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Chapter 69. The Man and the Murloc

"Thank you for your great kindness!"

At this moment, on the Monster Caruso, led by Fisher Tiger and Jinbe, a group of fishmen lined up and bowed deeply to Kazan.

It's a pity that Aaron didn't freeze to death. It was clear that Kazan had left him to be thawed last. Maybe it was fate that wouldn't let him die. Anyway, this has nothing to do with Kazan.

At this time, the ship of their Sun Pirates had sunk to the bottom, and dozens of fishmen and slaves had all been transferred to Caruso. Caruso, which was not big in the first place, was now even more crowded. There was no other way but to

First place the slaves in Kazan's smelting facility on the underground floor. There is quite a lot of space there to accommodate them.

"You're welcome. You helped me bring my sister back, and you can be regarded as the benefactor of our monster family. This is such a small thing, it's just a little effort."

Kazan was still holding Robin in his arms at this time. The little girl had lost her sense of security for too long, and now she suddenly returned to Kazan's side and didn't want to separate at all, she just insisted on sticking to him.

When Kazan said this, he looked back at his younger brothers and sisters behind him. Fortunately, what he was worried about did not happen - he looked at the murlocs in front of him in a bad light.

Several younger brothers and sisters were looking curiously at Robin, who was shrinking in Kazan's arms.

Monet used the mast to block half of his body, and only exposed half of his face to look at Robin, making a "crunching" sound from his mouth.

Damn it! Even if there is a small one, here comes a big one!

Little Sugar also opened her eyes and looked at Robin fiercely, intending to use her pupils to stare her away!

Among them, the one who showed the most indifference was Bellamy. He was not that interested in Robin, not to mention the fish-man. At this time, he just looked at this and that with nothing to do.

"Tiger, just follow us. Wait until you get to the next island before disembarking. Our destination is the Grand Route. If you are willing, you can even follow us until we enter the Grand Route."

"Ah...this is really troublesome for you."

"It doesn't matter. Gratitude will be reciprocated, and everyone will do his own thing. This is not a problem. From now on, you can just call me Kazan."

"...Then, I will trouble you for a while, Kazan, and those humans..."

"I will put those humans down directly when they arrive at the next stop. I don't have time to send them home without any relatives, and... the eyes of people who have gained a new life should have a more dazzling light than ordinary people, not them

With such lifeless looks, even if you deliver them to their doorsteps, they will probably wait quietly for death. It's impossible for you to rely on these 'institutionalized' people to change mankind's attitude towards fish-men!"

Kazan bluntly stated all his thoughts. Even if Fisher Tiger did not intentionally save Robin at first, Kazan was really grateful to him, so he did not want him to continue to do this.

It's no use, I don't want him to die like this.

Not everyone is a 'Kerra', 'Kerra' at least still relies on their instinct to smile and exert their own value in order to survive, but those guys on the underground floor are simply the living dead.

They didn't give the people who saved them any hope at all.

"...Kazan, how do you know?"

"Given the situation of your Fish-Man Island in this world, is it difficult to guess the purpose of what you are doing now? Do you think the World Government can't guess it? It's just that they don't care about your Fish-Man Island at all, they only care

How to make Tianlong people happy."

"Is there no other way..."

"There must be a way. How to change the situation of semi-slavery? It is just to rely on the anger of the people to overthrow the forces that enslave you. Fight! Beat until they are afraid! However, the combat effectiveness of your Fishman Island is not only low,

Moreover, the number is still small, so we can’t defeat them with a fight, and our anger is useless.”

"Can only fight?"

"You can only fight! Peace is driven by war, and war is the only way to create peace, and it is a must-do."

"...I want to think about...those humans...so I'll trouble you."


Kazan looked at Fisher Tiger's troubled and painful look and said nothing more. Kazan was not that person. He had no personal experience and could not teach Tiger what to do. He just expressed his own opinion.

What Kazan said at the beginning was actually just to get Fisher Tiger to stop what he was doing now. He already knew what the future would be like, and he didn't want Fisher Tiger to continue on the same path, because

Robin quietly told Kazan: "That is my benefactor. Without him, I would not be able to see my brother."

But what Kazan didn't expect was that there was another person who fell into deep thought after hearing Kazan's words.

Very flat.

Although Jinbei began to become calm and calm and like to use his brain under the subtle influence of Fisher Tiger, he is still young after all and has not yet become a big brother. He obviously still lacks some wisdom and responsibility that he will have in the future.

But now he has learned to analyze what Kazan said.

He is older, and his perception of the meaning in human eyes on this ship is second only to Fisher Tiger, who has been a slave. He can detect that on this monster pirate group, except for the one wearing a

Except for the young man in the black gauntlet who looked at them with a somewhat cold gaze, the others didn't have any special opinions towards them.

Especially Kazan, in Jinpei's eyes, the way Kazan looked at those strange humans was completely the same as the way he looked at their fish-men, it was as if he was just looking at strangers of the same kind.

It can be seen from the reactions of the other murlocs in the Sun Pirates. Having walked through so many towns along the way, their eyes have long become sensitive to humans. If the Monster Pirates' eyes are different from those before

If human beings are the same, they will not be willing to bow even if it is a favor.

The attitude of the Monster Pirates towards the Sun Pirates made Jinbei feel a sense of comfort that he had not seen for a long time, just like the one who came to seek shelter in 1978 because he was favored by Neptune when he was young and fell into jealous chaos because of the beginning of the great pirate era.

Like the Whitebeard Pirates on Fish-Man Island, in their eyes, creatures like fish-men are just a 'novelty' at best, and nothing else.

This is a man with the same spirit as his father.

Jinbei looked at Kazan who was sitting at the bow of the boat and was caressing Robin as if there was no one around. If there was any difference between Kazan and his father, it was that the former was a bit immature and lacked some of the power and strength of a king.

He is a man you can make friends with sincerely!

This is the final conclusion that Jinbei made in his heart. Jinbei also hopes to make friends with creatures of other races. Unfortunately, most of them are ignorant and arrogant people who look down on the creatures in the ocean because of their status as a land race. As everyone knows,

This world is a world filled with oceans, and what truly dominates this world are the undersea creatures.

And now, Jinbei decided! He will try to become friends with this monster pirate group!

He, the fat man, also wants alien friends! There is still hope for humans!

This chapter has been completed!
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