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chapter 455. why the monster family is popular in fishmen street

In the impression of the Monster Family and others, Fishman Street is dark and dull, dirty and messy, and street fights are common.

But this street in front of me...

"Welcome the monster family to the brightest place on Fish-Man Island besides the Sea Forest, Fish-Man Street!"

"Open all the stores! Brother Kazan and the others are here!"

"Hey! Whose lantern is this? Why doesn't it light up? Go and change it quickly. It's embarrassing."

Not long after the Monster Family entered the Fishman Street, the originally deserted Fishman Street gradually became lively with all kinds of shouts and howls.

The closed doors on both sides of the street suddenly opened, signs lit up one by one, lanterns were hung at the door, and all kinds of restaurants, pubs, specialty shops, etc. were opened.

Bounty orders for all members of the monster family can be seen everywhere in the streets, among which Kazan's bounty orders are the most numerous.

There are also a lot of hand-painted graffiti on the walls. Judging from the way they were painted, they should have been painted by children based on the reward orders. Although the paintings are not good-looking, they make people feel happy when they see them.

One by one, the murlocs stood inside the building and beside the street, raising their arms to bravely greet Kazan and his group. After receiving the responses from the monster family and his group, they even grinned in amusement.

"You guys..."

"Isn't it surprising? Although I watched this street change little by little, I was also very surprised in my heart. If I hadn't stopped them, some young fishmen would have even wanted to hang the flag of your monster family on the fish.

Inside the street."

Jinbei felt a slight headache as he looked at the monster family logos that could be seen almost everywhere in Fishman Street.

Because Fish-Man Island is the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, the flags of other pirate groups cannot be displayed.

But the young people in Fishman Street, who didn’t know the Whitebeard Pirates as well as the Monster Family, felt dissatisfied. However, they were still obedient and obedient. They didn’t bother to hang up the Monster Family’s flag and chose to graffiti their logo.


"I don't understand why we are so popular in Fish-Man Street. We don't want to protect the entire Fish-Man Island like the Whitebeard Pirates."

"But you have saved the entire Fish-Man Island, Brother Tiger, and those of us from the Sun Pirates and Dragon Pirates. Our status in Fish-Man Island is similar to that between the Guardians and Fish-Man Island.

The face of the outside world.

In fact, the people who support your monster family the most on Fish-Man Island are not the young people in Fish-Man Street, but the compatriots who were rescued by Brother Tiger from Marie Joa and their descendants. There are quite a few of them.

And they are distributed in various areas of Fish-Man Island.

Although they have not come out to welcome you now, when you encounter trouble on Fish-Man Island, they will be the first force to help you, which is probably one of the reasons why Dragon Palace City wants to find you."


Kazan lowered his head and frowned. He might be able to somewhat understand some of the relationships, but he always felt that it was not enough.

"Actually, there is another reason. You should know a little bit about the fact that the entire Fishman Island supported Otohime's decision to negotiate peace with humans, right?"

"Well, let's say something rude and childish."

"Yes, it is very naive and impossible, but everyone still chose to support it, because Queen Otohime is one of the two great people of Fish-Man Island who is really devoting everything to the distant future of Fish-Man Island, regardless of Queen Otohime's choice

Whether it is correct or feasible, everyone will choose to support it. After all, Queen Otohime’s dream represents the dream of the entire Fish-Man Island.”

When Jinbei mentioned this moment, the expressions of the compatriots in Fishman Street who were following him became complicated.

They hate humans, so they feel extremely angry and repelled by Otohime's choices and decisions, but... as Jinbei said, they know that Otohime is really thinking about Fish-Man Island, so in the end they still endure their anger and support

made her decision.

I remember that when Otohime saw that even the fish people in Fishman Street supported her, she even cried with excitement.

But now, Otohime is gone, and her dream has not been fulfilled. The hope that Fish-Man Island has finally raised for eight hundred years has been shattered again. All the creatures on Fish-Man Island no longer have the idea of ​​​​peaceful coexistence with humans.


Now there is only the last great man left on Fish-Man Island, Fisher Tiger.

"Then another great man, Tiger, said the same thing?"

"Ah, that's right. The other guy who has the dream of 'letting Fish-Man Island bathe in the sun' is Brother Tiger. Once upon a time, our entire Sun Pirates and even Fish-Man Street were a drag on Brother Tiger. He let go

We were left to do our own thing. Although we were willing to risk our lives to follow him, he did not want to take us with him. Unlike Empress Otohime, he embarked on a more dangerous path and only one person.


"But because of our monster family, Tiger has the opportunity to let go and fulfill his dream, so you are grateful to us for this?"

When Jinbei said this, Kazan tilted his head and looked at Feng Clay.

The incident of 'Tiger's death' was jointly caused by him and Fon Clay. It was also because of this incident that Tiger had the opportunity to join the revolutionary army to fight against the World Government without being disturbed by the World Government and the Navy for two years.

"Yes! There is not a coward in Fishman Street who cannot be a help to Brother Tiger or at least a drag on him. What we can do is protect this Fishman Island for him before he realizes his dream.

Kazan, we are really grateful to the Monster family for their help! Thank you for creating an opportunity for Brother Tiger to fulfill his dream, and thank you for making us no longer a burden to him!"

As Jinbei spoke, he suddenly turned around and bent deeply towards Kazan, his tone full of excitement and seriousness.

The fish people who were around Jinbe and heard what Jinbe said just now also followed Jinbe and bowed to the monster family.

The murlocs in the distance understood something after seeing this scene, and they all bent down in the direction of the monster family from a distance.

In just a few seconds, the entire Fishmen Street bowed to the Monster Family.

Several younger brothers and sisters in the family who had never seen much of the world or were still young were startled and shrank behind their brothers and sisters.

Who said that Fishman Street is a group of shady bastards who only want to fight and hang out?

Looking at all the bent murlocs around him, Kazan once again restructured his understanding of these murlocs.

It’s not unreasonable for guys like Tiger, Jinbei, and Aaron to cherish their compatriots so much.

They are worth it.

"We're all friends, there's no need to be like this. If you insist on asking me for these small favors, it's a big deal."

Kazan reached out and directly lifted Jinbei's bent upper body. With his strength, Jinbei really had to get up.

And if Jinbei rises up, then the other murlocs will no longer persist.

What's more, Kazan's words moved them very much. For many of them, this was the first time they heard that a human was willing to be friends with them.

If it had been any other passerby, they would have dismissed it and thought he was being deceived.

But the person who said this is Kazan, so even if they are deceived, they will be fooled.

"Then I will be shameless and stop being polite to you."

Gu/span "If you are more polite, Tiger will come back and beat you up if he finds out. The relationship between your Sun Pirates and our monster family doesn't need so much nonsense."

Kazan raised his arm and waved casually, not caring about it.

"Come to our place. The brothers from the Sun Pirates and the Dragon Pirates are all there, having a banquet."

"Okay, okay, that's just right. I haven't heard Tezzolo show his hand since he became the musician on our ship."

As soon as Kazan mentioned the banquet, he remembered that although Tezzolo had joined the Monster Family as a musician, they had never seen Tezzolo perform before.

I remember what Tezzolo said, he was once a singer.

"Hmph, leave it to me."

Sensing Kazan's gaze, Tezzolo pushed up his golden sunglasses and showed a pleasant smile. He seemed quite confident in his own abilities.

Today Caruso's music room is Tezzolo's territory, which itself is the place Kazan prepared for the monster family musicians.

After Tezzolo moved in, in addition to handling the affairs of the underground world for the monster family every day, he also stayed in the music room to practice instruments.

After all, he has never forgotten that he is a musician.

The equipment in the music room is very sophisticated, but Tezzolo was originally just a singer and only knew two common instruments, the violin and the piano, and he was not familiar with the others.

Thinking that you don't have to be proficient, but you must at least be able to play, Tezzolo began to learn to use those instruments on a daily basis.

The requirements for being a musician on a pirate ship are not high. You don't need to have any superb skills. You only need to be able to play. The more important role of the musician is to lead everyone to sing together and liven up the atmosphere at the banquet.

"Shall I ask some little girls to dance for Brother Kazan? I think Brother Kazan is quite interested in our younger sister from the mermaid clan."

Charlie approached Kazan and asked with a smile. She could see that Kazan was quite interested in mermaids, especially the lower body.

"Bah! Don't talk nonsense! I'm not very interested in mermaids."

Kazan didn't want to take this issue. Although Monet didn't do anything special at the moment, Kazan was sure that as long as he agreed, Monet would definitely be unhappy.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Where Kazan couldn't see him, Monet loosened his clenched fists slightly and continued to pretend to be relaxed and chatting with the familiar murloc beside him, but in fact, his attention was focused on Kazan.

Monet's sister's love has gone bad and she has thoughts about her brother, but she can't take this step yet.

If you don't dare to take action yourself, forget it, and don't allow others to take action against Kazan.

Robin, who had seen all this, shook her head helplessly. She didn't know if she could hold Nissan's child, her nephew, in her arms again.

The group of people came to the Sun Pirates' territory chatting and laughing. I don't know what it was like before, but now it is an underwater tavern.

The entire tavern is specially coated with a film. There is no seawater inside the tavern. The Monster Family and the others do not need to be so scrupulous about entering it.

"Dan's craftsmanship is as good as ever."

Kazan glanced at the bubbles on the tavern and recognized them at a glance as the work of Dan, who was holding Ramos at the moment.

"Ah, Dan is the most powerful boat builder on Fish-Man Island. Even my father once wanted to drag Dan onto his boat."

Jinbei nodded, noncommittal. After all, Dan was Tom's biological brother and studied with the same teacher. How could his skills be inferior?

"Hey! Kazan, I heard from Ramos that the bubble fluid stored in Caruso is not enough? I will go and replenish it for you in the next two days."

"Don't worry, I'll do it when I have time. It's troublesome."

Kazan didn't mention the money either. To mention money at this time would be too disruptive to the atmosphere. Afterwards, just let Ramos move some treasures and throw them to the Sun Pirates.

With the addition of Tezzolo, their monster family now lacks everything except Bailey.

When he was poor, Kazan even wanted to use his own head to exchange money, otherwise it would be difficult to support his younger brothers and sisters.

This is like not being a householder and not knowing how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are.

Nowadays, he even despises his own reward order. He just points out the reward, who is he looking down on?

Within a few minutes of sitting in the tavern, dishes and drinks were brought out from the backstage. It looked like they had been prepared for it.

Tezzolo also took out a violin from behind his back at the right time and started playing and singing.

The members of the Sun Pirates and the Dragon Pirates are simply a natural atmosphere team. Kazan and Jinbe are still croaking here, but they are already howling over there.

Young guys like Fon Clay, Bellamy, Akin, and Dibalu join forces with their murloc friends to do whatever they want.

Sugar, a crooked tomboy, had the tendency to join in the fun several times, but he was dragged back by his sister Monet and asked to be more ladylike, which made the little girl droop in displeasure.

Although the younger sisters at home like a quieter atmosphere, they think it is good to be lively like this occasionally, and they feel happy in their hearts when they see the lively scene.

Now this Fish-Man Island is completely safe. You don't have to be as frightened as you did in the Chambord Islands and can play freely. The members of the monster family are very relaxed.

"By the way, Kazan, did Brother Tiger tell you that the Revolutionary Army is cooperating with your Triangular Family in the underground world?"

Let the younger brothers and younger sisters play, while the two elder brothers Kazan and Jinbei mind their own business while drinking and chatting.

"Huh? Is there such a thing? I haven't said it yet. Thinking about it, it's almost time. The number of the revolutionary army has expanded sharply during the few incidents I caused. All kinds of supplies should be very tight now. Looking for Tai

Cooperating with our monster family is indeed a cost-effective and stable source of supply."

"Is that so? I don't know much about this aspect. You can talk about it later. I heard from Brother Tiger that the Revolutionary Army has sent people to look for you. They will probably meet you in the new world."

"Isn't Tiger coming?"

"Brother Tiger hasn't finished dealing with things in the Paradise yet, so he can't leave. But the one who came here seems to be an important figure in the revolutionary army."

"Yeah, things in the underground world are basically handled by Tezolo now. I'll talk to him about it then."


This chapter has been completed!
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