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chapter 492. fourth floor action

"Huh...this damn place is too hot."

As soon as he entered the scorching hell on the fourth underground floor of Imperial, Kazan already began to feel out of breath.

The temperature in this layer is far incomparable to that in the third layer.

The entire fourth floor was dominated by flame red and dark red tones. In Kazan's eyes, the surrounding walls looked as if they had been poured with blood.

He couldn't tell whether it was influenced by the environment or the wall itself was that color.

"Where is this?"

Granu also panted slightly, pulled off the jailer's clothes that he wore outside, and looked around.

The surrounding environment is very quiet, there are no criminals locked up in the prison, nor are there any guards patrolling around.

"This is the food warehouse of Impel Down. There will be no one here at this point. This floor is the core of the entire Impeldown. In addition to the food warehouse and the kitchen, the office of Magellan, the warden of Impel Down City, is also there.


Feng Klei had taken Kazan and the three of them a long way on the second floor to find the location of the food warehouse on the fourth floor in advance.

"This is the legendary 'the most dangerous place is the safest place', right?"

Kerr moved his little head, then knocked his fist on the palm of his other hand, trying to figure out something.

"Ah, that's right, because Magellan is personally guarding this place, and because the layout of the fourth floor is quite special, this floor has the fewest guards. For example, no one comes to the food warehouse here except in front of the hotel.

No mice or flies can survive on this level."

Feng Clay nodded and patted Kerla's head encouragingly.

"The smell of blood here is really overweight."

Kazan sniffed his nose. Even though he was separated from the heavy door of the food warehouse, Kazan could still smell the smell of blood outside.

In the center of the fourth floor is a blood pool surrounded by a sea of ​​fire. Although the red liquid rolling inside is not magma, it is blood with a temperature comparable to magma.

Whose blood?

All dead criminals on the first four floors.

The thorn forest in the first level of Red Lotus Hell will leave criminals who are constantly escaping with bruises all over their bodies.

The beast monsters in the second level of beast hell will constantly tear and eat the flesh and blood of criminals.

Criminals in the third level of hunger hell will kill each other because of hunger.

The chief chef in the fourth level of the scorching hell will deal with the criminals who died due to various reasons but whose bodies are still there.

The blood they shed during this process will flow into the blood pool on the fourth floor through the 'drainage system' on the first four floors, becoming a holy water bath for 'baptizing criminals'.

"If I were here, maybe I could beat that guy Magellan."

Kazan swallowed with his slightly dry throat and murmured.

"Forget it, even if you beat him, you probably won't survive. That guy is a poison fruit ability user. If you are poisoned by him, you won't be able to survive for long with your blood-flowing body. I can't.

I can't bring you to Reiju before you die."

Feng Clay spoke directly and crushed Kazan's thoughts to pieces.

Before returning to Shampoo to find Reiju, Feng Clay had considered this issue.

At that time, he was still thinking that Magellan was a poison fruit user, so he should bring Reiju, the poison nemesis, just in case.

But after thinking about it for a while, he immediately chose to give up.

Based on his understanding of Kazan, if he brings Reiju with him, then this guy will have no worries and act carelessly, and he might actually cause some accidents and lead to a fight with Magellan.

But without Reiju, Kazan would be cautious. Not only would he not confront Magellan, but he might even avoid him.

Taking this into consideration, Feng Clay decided not to bring Reijiu with him, not to mention that having fewer people is indeed more conducive to action.

But even so, Feng Clay still asked Reijiu for a lot of antidote to keep on his body in case Kazan accidentally swallowed something poisonous.


In fact, if Kazan knew what Funkray was thinking, he might have laughed.

Because in the Impeldown, there are actually two ways to be rescued even if there is no Reiju after being poisoned by Magellan.

One is the antidote kept in Magellan's office. After he defeated Magellan, no one could block his way to get the antidote.

Second, even if the antidote is destroyed maliciously, there is still someone between the fifth and sixth floors who can save him.

The King of Transvestites, Ambrio Ivankov, is the idol of countless transvestites, and is comparable to a god-like existence.

She is also the queen of the Kamabaka Kingdom on the Peach Island of the Grand Route, and her secret identity is one of the top cadres of the Revolutionary Army.

While possessing these identities, she is also a doctor with extremely skilled medical skills. She once cured all the dying people on the island who were considered incurable by doctors.

This gimmick is quite loud, and can even compete with Dr. Kuleha, the ‘Witch’ of Zigu Island.

But when it comes to real medical skills, Kazan believes that the latter is superior. After all, Ivankov is not a pure doctor. Many of her medical skills require the use of her hormone fruit ability.

Moreover... Dr. Kuleha is an old monster who has lived for more than a hundred years. He is older than Brooke and is chasing after Tori and Brockie.

Kazan planned to take Fon Clay to meet his idol after rescuing Crocodile.

It can be regarded as fulfilling Feng Klei’s childhood dream.

Find the legendary transvestite paradise and meet the transvestite king Ivankov.

"There were panicked footsteps outside, rushing to the left."

Kerra's ears twitched and he looked in the direction of the door of the food warehouse. In his perception, there was a group of jailers passing by the door at a rapid pace.

Kazan, Fon Clay and Kerla, who were in the circle of silence, did not hear it.

"Well, it seems that what happened in the control room was discovered. Those people should have gone to notify Magellan, but... why not use a phone bug?"

It was also around this time that Feng Clay calculated that things in the control room would be exposed.

But what he didn't expect was that the jailers didn't seem to use phone bugs to notify Magellan. Wouldn't that be faster?

"Is it possible that Magellan was too asleep? Or was he taking a poop?"

"...How could it be for such a stupid reason? Forget it, it just so happens that if nothing else happens, Magellan will personally go to the monitoring room on the ground floor to check the situation, and then ask Deputy Warden Hannibal to come and take charge of the warden's room.

Or maybe the situation will be reversed. In any case, the next step seems to be less of a problem."


Inside the warden's room.

The phone bug wearing a gas mask on the desk was screaming like a madman, but no one came to release the phone on his back.

And inside the toilet in the warden's room.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!


A series of terrifying loud noises and an ecstatic gasp came from it, and then wisps of purple gas floated out.

If the phone bug hadn't been wearing a gas mask, he might have died.

Magellan would only be left alone in this office in the middle of the night. After all, the other people neither wanted to wear gas masks to sleep nor be poisoned to death by a fart while sleeping.

Bang bang bang bang!

Outside the door, a man wearing a pharaoh's hat, who looked like a Yasha with his upper body half naked and holding a huge naginata, and a group of jailers stood at the door of the warden's room.

"Lord Magellan! Please stop your poisoning behavior immediately! Otherwise, I will report it to the Navy Headquarters and let you be punished by law! After that, I will take the position of warden of the Impel Down City.

This is my Impel Down City and my warden’s room! Wahahahahaha!”

"Deputy Warden, you have said everything!"

"Call me warden! Uh... I accidentally exposed my ambition, but it doesn't matter, that guy is now..."


The warden's door was opened, and a tall man wearing a black warden's uniform walked out with wisps of purple poisonous gas behind him, staring down at Deputy Warden Hannibal.

Although Hannibal and the jailers gathered at the door had predicted the situation early and had put on gas masks, they still took several steps back to distance themselves from Magellan.

Magellan reached out and scratched the side of his face: "What happened in the middle of the night?"

"The surveillance room on the first floor was attacked. All the guards inside fainted. The door lock of the surveillance room was also twisted with brute force. I broke the door violently and all the surveillance equipment inside was damaged. Mother surveillance phone bug

They have also been killed, and now all the surveillance phone bugs in Impeldown are in a state of scrap."

"Didn't the murderer get caught?"

"No, the two guards guarding the prison door were fine. It seems they didn't enter through the main entrance."

"...Then it came in through the window on the first floor."

Magellan straightened his appearance, thought of the windows without glass on the ground floor, and nodded.

"Anyway, it seems like he is not a simple person to sneak in and destroy the surveillance room without being caught for so long."

"I'll go up there and take a look, you stay here and keep watch."

"Don't worry."

Hannibal changed his previous sleazy expression and nodded seriously.

Although he is extremely ambitious, lustful, and usually perfunctory in his work, he is a guy who can be absolutely trusted at critical moments. No matter how powerful the enemy is, he will stand up and fight to the death.

He also has a very righteous heart. He hates pirates not because he is worried about their threat to the world government, but simply because he does not want weak civilians to be harmed.

In his awareness and persistence of justice, he is very similar to Zefa, Fujitora, Aoji and others.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be sitting in the position of Deputy Warden of Impel Down City.


"Shall we continue going down?"

"No! We are going to make some big noise on the fourth floor to attract attention! Go to the warden's room again, where is the key to unlocking Crocodile's Shanghai stone handcuffs! The handcuffs use the power of sugar

Most likely it won’t be able to be disconnected.”

Feng Clay shook his head suddenly, he had already planned every next step.

Even the sea-floor stone handcuffs on Crocodile's hand were included in the calculation, and they were planned to be solved together. Even if it would take more risks, Crocodile's handcuffs had to be solved.

If an accident occurs later that leads to a battle, Crocodile's combat effectiveness will greatly reduce the damage caused by the accident.

Moreover, Feng Clay also needs to make some noise in the process of getting the key to attract the attention of the entire Impeldown and delay it for more time, which will make it easier for them to move on the fifth and sixth floors.


"Fortunately, I have to do it even if it's troublesome. This step is very important."

Feng Clay shook his head. After speaking, he immediately walked out of Kerla's circle of silence, using his sense of knowledge and domineering combined with his hearing to always pay attention to what was going on outside.

The other three people were quietly waiting for Feng Clay's signal.

After waiting for about five minutes, Feng Clay turned to everyone and nodded, motioning for them to come over.

Feng Clay entered the circle of silence again, led them to a wall, and gestured to the wall in front of Sugar.

Sugar nodded and then reached out and opened a door on the wall.

The four of them walked through the door and came to the corridor outside.

The temperature of space is higher.

Kazan really didn't understand how the food inside was preserved at this temperature.

At this moment, all the jailers on the fourth floor were summoned by Hannibal to assign work, so the entire fourth floor seemed relatively empty. Of course, this was also the reason why there were not many jailors on the fourth floor.

And it was precisely at this opportunity that Feng Claye took Kazan and the other three people out of the food warehouse.


Fon Clay pressed the jailer's hat on his head, and then led him to the door of a prison in the corner.

Inside were sitting criminals in a trance, wearing black and white uniforms.

It's too hot here, and they have been detained for too long, so they are all sitting there with ashen faces at the moment, completely unaware of the four 'jailers' outside the door.

Even if he noticed it, he wouldn't care. It's just that the jailer came to check the ward again or something.

The ward rounds are not to see if there are enough people, but to see if anyone has died again.

Death means that there is an extra bed in this prison.

"Shall I come?"

Sugar understood what Feng Clay meant and asked.

"No, let Kazan come at this time. The three of us will go inside the door first."

Feng Clay's eyes flickered, and then he gave up his position to Kazan.


A loud noise from the door attracted the criminals in the cage to raise their heads.

A rectangular door suddenly appeared on the huge iron railing.

"...the door...is open?"

"Really open?"

"Where are the guards outside? Why are they all gone?"

"It's true! No matter! I'm definitely going to run out of here!"

As each prison door was destroyed by unknown brute force, daring criminals escaped one after another.

Hannibal, who was on the fourth floor, noticed something was wrong in just a minute.

But in just this minute, at least one-tenth of the criminals on the fourth floor were released!

One tenth sounds like a small amount, but in fact the number is more than a thousand.

Kazan is not worried about these people running out of Impeldown to the vast sea.

Even if all the criminals on the fourth floor were released, they still wouldn't be able to escape.

Not to mention going to Magellan on the first floor, they can't even get through Hannibal alone.

Inside the door space.

"Xiao Feng, how long can these people delay?"

"At least half an hour."

"Is it enough?"

"It's not enough, so...there will be more later."

This chapter has been completed!
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