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Chapter 1742

Chapter 1742: Such deception

"Get up. Just like Wu Jiuqi, call me "sir."

Looking at Wuxianliu who kept kowtowing and crying, Ye Yun said calmly with an untroubled expression.

"Yes, sir."

Wuxi Liu stood up, flew out of the pit, and stood respectfully beside Ye Yun.

As for the title of King of the Dark Realm, he, a small leader, is naturally not qualified to speak out.

This is a taboo.

"Xianliu, did you come to the Barbarian Demon Clan to avoid being hunted?"

Ye Yun asked.

"Sir, there is a magic pool in the Barbarian Demon Clan. The water in the pool has a certain healing effect, so for hundreds of years, I have been hiding here to heal..."

"Let's go over and have a look."

Ye Yun smiled.


Wuxi Liu agreed and took out an immortal boat.

Ye Yun walked a few steps and suddenly turned around, looked at the Yin Demon King and the Blood Demon King, and said in a deep voice: "Don't mention today's matter to anyone. The Barbarian Demon Clan will no longer be stationed in Qigu Mountain in the future. Within a thousand years,

Do not attack the vast ancient country."

"Yes, sir."

The Yin Demon King and the Blood Demon King looked solemn and agreed quickly.

Ye Yun got on the immortal boat, and the Dou Tian Immortal Ape returned to his shoulders, closed his eyes and started practicing.

Wu Jiuqi and Yi Xue also boarded the fairy boat at the same time.

As for the more than ninety demon clay dolls, they were still in the process of fusion, and they were all put away by Ye Yun.

Wuxianliu controlled the immortal boat and flew quickly to the depths of the Wild Demon Wasteland.

Not much time.

The fairy boat then flew into the canyon and landed next to the magic pool behind the ancient temple.

Ye Yun walked down, stood by the magic pool, and felt it.

In this magic pool, there is a faint aura of Sumeru Demon Mountain, and the demonic energy is relatively pure.

"Is this what the God of Sumeru left behind?"

Ye Yun said.

"Sir, according to what the Barbarian Demon King said, it is indeed true. This energy is different from the energy in my dark world, but it has the same purpose and can help me heal to a certain extent..."

Wuxi Liu said respectfully.


Ye Yun nodded and looked around the environment of the canyon, wondering what happened back then. Did Sumeru Demon Mountain want to leave a magic pool here?

Think about it over and over again.

Without thinking of a natural solution, Ye Yun gave up.

"Do you know where I am?"

Withdrawing his gaze and looking at Wuxianliu calmly, Ye Yun asked.

"I don't know either, sir. We have been fighting with the immortals for hundreds of years, but this place is not suitable for our cultivation and healing, so it becomes increasingly difficult to support us in the later period. I have lost contact with Master Feng for a long time..."

Wuxi Liu said with a sad expression.

"It doesn't matter, they can't kill him easily even if he's not at this level."

Ye Yun smiled lightly disapprovingly.

Wu Xian Liu sighed.

"In the dark world, how many people like Wufa and Wutian are there?"

Ye Yun thought for a while and asked.

Wuxi Liu was startled, and then he realized that the king's memory had not yet awakened, so he quickly said respectfully: "There are a total of twelve such adults by your side."


Ye Yun smiled softly.

This king of darkness has quite a few generals.

There was silence for a moment.

Ye Yun suddenly smiled and looked at Wuxi Liu: "Are you willing to stay in the Barbarian Demon Clan, or do you want to follow me?"

"Of course...I am willing to stay with you, sir."

Wuxi Liu smiled.

At this moment, he already knew that the king of the dark world had not completely awakened his memory. If he could follow the king, it would be a supreme honor.

When he met other compatriots from the dark world in the future, he also had bragging rights.

"If you follow me, I don't need you to do anything for the time being. How about I provide a training place where you can practice in peace..."

Ye Yun smiled softly and suddenly turned his palm over, revealing a black bead on his palm.

The black beads emit bursts of space fluctuations.

The reason for this arrangement was that Ye Yun felt that there was no need to bring too many people, as one Dou Tianxian Ape was enough.


He has released the Black God Monkey and will not put it back in the short term.

Therefore, these two dark creatures are not even qualified to be thugs.

"I will obey your orders in everything."

Taking a deep breath, Wuxi Liu bowed and said.

Even if the king ordered him to die, he would not frown.

A black light fell and Wuxi Liu disappeared.

"Wu Jiuqi, you should also go in and practice. The small world inside the bead is very suitable for dark creatures to practice..."

Ye Yun turned around and said.

"Yes, sir."

Wu Jiuqi said in a deep voice, with a happy look on his face.

A black light fell, bringing Wu Jiuqi into the world of beads.

Ye Yun took back the beads.

The small world inside this black bead contains rich dark energy, which is very suitable for the cultivation of dark creatures.

In the Immortal Realm, there is immortal energy everywhere, which is very unfriendly to outsiders like Wuxi Liu.

Since this canyon is located in the deepest part of the Wild Demon Wasteland and is extremely far away from Guyuan City, Ye Yun asked Dou Tianxian Ape to control the immortal boat.

Within a few breaths.

This fairy boat appeared outside Guyuan City.

Ye Yun asked Yi Xue to collect the immortal boat and fly directly into the city.

"Master, you are back!"

The Black God Monkey squatting on the cornice saw Ye Yun flying over and greeted him with a smile.


Ye Yun smiled slightly, pointed at the eaves with his hand, and ordered: "You stay here first, I will go out soon."


The Black God Monkey shrank back again, squatting on the eaves with a serious face, and at the same time glanced at the Douting Immortal Ape.

Doutian Immortal Ape also glanced at it.

The eyes of these monkeys and apes all have burning fighting spirit.

Last time there was no winner or loser.

This time the master let them all out, and they also had a desire to compete with each other.

"Yun'er, why are you back so soon?"

Seeing Ye Yun come in, Ye Qingmei came up to him with a surprised expression.

"The barbarian demons from Qigu Mountain have all retreated. I have reached an agreement with them..."

Ye Yun said with a smile.

Lin Xuantian looked dull: "Yun'er, how did you do it?"

Ye Yun smiled and said: "Father, I won't go into details. Now the Barbarian Demon Tribe and I have become friends, so within a thousand years, they will not attack the vast ancient country again..."


Lin Xuantian blinked and was speechless for a while.

His son was so powerful that he broke into the Wild Demon Wasteland alone and made so many wild demons in Qigu Mountain retreat.

It's really incredible.

Next, Ye Yun did not stay too long in Guyuan City, but accompanied Lin Xuantian to Lingyuan City.

The nine city lords, including the envoy, are still waiting.

Not much time.

Ye Yun and Lin Xuantian appeared in the city lord's palace in Lingyuan City.

At this time, in the city lord's palace, cups and cups were intertwined, the atmosphere was lively, fairy music was playing, and several fairies were dancing gracefully.

Seeing the two people walking in, the major city lords put down their wine glasses, all of them looking shocked.

How many hours has it just passed?

These two guys left and came back again. Could it be that the barbarian demons of Qigu Mountain retreated?

The messenger sitting directly above him had his eyelids narrowed slightly and his expression was sinister.

This Lin Xuantian walked with great pride, as if he had won a battle, which made him feel unhappy.

The Lord of Ba Yuan City stood up and asked with a sneer: "Lin Xuantian, you are back so soon? Are you ready to admit defeat?"

Lin Xuantian glanced at him coldly and did not respond. Instead, he walked directly under the envoy, clasped his fists with his hands, and said calmly: "To inform the envoy, the barbarian demons of Seven Bone Mountain have retreated."


The messenger stood up with a bang, his face was a bit ferocious, and he shouted coldly: "Lin Xuantian, do you know what the consequences will be if you deceive me?"

"If you don't believe it, sir, you can send someone to Seven Bone Mountain to investigate."

Lin Xuantian said in a deep voice.

The envoy stared at Lin Xuantian for dozens of seconds, gritted his teeth, waved his hand and said, "Come here, go to Qigu Mountain to investigate!"

An Immortal Realm man flew out from behind and disappeared into the distance.

There was silence in the city lord's mansion.

Each of the nine city lords looked gloating.

Lin Xuantian deceived his superiors and deceived his subordinates in this way, offending the envoy. This time, he is dead!

(End of chapter)

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