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Chapter 550. The girl's memory is a beautiful false and cruel reality

Inside the girl's bedroom in the palace at the center of Chocolate Island.

Originally, Kazan thought of simply leaving Chocolate Island with the unconscious Charlotte Brynn, but in the end, instead of leaving, he stayed in the palace.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

The Homitz soldiers on this island would never dare to break into a place like this.

And the most critical problem is that the armed forces on this island are appallingly low. Even if there are not many Homitz soldiers, there are no powerful children of the Charlotte family to protect them.

There is only one frail little girl.

Although her abilities are quite terrifying, it still cannot change the fact that this little girl is weak.

Kazan could vaguely recall the reason, and it seemed that the little girl was not well received by Charlotte Lingling.

However, the island of Chocolate Island is close to the center of Totland. Not to mention the armed forces on this island, at least the location is relatively safe. @ESSENTIAL\/书馆·无码第一~~

This also shows that although Charlotte Lingling doesn't like Brynn, at least she doesn't want her to be taken away or killed.

After all, there has been a rumor circulating in this world that when the third eye of the three-eyed tribe awakens, they can understand the content of historical texts.

If you want to reach Larulaf and become the Pirate King, you must understand the direction information given in the red historical text.

Perhaps it is for this reason that Charlotte Lingling placed Brynn in this position.

So far, there is only one person in the world who can clearly understand the text of history.

O'Hara's survivor, Nicole Robin, the "Devil's Son" of the Monster family.

Gulu gulu gulu...

I'm hungry.

Kazan touched his belly. He had been eating desserts for the past few days and had not eaten anything serious. Kazan was already a little tired.


Kazan lay on the blood-red bed, looked around the room, and then looked at the little girl Brynn who had been thrown to the ground with a headache: "So, what's going on with you..."

The entire room is dominated by blood red tones.

A large number of reward orders, newspapers, and doll posters are hung in every corner of the room, and these things... are all related to Kazan!

From the period when there were only a few hundred million beli to the present bounty of three billion beri, this room has it all.

The earliest newspapers can even be traced back several years.

At that time, Kazan was still working hard in "Paradise" with his younger brothers at home.

He never thought that deep in the distant new world, there would be a person he had never masked who was always paying attention to everything related to him.

Kazan stretched out his arms and touched something with his right arm. He took it over and took a look.

A little doll full of fragrance.

Based on the four characteristics of gray hair, red eyes, double swords, and ghost hands, Kazan could tell that this ugly little doll was him.

"It doesn't seem like they are targeting me to kill me... Why is that? Could it be that they worship me?"

Kazan said this not because of narcissism, but because there are really many people who admire him in this sea today.

There are also people who act recklessly on the sea in the name of the monster family.

However, such guys generally don't survive more than three days. The underground forces of the monster family are not just for free. They are spread all over the world. As soon as they get wind of it, they will send out people to kill these people as soon as possible.


The girl's unconscious murmur sounded.

Kazan threw the little stuffed animal in his hand aside, sat up, and stared quietly at the three-eyed girl on the ground who opened her eyes in confusion, then sat up, and then looked at him.


Three seconds later, Kazan looked at the little orange-haired girl who was rushing over and calmly stretched out a finger.

"Onie SAMA!"

With a finger pressed against her forehead, Brynn shouted timidly, and then stared at Kazan with three wide eyes, which made Kazan feel a little weird.

That feeling... in the past, probably only those who were stared at by his eyes would understand.

.(This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 550. The girl’s memory is a beautiful lie and a cruel reality

However, the hair on Bryn's forehead quickly fell down, covering one of her hairs, and the strange feeling disappeared immediately.

"I'm not your brother."

Kazan looked at the girl who stretched out her arms and waved with some strangeness, trying her best to get closer to him, and felt a little strange in his heart.

The cry of "Onie SAMA" was so natural, as if they were really brother and sister.

It felt like...when Kerra called him.

But even Kerla wouldn't use the word "Unnie SAMA". This word... is only used by those public girls who are not on Caruso.

Weiwei, Bai Xing, Hancock, Rebecca.

"No! You are!"

After listening to what Kazan said, Bryn retracted her arms and pinched her waist. She puffed up her mouth angrily and responded forcefully.

"...This is the first time we've met."


When Brynn heard what Kazan said, she tilted her head and looked at him with a puzzled expression: "Omnie SAMA, did you eat a brightly colored mushroom?"


Kazan frowned and stared at Brynn. He couldn't see anything strange about Brynn.

In other words, it seems that in the eyes of this girl, he is really her Oni SAMA.

Could it be...that I'm the one with the problem?!

Kazan's eyes were frightened for a moment, but he immediately calmed down: "No way, there is something wrong with you."

"Brynn has no problem! If you don't believe me, just look at it!"

I saw the girl raising her hand to her forehead, and then pulled out a bunch of film-like things with a "swish". At the same time, when the films were pulled out, the girl fainted again and fell to the ground.

It seems that this is one of the effects of this ability.@essence\/书馆*First update~~

"Do you faint when you pull out your memories? In other words, you pulled out your own memories and showed them to me. Should you say you are being arrogant, or..."

Kazan caught Brynn and put him on the bed. Before he finished speaking, he was attracted by the bunch of film connected to the girl's head.

"How is that possible?!"

He actually saw countless images of him in these films.

But after a closer look, I found that most of them were similar to the reward orders and pictures related to him in the newspapers.

Kazan did not react too much, but quietly looked at the girl's memories bit by bit.

The girl's memory was very messy, as if... the memories of two people were merged into one body.

"A person" is Kazana's non-existent sister identity.

In this memory, Kazan is like Brynn's god. He has been protecting Brynn as "Omnie SAMA" since she was born, giving her encouragement and allowing her to grow up healthily.

On countless mornings, I would be woken up and hugged gently by my brother.

On countless noons, my brother would prepare lunch for me, even though it was not very delicious.

On countless afternoons, her brother would play house with her and beat up some bad kids who bullied her.

On countless evenings, my brother would taste the chocolate and pudding that he had made with his own hands but was not very successful.

On countless nights, my brother would tell me nice fairy tales, and then I would fall asleep happily and continue to enjoy my sweet dreams.

But in these memories, there are obviously many pictures that are unscientific, contradictory, and weird.

It can be said that... more than 75% of the memories are fictitious. In other words, the memories of her and the other "Charlotte Rolla" are normal happiness, and these are probably real.

"This person" is basically a person who exists in this world based on fictitious memories.

Kazan held the film in his hand and glanced at the quiet girl on the bed, recalling how happy and natural the girl looked just now.

He withdrew his eyes and looked at the memory of "another person".

The other part of the memory is dark and painful, but it is also the most real and coherent.

Seeing these memories, Kazan has some memories about Bryn in his previous life. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 550. The girl’s memory is a beautiful lie and a cruel reality

I remembered everything.

Yes, these memories should be the memories that Brynn should have.

Hated by Charlotte Lingling, despised by her brothers and sisters in the family, detested by the people of the country, bullied by children of the same age, and even her maids can do all kinds of little things.

On countless mornings, I ate expired milk and instant noodles without seasoning packets and forks.

For countless noons, she had to stand on a chair and carefully cook food for herself in the kitchen that was not delicious, and even made her stomach upset after eating it.

On countless afternoons, she wore a beautiful little skirt, combed her smooth hair, and wanted to play with friends of the same age, but in the end she would come back with mud all over her body and tape on her head.

For countless evenings, she hid in her room alone, clenched her teeth with bandages and iodine, and clumsily bandaged her wounds. She didn't even have time to cook a dinner for herself, so she could only starve in her room.

Go to sleep.

On countless nights, she woke up from nightmares, then covered her head with a quilt and cried quietly under the quilt. Sometimes she would silently clean the castle that no one except herself took care of because she couldn't fall asleep. @essence

\/Shu Ge·No mistake first release~~

Although she is the princess of the Charlotte family, her life is even worse than that of a left-behind child.

So much so that at the age of eleven, Brynn learned to cook, wash, clean, bandage, and disguise...

Every day, there is always a sentence that surrounds her mind and ears and never disappears. She can hear it almost every day.

"You monster."


Chapter 550. The girl’s memory is a beautiful lie and a cruel reality
This chapter has been completed!
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