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Chapter 444. The world is once again shrouded in the shadow of monsters (1)

East China Sea, Kingdom of Goa, Mount Gorbo.


Bang bang bang!

"Hey, hey~ It's no problem, even the three navy generals are dispatched."

With the bullets raining in front of them, the Dadan family hid behind a big rock and sat together reading the newspaper, with Ace and Luffy beside them.

"Hahaha, it must be no problem! Kazan is so strong! Didn't Ace just say that the Monster Pirates have left the Shampoo Islands?"

Luffy was sitting on the sand next to him, with a big leaf on his head, laughing heartlessly.

He didn't know the words in the newspaper, so Ace read them to him.

"Too strong."

Ace looked at the news items in the newspaper, his eyes flickering, and he couldn't help but murmur.

There is nothing he can do now to pull out any of the things in this newspaper.

"Kazan, he must be living very freely."


Frost Moon Village.

"How can it be repaired? Did it fail again..."

With an 'elk' in his mouth and an ordinary sword in each hand, Zoro was sweating profusely and looked at the five-meter-high boulder in front of him, showing an unwilling look.

This huge stone is already covered with knife marks, but it still sits firmly here, motionless.

Shigetsuki Koushiro agreed to his request to go to sea, but there was one requirement.

That was to cut off the boulder in front of him with one blow.

"If I don't cut you off, I won't be able to catch up with them. If this continues, the distance will get farther and farther. Don't stop me!!!"

Zoro bit the elk in his mouth tightly, the biceps of his two arms bulged, and the three knives had a translucent dim purple air flowing through them. His whole body flashed forward and passed straight through the boulder.

"Ghost Slayer."

Zoro's eyes were distracted, and a large amount of sweat rolled down from his forehead, dripping onto the black magatama on his neck.

However, at this moment, he showed a cruel smile.


The three knives were sheathed at the same time.


The five-meter-high boulder cracked, and three sword rays chopped it into pieces.


"Ha ha ha ha..."

Hearing the sound behind him, Zoro fell forward and fell to the ground, gasping for air, but he still burst into joyful laughter from his throat.

"Rest for a while, and then you can set off."


Zoro was stunned when he saw the figure appearing next to him to block the sun.

"It's time to chase your dreams."



Silob Village.

"Wow, Brother Kazan is really super strong. Sugar must be very powerful now too."

A boy with a long nose and a slightly muscular body was sitting on the beach and reading a newspaper intently.


Suddenly, a cannonball landed on the sea outside Xiluobu Village, causing waves of water.


The young man panicked for a moment, then picked up the telescope around his neck and looked at the sea in front of him.

A small pirate ship was slowly approaching, with only four or five young men on board. It was a little difficult to maneuver even a worn-out cannon barrel.

"Five people, then I am enough. It looks like I can try out the cannon."

Putting down the telescope, the boy took out a small slingshot and five rounds of gunpowder bullets from his waist.

One shot per person is enough.

"One shot in the air, I will run around the island one more time today."


Cocosia Village.

"Why are you old guys so stubborn!!!"

Nami stood at the door of her house, looking at the dozens of aunts and uncles on the street in front who were ready for battle, her face turned red with anger.

There was also a newspaper in her hand, which she had obviously just read.

"Give up, Nami, you are still young and I won't let you go to sea."

Ajian stood at the front as always, already in a fish-man karate stance.

Their Cocosia Village now looks out of place with the surrounding villages.

A random aunt from their village can beat up ten old men from the next village.

Nami is young, energetic, talented in everything she does, and has made rapid progress in fish-man karate.

But while she was growing up, everyone in Cocosia Village was also growing up together. Although not as fast as Nami, there were many of them.

So until now, Nami still hasn't been able to break through everyone's defense and break out of Cocosia Village.

"I'm not young anymore! The little flower from the next village is the same age as me, and now she's already on a blind date! I also want to go to sea, and I want to marry Uncle Kazan!"

"What are you farting?! Let Berumel know that you have this idea, and you'll see if she can break your legs and that'll be it!"

Jian's eyes widened when he heard Nami's words. Even though he knew the little girl was joking, he was still afraid that his 'daughter' would get married so early.

"Hey hey hey, who makes Kazan Ojisang more and more handsome? How can I not be attracted by such a domineering man?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Go home and plant oranges for me!"

"Today I will beat you until your nose is bruised and your face is swollen!"


The famous sea restaurant in the East China Sea, Barati.

"Hey, Sanji, here you go."

"Huh? What are you doing, stinky old man?"

"Call me boss! Haven't you been paying attention to Kazan and the others? Here you go."

Zhepu lightly kicked the boy with curly yellow hair and threw him a newspaper.

Zhepu did not expect at first that the little curly hair he saved had a benefactor, his friend Kazan.

"By the way, what that guy Kazan has been doing lately is getting more and more outrageous. Alas, it really doesn't make people calm down at all."

"Tch! That's what you say, but you'd better post their reward notice in the restaurant as soon as possible."

Sanji glanced at old man Zhepu with disgust, and then looked at the news about the monster family with bright eyes.

Sanji pays close attention to the monster family for two reasons.

One is because he was able to escape indirectly because of the favor he received from the Monster Family. At that time, the Monster Family was fighting with the Vinsmoke Family in the East China Sea, which attracted Gaji's attention. Coupled with Reiju's help, he was able to escape.

Gave him a chance to escape.

And another reason is because of his sister, Reiju.

The only family member in that family who can still relate to humans has now joined the monster family and became the sister of his benefactor, the captain of the Monster Pirates and the great pirate "Red Eyes" Kazan.

If you think about it this way, he is still half the younger brother of his benefactor.

Sanji has a little dream that he has never told anyone, that is, to make a super dish that will make his benefactor sparkle after eating it!

After learning from Zhepu that Kazan likes to eat beef dishes, Sanji put a lot of effort into this aspect.

Nowadays, the cuisine he is most proficient in is beef cuisine.

I don't know how many cattle suffered under his hands.

On this side, Zhepu glanced at the impolite brat with the same disdain, then walked to the first floor of his restaurant and took a look at the reward notice posted on the wall.

To be honest, Chitong is his friend.

He can blow it for a lifetime.

"Okay! Sanji! Stop looking, get ready to open the store."

"I know, I know! Rory, you're so embarrassed."


Beihai, Kingdom of Germa.

"It's true, what this guy Kazan is doing is getting more and more crazy. It's true... I have no way out now."

Gaji stood in his laboratory, looking at the big gray man in the operating room in front of him, with a crazy smile on his face that was completely opposite to the worry in his voice.

"Even the Celestial Dragons dare to take action. Seriously, I'm going to be in trouble now. It's time to make some preparations to break up with the World Government... get up."


The big gray man lying on the operating table stood up, his eyes full of indifference.

He was four to five meters tall, and his skin was like stone. The heavy sound he heard when he stepped off the operating table and stepped on the ground made people feel numb.

This is the latest research result extracted by Gaji from the blood of ghost hands. It is a biological factor of the rock giant.

The degree of extraction is not high. Gaji plans to focus on studying this biological factor in the next two years. He believes that this biological factor is very strong.

The clones of the three biological factor variants that were previously studied are low-matched animal fruit ability users.

Then this is a low-matched natural fruit ability user.

This type of clone can recover all of its broken limbs and wounds by eating rocks, and its head and heart are no longer their Achilles' heel. Their weakness is the red crystal that appears inexplicably on their forehead.

Gaji believes that with more research, he will definitely be able to develop more powerful abilities. As long as this research is successful, he will temporarily move to the new world to hide away from the monster family.

"Did that guy from the Golden Emperor directly become the captain of the squad under the Monster Family? Huh! It's expected."


Paradise, Zigu Island.

"Kuleha, where's Chopper?! Why did it blow up the pharmacy again!"

"Huchachacha, he's jumping around at the gate of the castle."

"Huh? What did the monster family do again?"

"I have done so many great things. The whole world will be shocked."

Two old guys were chatting inside the castle, while the blue-nosed fawn outside was running around with a newspaper in its mouth.

"Hey, hey, Brother Kazan is so awesome, so good~ They... are one step closer to their dreams."

Chopper was holding the newspaper in his arms, with a smile on his face, lying in the snow and staring at the sky.

Chopper picked up two wooden sticks from the ground, then waved them vigorously, imitating Kazan, then covered his mouth and smiled secretly, and his two little ears twitched.

"Solanum Jade·Change."

Little Hoof took out a crystal yellow pill from his arms and threw it into his mouth.

The next moment, Chopper transformed directly into a humanoid deer-man with well-developed limbs and thick horns.

The function of Nightshade Jade Kai is similar to that of Reiju's Nightshade Jade, but the essence is different.

Reijiu's nightshade jade stimulates the spirit, mental potential and talent, but has less effect on the physical body.

Chopper's Solanum Jade Kai has the potential and talent to stimulate the physical body, and has almost zero stimulation to the brain.

Nightshade Jade Kai can transform Chopper's body instantly, but unlike the Blue Wave Ball, this pill can make Chopper's body remember this form.

As long as his physical fitness improves in the future, he can directly transform into this already remembered form without the need to use pills again.

However, like nightshade jade, the main modification of nightshade jade is still nightshade, which is poisonous. Chopper is not immune to toxins like Reiju, so she cannot consume it multiple times a day.

"I'm one step closer to becoming a monster..."


Small garden.

"Nani?! The position of the first team has actually been taken?!"

“Oh quack quack!”

Kulikai held the newspaper, his eyes protruding, and he looked at the name of the Golden Emperor on the newspaper with an angry face. The gorilla next to him also looked indignant and shouted to the sky.

"I'm so angry! The position in the First Division should have been mine!"

Kulikai didn't care about the extraordinary things the monster family had done. He had already decided to follow Kazan, so he wouldn't care about what the other party did.

The Montblanc family has always been stubborn. The big talker four hundred years ago refused to deny the existence of Shantora until his death. Kulikai four hundred years later spent half his life proving the existence of Shantara.

He only cares about whether the captain of the monster family's division can have his number one position.

If so, of course it would be better to be closer to the front.

"Where did this bastard come from? When I decided to have sex with Mr. Kazan, this guy didn't know where to feed!"

“Oh quack quack!”

"Asshole! You're so mad at me, it must be because I'm too weak! This won't work! Train immediately, gorilla, we have to take back the position of the first team, and then we will crush the Golden Emperor to pieces!"

"Oh gah!"


Guigu Town.

"Hmph, what kind of supreme dragon man, it's ridiculous, he still wants to fight with our gods of Sandia? Bah! You don't even look at how much you weigh."

‘Mantis’ Kamaqili looked at the newspaper held by Lucky next to him, and spat on the ground with disdain.

"These idiots have finally discovered that the name of this era is 'monster'. They are not too stupid."

‘War Ghost’ Vaipa holds a cigar in his mouth. At this moment, he already possesses the temperament of a ‘black boss’.

Under the leadership of Vaipa, the dozens of Sandia warriors who came down from Shantora have become the gang leaders on this island in just three or four months.

As for why he is the leader of the gang and not the leader of the pirate group.

That's because they haven't found a navigator yet and can't go to sea.

"Well...this guy called the Golden Emperor is quite discerning."

Lucky glanced at Tezzolo's photo, then passed over it, staring at the handsome Kazan with shining eyes.

"If we hadn't been forced to do anything, would the position of captain of the First Division fall to him? We are the strongest supporters of Brother Kazan!"

"Okay, don't worry, just go to the New World and fight him again. We will take back the position of the first team with our own hands. Brother Kazan will know who is his most powerful believer."


This chapter has been completed!
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