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Chapter 531. [Z]

"Hey! Kazan! Now is not the time to sleep! The navy is all coming up."

A somewhat embarrassed Crocodile withdrew back with Fon Clay and Bellamy who were also in bad condition, and saw Kazan and Zefa lying on the ground looking at the sky, almost suffering from a cerebral hemorrhage.

"Hoho, that's really not good."

Kazan suddenly stood up, took out the two swords from his waist, and planned to fight again.

"Okay, what happens next has nothing to do with you. Kazan, leave. Your family and pirates are waiting for you."

Zefa stood up calmly, moved his wrists and looked in all directions.

"Teacher Zefa!"

"Brother Kazan!"

"Hey, Sasi is not good, Kazan, Feng Jiang, Xiaobei."

Bellmere brought five boys and girls to Zefa's side. They were all seriously injured, but they still maintained their vitality.

Two little girls, Noqigao and Guina, rushed directly to Kazan's side and looked around.

"Okay, okay, now is not the time to reminisce about the past."

Kazan pushed the heads of the two blue-haired girls away and looked at Zefa beside him: "What are you going to do with these children?"

"Do you think I called you here just to do some shit between us?"

"Ehhhh?! You've already made a plan? You old fox."

"Wahahahahaha, stop farting, it's the same with you guys. You didn't give your full strength in the battle just now."

Zefa looked at Kazan seriously at the end.

In the battle just now, he could feel that Kazan was really fighting with all his strength without using some extremely powerful tricks, and then there was a draw.

However, if he uses that trick, he is basically doomed to defeat.

"You still have some unfinished business, right? If you use that move, you will die."

Kazan did not deny that he did have one more awakening skill [Demon Hell Bloodbrake] that was useless, but that move was not necessary to be used except in a life-and-death battle.

"Is that so...forget it, since you have surpassed me now, then I have nothing to tell you anymore."

"Well, don't worry."

"You will definitely bring my share of the agreement between us to complete it, right?"

Zefa stretched out his fist towards Kazan.

"Of course a promise made by a man will not be broken."

Kazan also raised his fist and bumped it with the opponent.

"Then... take them and leave here! Next, it will be my last battle."

Zefa waved his hands behind him and walked forward.

At this moment, this area is completely surrounded by the navy.

Sakaski, Kuzan, Porusalino, life, flying squirrel, burning mountain...

Countless white cloaks of justice surrounded this place. The scene was grand and serious. All the navy silently looked at the purple-haired old man in the center and fell into memories.

"...you bastard..."

Kazan looked at Zefa, shook the two swords in his hand, and finally chose to put the two swords into their sheaths, hugged the two girls beside him and jumped on the back of Feng Clay, who had transformed into a Fengshen pterosaur.

"Teacher Zefa?!"

"Brother Kazan! Let me go! I want to fight with Teacher Zefa!"

"Don't touch me! I want to stay!"


"The way of the ninja does not allow me to abandon my master and run away!"

Crocodile took Nokigao and Ain, Bellamy took Binz, and then looked at Bellemere, who had not come up at the end.

Bellemel stood silently, holding a cigarette in his mouth and walking towards Zefa with a white cloak in his hand.


"Teacher Zefa, thank you for taking care of me all this time! Leave [neo Navy] to me."

Bellemere put the cloak in his hand on Zefa himself.

This heroic woman also let Kazan see her tearful expression for the first time at this moment.

"Ah...me too, I've caused you a lot of trouble."

"Teacher, goodbye."

"Okay, let's go."

Bellmeier turned around and quickly jumped on Fon Clay's back, and the latter also took off high into the sky in an instant.

No one in the navy stopped them, and all their attention was focused on the former admiral.

In the sky, Kazan held the two struggling girls, looked at the [z] on Zefa's cloak, and fell into deep thought.

Fon Clay did not leave. He knew that Kazan wanted to witness the end of Zefa in person, so he stayed high in the air at the risk of being attacked by Porusalino.


"Let me teach you the last lesson...Come here!!! Navy!!!"

Zefa looked at each of his students, a smile of relief appeared on his lips, he murmured something and then stopped, and shouted to the navy around him.

"How can it be repaired!!!"


"Teacher Zefa..."

Countless naval captains rushed forward first and gathered around Zefa, just like they did more than ten years ago.


One punch.

"Ha! This soft finger gun can't hurt me! Ruger!"

More than ten years ago, Zefa also gave Luger such a punch.


One leg.

"Kozmo! How can you hit the enemy with tears in your eyes! Do you want me to teach you this kind of thing again! What?! After more than ten years, you are still afraid of me!"

More than ten years ago, Zefa also educated Kzmo in this way.

A mind is broken.

"Roy, the longer you live, the faster you go back. Your physical skills are getting worse and worse! I stand here and let you hit me, but you can't even hit me?!"

More than ten years ago, Zefa also gave Roy a powerful brain-destroying blow during a break in his physical skills.

"Da baa da baa! You really haven't made any progress at all!!! How can I trust you to hand over the navy to you!!!"

Zefa slammed his fists on the ground angrily, and the earth with him as the center instantly cracked and shattered.

Countless marines took advantage of this impact and flew backwards to the ground, covering their faces and never standing up again.

Seems defeated.

But he was not defeated by force.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...we still have to go on stage."

The flying squirrel shook his head and rushed forward with countless vice admirals.

Whether you are a hawk, a dove or a neutral.

At this moment, it was like going back to Zefa's recruit training camp. Facing a powerful teacher, he had to cooperate with the battle to find opportunities to take advantage of it.

But do they really need to be like this today?

No, I just suddenly want to go back to the past.

I just want to call him 'Teacher Zefa' again.

"Hey~ Flying Squirrel, I don't remember your little brat's swordsmanship being so gentle."

Zefa dodged a slashing move from the flying squirrel at the front and grabbed the opponent's hair with his backhand.

He used to like to tug like this.

"Teacher Zefa, you are still so childish."

The flying squirrel stepped back, touched his hair, and smiled gently. He could not regard the old man in front of him as an enemy.

No matter what... he can't do it, he is just like his own father.

"Dauberman, although you look ferocious, you actually have a gentle side."

While Zefa dodged the attack from the ghost spider, he caught a glimpse of the hesitation in Dauberman's eyes next to him: "You are now an elite lieutenant general in the navy! Be more mature!"

Zefa gritted his teeth and took the slash from Huo Shaoshan that he should have been able to avoid, and punched Dauberman in the face, knocking him away.

"Tsk...Teacher Zefa, your fist is still as hard as ever."

Dauberman stood up from the ground and pulled out his sword. His eyes seemed to be sore and crying because Zefa's fist was too hard.


Zefa, who was hit hard again, vomited a mouthful of blood and coughed violently.

The surrounding vice admirals suddenly stopped. They did not want to take the opportunity to sneak attack on their former mentor, the admiral of the old era.

"Please step aside, it's my turn."

Sakaski's cold voice sounded, and he had already walked not far in front of Zefa.

The vice-admirals turned their backs and walked toward the rear. After gathering their emotions for a while, they turned around again and silently watched the battle in front of them.

Porusalino also appeared diagonally in front of Zefa.

On the hilltop farther away, Kuzan and Yisheng were sitting on the ground together, drinking sherry in their hands.

"Mr. Zefa is the most righteous man I have ever met."

"Ah, of course, he is also the...most handsome man in my heart."

"I heard that drinking sherry can make you look like Mr. Zefa?"

"That's what I heard too, so I kept drinking."

The two of them watched Zefa fighting, drinking one bottle after another of sherry in their mouths as if they couldn't get enough of it. Occasionally, it seemed to be so spicy that they coughed violently and coughed up tears.

"Sakaski and Porusalino...hehe, feel free to come over."

Zefa wiped the spit blood from the corner of his mouth, straightened his body, and raised his fists again.

"Goodbye, old guy."

"I have always been grateful for your care. So, farewell! Teacher Zefa!"

Under Porusalino's goggles, a faint light of water loomed, but he was a 'Kizaru', and no one thought he would cry.

The giant lava fist and countless golden lights appeared at the same time and headed towards Zefa. Under such an attack, the four emperors would be in trouble.

A faint white light appeared in Zefa's eyes. What he saw in front of him was no longer the attacks of Sakaski and Porusalino, but the picture of himself as a child wearing a mask and holding a small wooden hammer as a hero of justice.


[No matter how many times! Just come here! I will always be a hero of justice! ‘z’ da! 】

Kazan...The world needs heroes, and I want to cultivate a group of heroes.

"I am...'z'!!!"


On December 31, 1516, in the Haiyuan calendar, the former naval admiral "Black Wrist" Zefa passed away.


Outside the sea, the navy who had finished the battle returned to their warships with their heads lowered.

I obviously won, but there was a feeling of loss.

The cloaks of [Justice] on their bodies have all disappeared, and they are disappearing into the sea along with the island and the teacher.

Garp sat alone on the deck, watching [sed] burn, and recalled the days when he fought with Zefa.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.


Picking your feet.

"Hey! Warring States!"

"...What's the matter?"

"Take back all the merits given to Zefa, and..."

"I said...that's enough."

Warring States looked at the phone bug expressionlessly, clenched his fists, and said lightly.

"What did you say?"

"Isn't it enough to say that we have already reached this point?! What that guy has done for the Navy and the world is not enough to award him so many meritorious deeds?! If the world can be peaceful, do you think he will care?

What’s this kind of thing?!”


Picking your feet.

Warring States hung up the phone, veins popped out on his forehead, he took off the eyes on his face, covered his eyes with one hand and lowered his head.

Staff Office.

He was sipping tea while flipping through the photo album in his hand. It was a group photo of people of his generation when they were young.

"Now, there will be one less person."

He murmured something, then suddenly stretched out his hand to touch the tears at the corner of his eyes and smiled: "The older I get, the more emotional I become. I used to not cry when I lost my comrades."

Gion next to him felt a little heartbroken when he saw this, and stepped forward to hug Tsuru.


Under the command of Bellemere, everyone came to a small desert island with a large tomb on it.

"These are the students who died after Teacher Zefa. Whenever a student dies, he will come here and add a name. 'Z' is not a bad guy who wants to destroy the world... but a hero."

Bellmere knelt down, stretched out his hand, and added a new name on top of those names.


Kazan stepped forward, picked up the sherry that someone left in front of the tomb, put it in his mouth, drank half of it, and poured the other half on top of the tomb.

Turning around and looking at the sobbing teenagers and girls behind him, Kazan only said one sentence:

"Isn't it handsome for a man to carry out his beliefs to the end in his life?"


The beginning of the year 1517 in the Haiyuan calendar.

Kazan once again asked Fon Clay to take him back to [sed]. At this moment, there was a purgatory sword completely made of blood floating behind him.

For this sword, he sacrificed many pirates around this island in the past two days.

Now this place is a scorched earth, with only a large bare flat land left here. Most of the land has sunk into the sea in the past few days.

"Let me show you the move that I failed to show you."

Demon Hell Blood Temple.

Kazan stretched his hands behind him, grabbed the hilt of the sword, and then struck the ground in front of him with all his strength.


Endless magma suddenly erupted from the flat ground and shot straight into the sky. Half of the sky was dyed dazzlingly, and the endless magma fell from the sky like a swarm of meteors streaking across it.

Falling into the sea, it ignited infinite steam, plunging the sea area into a white mist and disappearing.

After the fog dissipates.

[sed] completely disappeared into the sea along with Zefa.

And...his heroic justice.

This chapter has been completed!
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