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Chapter 65 Bloody Battle of Great Harmony Eighteen

Although the grain road was robbed by the Ming army, the Qing army did not fall apart because of this. Instead, Hedu made up his mind to attack instead of defend, and threw all his soldiers, including his bodyguard Geshiha, into the siege battlefield.

The sound of artillery continued continuously, boulders were thrown out frequently, and all kinds of siege equipment gathered together.

Dagubian personally participated in the battle and led his Niulu to climb the city wall. The Aha battalion, who was previously responsible for filling the river, was sent to dig soil under the wall. Since the city wall could not be blown down, they would find a way to dig it down.

After days of fierce fighting, corpses were piled outside the city wall, and mosquitoes and flies were infested. No one was cleaning the restricted area of ​​the battlefield, so they had to let it rot naturally and stink.

"Squeak", a black-skinned rat scurried up and down among the corpses, its slender tail flying wildly, and accidentally bumped into Deng San who was struggling to dig the soil. Deng San grabbed the rat's tail and lifted it up, and the rat waved its limbs in the air.


It was as if God was playing a joke: no one who wanted to live would survive, but Deng San, who wanted to die, was not dead.

The artillery and arrows on the battlefield seemed to be avoiding him. The other Aha who dug up the earth to fill the river were either doused with kerosene, penetrated by javelins, or were killed by falling wood and rocks from the city. Only the top of his head did not move at all.


Deng San believed that the spirits of You Ge and Gou Wa were protecting him, so he began to seek survival.

It was a bit small, but it was better than eating dirt. Deng San stuffed the rat head into his mouth, bit it down, chewed it and swallowed it. A strong and pungent smell of urine filled his mouth and nose, making him fuck him repeatedly.


I suppressed my nausea and ate the rest of the mouse body, then quickly stuffed some dirt into my mouth.

After two efforts, the whole mouse was eliminated. After a while, Deng San began to dig the soil again. The sores on his palms burst with blood. He dug, dug, dug. As long as the wall collapsed, he would be able to survive.


"Have the rations been distributed properly to the residents?" Sun Xuanhuai was writing a booklet on the table. He looked up and saw Du Mao coming, and asked immediately.

"My lord, everything is done."

"Yeah." Sun Xuanhuai would still fiddle with the abacus on the side in his writing room from time to time, calculating the remainder of supplies with all his heart. Du Mao did not leave after reporting the matters, and stood there waiting quietly.

"Tap...tap..." The beads collided with the rods, making a crisp sound, which was opposite to the bursts of artillery bombardment coming from outside.

"Hey, why is Changping still here? But you have something to say to me?"

Du Mao bent down and made a long bow and said: "Mao is not talented, come and say goodbye to the master of the palace."

Sun Xuanhuai was quite surprised when he heard this: "Why did you leave? But someone is making things difficult for you?"

Du Mao shook his head: "The Jianlu offensive was fierce. Mao couldn't bear to see the lives of thousands of families in ruins. He was willing to follow Ban Chao's example and abandon his writing and join the army."

Sun Xuanhuai stared at the young man in front of him with wide eyes, stood up, walked to Du Mao and asked, "Do you want to go to the city to guard the wall?"

"Exactly, Mao knew that he would escape death, so he said goodbye to the royal family."

Sun Xuanhuai hesitated to speak after hearing this. He was familiar with Du Mao's temper. Once he made up his mind, he could not persuade him. When he thought of having another talented and loyal person on the city wall, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Sun originally planned to recommend it to His Majesty when the situation becomes more stable, but it's a pity... Go ahead, go ahead. How can I advise you if I'm not as good as you on this matter?"

Du Mao leaned over and thanked him, "Take care of it." After saying this, Sun Xuanhuai returned to his seat and did not look at him again.


The Qing army launched a forceful attack at the cost of casualties. Dagubian took the lead and was the first to climb up the wall. The refugees who temporarily acted as defenders were unable to resist them. Dagubian led his troops to attack left and right in the corridor, leaving a mountain of blood and corpses.


Qing soldiers rushed in from various places on the wall. Yang Bo was overwhelmed and had to lead his regiment to practice camp and retreat, intending to reorganize the defense line in the city. During the retreat, soldiers kept getting separated.

A man was stabbed several times, but he still risked his life and sounded the alarm. The rapid and continuous "dong.dong.dong" circled over Datong, and the east gate was in danger.

In a blink of an eye, the city was lost, and the outer gate of the Weng City was opened. Seeing this, the Qing soldiers from outside the city stopped clinging to it, and instead entered through the outer gate. It didn't take long for the second gate to open, and then the inner city gate.

"The city is broken!"


The Qing soldiers marched straight into Datong. As the crowds merged in, one side of the city wall began to shake. In an instant, the masonry shattered and collapsed downwards. With a loud bang, earth flew into the sky, and a huge gap appeared in the eastern section of the city wall.

Faced with the overwhelming odds in front of him, Dagubian was fearless. Even though he was wearing heavy armor, he was still walking as fast as flying. He wanted to lead his troops into battle and massacre the city!

There were only three to four hundred people left in the regiment training camp. Facing the thousands of Qing soldiers pouring into the city, they were like a mantis blocking a cart. Standing at the front, Zhao Adi held the gun tightly and saw the abominable barbarians getting closer and closer to him.

, closed his eyes.

Feeling the horse in front being pushed, Zhao Adi roared and thrust out his spear.

Uncle Yang put his knife to the back of Hu Mazi's head, looking as if he was dead, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Tuanlian camp, don't retreat!" Chen Zhuo also shouted, and everyone in the Tuanlian camp also shouted.

"Don't retreat!" Hu Mazi, who had just tried to escape, was infected by the momentum, spittle flew from his mouth, and cursed the eighteen generations of Tatar ancestors.

At the same time that the regiment training camp was "swamped" by the Qing soldiers, a team of nearly ten thousand people appeared from the west. Old Chentou held a torch high in his hand and said to the villagers around him: "Our wife and children are behind us, so those who carry the torch will do it."

Go forward!"

The usually dull Tie Sheng kept walking with a wooden stick in his hand, and the scars on the corners of his mouth were particularly obvious under the firelight.

"Destroy the Tartars, protect Datong, protect your wife and children, and repay the emperor!" A weak scholar squeezed out from among the refugees, shouting non-stop. When everyone saw, it was Mr. Du who was usually responsible for distributing rations.

Du Mao came in a hurry, and for a while he couldn't find anyone to take advantage of him. He had to pick up a medium-sized square brick in the road and hold it in his hand. With a blush on his face, he squeezed to the front, saying something over and over again.

Stop repeating.

"Destroy the Tartars, protect Datong, protect your wife and children, and repay the emperor!"

"Destroy the Tartars, protect Datong, protect your wife and children, and repay the emperor!"

There were gradually people in the crowd singing along, ten people, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand people, until the sound was enough to shake the sky. Du Mao gritted his teeth and smashed the bricks on the ground, pointed forward and said: "Charge!"


After receiving Hedu's order to attack desperately, Mengchai made up his mind and stopped looking forward and backward, facing Wang Jinchao head-on despite casualties. Wang Jinchao did the same, with Datong behind him, how could he retreat? He could only fight to the end.

As fighting raged across Datong, dozens of cannon shots and whistles came from the north side of Gudian.

Hedu was sitting in the tent waiting for the battle report. He heard loud shouts of killing outside the camp but did not panic. His food route was robbed, so how could he not think of a sneak attack? There were still a thousand Eight Banners warriors left in his camp, which was more than enough to deal with these Ming troops.

This chapter has been completed!
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