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Chapter 65. Name

"Hey, hey, if I'm a little late, you can dig my grave."

As soon as he came back, Kazan heard the complaints of the old shipwright. The old shipwright stood beside the original ship of the Monster Pirates and cursed.

At this time, the original ship of the Monster Pirates has been dismantled. It seems that the old shipwright looks down on the original ship of the Monster Pirates... the material is actually quite good.


"Old man, don't rush me, I'm back..."

"Hmph! Where are the materials?"

"On this ship, Xiao Feng Xiaobei, move down the logs... By the way, we bought a lot of materials along the way. There are all kinds of materials. You can also see if there is anything missing.


The old shipwright ignored the pirate ship behind Kazan and the others. An old man like him immediately understood what was going on.

On the way back from Rainbow Town, Monet reminded Kazan that just using this amount of wood for shipbuilding would definitely not be enough, and he would need to prepare other materials. This made Kazan realize that the materials he had prepared might not be enough.

So along the way, Kazan robbed many passing pirate ships and gangs, as well as slave-catching groups that had recently begun to appear in the West China Sea. Kazan would rob each one he encountered, even if there was no profit.

He, Kazan, and the kind of traffickers who take action against innocent people, can only live one.

It was precisely because of the unreserved support from these benefactors that he had new funds to buy other materials.

At the same time, Kazan also used his heating ability to melt and reshape all the metal products he met along the way, and even forcibly synthesized some compounds that he did not understand, which were quite strong.

If Kazan understands the principles and structures of some weapons, he can even make his own weapons in batches, and then rely on this to get rich. He has now developed a new trick by relying on this ability.

It’s called ‘One of the super-giant and supreme sharp swords, Elbafu’s spiral flashing super wheel dance and roaring overlord style, violent waterfalls, piercing the wind, shaking the thunder, cracking the ground, splitting, sealing demons and cutting posts!’

This move is already his must-kill move! He decided to continue to develop it until he has the opportunity to chant his name and release this powerful move. By then, the world will be shocked by this move.


"Is this rainbow wood?"

"Yes, as expected of the old man, he knows all this stuff!"

"I've been to the Forest of the Sea on Fishman Island, and I've seen this kind of wood. It's pretty good."

The old shipwright stretched out his hand and poked at the black rainbow wood. There was a little bit of curiosity in his eyes, but it was not to the level of the previous businessman.

According to his senior brother, he had used a few gold-colored rainbow wood to build a boat. His first reaction was "impossible". Now that he saw this color that was not within the "rules" again, he

I believe it.

Being able to use this kind of material to make a boat... can be regarded as catching up with my senior brother a little bit, so I need to be more serious.

The old shipwright put his hand on the rainbow wood and smiled, then turned to look at the red-eyed boy beside him who suddenly started to lecture a little green-haired baby: What kind of person could he make this stubborn wood break his precepts?

"Ah...by the way, old man, I don't know your name yet. You are considered the parent of this ship. You should leave a name."

"You know how to ask now!!! You rude brat! Listen to me, my name is Jerry."

"Oh! I remembered it, old man!"

Kazan straightened his body and said swornly, this name was familiar to him and he would definitely not forget it.

"I'm going to start building a boat, get out of my way! Go aside and think of a name first!"

"Then I'll trouble you, old man~"

After saying that, Kazan took his brothers and sisters and moved aside to make enough space for the old man.

"Then, let's hold a family meeting! The topic is, what should our new partner be called! Let us all express our opinions!"

"Eh~ It's so troublesome to name it. The slave family doesn't know how to name it... How about the Shemale Truth?"

"No, no! Monet thinks it should be called...brother and sister love, orthopedic number~"

"What the hell are you doing! Of course it's called the World's Strongest Kazan! Brother, you agree too, right?"

Kazan looked at the excited attitudes of these three people and felt that there was no need to ask, "Are you serious?"

Kazan no longer had any hope for these three scammers, and turned to look at the two lolita holding his legs on one side: "What do Perona and Sugar think?"

The pink-haired and green-haired girls raised their heads and stared at Kazan with wide watery eyes, still thinking about what Kazan said just now.

"You two little fools, you must have been stunned just now! They were naming our new boat."

Kazan shook his head helplessly, squatted down and rubbed their little heads, and spoke softly with a little doting.

He would always be more patient when dealing with these two youngest little things. Wouldn't this be a bit biased?

Kazan felt a little guilty when he noticed this, but this is normal. Everyone always says that if you have two children, you must treat them equally, but you will still favor the younger one.



Kazan watched blankly as the two little guys squatted down, then held their heads and tried hard to think of the name of the new ship, hesitating in his mouth.

You are really trying your best...sigh.

Kazan sighed, not knowing whether to call these two little things stupid or cute. They will become like this when they grow up.

"Call Kumasi Princess Mononoke!"

Perona suddenly jumped up, took out a large patched stuffed bear from somewhere, held it up and said to Kazan.

"No! It should be called Guagua and Perona are Super Idiots!"

In fact, Granu hadn't thought about it at all. She was young and her mind was empty, so she couldn't think of anything. But when she saw Perona jumping out first, she just refused to accept it!


Kazan slapped Granu's little butt and cursed: "I didn't train you enough just now, did I? You're so used to it! You fart all day long!"

I don’t know why, but Kazan likes to bully Sugar and make her cry. As long as Sugar cries, Kazan’s mood will become very happy.


It was still the same as before, as long as he was beaten or scolded, this little thing would just sit on the ground, raise his head, open his mouth and start crying.

Kazan didn't coax her, he just held Xiaosugao gently in his arms, then ignored her and let her cry! He couldn't tolerate her bad habits!

"No one can give me a normal name! ...Well, little Perona's name is pretty good~ but it doesn't quite fit."

Kazan cursed, and then little Perona, who was holding Broken Bear next to her, had her eyes filled with moisture and looked like she was about to cry. Kazan was so frightened that he quickly changed his words.

Compared to Sugar, who doesn't have the stamina to release the Gate Fruit multiple times, Perona can use it for a long time, but when she gets emotional, the ghosts she summons will go berserk, traveling around regardless of friend or foe.

Kazan was lucky enough to fall into a negative state once, and he was so embarrassed!

"So what should it be called..."

This chapter has been completed!
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