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Chapter 275 The Destruction of the Void Wolf

Chapter 275 The consequences of despising the Dragon Clan and the destruction of the Void Wolf

Lei Qinian looked shocked.

He didn't expect that the demon senior in the Destiny Realm next to him would be so powerful.

He killed a great human monk on the eighth level of the Destiny Realm with a single move.

This strength is too strong.

After killing the old man at the eighth level of Destiny Realm, the Blood Chief Demonic Dragon's eyes looked in another direction.

Then he raised his hand and killed all the old man's remaining men.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life!"

When the middle-aged man saw that all his enemies had been annihilated, he couldn't help but feel moved. He clasped his hands and bowed in thanks.

"No need to thank me, this is a deal..."

The Blood-King Demonic Dragon licked his lips and said with a smile.


A bolt of lightning flashed through the air, and a huge void wolf rushed towards the Blood-King Demonic Dragon.

"Oh, let me go. Doesn't this little wolf cub not want to live?"

The Blood-King Demonic Dragon was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed, and his body suddenly disappeared on the spot.

The next moment he appeared above the Void Wolf's head.

He exerted slight pressure on his toes, and a streak of blood came out from his body and immediately penetrated into the Void Wolf's body.

This huge void wolf suddenly fell from the air with a howl.

The Blood Chief Demonic Dragon followed closely behind, grabbed the shriveled void wolf, and immediately threw it out.

After dealing with this void wolf.

The Blood Chief Demonic Dragon scanned the surroundings, looking for the wolf king among the wolves.

To capture the thief, capture the king first!

Subdue the wolf king and let him take his people and get out of here.

They are both monsters.

Thinking of that little bit of kinship, the Blood Chief Demon Dragon didn't want to go on a killing spree.

This battle.

A lot of human monks died, and a lot of void wolves died too.

The Blood Chief Demonic Dragon's eyes flashed and he found a huge void wolf on the top of a mountain, looking up at the sky with bloodthirsty murderous intent in its blood-colored eyes.

"This is it."

The body of the Blood-King Demonic Dragon flashed and turned into a streak of blood and fell down.

The void wolf below is three times the size of an ordinary void wolf.

The realm has reached the peak of the tenth level of destiny realm, and can be called a great demon in the half-step life and death realm.

If such a big demon were to take action, the destructive power it would cause would be unimaginable, and the spaceship would be completely destroyed.

But the Wolf King has the dignity of the Wolf King.

The Void Wolf King did not take action, but instead drove his tribesmen to attack the Tianxing Trading Company's spaceship.

A ray of blood shot out from mid-air like a shooting star. Accompanied by a flash of lightning, the Void Wolf King immediately saw clearly who was coming.

It turned out to be a young man in red robe from the demon tribe.

His cultivation has reached the fifth level of the Destiny Realm.

With such a level of cultivation, do you dare to attack the wolf king who is halfway to the realm of life and death?

It just came to this.

The Blood-King Demonic Dragon has already fallen down. He is suspended in mid-air, facing off against the Void Wolf King from afar.

"Little wolf, are you having a big time? If I don't take action, this spaceship will be dismantled by you, and no one will be able to survive."

The Blood-King Demonic Dragon smiled carelessly.

"Which demon clan do you belong to? Your tone is so arrogant?"

The Void Wolf King stared closely at the red-robed young man in front of him and asked in a deep voice.

It didn't take action immediately.

Although his cultivation level is much higher than that of the other party, after all, the other party is also a demon clan. If the backend is tough, it will also face huge risks if it takes action rashly.

"I'm really touched that there are still people who care about my old man's race..."

The Blood Chief Demonic Dragon said with emotion.

Nowadays, the dragon clan on Cangnan Continent is extremely rare, there are only a few in total, and the bloodline of the surviving dragon clan is extremely thin, which cannot be compared with the dragon clan in ancient times.

He released a trace of the aura of the Blood Demonic Dragon.

This breath was like a tide, instantly surrounding the Void Wolf King.

"Are you a dragon?"

The Void Wolf King was slightly startled.

"Get your wolf cubs out quickly, I don't want to go on a killing spree..."

The Blood Chief Demonic Dragon said calmly, with an expression on his face that showed the pride that a dragon should have.

"Haha, what a joke. Now that the dragon clan has declined and there is no decent force, you still want to threaten me?"

The Void Wolf King laughed, with a mocking smile in his eyes.

If this demon youth had a certain strength background, he would still give him some face.

But if it is the dragon clan, then it will not give any face.

Because the Dragon Clan... is no longer the protagonist in Cangnan Continent.

Their glory has long since disappeared along with the battles of ancient times.

The Void Wolf King's words immediately made the Blood Chief Demonic Dragon furious.

He released the dragon's aura and gave the other party room for maneuver. Unexpectedly, he was ridiculed by the other party.

This was really unbearable for him.

He immediately raised a hand, grabbed it from the air, and grabbed the huge Void Wolf King from the air.

A vast and powerful force imprisoned the Void Wolf King.

"This... what kind of cultivation is this?"

The Void Wolf King suddenly lost control of his body and was unable to move, and a turmoil suddenly arose in his heart.

Could it be that the dragon clan expert in the life and death realm is the one who can make him unable to compete even in the half-step life and death realm?

When he thought of this, the Void Wolf King felt very regretful. He should not have treated a senior of the Dragon Clan like this just now.

As a result, now that he has been caught by others, he can only be slaughtered by others.

"Little wolf, I have lived a long life. Considering that you and I both belong to the demon clan, I wanted to spare your life, but in the end you humiliated my dragon clan like this!

Now, go and die!"

When he said the last word, the Blood Chief Demonic Dragon spoke every word, and two rays of blood shot out from his eyes, like two sharp swords falling on the Void Wolf King.

The Void Wolf King screamed, and his huge body suddenly shrank into a shriveled corpse.

All the blood and life essence in its body were absorbed by the Blood Chief Demonic Dragon.

"You will not live if you do your own misfortune!"

The Blood Chief Demonic Dragon threw the body of the Void Wolf King on the ground.

Looking up at the dense void wolves in the sky, a sinister and bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes.

Killing the Void Wolf King completely detonated the bloodthirsty killing in his heart.

"Go to hell, everyone!"

The Blood-King Demonic Dragon suddenly opened its mouth, and a vast ray of blood swept into the air, like a vast ocean.

All the void wolves were instantly entangled in the blood light and turned into mummies.


The bloody ocean swept back in an instant and disappeared into the mouth of the Blood-King Demonic Dragon.

The whole process was incredibly fast, and almost all the monks above who were fighting the Void Wolf did not react.

At this moment, the Blood Chief Demon Dragon used the magical power of the Eternal Realm Demon.

In order not to expose himself, the Blood-King Demonic Dragon dodged and left the top of the mountain.

The next moment he appeared on the deck, standing next to Lei Qinian.

"Are all the void wolves dead?"

The remaining living human monks stood in mid-air, each one as dumbfounded as a chicken.

Just now a bloody light passed around, and all the void wolves turned into mummies and fell from the air.

Who is it that has used such terrifying magical power?

"This senior demon clan is really too strong!"

Among so many people, only the middle-aged man knew it best. He looked at the Blood-King Demonic Dragon with admiration in his eyes.

"I haven't eaten Tianling Immortal Phoenix Grass for many years..."

The Blood Chief Demonic Dragon chuckled and suddenly opened the jade box in his hand, with a salivating look in his eyes.

At this moment.

Amidst the dense thunder and lightning, a sound suddenly floated intermittently from an extremely distant place.


The expression of the Blood-King Demonic Dragon changed and he looked somewhere in the sky.

Although the voice was weak, he felt an unimaginably powerful aura coming here quickly.

(End of chapter)

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