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Jizi Volume Chapter 196: All-in-one, serial

  Zaisai has noticed that the crisis is coming so quickly, and the enemy seems to hope to use this kind of war of attrition to continuously kill and injure one's own effective forces, and continue to weaken one's own morale, until one's own side is completely worn out.

This kind of siege warfare against a fortified city is not what our side is good at. Facing a fortified city, the cavalry and archery that everyone in Khalkha is good at cannot show their strengths, but the enemy can hide behind the city wall and use their far superior weapons.

The fire cannon with the power of one's own imagination caused huge damage to one's own side.

He also realized that he had made a serious mistake, that is, he completely misjudged the combat effectiveness of the Zhou Army, especially the Yongping New Army mentioned by the Chahar and Jianzhou Jurchens, and did not truly realize that this

The newly arrived Yongping Prefecture magistrates worked hard on the construction of the prefectures and counties in Yongping Prefecture, so they did not ask for more artillery and gunners from the Chahars and Jianzhou Jurchens.

 When he first saw that the Chahar people were equipped with a large number of artillery, he was a little disdainful.

When will the warriors on the grassland rely on packhorses to drag these heavy artillery over the mountains and ridges, and rely on these things to attack cities and defeat the enemy? Isn't it what the warriors on the grassland do best?

If they all become like the Han people and have to rely on pack horses and legs to march, and the bow and horse riding are turned into artillery and firecrackers, then what difference will there be between the prairie warriors and the Han people?

But now it seems that the Chahar people noticed the changes earlier than the Khalkha people. Of course, this may be because they are going south to capture the Han people's city, but they and their uncles underestimated the Yongping Prefecture too much.

These Han people.

Twenty years ago, the Chahar people used less than one-third of the strength of the Eastern Route Army to sweep through Yongping Prefecture, from Qian'an to Lulong to Luanzhou, from Funing to Changli, except for the last

Leting in the south, and the entire Yongping Mansion from east to west, north and south, all surrendered under the iron heel.

Chahar people's cavalry even rushed to the edge of the canal, cutting off the passage of the canal, shaking the north and south, and making the entire capital city of Zhou Dynasty change its color. Emperor Yuanxi got up three times a night and could not sleep at night.

But now, Zaisai does not think that the warriors of his Hongji tribe are inferior to the Chahar people twenty years ago. They are just as brave and fearless, and they are equally willing to sacrifice their lives, but when faced with the dense rain of fire and bullets,

, everyone is made of flesh and blood, and no one can withstand the blow of steel and gunpowder.

Even a brave man like Sokto was shot and killed directly even though he was wearing heavy armor. The Han people's fire blunderbuss was so powerful that Zaisai couldn't help but feel a chill in his vest.

Times seem to have changed. The Chahar people seem to be aware of this change and have begun to spare no effort to equip firecrackers and artillery. The Jurchens in Jianzhou are known for their armored warriors and archers, but now it is said that they have also begun to equip cannons and start moving around.

Recruit craftsmen to smelt iron and strive to produce cannons.

If the Liaodong Army all turned into such firecrackers and artillery, I wonder if the Chahars and Jianzhou Jurchens could still win the battle with the Liaodong Army? Perhaps in the field, the prairie warriors could also rely on the unparalleled cavalry. They shot and suppressed these Han people, but what should the prairie warriors do in this fateful siege?

 Shaked his head, Zaisai didn't want to think about it anymore. He just wanted to capture Qian'an City in one battle.

 This is a desperate move, but it must be done. Otherwise, if this continues, even if Qian'an City can be captured, the five Inner Khalkha tribes will pay an unbearable and painful price.

Standing on the top of the city wall, Feng Ziying immediately noticed the change in the frontal situation with a telescope.

The black cavalry began to move slowly from the flanks in formation. It was obvious that the Khalkhas were not willing to fail, but such a large-scale cavalry was obviously at least twice as many as the previous group of cavalry that swept past, and it seemed that the cavalry behind them The children are still continuing to mobilize.

This surprised Feng Ziying. Could it be that the Khalkha people planned to use this method to shoot at their own side? That was really a dream.

But it was obvious that the Khalkha people were not so stupid, and Zhuoli Ketuhunbatulu and Zaisai were not so unwise. Soon Feng Ziying saw that the entire enemy rear camp was like a honeycomb. Soldiers continued to pour out and began to expand the area according to their respective formations.

 The infantry of the brigade lined up layer by layer, the scale was at least five or six times that of the previous charge, and there was almost no gap between the groups, which shocked Feng Ziying.

Are the people of Inner Khalkha desperate? He did not expect that Zhuoliketuhunbatulu was so decisive. No, it should not be Zhuoliketuhunbatulu. This man is old and does not have such decisive courage. He should be Zaisai!

Feng Ziying had long heard that Zasai was known for his decisiveness and was known as the hero of the Inner Khalkha tribes. In a letter from his father, he said that there were not many heroes in the left-wing tribes of Mongolia, but Zasai was the horse of a tiger and a leopard. Although it was not written down, The aura of eating cattle is enough to show that he is optimistic about this person.

“Send someone to inform Hushan that the enemy is desperate, and ask them to pay attention to the low wall protection...”

“In addition, order the cannons to raise their muzzles, disrupt the enemy’s infantry formation in advance, concentrate on attacking the infantry, and ignore the enemy’s cavalry!”

 “Hou Chengzu!”

 “The end is here!”

 “Get your entire naval battalion up and prepare for battle!”

"Busiya Mara, let Dergler and your Yehe cavalry prepare for battle. Open the city from the west city, go around the north, contain the enemy, and choose the opportunity to attack!"

Busiya Mara hesitated for a moment, but saw Feng Ziying's cold eyes sweeping over her, which made her feel cold, and she could only lower her head and say: "Yes!"

  If you want to disobey orders at this time, I am afraid that the other party will really fall out. Bushiya Mala sighed in her heart, this person is really ambitious and has no sense of friendship.

 After the order was given, Busia Mara quietly came behind Feng Ziying.

"Sir, the Inner Khalkha people must still have reserves in the rear. Our Yehe tribe only has 3,000 cavalrymen, but the five Inner Khalkha tribes plus the Horqin people have more than 60,000 people. They are now deployed on both sides.

The attacking army is only 30,000 to 40,000 men, and there are at least 10,000 more reserve troops. Once our armored cavalry is bitten, it will be difficult to escape..."

"Bushiya Mara, is it true that the bravery of the warriors of your Yehe tribe is based on the premise of defeating the weak with the strong? When you encounter a strong enemy, you will retreat when encountering difficulties and difficulties. How do you, the Yehe tribe, survive on the grassland?

Who survived? No wonder you Haixi Jurchens were beaten to a pulp by the Jianzhou Jurchens. I don’t think Nurhaci is so powerful, but you Haixi Jurchens are so useless!”

Feng Ziying suddenly became angry, "If your Yehe tribe is like a woman with bound feet who hesitates and dares not to fight when facing the Inner Khalkhas, then I have nothing to say. I can immediately send a signal to

Luo Guanyi's cavalry battalion has asked his Ji Town cavalry to take on this task, but Busia Mara, you have to remember that if your Ye He tribe encounters any difficulties in the future, you don't have to come to me again!"

Such humiliating words made Busia Mara's face turn red. When did Ye Hebu not dare to fight?

Even when faced with the Jianzhou Jurchens, the warriors of the Yehe tribe never flinched.

In the Battle of Gule Mountain (Battle of Nine Tribes), my father paid the price with his life. The Yehe tribe turned from prosperity to decline, but it never surrendered to the Jianzhou Jurchens, let alone the Mongols.

"Sir, please pay attention to your words. We warriors of the Yehe tribe are never afraid of a battle, nor are we afraid of a battle with anyone!"

"Busiya Mara, my words are not important, the key is your performance, that is the most important!" Feng Ziying's attitude was blunt, "If you want my words to change, yes, then I ask you, the so-called warriors of the Ye He tribe, to be brave

Instead of counting on sneak attacks or trickery, use their achievements to prove to me the bravery of your Ye He tribe! After all, I am still a colleague of Yongping Mansion, and your Ye He tribe is also here at my invitation.

, are you here just to sit and watch others fight?"

 The eyes of both sides collided in the air, neither giving in to the other.

Obviously Feng Ziying wanted to drive Yehe's cavalry to attack the Nekalka camp, forcing Nekalka to be unable to overwhelm all its strength to attack the city. However, there were only three thousand Yehe's cavalry, and no matter how strong their combat effectiveness was, they could not Fighting with tens of thousands of Nei Khalkha light cavalry.

And it is conceivable that once they are bitten by the superior cavalry of the five inner Khalkha tribes, it will be too difficult for the Yehe tribe's armored cavalry to escape. Otherwise, the whole army will be annihilated. For Bushiya Mara, this is unacceptable.

But Busia Mara, standing next to Feng Ziying, also saw the tremendous changes in the five inner Khalkha camps.

The enemy almost came out in full force, making a desperate move to completely defeat Qian'an City's defense line with their superior strength. Once Qian'an City was defeated, Ye He's armored cavalry in the city were also overwhelmed and could not finish their eggs. This was why Feng Ziying was forced to attack. The only option is to fight to the death.

Bushiya Mara knew very well that the Nekalkha side had also noticed that the Great Zhou Fire Gun Army had an advantage in this stalemate and confrontation. If they wanted to win this battle, they could only use all their strength to strike. , and Feng Ziying wants to avoid this situation from happening.

 But this became a difficult choice for Ye Hebu.

Why didn't Feng Ziying understand Bushiya Mara's worries? Once the three thousand armored cavalry left the city and clashed with the five light cavalry in Nekalka, the possibility of escaping was almost zero. And after this battle, the three thousand armored cavalry would still be left. Feng Ziying was not optimistic about the next few people, but if the three thousand armored cavalry of Ye He's tribe could not be allowed to attack, and if the five inner kalkha tribes really reacted and suddenly pressed all their forces forward, then Qian'an City would really be possible. It will go down in one fell swoop.

Feng Ziying had no choice, which was why he deceived Ye He's three thousand armored cavalry into the city instead of letting them hide outside the city. Only in this way could Ye He's tribe be forced to join the battle.

There are Nekalkha reconnaissance cavalry monitoring outside the four city gates. As soon as the three thousand armored cavalry leave the city, regardless of whether they want to fight or not, the Nekalkha light cavalry will follow them one after another, so they have no choice.

This chapter has been completed!
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