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One Hundred and Ninety-seventh Chapter of the Scroll of One's Own Character

 Seeing that Busia Mara remained silent and just stared at him, her big and round chest rising and falling rapidly, Feng Ziying also knew that her step was a bit risky.

After all, the other party is not one of his subordinates. If the other party refuses to obey the order and even runs away from the city, then if the Inner Khalkhas only send a small number of cavalry to pursue him, then his action will be meaningless.

"Busiya Mara, I believe you have also seen the current situation. The five inner Khalkha tribes are desperate. They have realized that if the confrontation continues like this, their failure can be expected, so they will take risks.

Give it a try."

Feng Ziying sighed, he had to convince the other party, whether it was through coercion, inducement, or using emotion and reason.

"But as long as we survive today, or even survive their first two or three rounds of fierce attacks, causing them huge casualties, I believe the courage of the five Inner Khalkha troops will disappear. They are not Chahar people, they are

In addition to the five tribes and the Horqin people, Beilebatulu in each tribe will think about whether it is worth fighting for his life regardless of the loss. The purpose of their southward invasion is to first plunder the population and property, rather than to plunder the best members of their own tribe.

Light it up!”

Bushiyamala moved slightly, but remained silent.

"It's already noon. You, Ye He's cavalry, eat quickly and then attack quickly. I ordered Luo Yiguan's cavalry battalion to also attack the enemy troops in the east city from the east, forcing them to be unable to press forward with all their strength. Bushiya Mara,

This is a life-or-death battle for the tens of thousands of people in our entire Qian'an City, including your Ye He tribe's three thousand armored cavalry. If necessary, you and I will go to the battlefield to fight. Do you understand? We have no choice!"

"As long as this battle is over, I believe that the people of Neirkha will no longer have the courage to fight Lulong, and we will win this war..."

Bushiya Mara finally spoke: "Didn't you say that there is also Shanhaiguan Master Chai's detachment in Tu'er Mountain to reinforce Qian'an?"

Feng Ziying shrugged coldly and cruelly: "How could Master Chai send troops to Qian'an City? Even my father would not dare to issue such an order. I am just comforting Zuo Liangyu and the officials and people of Qian'an."

Busia Mara's eyes were filled with stars, and her body couldn't help but sway, "You..."

She didn't expect that this person would be so mean and tell such a big lie. Even everyone was deceived by him and they were still looking forward to the Shanhaiguan department coming to help.

"Bushiya Mara, don't you know the importance of Shanhaiguan? How can I, a small colleague in Yongping Prefecture, mobilize the troops there? My father would rather I run away in the middle of battle and remain an official for the rest of my life than risk the world.

Damai went to mobilize the troops at Shanhaiguan. What should we do if we are attacked by the Mongols?"

Feng Ziying said calmly: "Actually, Kunshan, Hushan and Master Hou all know it well, and only you and Master You believe it."

Bushiyamala was so angry that her whole body was shaking, this guy!

Such a good trick!

These Han people really can’t believe a word they say!

He actually deceived himself into such a painful situation. Busia Mara was so sad that his eyes were sore. Ye He's three thousand armored cavalry were actually coaxed by him to go south and fell into this quagmire. If they all died because of this,

So, how can I explain it to my clan members?

Seeing Busia Mara trembling all over, Feng Ziying couldn't bear it.

"Busiya Mara, I had no choice but to do this. However, you have also seen today's situation. The Nekalkha people are not as strong as we thought. The attack the day before yesterday gave them a heavy blow, but they did not absorb it.

The lesson is that they don’t have any artillery at all. It’s like fighting with more people. But we will tell them that the war is not what they imagined. This battle will change the pattern of the entire eastern Mongolian grassland. In the future, whether it is Nei Kabul

Both the Erkha and Horqin people will realize that they made the wrong choice, and Yehebu’s choice is the wisest..."

Bushiya Mara interrupted the other party's words coldly: "Okay, sir, you don't need to explain anymore. Since Ye Hebu has chosen Dazhou, it will not change. Ye Hebu will try his best to do what you ask for."

, but please remember our promise, nothing can be done, we have the right to do what we choose, and after this battle, please honor your promise to our Yehe tribe."

Feng Ziying also breathed a sigh of relief and said solemnly: "Busiya Mara, you will see what you want, I promise!"

After the motley crowd moved forward steadily from a hundred feet away, once they entered within a hundred feet, the entire crowd began to speed up. The towering wooden shields formed a majestic shield wall, which was the most powerful protection against the threat of fire cannons.


But these things have become the best targets for the Franco machine guns installed on the city walls.

When the roaring cavalry rushed past along the city wall, the flying arrows caused screams one after another from the firecrackers on the entire low wall.

Although most of the arrows falling like raindrops will hit the raised wooden shield, there are always some angles that are tricky or the well-protected gaps will be penetrated by all-pervasive arrows, causing serious damage.

I can only rely on my body to bear it.

Of course, the counterattack started almost at the same time, with wave after wave of "pop" gunshots, accompanied by swirling smoke, metal projectiles passing through the air, and colliding with the bodies of the speeding cavalry.

Where the projectile hits, the leather armor will deform slightly. The projectile can easily tear through the tanned leather armor and penetrate into the body, and then continue to rotate and tear the tendons, blood vessels and muscles it encounters until it hits the bone.

and internal organs, scarlet blood sputtered from the bullet holes, and then gurgled out.

The impact of this kind of injury will not explode until the next moment because both humans and horses are in a state of extreme excitement and movement.

Then the person or horse will eventually lose the ability to control the body or a certain part of the body due to severe pain or the projectile tearing the nerves, muscles and bones that support the body, and then fall from the horse, or roll to the ground as the horse falls, and immediately fall to the ground.

He was trampled into pulp by his comrades who had no time to stop or were unable to stop at all.

The artillery operators on the wall were sweating profusely and constantly cleaning the gun bores, watching the water vapor mixed with the smoke caused by the burning gunpowder, and then carefully stuffed the powder packets and shells into the gun bores, stuffing them tightly...

Following the observation of the gunner, the gun commander waved a small flag, and the cannon fuse was ignited. After a loud bang, the cannonballs came out of the barrel, passed over the cavalry that was still galloping under the city wall, and headed directly towards the team that was still gathering a hundred feet away.

The Mongolian infantry formation rushed away.

Several artillery shells crossed the air in the sight of countless people, and then plunged into the enemy formation. The wooden shields erected by the Mongolian soldiers were easily shattered, just like naughty children destroying piles of sand.

The powerful kinetic energy carries the cannonballs and continues to run forward, tearing apart and destroying anyone or anything that dares to stand in front of it, whether it is a war horse, a human body or a vehicle body, all of them will be swept away and turned into pieces.

The wooden shield exploded and the wooden thorns flew in all directions, piercing into the bodies of the surrounding soldiers, causing screams and wails. The soldiers who were directly taken away by the shells did not even have time to make a sound, and only one person was left.

The body was a mass of blood and flesh, and the remains of the body were mutilated.

However, in the face of the soldiers swarming towards the north of Qian'an City, although such a trajectory can bring up a blood tank and looks scary, it does not act as a hindrance to the thousands of people running.

Especially Zaisai has made up his mind to capture Qian'an City at all costs in these two rounds of charges.

Each shell fired could easily take away ten or twenty lives. However, the rate of fire of the five Franco-machine cannons and the worry of overheating of the gun barrels greatly reduced their power.

When the trip comes, it will finally be up to the fire gun soldiers to decide the outcome.

Zuo Liangyu stood expressionlessly with his arms akimbo at the back of the low wall, which was under a bastion near the city gate. Another group of cavalry roared past, and the arrows thrown out were sparse.

Luo Luo Luo fell to the ground, he waved his chopper to deflect a flying arrow, and stared ahead motionlessly.

The Inner Khalkha man had already rushed into the most lethal range of 70 feet. He took a deep glance at the soldiers who had already been deployed along the low wall, and accompanied by the constant sound of the various sentry commanders, either rough or loud,

A sharp or deep roar, "Aim the gun - aim - shoot! Aim the gun - aim - shoot!"

There were repeated shouts one after another, and the "bang bang" sound was deafening. The frequency of two-wave shooting was obviously not as frequent as the three-stage shooting in the wild, but in a relatively narrow low wall, this kind of two-wave shooting was obviously more consistent.


But this time the Inner Khalkhas were obviously more prepared. Although the French cannons on the wall continued to destroy the wooden shields, every time a wooden shield was destroyed, subsequent wooden shields would be pushed up to fill it.

Although the gunmen could take advantage of this brief gap to concentrate their firepower on this gap to cause maximum damage to the enemy, as more and more enemies swarmed in and approached the low wall, Zuo Liang

Jade knew that this low wall had almost ended its mission, and he finally gave the order: "Withdraw!"

The return artillery on the city wall once again ejected fierce fire. The oil tank exploded within thirty feet of the city wall. Then a fire broke out, but it was quickly extinguished by the Mongols who had taken precautions in advance.

During this commotion, the gunmen on the low wall began to retreat in an orderly manner from the secret door of the bastion.

There are secret doors on both sides of more than a dozen arched bastions, allowing two people to enter and exit at the same time. After Zuo Liangyu gave the order, the fire gun soldiers on the city wall began to show off their power, covering the retreat of their companions on the low wall.

Zai Sai in the distance can finally breathe a sigh of relief. This kind of fire cannon shooting, which is similar to a flat shot, can best exert the power of the fire cannon. After destroying the advantage of the low wall, it is time for the siege team to exert its power.


This chapter has been completed!
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