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chapter 472. the same promise after eight hundred years

"Today, here, I will announce two things!"

Neptune stood on the central platform in Gironcoder Square, looking at the densely packed crowd of people around him who focused their attention on him, and calmed down his emotions a little.

"The first thing is that my daughter, Bai Xing, has adopted a adopted brother."

Neptune paused for a moment when he said this, and then looked at a certain coral reef. At the highest point, Kazan sat there quietly watching all this.


"Has His Highness Bai Xing recognized a adopted brother?"

"I recently saw that members of the monster family often enter Dragon Palace City for the first time. Could it be..."

"Could it be that adult?"

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, and many clever residents of Fish-Man Island had already set their sights on Kazan.

Kazan just smiled gently at this.

Although Kazan's eyes were very intimidating and his reputation was very great, his smile still made everyone who witnessed this scene feel good in their hearts.

People with overbearing color and domineering energy have their own unique charm, and this charm will not be concealed by their appearance.

"Yes, many people have already guessed that that person is the captain of the Monster Pirates, the king of monsters in the monster family, and the great pirate 'Red Eyes' Kazan with a bounty of 700 million beli!"


"That's great! Master Chitong is now half a member of Fish-Man Island!"

"Lord Chitong!!!"

As Neptune's words fell, the entire Geelong Court Square burst into excitement.

Kazan and Bai Xing becoming adopted brothers and sisters means too much and is too important.

This means that ‘Red Eyes’ and ‘Mermaid Princess’ have become adopted brothers, and it also means that the monster family and Fish-Man Island have an inseparable connection.

"Today's Fish-Man Island is protected by the monster 'Whitebeard' from the old era, and is protected by the monster 'Red Eyes' from the new era. I'm afraid not many people will dare to offend the Fish-Man Island in the next few years."

The Sun Pirates, who were standing at the outer edge of Gironcod Square, listened happily to Neptune's announcement.

Especially old people like Aladdin and Dan who have a lot of experience and are not too young, they have seen more things.

"The situation on Fish-Man Island is slowly getting better, but... the essence of the situation has not changed."

Dan looked at the lively Geelong Court Square, looked at the people and children on Fishman Island, and sighed.

Aladdin, who was standing next to him, was silent for a moment, folded his arms in front of his chest, and said quietly: "I believe in Brother Tiger."

Neptune waited patiently for the quietness in Gironcourt Square to gradually calm down, and he was organizing words in his heart.

Originally, I wanted to say the next thing in euphemistic words as much as possible, but after thinking about it, I decided to be more concise and direct.

"The second thing is that this guy, Vanderdaken IX, is the murderer who assassinated Otohime three years ago!"

Neptune grabbed Vanderdeken IX, who was being held by Shark Star behind him, and placed him on the ground in front of him.

The latter has never thought that he would be in such a situation. At this time, he has lost hope of living.

His hands were crippled by Aaron, and his jaw and limbs were kicked off by Kazan. Even if he survives, he will never be able to do anything to his beloved Bai Xing again.

It just made him feel pity...

White Star was not able to come to Geelong's Court Square to witness his death.

No one cares what Vanderdeken IX is thinking in his heart at this moment.

After Neptune said the second thing, the Geelong Court Square completely lost the restlessness it had when the first thing was announced. Instead, a dead air surrounded the entire square.

Even the members of the Sun Pirates fell into an unacceptable state after learning about this incident, before Jinbei had time to tell them about it.

"Kill him..."

"Kill him..."

"Kill him!!!"

Each shallow howl turned into a deep roar.

Whether they are mermaids or fishmen, whether they are the 'peace-keeping faction' or the 'revenge faction', they are all united together at this moment, and they have only one purpose.

That is to let Vanderdeken IX die.

Shark Star stepped forward and without any hesitation, he held his golden trident and stabbed Vander Deken IX hard, decisively ending Vander Deken IX's life.

Great revenge must be avenged.

Logically speaking, it should be a happy thing for Otohime's murderer to repay his blood debt.

However, the entire Fish-Man Island fell into a deathly silence that was even more terrifying than before.

But...the real troublesome situation...has only begun now.

Kazan sat on the coral reef and frowned at the residents of Geelong Court Square.

Everyone lowered their heads, entering a state of self-doubt, and even their eyes became gray.

Monet looked around a little uneasily, and moved a little closer to Kazan. Under her domineering perception, a very uncomfortable aura was gradually gathering from the residents of Fish-Man Island.

She seemed to have an illusion that Fish-Man Island was about to collapse...

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah...

With a baby crying loudly, the entire Geelong Court Square was instantly set on fire.

"Why was it a fish-man who killed Princess Otohime?"

"Isn't it human beings who killed Otohime? Why did our compatriots kill Otohime?"

"Otohime-sama has been working hard for us, but she was killed by the people she protected."

“What’s the point of our three years of hatred towards humanity?”


One after another, the residents of Fish-Man Island fell into a state of self-collapse. Some were expressionless and knelt on the ground quietly looking at the sky. Some were covering their faces with hands and tears were pouring out. Some were dull and kept muttering something in their mouths.


"Is it just this level that makes them like this?"

Dibalu couldn't understand this. He stood on Motobalo's back and frowned at the scene in front of him.

He is not very old and has experienced very little, so he is not very able to understand the attitudes of the residents of Fish-Man Island in front of him.

"If Kazan is killed one day in the future, and the person who kills him is someone from the Monster family, do you think our situation will be better than theirs?"

Fon Clay sat next to Kazan and did not explain much to Dibaru. He only used one sentence to put him into a state of empathy.

And Dibaru, who had taken over Feng Clay's words, stopped talking.

If Kazan is killed one day, he will definitely try his best to become stronger and kill that person, and even destroy everything related to that person.

But if this person is a brother and sister from the same monster family...

Gu Mao/span Then he doesn’t know what he will become, maybe he will also collapse.

At this moment, Dibaru could suddenly understand the residents of Fish-Man Island.

"It's troublesome, it seems like Neptune and Jinbe can't do anything..."

Kazan frowned and looked at each other, Neptune and Jinbei, and all three of them could see the anxiety in each other's eyes.

If the residents of Fish-Man Island are allowed to continue like this, the situation on Fish-Man Island, which is not particularly clear to begin with, will suffer a heavy blow.

At this time, Kazan looked at his younger brothers and sisters to see if they had any ideas to organize the residents of Fish-Man Island to continue their self-destruction.

"At this time, we 'outsiders' can't continue to intervene. We don't even have a clear understanding of Otohime's affairs. If we can't empathize with them, taking action hastily will only make the situation worse."

Feng Clay shook his head. Faced with this difficult situation, even he was helpless.

Just when the situation is about to get worse...



As a huge wooden box was smashed to the ground, papers were suddenly scattered all over Geelong's Court Square, many of which were burned to only half and were black and torn.

At first no one paid attention to these ordinary papers, but when the residents of Fish-Man Island accidentally saw the contents on the papers, they were all stunned, and then tears continued to flow from their eyes.


Those were the signatures of the residents of Fishman Island collected by Otohime during her lifetime, and they were the first step for the entire Fishman Island to work together for the future of Fishman Island.

It should have been burned down by flames during the commotion three years ago... But why...

As the residents of Fish-Man Island raised their heads one by one, they focused their attention on the person who brought these signatures.

Kazan, Jinbei, Neptune and others also saw that person.

"Hody Jones?"

Kazan was obviously a little surprised when he saw the appearance of Hody Jones, and then adjusted his posture, intending to see what this kid wanted to do.

"Princess Otohime worked so hard to collect these things...not just to let you become depressed like this!"

Hody Jones clenched his fists, veins popped out on his forehead, and the expression on his face was ferocious and terrifying.

"Don't be swallowed up by anger and hatred, be strong...Isn't this what Princess Otohime asked before she died...

I have made an irreparable mistake, don't let my mistakes continue to expand! Think back to the will left by Princess Otohime...

If you can't contribute to the future of Fish-Man Island, why can't you do it without holding back...

We must arrive under the real sun, for the future of Fish-Man Island, and to prove that the efforts of Brother Tiger and Princess Otohime are not in vain."

Tears fell from Hody Jones's eyes, and each drop of tears fell onto a piece of signed paper he held in his hand.

There was a name written on the signature paper that had been wet...

【Hody Jones】

The people who fell one by one tried hard to support their bodies.

Silent response.

Both Neptune and Jinbei stared blankly at the scene in front of them. When no one fell to the ground in Gironcourt Square, their tears could not stop flowing in.

Three years later, Fishman Island finally rekindled its hope for the sun.

Ah...yes, that's it. Even if you can't control your tears, even if your whole body is scarred, you have to stand up. Maybe we don't have much ambition for the beauty ahead, but if we want to protect the family behind us, we must bear it.

The front keeps moving forward.

Kazan felt a little emotional when he saw this scene in Jilong Kaode Square. He turned his head slightly to look in the direction of Dragon Palace City, and then stood up.

"I don't want my younger brothers and sisters to live under this deep sea, and their future children, my nieces and nephews, can't grow up in such a dark place."

Kazan's voice was not loud, but it was clear enough to reach everyone's ears in this silent Girloncourt Square.

The residents of Fish-Man Island had not yet come to their senses. They raised their heads and looked at Kazan blankly, not understanding what the other party meant by saying such words at this moment.

"I hereby swear as the 'Mermaid Princess' Shirahoshi and the brother of 'Zagged' Aaron. When I become the strongest in the world, I will take the Fish-Man Island to bathe in the sun forever."

In fact, there are many, many reasons, not just Shirahoshi and Aaron, but also the Sun Pirates, the Dragon Pirates...

These are all reasons why Kazan wants to take action.

One more thing...

I remember that it was recorded in the historical text of the Forest of the Sea that the brother of the mermaid princess made the same promise eight hundred years ago, but failed to fulfill it.

Maybe it's a comparison mentality, or maybe it's something else.

This matter was a knot in Kazan's heart, and the fact that he would make such a promise had a lot to do with it.

All the residents of Fish-Man Island looked at Kazan and lowered their heads again.

Kazan frowned. He did not expect such a situation. He could not understand what the residents of Fish-Man Island meant by such actions.

But when tears rolled down the heads of the residents of Fish-Man Island again, Kazan's doubts were dispelled.

When the residents of Fish-Man Island raised their heads again, ugly smiles bloomed on their faces.

"Sir Chitong really dotes on his younger brothers and sisters, hahaha."

"Hey~ In this case, we have no choice but to take advantage of Princess Bai Xing and Aaron."

"We will try our best not to hold you back, Lord Chitong!"

"Lord Chitong, when I am thirty years old, I will give birth to a little monkey for you!"

"Pfft hahaha..."

"You will definitely become the strongest in the world!"

"Then, since we are useless, we can only trouble you."

A bunch of idiots, please wipe the tears and snot off your faces before you say things like this.

Kazan shook his head, waved his hand, turned around and left with everyone in the monster family.

The first time someone did something for him...

Aaron, who was hiding behind a certain big rock, rubbed his face, wiped his wet eyes, and then jumped out pretending to be nonchalant.

Standing on the high platform, Jinbei and Neptune quietly watched Kazan's leaving figure.

"You can trust Kazan, Neptune."


Inside the Shell Tower of Ryugu Castle.

Little Bai Xing, who was lying on the big bed with his tail curled up and sleeping in a daze, suddenly showed a comfortable smile on his face.

Looks like I had a good dream.

This chapter has been completed!
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