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Chapter 220: Seeking Riches and Noble Risks

"It is really difficult to rescue Li Ruzhang's tribe. Basically there is no hope." Huang Degong's eyes also fell on the map, "The Mongolian army has occupied Huairou and Miyun, and the Qiangziling-Zhenlu Camp line has also been occupied by the Mongols.

Controlled by cavalry, Li Ruzhang's troops must be mainly infantry. Once they flee south, they will not be able to break through this line, and this does not include the Chahar people outside Gubeikou."

“What if I jump out of the wall?” Feng Ziying asked abruptly.

"Jump out of the border wall?" Huang Degong was surprised, "That's the grassland. Once the Mongols pursue them one after another, the entire army may be wiped out!"

"But can the Chaohe Institute and Shixia Camp survive if they stay in the rearguard of Miyun?" Feng Ziying shook her head, "Once the Mongolian army on the front lines of Miyun and Huairou is freed up, they must first deal with the force behind them.

They can't hold it."

“What if we defend Cao’s village?” Huang Degong asked in a deep voice.

 Feng Ziying fell into deep thought.

The situation in Caojiazhai is more complicated. This is the most complicated area in the entire Jizhen West Road. Because the side wall is built along the mountain, a protrusion is formed here that bulges to the east, and then quickly retracts to the west, and then along the

Winding southward along the mountains.

In a sense, the Caojiazhai area was actually built as a reserve base, because the geographical location of the protruding part of Gubeikou is so bad that it is extremely vulnerable to attacks from the east, north, and west.

Enemy attacks from three directions.

It can be seen from the map that Mutianyu in the west to Huangsongyu in the east is almost a straight line, connecting the entire area from Mutianyu and Dashui Valley - Shichengxia and Shitanling - Huangyakou

This line includes Fengjiabao—Baimaguan and Gaojiabao—Chaohesuo and Gubeikou (Miyun Guard)—Caojiazhai and Heiyu—Modaoyu and Qiangziling—Huangsongyu and Jiangjunshiguan

Cut across it, it is such a protrusion.

Once the enemy breaks through from the base or waist of this protrusion, they can easily cut off the entire protrusion, putting the Zhou army north of this entry line into trouble. How to solve this problem? Jizhen also has

Considered it.

Then it is to choose a place to hold and contain the enemy forces entering the pass. This can not only avoid being outflanked and annihilated by the enemy forces, but also rely on the terrain of the fortress to contain and block the attack.

The line of Caojiazhai has such conditions. Because it is isolated in a corner, and the terrain of this line is dangerous, there are many forts, such as Jiangjuntai, Bailing'anzhai, Qitouyazhai, Wutong'anzhai, Patouyazhai, division

There are more than 20 villages including Gugu Village, Chaobanling Village, Dajiao Valley Village, Hanerling Pass, Shuigu Village, Heiguzhai, Fengtai Valley and Shaoxiang Village, among which there are many small forts.

“Hushan, I didn’t expect you to do research on Ji Zhen Xixie.” Feng Ziying couldn’t help but said.

"Sir, it's a coincidence that although I am from Kaiyuan, when I learned the art, my master was from a military household in the Miyun Guards, so he was very familiar with the situation in this area and told me about it. When you say this

Due to the surrounding circumstances, I felt that Caojiazhai might be the only place for Li Ruzhang's men to go. It would be too dangerous to go outside the customs, and the Mongols would never let them go. There is a huge disparity between the enemy and us, and fighting in the wilderness will only lead to death."

 Huang Degong is very calm.

“Hushan, do you think Li Ruzhang’s troops can withstand the attacks of the Chahars and Waikakars if they rely on the Caojiazhai line to defend themselves?” Feng Ziying asked rhetorically.

This question put Huang Degong to the test. He thought for a long time and shook his head with an ugly face: "Sir, I dare not say this speculation. Li Ruzhang's tribe only has 15,000 people, and it has gone through the early war with the Chahar people.

The battle, plus the fact that we have to retreat to Caojiazhai, but retreat cannot be done overnight, so how many people can retreat to Caojiazhai? I estimate that there are at most 10,000 people.

, if the Chahar and Outer Khalkha people don't care too much, they may be able to hold on, but if the Chahar and Outer Khalkha people feel that this is a thorn in their backs that must be removed, then I'm afraid there will be some

It’s tricky.”

Huang Degong is quite objective. The strength of the Jizhen Army, especially Li Ruzhang's, is still mainly infantry, but there are not many fire guns, and most of them are the most outdated and backward three-eyed fire guns, which have poor combat effectiveness.

It's not even as good as the combination of sword, shield and spear. Even with the support of the Caojiazhai line, if the Chahar and Waikalka people really want to uproot them, I'm afraid it will be difficult to hold on. Even if they can hold on, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on.

There will also be heavy casualties.

"If I were Lin Dan Batur, I only need to use a cavalry force to contain this line, and there is no need to attack at all. The other main forces are still in the south, and Li Ruzhang's troops can only watch helplessly trapped in Caojiazhai. In fact, it is quite

So I scrapped this one." Feng Ziying said: "But I have another idea."

“Oh?” Huang Degong, Zuo Liangyu and Hou Chengzu were all interested: “What do you think, sir?”

“I want to give you a fortune, but this requires taking some risks, and it may not be as simple as I imagined. If there are any discrepancies in it, it’s hard to say.”

A fortune? Huang Degong, Zuo Liangyu and Hou Chengzu were all warriors. They wanted nothing more than to serve the emperor. From childhood, they wanted to make their wives, shadows, sons, honor their ancestors, and there was no contradiction between the two. They served the great Zhou Dynasty.

If you make great contributions, you will naturally get both.

It's just that Feng Ziying said something so suddenly, which made them realize something, but they still didn't understand it.

“Brother, are you going to take us to rescue Li Ruzhang’s tribe?” Zuo Liangyu couldn’t help but said.

"Well, I do intend for you to go and rescue Li Ruzhang's tribe, but I'm afraid it's not just as simple as rescuing Li Ruzhang's tribe. The capital is now in turmoil, and every tree and plant is surrounded by soldiers. The land of the capital is related to the overall situation of the world, so sticking to Cao's stronghold and rescuing Li Ruzhang's tribe is only the first step. Since

He said that he wants to send you a fortune, so naturally he needs to perform even better."

Feng Ziying's words made Zuo Liangyu a little puzzled, "Brother, give it to us? Could it be that you..."

"Kunshan, I am a civil servant and a co-president of Yongping Prefecture. The affairs of Yongping Prefecture are related to me, and I have no shirking responsibility. But if you cross the border of Yongping Prefecture, you have overstepped your bounds. If you give someone a handle, the censor will impeach him.

"." Feng Ziying shook her head: "But Hushan and Kunshan do not have this limitation. You are my father's subordinates. Although you are Liaodong soldiers, my father is also the governor of Jiliao, and mobilizes troops between Jiliao and Jiliao.

They are all within the scope of my father's power. If Hushan and Kunshan are so brave, they will reorganize the two of you, add the armored cavalry of Ye He's tribe, and then reorganize He Huchen's Beijing camp into one battalion, with 12,000.

Thousands of men and horses are enough to take action."

"Sir?!" There was a look of expectation on Hou Chengzu's face, but he also knew that he had a special status. The landing of the Denglai Naval Battalion in Yongping Mansion was already a bit overstepped. Now he has to join this army. There is no doubt that

It's easy to be criticized.

"Brother Huaiyu, it is indeed difficult to deal with your side. In addition, although I am somewhat sure of Zaisai's side, I have to be on guard, so I have asked your naval battalions to be stationed in Lulong and Qian'an to prevent any unexpected events. However,

Your naval camp only has 1,500 people. I suggest that you select from the escapees from the Beijing camp during this period and select those who are honest, honest, single and have no bad habits to join your Denglai Navy..."

“Sir, I am afraid that these children from the Beijing camp may not be willing to go to Denglai. If our Denglai navy wants to recruit people, it will not be difficult. We have the children of Qilu Liangjian to choose from, so why do we need these children from the Beijing camp?”

Hou Chengzu also knew that he had some extravagant hopes. In addition, Lulong and Qian'an did still need some manpower to hold down the battle, so he no longer struggled.

 As for the children from Jingying, he really doesn’t like them.

However, he was quite interested in Feng Ziying's military training method. During this period of time, he could use it to train his own naval camp, so as not to equip himself with self-generating fire cannons in vain. They were actually almost the same as the ordinary fire cannon army of Huang Zuo and Huang Zuo.

, which is far different from the self-generated fire gun army that each of them has one.

"That's okay. The children of the Beijing camp are indeed unsatisfactory. Even the good ones among them are not as strong-minded and tenacious. Many of them are unwilling to leave their hometown. It is quite difficult for He Huchen to select from tens of thousands of people to supplement a battalion.

." Feng Ziying also agreed with Hou Chengzu's point of view.

“Sir, are you saying that we should form an army and go to Shuntian Prefecture for reinforcements?” Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu were already a little excited.

The Mongols are invading in a big way, and the capital is in danger. If you can lead an army to King Qin, what an honor it would be. If you can accomplish one or two meritorious deeds, wouldn't it be a dream to rise to the top and even advance a few levels?

“That’s what I meant.” Feng Ziying had no choice but to do so.

Although he expected that the Chahars and Waikarkhas would not be able to threaten the capital, the most they could do was harass and plunder the capital.

Looking at the past few hundred years, since the Ming Dynasty, except for Wala, they have attacked the capital city before, but that's all. It is impossible to capture the capital city unless there is civil strife in the capital city.

 But the question is, would Emperor Yonglong think so? Would the cabinet and the guilds of the Ministry of War think so? Would the people in the capital think so?

Now I am afraid that the court is very dissatisfied with Niu Jizong, his father and You Shigong. There are many people in the court who are dissatisfied with these military achievements, and there are even more people who want to use public opinion to add insult to injury.

The censors are probably also eager to try, starting to look for reasons and excuses, drafting bullets, and getting ready to go.

That’s it for Niu Jizong, but he can’t ignore his father’s side.

Feng Ziying still doesn’t know that her father also made a big mistake in Liaodong. If he knew about it, he would probably be more determined.

And You Shigong cannot be ignored. If You Shigong is really convicted and stripped of his official position, it will be a big blow to his father.

 So he could only take a risk.

This chapter has been completed!
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