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Chapter 74 Prologue

Under Chongzhen's inspection, everything in the army was carried out in an orderly manner, and no one was lazy.

Whenever he saw a familiar veteran on the road, Chongzhen would call him and ask him about his name, age, place of origin, and marriage status. He would sometimes joke and sometimes encourage, without any condescending and imperial attitude.

Whether he personally defends the city on the wall or cares about every detail at the bottom, Chongzhen is gradually growing into a qualified "commander", and the image he subverted in the past has also penetrated into the hearts of every soldier, just as sung in the triumphal song

, the Lord will kiss me better than a parent.

Sufficient pay and adequate food were not enough. He wanted the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty to know clearly why they were fighting.

Tang Tong was not stingy at all when it came to recruiting soldiers, and even gave 500 servants to Wang Jinchao as a sign of friendship. As a leader of the army, how could he not know the weight of the servants? Wang Jinchao kept shirking and did not dare to accept them.


"Master Tang, this is impossible."

Tang Tong held his belt with one hand and said: "Tang, we met late. Now that I am lucky enough to work with Mr. Wang, we should take care of each other, right? A few hundred servants are nothing, so please accept it."

"But this..." Although the two are now on equal terms, Tang Tong's qualifications are not comparable to that of Wang Jinchao. Although the other party said what he said with great sincerity, he still did not dare to agree.

Tang Tong took Wang Jinchao's hand and spoke from the bottom of his heart: "Sir, Mr. Wang, Tang is a guilty person and is anxious to make some achievements for Your Majesty. Today, I will lend these servants to Mr. Wang.

The conquest of Guangchang can be considered Tang’s contribution, wouldn’t it be wonderful for us two brothers to benefit from each other?”

The truth in this statement is extremely simple. It is nothing more than using servants in exchange for some credit. That is to say, Wang Jinchao's official level is not high. It takes Tang Tong to explain it thoroughly before he can understand it.

"Then just follow what Mr. Tang said."

"That's right. Tang hereby wishes Mr. Wang a successful start."


A hand covered with calluses slowly put down the bowl. There was half a piece of uneaten cake in the bowl.

"Silly boy, just go away. Remember to invest in a wealthy family in the next life." Old Chentou muttered, as if he was talking to the dead Tiesheng. The ground was littered with black and red blood stains that were shocking.

The daughter-in-law and the baby were crying aside. Old Chen was upset when he heard that, so he turned around and pushed them back. He squatted down alone facing the broken bowl.

"Let's just be alone." After saying that, he lit the tobacco leaves and placed the stem on the bowl at an angle, letting out curls of green smoke.

"There is no need to worry about the family. Dad is quite strong. Your grandson and daughter-in-law will all be taken care of by you."

"Master Guan also came to see us and brought some silver coins and food."

"The emperor said that he will give rewards to our family in the future, and the old man will ask for a title for you." Old Chen started one sentence after another, and when he thought about it, the rising smoke became thinner and thinner.

The tobacco leaves are almost burned out.

"Let's go, let's go, I won't be a bad person in this life."


"I'm ashamed to say that Mao was accidentally knocked unconscious. When he woke up, he knew he had won, so he followed him out of the city." Du Mao touched the back of his head, obviously the pain from yesterday had not gone away.

"It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive." Sun Xuanhuai patted Du Mao on the shoulder and felt relieved.

When counting the dead in the city, Sun Xuanhuai sent people to search for Du Mao's whereabouts. However, no one was found alive or dead, and no body was found. Such a great talent died young, so he regretted it for a long time. Unexpectedly, he was on his way to convene the big families to discuss moving to the city today.

, met Du Mao who was returning from outside the city.

"Changping, what about your injury?"

"It's just a minor injury. Thank you, Lord Fu, for your concern."

Sun Xuanhuai pursed his lips and said: "For reasons and reasons, I should let you go back and rest first." After saying this, he looked at Du Mao with a somewhat embarrassed look.

"Mao is fine. If you need anything, please let me know."

"Long Live Lord wants to relocate the entire city to Guangchang County. I have to convince the local squires. Can Changping mobilize other people on my behalf? You usually have a lot of contact with refugees, so I think you are more suitable than me.


"I would like to share your worries for the Lord."


Although the Ming army did not continue the pursuit, Dagubian, who had fled, was still running non-stop day and night. During this period, Hedu woke up from the hallucination. After asking about the reason for his escape, he immediately pointed at Baiqi and cursed.

Especially Dagubian, and all the eighteen generations of his ancestors were greeted by Hedu.

"It's Meng Cai. The Ming army that appeared out of thin air in the city came through him."

Hedu Beile is a member of the royal family, and he will be punished at most if he suffers a defeat. Dagubian is not named Aixinjueluo, so he must find someone to take the blame.

So while silently enduring the abuse, Dagubian placed the main blame for the defeat on Mengchai, whose whereabouts were unknown.

"Mengchai deserves to die, you deserve to die, you all deserve to die!" Hedu was hysterical and roared angrily. He was obviously about to win, but when he woke up he was actually on the run.

There are only about 100 soldiers left in the army of nearly 30,000 people. They will definitely be skinned by Amma when they return!

Thinking of his father Azig, Hedu had goosebumps all over his body, what should he do, what should he do.

After a while, Hedu pulled Dagubian aside, and the two started a strange conversation.

"Dagubian, did you just say that Mengchai betrayed us?"

"Eh? It can be."

"Why did he do this?"

"He is a coward, a coward."

"No, you should say that you robbed Mengchai's woman, and Mengchai had a grudge and deliberately retaliated."

"Didn't he steal me last time?"


On the fifth day of June, the Qing army appeared again in Datong.

This time, Dorgon went on a personal expedition, and the Qing army mobilized a total of 90,000 troops from the Five Manchus, Two Mongols, and Six Han Dynasties, and the eight kings gathered together.

Originally, this was supposed to happen five years later, and was known in history as the Eight Kings Siege of Datong.

Which eight kings?

Prince Mandahai of Heshuo, Prince Wakda of Doluo County, Prince Shuosei of Chengze County, Prince Azig of England, Prince Jingjin Nikan, Prince Duanzhong Bolo and Regent Dorgon, and one more assistant

Wu Sangui, the king of peace, was conquered.

Because Shanxi was too close to the capital, the news of Chongzhen's appearance in Datong made Dorgon feel uneasy, even if others were using Chongzhen's name.

As a result, the Qing army decisively gave up the idea of ​​going south and was bound to wipe out Shanxi in one fell swoop, taking Li Zicheng with him.

Hedu's defeat strengthened Dorgon's suspicion that there must be a big fish hidden in Datong.

"It's reported that it's an empty city."

"Empty city?"

Dorgon stepped back and looked around. There were no fortifications along the way from Xuanfu to Datong, not even civilians. Why don't you just want to abandon such a strong city?

According to the reports of the reconnaissance cavalry I sent out, I once encountered a suspected Ming army reconnaissance sentry, but the other party ran away immediately, making it difficult to catch up.

"Want to run?" Dorgon couldn't help but sneer.

"Report! Jianlu has arrived in the area of ​​Datong Fucheng. From a distance, they number no less than 50,000."

Chongzhen led tens of thousands of people to the vicinity of Lingqiu County when he received an urgent message from Ma Yaozi.

"Send orders to the front troops to leave Zijingguan and attack the prefectures and counties near Baoding."


The civilian convoy was walking in the middle of the road, with soldiers accompanying it on both sides. Chongzhen stood on his horse and looked back at the long queue behind him.

"Like chasing?"

This chapter has been completed!
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