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Chapter 46 Defense Part 1

As the blood faded, Chongzhen gradually felt a lingering fear. If the man's knife had been lower..., thinking of this, he couldn't help but touch his Tianling Cap again.

It was definitely not his wish to be in danger himself, but for so many years, the defeat of the Ming army at the hands of the Jianlu was as common as a common occurrence. Just knowing that they would face the Jianlu made them all afraid, so what if everyone wanted to escape before fighting.

Can have a chance of winning.

The morale of the army is very important, so Chongzhen had no choice but to set an example by himself, setting an example in the army that the emperor was not afraid of the captives, so as to boost the courage of the soldiers and dispel their fears.

Watching Long Live Lord's triumphant return, the gate tower guards who witnessed what happened raised their weapons in the air and cheered Long Live Lord in unison.

Wang Jinchao, who was accompanying him, looked equally proud. Behind his relaxed expression, the lining of his armor was already soaked with sweat. It was obvious that he was quite nervous along the way.

"His Majesty."

When Chongzhen heard Wang Jinchao calling him, he pulled the reins closer and asked, "What's the matter?"

Wang Jinchao gently wiped away the sweat on his nose with his fingers, and said with cupped hands: "I admire you for my humility." This was interesting to hear. Chongzhen smiled and asked him what he admired? He had stayed in Datong for a long time, so he spoke with a Shanxi accent.


"Although His Majesty acted a little recklessly, he did something that he has never done before in his humble position. People used to say that you are a bastard, but you are really wrong." I don't know if this is a compliment or a disgrace. Otherwise, it's hard to tell.

After all, Wang Jinchao was still a general at a very old age, and his mouth offended many people.

Where there are strange ministers, there are also strange monarchs. Chongzhen was quite pleased with what he heard. Nowadays, he admires anyone who tells the truth, faces up to the past failures, and faces up to the mistakes he has made.

Perhaps because he had been in the army for a long time, he relied on the dialect he learned from the soldiers. Chongzhen replied: "If a person dies, a bird will look up to the sky, and he will not die for tens of millions of years." As soon as such a joke came out, everyone accompanying him, including Wang Jinchao, laughed.

, from the bottom of my heart, I feel close to our Long Live Master.

Along the way, he met Tuan Lian Ying and others who came to return. After Sun Xuanhuai settled the turmoil among the Jin gentry, he followed closely with the clerks working in the government office.

Then there are the refugees who were previously placed in Daiwang's Mansion. After discussion, the village leaders finally decided to follow Lao Chentou to pay homage to the emperor.

When Chongzhen heard that the refugees planned to stay and help defend the city, he was naturally overjoyed. While he was happy, he also winked at Sun Xuanhuai. There must be loyalty in a city of ten houses, and my predecessors will never deceive me.

After opening the door during the day to let the people out, seven out of ten locals in Fucheng left. The rest were mostly lonely, old and weak who could not bear the long journey and simply stayed. Adding in the refugees and the military households guarding the city, the total number of people existing in Fucheng

Only seventy thousand.

While everyone was gathered here, Chongzhen waved his hand to discuss matters.

Since it was wartime, the meeting place was arranged in the military camp. The soldiers were ordered to clear a field, light bonfires around it, put tables and chairs in the center of the field, and Chongzhen sat alone behind the table.

Because no preparations were made in advance, all the participants had to sit on the floor, but no one was dissatisfied. Although it was a bit crude, the form was not ordinary. This was to listen to the government in front of the emperor!

The position of the refugees was slightly further back, but this did not affect Old Chentou. The cigarette bag that he usually kept in his hand was now hung back on his waist. He sat cross-legged and looked at his son and daughter-in-law next to him. Hey, he is so proud of himself.

Chongzhen looked at the people dressed in different colors, which seemed to correspond to the various classes in the city.

Song Xiance and Sun Xuanhuai symbolize "scholars" and "business", Yang Boxian and Lao Chentou represent "workers" and "farmers", and the "soldiers" led by Wang Jinchao. Today, all walks of life can gather together and willingly work with It is hard-won for me, the "king", to discuss important matters together.

Although these people seem to be a rabble, there is a sense of prosperity hidden in them, which is rare in the last days of the dynasty, just like a dead tree blooming with spring.

Today's discussion all revolves around city defense. Defending a city sounds simple. It means nothing more than soldiers climbing up the wall to hold on. However, if you want to defend the city well, there are far more things that need to be paid attention to.

Judging from the strength of the troops, after absorbing some of the surrendered soldiers, Chongzhen can currently mobilize 167. Jiang Xuan has been divided into 3000, and is rushing to Hunyuan Prefecture. Ma Yaozi and Wang Fucheng have taken away most of the night troops Jingqi rode to the west, and the defense line of Erbao and Town in the north was divided by 5,000 soldiers.

A quick calculation shows that there are only eight thousand soldiers in the city that can be used to defend the city.

The enemy came from east to west, and the east gate of Fucheng was naturally the first to bear the brunt. Therefore, Chongzhen chose to place four thousand soldiers at the east gate to guard the wall, and planned to invest all artillery and bows and crossbows in the east as the main battlefield to face the front.

If the two forts and one town are not lost, the north of Datong will be safe. Therefore, Chongzhen boldly did not deploy troops to defend the north gate, leaving only some city wall scouts to observe the enemy's movements.

One thousand at the west gate and two thousand at the south gate. The rest were merged with the regiment training camp and kept as preparations in the city to provide mobile support to various battlefields.

"Demolish all the buildings in the nearest circle along the city wall, and hoard the cleared boulders and rough wood for the purpose of defending the city. I will leave this matter to Mr. Chen."

Seeing that his father had not responded for a long time, Tiesheng coughed repeatedly to remind him. When Old Chen saw everyone around him looking at him, he quickly stood up and shouted: "Yes!"

Seeing Lord Long live smiling and waving his hand for him to sit down, Old Chen bent down and asked Tiesheng in a low voice: "Son, what did Lord Long live say just now?"

Chongzhen looked at Wang Jinchao and said again: "I will use the cleared space as the second line of defense in the city."

Wang Jinchao was puzzled, what is the second line of defense? Chongzhen explained: "Just along this circle, dig a tunnel half a person's height, as wide as possible, connect the outside to the city wall, and put up the horses on the inside."

According to the description, Wang Jinchao conceived the picture in his mind. From this point of view, even if a certain city wall is lost, the enemy troops entering the city can be blocked at this line through tunnels and horseback, and they can be destroyed by flanking attacks from both front and rear.

Wang Jinchao understood and nodded thoughtfully. Is this what His Majesty has learned now?

"The Jianlu's artillery carriages and artillery cannot be underestimated. You must place all the old, weak, women and children in the west of the city, and use ready-made accommodation. The main purpose is to free up this part of the city."

Needless to say, this move requires men to take good care of their families so that they can safely defend the city and participate in the war. Everyone agreed in unison.

"Sun Xuanhuai, Song Xiance."

"Here." The two stood up.

"Sun Xuanhuai, I will promote you to be the magistrate of Datong Prefecture and handle the government affairs of Datong. Tomorrow, we will begin to collect all the grain and grass in the city. After unified deployment by the government office, we will distribute it per capita every day. You can draw up a charter."

"I accept the order." Sun Xuanhuai said calmly and bowed to receive the order.

"Song Xiance, I will leave the army medical officer to you. Can you take care of the wounded soldiers?"

"Thank you Lord for your kindness!" Song Xiance bowed to the ground, and Chongzhen continued: "If there are not enough manpower, we can recruit some female relatives to help the medical officers."

"It all depends on Lord Long Live."

Chongzhen specially gave everyone a time to express their opinions and encouraged everyone to express their thoughts. Everyone seemed a little reserved at first, until Chen Tiesheng stood up and said: "Long live the Lord! There is still water. Let's stock up more water. Be careful of the Tatars."

Poison the river!"

After hearing this, Chongzhen applauded and said: "Okay, well said!"

Tiesheng smiled stupidly, scratched the back of his head and sat down. Lao Chentou pouted his lips from side to side with a proud face, "Look, my son!"

"Our man is so handsome today!" Tie Sheng's wife grabbed Tie Sheng's clothes and kept praising her. Tie Sheng had no time to pay attention to her, and kept thinking about whether there was anything else he could say to Long live the Lord.

Tiesheng Erluo got off to a good start, and other people who were jealous of Long Live Lord's praise tried their best to make suggestions. The meeting instantly became lively, and Chongzhen was no longer the only one giving orders.
This chapter has been completed!
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