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Chapter 26: Water can overturn a boat, and it can also carry a boat.

The construction of Daiwang Palace started in the 25th year of Hongwu, Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. It was built based on Yingtian Palace. It covers a total area of ​​285 acres, is 210 feet long from north to south, and 78 feet wide from east to west.

Among them, there are more than 20 large and small palaces and more than 800 houses. The palaces are deep, with winding corridors, connected corridors and verandas, and scattered houses, showing the style of the royal family.

It was such a royal palace where eleven successive vassals lived and handled political affairs. Its luxury was not inferior to that of the imperial palace. Finally, with the death of Zhu Chuan?, the rule of the vassal king came to an end, and the huge palace was plundered by the intruders who stayed in Datong.

Occupied, it has long been empty.

If there were civil servants present, after recapturing Datong, they would definitely advise Chongzhen to move into the Prince's Palace, so as to send a signal to the people that the imperial power of the Zhu family was restored.

But Chongzhen himself did not take this seriously. Such symbols of imperial power were all dismissed by him as frivolous matters. In contrast, he paid more attention to the practical functions of things. This is why he moved tens of thousands of refugees into the palace with a wave of his hand.


Chongzhen ordered and Jiang Quan carried it out. As a military attache, he naturally would not think about problems like a civil servant. After driving all the refugees to the open space between the gates of the palace and arranging soldiers to guard them, he ignored them. As for Chongzhen's instructions to him,

The registration records were kept, and everything about proper placement was completely forgotten.

From Jiang Quan's point of view, they are nothing more than a bunch of untouchables. Letting them in is the ultimate act of kindness and justice, and His Majesty is simply unnecessary.

Although the palace is no longer as grand as it once was, in the eyes of ordinary people, just the red walls surrounding it are already out of reach. If you can enter this once in your life, you will be in the wrong place.

There was no shelter in the open space, and tens of thousands of people were sitting together in the rain. Some people came out with carts, and put bedding and thatch on the carts, so they thought of a way to tie some farm tools and stand them beside the carts.

Spread out the bedding and cover it with a layer of thatch, simply creating a small place to take shelter from the rain.

What about the people who have no place to take shelter from the rain? They hold a raincoat and hold an umbrella. Even worse, they sit on the ground in the rain without saying a word. They seem to have become accustomed to the hardships of the world.

There was an old man with white hair standing under the hood of his car, holding a dry pipe in his hand, looking worriedly at the surrounding villagers who were soaked in the rain. There was a baby with a frozen face huddled in the arms of an adult.

The old man banged his cigarette pouch on the wheel of the cart and said to his son, who was taking shelter from the rain next to him: "Tiesheng, come with dad."

Tiesheng crossed his arms and rubbed them up and down to keep his body warm, "Ah Da, it's still raining, and it won't go off my forehead."

"You're a ball boy, let's fight him!"

Tiesheng was kicked in the thigh by the old man, and then reluctantly followed him out of the tent. He felt the rain hitting him was cold, and he didn't know why the old man had to go out.

The old man led the way, walking in front of Qianming, muttering: "If it keeps getting wet like this, people will die."

After walking a long way, until their clothes were soaked through, they saw the soldiers guarding the gate.

"Wait a minute, what are you two going to do?" The soldier pointed the tip of his spear, signaling the two of them to stop.

Originally, if they walked closer, they would be out of the rain once they entered the gate, but seeing the posture of the guards, the two of them did not dare to move any further.

There is a plaque hanging on the gate, with the words "Duanlimen" written on it. The soldiers stood in a sheltered place from the wind and rain, and the old man led his son to stand in the rain, with only three steps between them.

The old man wiped the water on his face, changed his frown to a smile, and said: "Um, I am the head of Niutou Village. I would like to ask the military master if he knows how the adults above plan to arrange us next?"

"Isn't this settled? Go, go, go back to your own place."

"Hey, sir, don't be surprised. We just want to ask, is it okay if the rain keeps falling like this? Your Excellency lets us enter the city and doesn't he care about us anymore."

"You, an old man, can arrange the affairs of adults? Damn it." The soldier said and kicked the old man. It didn't use much force, but the action was exactly the same as the old man kicking iron.

The old man was staggered and fell backwards. Fortunately, Tie Sheng was able to help him quickly. If he had fallen and landed on the back of his head, he would have suffered.

While supporting the old man, Tiesheng cursed at the soldier: "A dog relies on human power."

"Hey, what are you talking about? Say something more and listen to me?" Upon seeing this, several soldiers on the side also gathered around.

Seeing that Tiesheng wanted to talk more, the old man slapped him in the face. Tiesheng was stunned and looked at the old man with an aggrieved face.

"Master Jun, I'm sorry. My silly son is ignorant. Don't argue with him. Let's leave now. We'll leave now."

"Don't leave, let him say it."

"Tiesheng, kneel down and apologize to the military masters. Can we kowtow to you, military masters?"

The old man pressed Tiesheng's head and knelt down to kowtow together. There was a "dong-dong" sound on the ground.

When several soldiers saw the two of them acting like this, they wanted to stop it and let them go.

The cold rain fell on Tie Sheng's face, and when it reached the corners of his eyes, he felt it was hot. He was forced to get wet in the rain, forced to apologize, and kowtowed. Tie Sheng, who was extremely aggrieved, shed tears and regretted why he didn't follow him in the first place.


"I'm going to kill you!" Tiesheng couldn't think about it for a moment, so he shook off the old man's hand, gritted his teeth and got up from the ground, swinging his fists to rush towards the soldiers.

But as if even God looked down upon him, Tiesheng's feet slipped and he fell to the ground. His mouth was full of blood and his teeth were broken.

The soldiers were startled by his strange roar and were about to defend themselves, but they burst out laughing when they saw his useless look.

The old man crawled to Tiesheng's side helplessly, slowly helped his son up, and signaled him with his eyes to stop talking, and the two walked back leaning on each other.

"Son, we're not worthy of fighting with soldiers, so stop being so angry, okay?" Tiesheng's mouth was numb and speechless, so he nodded sadly in agreement.

"Alas!" The old man seemed to have become much older in an instant. When will this world end?

"Eyes on your butt? Get out of the way!" I heard a shout from behind. Chongzhen led the way on horseback, followed by Chen Zhuo and his soldiers. The soldiers guarding the gate wanted to step forward to ask who was coming, but Chen Zhuo was met by Chen Zhuo.


In the military camp before, Chongzhen thought of the refugees and asked Chen Zhuo about it, but Chen Zhuo was too hesitant to say anything. Seeing his reaction, Chongzhen vaguely guessed the truth and immediately rode to Prince Dai's Mansion. He wanted to see it with his own eyes.

When passing by the old man and Tiesheng, Chongzhen couldn't help but look back and saw that Tiesheng's face was covered in blood, so he immediately turned his horse's head and turned back.

"Old man, what is going on?" Chongzhen pointed at Tiesheng's face. The old man looked back at the gatekeeper. The gatekeepers also gathered together and looked at him. The old man hesitated and did not dare to say anything.

It wasn't until he remembered Tiesheng's face covered in blood and only a few good teeth left in his mouth that he gritted his teeth and told what had happened.

"You did a good job, very well!" Chongzhen's face turned purple with anger, and his hands holding the saddle were shaking. He tried his best to win over the people, but in the blink of an eye he was completely thrown away again.

Calm down, stay calm, Chongzhen kept urging himself in his heart, it's not the time yet.

"You guys go and behead the leader, while the others look on coldly and give you fifty lashes."


"Chen Zhuo summoned the city's traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to come to the Prince's Mansion, and also sent an order to Sun Xuanhuai. I need him to prepare a large amount of dry clothes, bedding, and food immediately."

This chapter has been completed!
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