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Geng Zi Volume Chapter 144 Hui Ping'er takes it easy, Xiaoxiang Pavilion takes the initiative

 The carriage was traveling hard on the muddy road after the snow melted. From time to time, a few wisps of cold wind came in through the shaking cotton curtains, making the girls in the car tremble with the cold.

This trip is not easy. Although it is just a few maids, it has a different meaning.

Ping'er watched with great interest as Zijuan and Ying'er sat on both sides, but he sat in the middle.

From the moment I stepped out, I was enveloped by an indescribable smell.

Zijuan and Ying'er are extremely familiar with each other, but none of the girls came forward, but the two girls represented the "mission", and there was also the "representative" of the second mistress, Ping'er.

It really has a weird flavor.

"Sister Ping'er, I'm so shaken that I'm about to fall apart. I've been walking for three days. I'm afraid it's time to arrive, right? My whole body is about to freeze. If I had known better, I should have brought a hand stove instead of this Tangbaozi.

"Ying'er's face turned pale. It was obvious that this long journey and the weather were too much for her.

"Come on, come out of Zhenzi Town. I heard from Niu Er that after crossing the Shahe Ferry, you'll be not far from Lulong County." Ping'er also felt uncomfortable, but her endurance was much better than that of Ying'er and Zi.

The cuckoo is much stronger. "Niu Er said that he would find a pointed place to rest at noon, and then he could reach Lulong in one go."

"This is my first time traveling far away, and I didn't think so carefully. Who would have thought that Tang Pozi would cool down so quickly?" Zijuan also sighed, "The hot water in the inn is not very hot, and it will cool down after just putting it on for a while.


The hands and feet of the three girls were numb with cold. They kept rubbing their hands and stamping their feet a few times, but the carriage didn't dare to stop. It was getting dark early. If they didn't hurry up and hurry up, nothing would happen once it got dark.

Come on.

Before setting off, I was wondering whether I needed to inform Yongping Mansion, but I didn't think it was necessary. Now it seems that I still underestimated the difficulty of traveling far away in this winter.

There were only a few cushions in the carriage, and the weather was sunny when we went out. Who would have thought that it would be raining and snowing the next day, and I didn't bring a quilt to wrap myself up. Although I was still wearing thick clothes, the cold weather that snuck in from the north was still there.

The wind is still unbearable.

"Zicuckoo, Ying'er, come sit here. In this terrible weather, the three of us can stay close together and stay warm."

Ping'er didn't know when the two girls had a knot in their hearts. Perhaps the seeds were sown unknowingly when the girls from both families were about to marry into the Feng family.

Normally, there are girls in the scene who are so beautiful that nothing can be seen, but now two girls are suddenly crowded in such an environment, I am afraid they are a little uncomfortable, and this still means that their own girls are visiting Uncle Feng.

I wonder what these two families will think when they find out about the relationship between Second Mistress and Uncle Feng in the future? What will these two girls who are always very close to me think of me?

Ping'er shudders when he thinks of this, but don't let that day happen.

Ying'er and Zijuan glanced at each other subconsciously, without saying a word, but they still leaned towards each other, but their movements seemed a little stiff. Now they were crowded together, their feet were inevitably touching, and their shoulders were touching their shoulders.

Face to face, breathing each other, and corresponding to the distant feeling between the two of them these past two days, it was a bit awkward.

Sighing lightly, Ping'er clasped his hands on his knees, curled up, and stared straight ahead: "Okay, let me tell you what happened to you two? How did it become like this? Miss Bao and Miss Lin will both be in trouble in the future.

I want to be my sister-in-law, but I haven’t seen you like this!”

Zicuckoo bit her lip and said nothing, while Ying'er hesitated to speak, but glanced sideways at Zicuckoo again, tilted her head proudly, and finally said nothing.

"I don't understand either. We have been living under the same roof for several years. When Miss Lin came, Zicuckoo was pointed out to Miss Lin by our ancestors. Yinger, you came to the house with Miss Bao, right?

We have been living together for a few years, and I have the impression that the two of you have been laughing and joking around in the past few years. Why have you become more and more alienated in this year? "

Of course Ping'er understands the knot in the hearts of these two girls. They each have their own masters, but this is not a situation where the two countries are at war, right?

Besides, there is a grandma from the Shen family in the family room. Doesn’t the play also say that they want to be together? Miss Bao and Miss Lin are still related after all, but they are like black-eyed chickens.

Staring and not liking each other?

No, Miss Bao and Miss Lin are not that shallow yet, that is to say, the people here have some knots in their minds after going back and forth, and this is what makes them more and more like this.

"As for me, how many years older than you are? I have seen a little more of the world with my second grandma, so I can talk a little more..." Ping'er said leisurely. In fact, Zijuan is not too young, and is older than Daiyu.

Two years older, eighteen years old, only one year younger than Ping'er, while Ying'er is two years younger than Ping'er.

Zijuan's expression calmed down, and Ying'er also put away her previous arrogance.

Ping'er's popularity and reputation in the house are very good, even Yuanyang can only be said to be on par with her, whether it is the original unruly Qingwen, or the cold-faced and hard-hearted Jin Chuan'er, or the people in Baoyu House

Xi Ren, who is the leader of the maids, has to be respected in front of her.

"Although Miss Bao and Miss Lin are not related by blood, one is the wife's niece, and the other is the master's niece. The master and the wife are one. They are sister families. Miss Bao and Miss Lin will marry into the Feng family, but they are

Miss Bao will be married for a year first, and Miss Lin will marry later. If we say that Miss Lin met Uncle Feng earlier, don’t you think so?"

Both women remained silent.

"I know that there are always some gossipy girls in this house who like to make up stories. The ancestors don't like to see Miss Bao, but they are more interested in Miss Lin. The wife likes Miss Bao's temperament and thinks Miss Lin is petty.

Well, I have to say that all girls have different temperaments, but if they are all the same, if I don’t feel ashamed to say anything, maybe Uncle Feng won’t like them anymore.”

Ping'er's words were extremely sharp, but he unceremoniously revealed some irritating topics that had been buried in their stomachs, causing both Ying'er and Zijuan to tremble.

"As for what other people say, it's up to them to talk about it. If our own family members still believe in these words and hooks to sow discord and frame up, then we are really stupid. Look at the two

Does a girl care about this?"

Seeing that the faces of the two girls changed slightly and their eyes looked a little uncomfortable, Ping'er knew that his words had some effect, so he wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

"Both Miss Bao and Miss Lin are going to be grandmothers in the future, but the Feng family has more than just two grandmothers, and there is also a Grandma Shen. In the future, each house will have to look at each other to see how they should get along with each other, and how they can make money.

How decent it is, don’t let others look down upon you. I think not only Miss Bao and Miss Lin will think carefully about it. In the future, each house will inevitably have aunts entering the house. They also need to maintain the face of each house, and you two will do the same.

After thinking about it, even if you have never entered the house, you have to start bit by bit. Don't let your own magnanimity affect the image of your respective girls. That is probably the most gain outweighing the loss..."

These words were neither light nor important, but the hidden meaning behind them made both Zicuckoo and Ying'er have to think deeply.

Zicuckoo itself has no intention of competing with Ying'er, but this does not mean that Ying'er can ride on its head.

She has a modest temper, but this is related to the girl's face, so she must not let her do whatever she wants. However, Ying'er has a proud temper and is used to showing it on her face, so Zijuan doesn't want to spoil her.

They all lived in the garden. During this year, Baochai saw that the time for marriage was getting closer and closer. Because of his father's death, he felt that Baochai had taken the lead. Xiaoxiang Pavilion felt a little uncomfortable, but this kind of thing is not everyone's.

Whatever you wish can only be stored deep in your heart and cannot be expressed.

But when the two girls meet, the two girls inevitably have to say something. The Ying'er talks happily about Miss Bao getting married and how the Xue family is doing. After listening to it for a long time, it is inevitable that she will become a little bored, so she comes here from time to time.

He was neither hot nor salty, but he didn't answer the conversation and was just having fun. Ying'er was also a very smart person, so he could naturally feel it, and it was inevitable that there would be some resentment between them.

But how many substantive conflicts are there really? The girls from each family have not yet entered the Feng Mansion, so how can you tell?

Although Ying'er is a bit arrogant in character, she doesn't have much bad intentions in her heart. She just feels that her girl is gentle and low-key, but after Miss Bao Er came, she was obviously different, and she was also affected to some extent.

I feel that since my girl is definitely going to marry into the Feng family, and she is also one of the four families, a matchmaker is marrying, and she is the legitimate wife, why should she be so cautious?

I haven’t provoked anyone, and I have never said anything outrageous or done anything out of the ordinary. How can anyone not allow themselves to walk straight?

But at this moment, when Ping'er said this kind of words with a gun and a stick, Ying'er knew the situation here. I'm afraid Ping'er already knew it well, but he could use such words that take the overall situation into consideration to remind himself, it's not a bad idea

It's not for your own good. Ying'er knows her girl's temperament. If she knew that it was because of her that there was a gap between her and the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, I'm afraid she wouldn't let herself go easily.

Ying'er was about to speak, but Zicuckoo spoke first: "Sister Ping'er is right, it's all the younger sister who did something bad. In daily life, the girl often teaches us that Miss Bao treats girls like sisters, what?

The good and fragrant ones are all thinking of my girl. My girl has always regarded Miss Bao as her sister. When Uncle Feng talked to my girl, he also liked that my girl was so knowledgeable. However, we people nowadays cannot understand that being a master

Thoughts on my heart, I still strive for those willpower. Now I think about it, but I feel ashamed..."

Zijuan's face was full of sincerity and she said crisply to Ying'er: "Ying'er, I'm going to apologize to you here. I did something wrong in the past. You and I, sisters, please be more tolerant..."

This chapter has been completed!
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