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The twenty-seventh chapter of the Geng Scroll

 "..., so the imperial court also intends to redeem all the soldiers from the Beijing camp?" Jia She and Feng Ziying talked happily, "It should be so. After all, the soldiers from the Beijing camp are serving the imperial court. If the imperial court doesn't listen, what will happen?"

Asking, wouldn’t it chill the hearts of the soldiers?”

It took a lot of effort to have the feeling of guiding the country, and discussing such military and national affairs with Feng Ziying, who had actually participated in the negotiations with the Mongols, was definitely a rare experience for Jia She, and he would also be able to become someone around him in the future.

Since he is the only person who has the most conversational skills, he naturally wants to ask these details clearly.

"Uncle Shi Shi is right." Feng Ziying clenched her teeth and tilted her mouth in response, "The imperial court must have considered it this way, but if the Mongols ask for too high a price, it would be a bit of a stretch."

Talking to this guy is boring and you have to go along with it, otherwise if the other person notices it, he will have to show off again and make everyone unhappy.

"Brother Keng, do you think how dangerous it is now that the Mongolians have reached Pinggu, Shunyi?" Jia She leaned towards Feng Ziying and pretended to lower his voice, "I heard this on the street

The price of food and oil has increased a lot, but the price of shops and houses has plummeted. In the first half of the year, Nanxunfang is not far from the Fourth Translation Hall. You know, the Shaojiu Hutong is a good place. To the north is ** Mansion.

He Ceremony House, a large house covering an area of ​​two acres. Although it is a bit dilapidated, the garden is still there. It is sold for one thousand two hundred and eighty taels..."

"..., it was always at this price before the Mongols came in, but they didn't sell it, but the seller refused to lower the price. As soon as the Mongols came in, his price dropped to 950 taels. Who would want it at this time? No,

Two days ago, someone came to see me and asked me if I wanted it. It only cost 880 taels. I guess I could get even 800 taels, but now that I’m selling my house, aren’t I feeling full and exhausted?”

Jia She glanced tentatively at Feng Ziying and observed the changes in his facial expression, "Brother Keng, do you think the Mongolians can't break in?"

Feng Ziying couldn't stop complaining that this guy actually had these ideas.

But it's no wonder, this kind of thing hasn't happened in decades. I'm afraid that the people of the capital city are all panic-stricken. Although they don't want to abandon the city, they still find a way to quietly leave the city and run south if the situation is not right.

There should be quite a few people with this idea, especially among the merchants, gentry and middle- and lower-level officials who are not very clear about the current situation. I am afraid there are even more.

Jia She obviously trusted and valued his opinion and planned to make a fortune from it, but he did not intend to deceive the other party in this matter. It was even a good thing for the other party to take the initiative to buy a house and a shop, which could be regarded as a disguised proof of the court's support for the government.

Military trust.

Besides, although the matter of Yingchun is still unclear, unless Jia She dies, in the final analysis, we have to pass this test. Yingchun is not young anymore, and it is estimated that it cannot be delayed for too long. Feng Ziying of the Sun family is

They will never allow Yingchun to go. If the wolf in Zhongshan goes away, it will be like a sheep entering the wolf's den. Once it goes, it will never come back. It will bear the reputation of a lustful hungry ghost, so accept it.

Having made up his mind, Feng Ziying said calmly: "If the pardoner believes in my nephew, then he can take action boldly. The Mongols are just a storm. My nephew can tell that in one and a half months at most, the Mongols will be killed."

If they retreat, they can't spend the winter under the capital city..."

"Oh?" Jia She became more energetic, "Really? Over there in Yongping Mansion..."

"As long as the Inner Khalkha people agree on things with the court, I estimate that they will start to return to the grassland in half a month at most. The Gyeonggi side may delay a little longer, which is a month." Feng Ziying was categorical.

, "So now these people in the capital city are scaring themselves. Look how many of the emperor and court officials are really panicked? Those who sell shops and antiques are all stupid."

Jia She couldn't help but clapped his legs and was overjoyed.

Antiques were collected in prosperous times, and gold was stored in troubled times. Now that the situation is so tense, naturally countless people want to exchange the antiques in their hands for gold and silver, and the prices are also very low, just thinking that if the war breaks out, they can run away with gold and silver.

In the past few days, he had also inquired about several deals that were very cost-effective, and definitely impossible to buy in ordinary times. It was a pity that the stone idiot refused to sell those fans, which was really annoying.

Naturally, Feng Ziying didn't know that Jia She had already followed the direction of the original book and started plotting against the stone idiot's ancient fans. He just followed the trend and talked about it to see if Jia She had the courage to take a chance.

In fact, this is not even gambling, it is purely about making money based on information asymmetry.

"Seriously?" Jia She's voice trembled a little, "Brother Keng, you can't lie to a stupid man."

"What did Uncle Shi Shi say? How dare you and I to lie and deceive our little nephew? How dare our little nephew come to visit us in the future?" Feng Ziying spread her hands helplessly. It seems that Jia She has indeed found a lot of things in the Lai family.

Only with a small amount of money can I have the confidence to earn this money.

"Okay!" Jia She's face was flushed, and he wished he could go out and do something big immediately. However, he also knew that there was no rush at this moment, not that it would take another month, and he could slowly find a suitable target. "If this matter is

If it works, Uncle Yu will definitely thank Brother Keng."

When he said this, Jia She was also a little moved. It seemed that it would not be unacceptable to give the second girl to Feng Ziying as a concubine.

It's just that he had already received five thousand taels of silver from Sun Shaozu, and then Sun Shaozu came to the door and gave another one or two thousand taels of silver piecemeal. It was absolutely impossible for him to return the silver to the Sun family. If Feng Ziying was willing to do it for herself

Return the money to the Sun family, and use another sum of money to pay for the second girl. Then it is not impossible for the second girl to be her concubine.

Thinking of this, Jia She also felt regretful.

This Feng Ziying obviously has a brighter future and more money at home, but the second girl can only be a concubine if she wants to go there. Being a concubine and being a legitimate wife are two different things. A concubine cannot be a family. She wants to have a private house in the future.

The money also depends on the look of the eldest lady. If he expects the second girl to come back to pay filial piety, he won't be able to make much, so it is more appropriate to marry into the Sun family.

However, Jia She's mind changed again. That girl from Xiuyan was also pretty and she seemed to be able to do some business.

It is said that Brother Keng has a lustful nature and cannot see beautiful women. Otherwise, the second daughter-in-law would not have given the two sisters Jin Chuan Er and Jade Chuan Er to Feng Ziying. It was obviously to build a relationship. Even Xue Pan, that idiot, knew how to give Feng Ziying

Ling gave it to Brother Keng to please him, and if Xiuyan was given to Brother Keng as a concubine, it would seem to make up for the shortcomings of the second girl.

A smile appeared on Jia She's lips, which made Feng Ziying feel a little guilty. Could it be that this guy knew about the affair between himself and Yingchun? That shouldn't be the case.

Jia She turned his eyes and saw that Jia Zheng seemed to be a little distracted. He had been talking to Feng Ziying for so long, but there was no response at all. He was still wandering around, and he couldn't help but frown.

"Second brother, Brother Keng said that the Mongols will not be able to stay under the capital city for long, so you can rest assured. By the way, Ziying, the imperial court originally intended to let your uncle, Zhengshi, go to Jiangxi to study politics.

We were about to set off just now, but we didn't expect the Mongols to come in, so the matter was delayed..."

Feng Ziying was also stunned by Jia She's words, "Uncle Zheng Shi is going to be released?"

Jia Zheng then calmed down and briefly introduced the situation.

It seems that Jia Yuanchun still followed his own advice and wanted to move Jia Zheng out of the capital city. This should be a good move to prevent the Jia family from wearing the hat of two princes, but in fact they are extremely weak. Four kings, eight princes and twelve

Hou Bao was held hostage inside, and he didn't even know what had happened.

Jiangxi's political studies are also pretty good. In Feng Ziying's impression, in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions", Jia Zheng was sent to study in a province and returned to Beijing a few years ago. However, the Jia family is a rotten tree that cannot be carved. There are people like Jia She and Wang Xifeng who want to die.

, coupled with the fact that there was no egg left despite the overwhelming number of people, the entire Wu Xun group was involved in the rebellion in Tiefang Mountain, and eventually its demise was inevitable.

"This is a good thing. The academic administration of a province will be of great help to enhance Uncle Shi's reputation among the scholars. Moreover, Jiangyou has always produced talents and the academic style is flourishing. The political uncle has a humble temperament. When he comes to Jiangyou, he will definitely be able to join the scholars of the academy.

If you get along well with each other, you will definitely gain something." Feng Ziying said a series of congratulations.

In fact, Jia Zheng was worried in his heart, but he was also a little happy. Jiangyou has always had a large number of literati and a prosperous literary style. As a scholar who was not born in the imperial examination, he would definitely be subject to some difficulties and criticisms. However, as Feng Ziying said, his own temperament

He is modest and gentle, and can hold his own even if he is a little angry. As long as he survives this term, he will definitely leave a good impression on the scholars, and his reputation will be much better when he returns to Beijing in the future.

Stroking his beard and smiling, Jia Zheng also said: "This matter has only been decided by the officials, but in the end, the official document must prevail..."

"Haha, uncle Zheng Shi, there is no need to worry. The official department has agreed and the official document will definitely come out. It just happens to be at this time and it will take a while." Feng Ziying said with a smile: "My nephew will definitely not be in Beijing by then, he will only be in Yongzhong.

Pingyao wishes Uncle Shi a safe journey and all his wishes will come true. If there is anything I need my nephew to help me with, please just ask Uncle Shi. I will never refuse if my nephew can do it."

Hearing what Feng Ziying said, Jia Zheng was delighted with his eyebrows and smiled. Feng Ziying also became more and more pleasing to his eyes. His thoughts of regret and expectation were also mixed, and his thoughts were running wild for a while.

Feng Ziying has a great reputation among the scholars. Although it is Jiangyou, Feng Ziying discussed scriptures and Taoism with the Jiangnan scholars in Qingtan Academy, plus the influence of the Kaihai Strategy, so if she went there

Jiang You, mentioning that Feng Ziying is his nephew, is somewhat dignified.

For a time, the Hall of Rongxi was full of joy, laughter was loud, and the guests and hosts were enjoying themselves. Jia Baoyu, Jia Huan, and Jia Lan also looked envious, and they didn’t know when they would be able to get two masters like this in the future.


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