressions on Dibalu and Motobalo and immediately understood their difficulties.

He also has a lot of other ideas, but he doesn't want to be embarrassed by this idea.

Brainstorm ideas.

Let this person ask other people. If no one comes up with a better or the same idea, then he will tell two people his own idea.

It's too early to say this now. The strength of the two people and the degree of development of the fruit are not enough to say this.

"Yes, I understand!"

"Moo hum!"

"Then you go ahead and do what you are supposed to do. It's going to be night soon. Remember to go to dinner then. Don't let your eldest sister call you all day long."

Kazan turned around, sat back on Caruso's dragon head again, and waved to Dibaru and Motobalo behind him.

The communication with these two little guys now seems a little unfamiliar.

After all, they haven't known each other long enough, they haven't experienced many things together, and Dibalu and Motobalo haven't gotten over the destruction of their hometown a few days ago.

Let's get along with each other slowly.

The days ahead are long.


Caruso was still moving forward steadily, and everyone fell asleep very late that night.

Because they know they will arrive tomorrow.

The long-awaited destination of ‘paradise’ is the Chambord Islands.

After passing through the Chambord Islands, we are about to enter the real battlefield - the new world.

At dinner that night, everyone couldn't help but heatedly discuss the charm of the Chambord Islands.

Guvon Clay, Monet and Tiga have been to the Chambord Islands. Tiga never said a word, but the first two said a lot about the charm of the Chambord Islands.

It is said that it is an extremely beautiful dream island in the entire Grand Line and even the entire world.

I could hear the little girls in the house becoming more envious than the other, their eyes almost filled with little stars.

Kazan is also looking forward to the scenery of the Shampoo Islands in his heart. After all, he has only seen it in anime and has never really been to the Shampoo Islands.

That was a place that even those losers from the Tianlong people visited from time to time.

However, Kazan was still a little wary.

He understood that when the Monster Pirates appeared in the Shampoo Islands, the Navy and the World Government would definitely take action to prevent them from leaving the Shampoo Islands.

Because once the monster family enters the new world, it will be much more difficult for the navy to attack them in the new world where the navy is beyond their reach and their influence is not deep enough.

There, the most common thing the navy does is reap the benefits.

The new world is basically a battlefield between pirates.

The pirate groups that can enter the new world are basically all respectable pirate groups, and they are not comparable to those from Shihai and Paradise.

The captains of these pirate groups are basically all very powerful. It is not easy for the navy to catch them.

There are also four behemoths, the Yonko, each sitting on a sea area, constantly recruiting or destroying pirate groups that reach out into the new world.

All kinds of wars, big and small, were going on, and the navy had already worked hard just to deal with the aftermath of the battle of this group of pirates, let alone directly intervene in it.

Therefore, the navy basically only intervenes after the battle between pirates is over to reap the benefits. It rarely takes the initiative to attack a certain pirate group.

Paradise is different. Paradise is the territory of the navy.

The Shampoo Islands are the last place where the Navy can make a big move against the Monster Pirates.

Not only that, because the Champaign Archipelago is often visited by Celestial Dragons, there are a large number of naval and world government bases here.

The Chambord Islands are not far from Marineland, and the navy came here very quickly to provide support.

If you want to carry out the most thorough attack on the Monster Pirates, then the Shampoo Islands are the best place for a surprise attack.

At least one general, maybe even two.

Kazan boldly guessed the number of generals he might encounter during this trip to the Shampoo Islands.

This meal was very late, because the girls at home had been chatting about what they would do after arriving at the Chambord Islands.

The Chambord Islands consists of a total of seventy-nine islands, and these girls have already made plans to visit at least thirty of them.

At the dinner table, Kazan did not want to disturb the interest of his sisters at home, so Kazan never raised the concerns he had in mind, but winked at his younger brothers.

The three keen sisters, Monet, Robin, and Reiju, actually noticed Kazan's absent-mindedness, but they did not bring it up.

The younger sisters have long been used to the fact that their older brother is a bit chauvinistic.

Moreover, they also understood that Kazan did not want to ruin their fun, so they were very obedient and did not intervene without authorization. Instead, they took the initiative to take their sisters who were still interested in going to bed, leaving space for the men in the family.

In the end, only the men of the monster family were left to have a meeting in this small restaurant.

Personnel: Kazan, Von Clay, Bellamy, Akin, Tiga, Dibaru, Motobalo, Willump, Ramos.

That's right, even Dibalu, who had just joined the monster family and was only seventeen years old, was also involved in this meeting.

"First of all, we are all men. It is our responsibility to protect the girls at home. I have been teaching you this since you were young, so this time I only left you for the meeting."

Kazan glanced at the younger brothers sitting around the dining table, and a serious atmosphere rushed over him, making Kazan nod secretly.

Every member of the monster family stared at Kazan. Although the sitting postures were different and could not be said to be correct, the attitude on everyone's face was serious.

"Then, I will continue. After entering the Chambord Islands, the little girls will probably spread out and play. Similarly, you will also spread out to protect them. I am worried that something will happen to them."

"The Chambord Islands are too chaotic, a mixed bag of fish and dragons, with characters of all kinds. Even though there are many of us in the underground world, we still can't let down our guard."

"The most important point is that this is the best place and the last opportunity for the Navy to take action against us. There is a high probability that they will take action against our monster family in this place."

"Moreover, at least one navy general will be sent out, and the World Government probably won't sit still and wait for death, so they all must be very alert and protect the little girls."

"Of course, this is just the worst case scenario. Maybe the Navy and the World Government will be restrained by other things and have no time to take action against us."

"After all, the lesson learned last time has been learned. If that guy from the Warring States Period was smart, he wouldn't continue to waste his troops and energy on us."

"It's good that you know these things in your heart. Don't tell the girls. You don't want to spoil their interest. You can see their expectant looks."

When Kazan said this, he glanced at the expressions on everyone's faces.

As he expected, he saw a lot of stress on everyone's face.

Everyone in the Monster Family felt the pressure from Kazan's words, and they did not look down upon the goods on the Chambord Islands.

What makes them feel thorny and troublesome is the powerful and numerous navy and the elusive CP organization that can do any destructive tricks.

Dibalu and Motobalo, on the other hand, were ignorant. They had never been out of the island since they were so old, so they didn't quite understand many things in Kazan's words.

But looking at the looks of the other brothers, I knew they couldn't let down their guard during this trip, so each of them tried their best to keep Kazan's words in mind.

"We also have a lot of manpower on the Chambord Islands. I will ask everyone to take action to observe the situation."

Feng Clay glanced at the stressed-out younger brothers and said something casually, which relieved some of the pressure on them.

"Don't worry, brother, you won't let the little girls get hurt."

Bellamy sat on the stool with his arms folded, like a majestic and motionless mountain, giving everyone a sense of security.

"Well, let's do this for now."

Kazan looked at Fon Clay and Bellamy. These two younger brothers who followed him first were the ones that reassured him the most.

Standing up, Kazan was about to end the meeting like this when he suddenly remembered something and spoke again:

"By the way, those idiots from the Draco are wandering around the Chambord Islands every day. If you encounter them, avoid them and try not to conflict with those idiots. Chambord is too close to Marie-Joa and Malinvando."

Kazan specifically gave the last words before disbanding the meeting and letting everyone go back to rest.

At the same moment, an ear hidden in the corner of the restaurant turned into petals and disappeared in the air, without attracting anyone's attention.

Robin, who was somewhere in the cabin, also lowered his crossed hands.



"Idiot! Stop eavesdropping on Nissan and the others. Go to sleep."

Monet withdrew and patted Robin on the head gently. She was the only one on the ship who dared to do this to Robin.

Robin rubbed his head and obediently returned to his room to sleep.

Robin is a girl who has no temper, let alone towards Monet.

When I was young, I would say a few words because it was interesting, but as I matured, I lost interest.

Anyway, she has heard everything that should be heard and shouldn't be heard.

The night was getting dark, and Caroso was still moving forward quietly.

This chapter has been completed!
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