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Geng Scroll, Section 134: Inside the Cone

"Li Ming, in the past few years, Beidi has produced many young talents. Fan Jingwen, the Hou brothers, Zheng Chongjian, Ye Tinggui, Song Tongyin, Cao Wenheng, Chen Qiyu and Sun Chuanting are all very good, especially in Henan.

My performance during the political period was not bad, but I have to admit that there is still a considerable gap compared with Ziying."

Chai Ke's words also won Yuan Keli's approval.

Yuan Keli's temperament is also relatively tough, but he doesn't speak ill-informed words, and he does what he says. Many outstanding scholars have emerged in these two subjects of Henan scholars, such as Lian Guoshi and the Hou brothers, as well as Ye Tinggui and Cao Wenheng.

He is a scholar from Henan, his hometown, but he has to admit that even if he is as good as practicing state affairs, he is much inferior to Feng Ziying.

"Ziying told me that before entering the central court, it is best for young scholars to go down to the state level to gain experience. The time does not have to be too long, even if it is only two or three years, then

The harvest will be very great..." Chai Ke carefully considered each word.

"That's why he took the initiative to choose to go to Yongping Mansion?" Yuan Keli asked.

"Yes. He also suggested to Brother Chengfeng at that time that more of the Jinshi from the fifth year of Yonglong could be arranged to go to various prefectures to practice as magistrates, magistrates, officials, and county magistrates. There is no need to arrange the distance.

Too far, such as Shuntian Prefecture or other prefectures in Beizhi, or Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, or some prefectures in South Zhili and Zhejiang along the canal..."

"..., every one year or six months, these Jinshi who have gone to Fuzhou to practice are recalled to the Hanlin Academy. Everyone exchanges their experience in politics and work, and invites the Hanlin Academy to discuss their experience in politics and official work.

Refining and writing a collection can also be regarded as an exchange of insights and experiences for new officials like them."

"He believes that this kind of communication that breaks down barriers will benefit everyone a lot, and at the same time, it can also serve as a model training for the next batch of Jinshi when they go to local officials before and after they observe politics..."

Chai Ke was obviously very impressed by Feng Ziying's suggestion at that time, and he still remembers it fresh when he talks about it.

Yuan Keli was lost in thought, and nodded after a long time: "Ziying's idea is very rare. Even if these new Jinshi have been watching politics for three years, they are all in the Sixth Ministry and the General Affairs Department of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Many of them are in charge of Xia Bianzhou.

I know nothing about the specific affairs of the county. This kind of view of politics is too superficial. It is still difficult to adapt to the state and county. Or I can only hire experienced staff, but those from good family backgrounds are okay. Those from average or even poor family backgrounds, how can I afford them?

?Either you can only hold money in your hands, or you can only take up the post alone and be deceived by the subordinate officials below..."

Yuan Keli also started from the grassroots level. After he finished his Jinshi study, he went to Suzhou Prefecture to serve as a promotion official. He teamed up with the then prefect Shi Kunyu to govern Suzhou so that no one would pick up items on the road or close their doors at night. His official reputation was excellent. Shi Kunyu was from Huangmei, Huguang.

He can be regarded as Chai Ke’s fellow countryman senior.

"When I first became a promotion officer in Suzhou, I was blind and didn't understand anything. Fortunately, you gave me the opportunity to gradually become familiar with and adapt to it. I still remember everything that happened over the past ten years, thanks to your guidance.


Yuan Keli's promotion of Shi Kunyu is still unforgettable, and it was because of his outstanding performance in promoting officials in Suzhou that he was able to return to Beijing to serve as the censor of the city after being promoted to officials in Suzhou, and then step by step he stepped into the current position of the Ministry of War's Military Selection and Cleaning Department.


This position is already the highest position in the Ministry of War, second only to the Minister of Secretariat. Generally speaking, many people will be promoted after serving for three years, and they may even be promoted after less than three years. Sun Chengzong is the precedent. Yuan Keli's talents are not inferior to Sun Chengzong.

Maybe they might move to the left in a year or two.

"Well, so what Ziying said is very reasonable, but Mr. Qi Ge also thought about it over and over again at that time. Considering that the time is still immature, I am afraid it will be difficult to get the support of the first and second assistants..."

Chai Ke shook his head. It is difficult for a minister of the Ministry of official affairs to promote such a big move. Such a move with too obvious intentions can easily cause worries to other ministers. The minister of the Ministry of official affairs itself is a very sensitive position, and it is very sensitive to the influence of the Jinshi.

Any move will attract attention, after all, these people are the backbone of future court officials.

Although the factional disputes within the imperial court were controlled within the scholars, they could still seek balance and compromise when the situation was stable, but once the situation was bad, especially when the emperor's opinions were uncertain, it was easy to cause disputes, so for

As far as the cabinet ministers are concerned, they would rather seek stability than change.

"But to be honest, if they don't work in Fuzhou for a few years and get some real experience, many people will be like reeds on the wall when they get to the center of the imperial court - top-heavy and shallow, because they don't understand the basic operating mode of prefectures and counties at all.

The problems and difficulties that prefectures and counties often encounter are that they don’t know what aspects they need guidance and advice from their superiors and the court. Simply doing things behind closed doors and issuing orders from above often go in the wrong direction, achieve half the result with twice the result, or even be counterproductive.”

Yuan Keli was also very touched. After he started as an official in Suzhou, he worked as a censor patrolling the city. Later, he worked in the Ministry of Works as a chief officer and a foreign minister for several years. Finally, he worked as a foreign minister in the Ministry of Civil Affairs for two years before joining the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Worked as a doctor in the Ministry of War.

The appointment of officials in the Great Zhou Dynasty did not pay much attention to specialties. The flow of officials between the Six Ministries, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and even the General Affairs Department was normal. Provincial governments and governments could also be promoted to court officials.

Of course, those who want to go to Beijing are those who have great plans and are recommended by big bosses. It is indeed much more difficult for local officials to go to Beijing than to be promoted to Beijing officials.

If you become a fourth-grade official or above, such as the prefect of a prefecture or the chief envoys and prosecutors of each province, your chances are much greater. After all, those who can hold this position have basically already entered the court.

It has caught the attention of all the bosses and the emperor, and he has become more or less famous.

"Yes, although many people are good at reading, their ability to do things is not necessarily good. Even those who have passed the Jinshi examination, there are also many mediocre masters who study rote books. But how can the court affairs be done by memorizing a few scriptures? Okay

This kind of gradual reform in the court is still very good. Even if you need experience and hard work to do things, at least you are proficient in current affairs and you can figure out what the court and local governments should do. As for whether you can do it well and how to do it well, it depends on

When you become an official, are you willing to calm down, learn and explore?"

It was rare for Chai Ke to have such a discussion with someone, and he got interested today, and Yuan Keli was also a very suitable candidate, so he said so much.

Although the scholars from Beidi and Huguang belong to different families, they are often in a semi-alliance state. But if they belong to Jiangnan, Beidi, they may not be so harmonious, at least in this deeper level of conversation.

It's hard to put your mind to it.

"It seems that Li Qing also thinks that the rules for Jinshi like us to observe government should be changed?" Chai Ke asked with a smile.

Yuan Keli's heart moved slightly, "Brother Zishu, is there something in your words? Are you going to the Ministry of Civil Affairs?"

If Zhang Jingqiu cannot move, then there is no hope for Chai Ke, the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War, to take over as the Minister of War. I am afraid that the other ministers will also have difficulties. If you want to go further, you can go to the Ministry of Personnel or the Ministry of Households to serve as the Zuo Shilang. This is barely a promotion.

After all, the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Households are much more important than the other departments.

The Ministry of War was originally ranked behind the Ministry of Rites, but as the nine-border military affairs became increasingly heavy, the status of the Ministry of War was gradually improved, and now it gradually surpassed the Ministry of Rites, and ranked behind the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Household Affairs.

This time, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel will be held by a Jiangnan scholar, so as usual, the Zuo Shilang will not be held by a Jiangnan scholar, to prevent such an important department from being monopolized by a certain faction. The Right Shilang is less important than the Zuo Shilang.

Some, but there are no rigid requirements in this regard, so it is still very likely that Chai Ke will be appointed as the left minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Chai Ke didn't expect Yuan Keli to be so sharp. After pondering for a while, he said: "It's possible, but the situation in the DPRK is chaotic now. The ministers in the cabinet haven't figured it out yet. In addition, the situation in Shuntian Mansion is still a bit chaotic.

, so I can’t say that yet.”

Yuan Keli frowned slightly, "Brother Zishu, if you go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, then the Ministry of War will be a little weak, and there will be a shortage of right ministers. If you leave again, if the people who come to the left and right ministers are laymen, then it will be terrible."

It’s going to be troublesome.”

Chai Ke smiled and said, "Master Shangshu is still here. Besides, the ministers in the cabinet can naturally think carefully. I originally hoped that Zhisheng or Li Qing could take over as the right minister..."

Yuan Keli believed that Chai Ke was not lying. The promotion system of the Great Zhou Dynasty was inherited from the previous Ming Dynasty but also had some changes. For officials of the fourth rank and above, especially those with more senior Beijing official qualifications, there are more cases of such exceptional promotions.

I've seen it, it's not uncommon to be upgraded to two or even three levels. Of course, this usually depends on chance.

For example, Sun Chengzong and Yuan Keli were originally fifth-rank doctors, but Sun Chengzong went to the southwest and was promoted to the fourth rank. After a battle, if he performed well, it would not be unreasonable to be directly promoted to the third rank and promoted to the right minister.


Yuan Keli's situation is the same. As long as you take the opportunity, being promoted to three levels in a row is not a story written in a novel. This is why everyone is trying to get the qualifications of a Beijing official, because only with the qualifications of a Beijing official, the big guys in the DPRK will treat you.

Only with an impression can there be hope of promotion.

That's why so many people are puzzled that Feng Ziying did not stay in the six departments but went to Yongping Mansion. Of course, for Feng Ziying, he has the status of editor of the Hanlin Academy and actually has the qualifications of a Beijing official.

He doesn't care about the impression he has in the minds of the big shots. What others urgently need most, such as Zhu Zhiren, is not a problem for him. He can attract the attention of big shots in the DPRK at any time no matter where he is.

, there is no shortage of this.

This chapter has been completed!
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