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Geng Scroll Chapter 156 The conspiracy emerges (continue to update and ask for votes!)

  Nurhaci took a deep breath.

I see.

This Feng Tang has already seen the disadvantages and advantages of Zhou Dynasty, and now he wants to use his strengths and avoid weaknesses. It is obvious that the people of Neikalkha are also impressed by their use of this trick. It is a pity that Lin Dan Batur, this idiot, really thinks he can control it.

The whole of Eastern Mongolia is just a dream.

 Zaisai will not listen to Lindan Batur, he has been aroused by the Zhou people.

Similarly, even after this war, more Mongolian tribes saw through the Chahar people's external strength and internal cadres. The Outer Khalkha people will not be as obedient as this time when they invaded the south. Subadi is ambitious and will not compete with Zasai.

Better to talk, everything needs to be based on strength first, and Lindan Batur does not have enough control over the Chahar people and lacks influence on surrounding tribes. Is this a bad thing or a good thing?

Nurhaci had a headache. It was really difficult to judge this issue for a while.

The scattered Mongols are certainly an opportunity for the Jianzhou Jurchens, but it will also greatly reduce their pressure on the Zhou Dynasty, allowing their troops on the nine sides to lean more towards Liaodong and Jizhen, but as long as

When the Jianzhou Jurchens can expand and penetrate into Eastern Mongolia through the Horqin people, and can truly exert influence in Eastern Mongolia, then the Great Zhou Dynasty will usher in a nightmare period.

You can not have to be limited to the city of Liaoning. The Liaoning Corridor, and even Xuanfu can become your own hunting ground, and you can retreat and retreat. At that time, your strategic situation will be fundamentally changed.

But the premise of all this is that the Jurchens of Jianzhou need to control the tribes of Eastern Mongolia. However, the tribes of Eastern Mongolia are now in chaos, but they have greatly eased the pressure on Dazhou, and may even allow Dazhou to see some opportunities.

Feng Tang should have seen this.

“Yongfang, what do you mean by Feng Tang not answering this question? Is there no way, or has no way been found yet?” Nurhaci pondered for a while before asking.

After thinking about it, Li Yongfang still shook his head: "Khan, I'm not sure about this question. If he hasn't found a way, then why is he trying to delay the Jianzhou offensive now? Is it just for one term?

Full? I don’t think so. If he has found a way, the whole Zhou Dynasty is now showing signs of fatigue. Look at the Jizhen army facing the Mongols’ southward march in such a panic. What power does Feng Tang have to defy the will of heaven?

Change everything?"

 Daishan interjected: "Or could it be that Dazhou could support the Haixi Jurchens and the Neirkha people and use them to compete with us?"

Li Yongfang hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "Both the Mongols and the Haixi Jurchens have their own inherent weaknesses. The Mongols are too scattered and the Haixi Jurchens are too weak. If Jin Taiji could unify the four Haixi Jurchens twenty years ago, it might still be possible.

Okay, now, it’s impossible, and the Great Zhou Dynasty will not fail to see how to support the Inner Khalkha people. What if the Inner Khalkha people become another Dayan Khan?”

Nurhaci had to admit that Li Yongfang's arrival had an unparalleled effect on Jianzhou. He knew the situation in Liaodong and even the entire Nine Borders very well. He was also very clear about the difficulties, pros and cons of various internal problems in the Zhou Dynasty, and he could even find out countermeasures.

As a Jianzhou resident who has lived in the border area for a long time, no matter how many people were sent to the Central Plains to familiarize themselves with the situation, it was impossible to do so consciously, and many issues were difficult to consider from the perspective of the Zhou people.

“Yongfang, do you mean that Feng Tang may not have found a solution to this situation yet, so he can only adopt this passive strategy to deal with us?” Nurhachi asked in a deep voice.

"It seems so, but even this kind of response will bring us a lot of trouble. As far as I know, Feng Tang has been making suggestions to the Zhou Dynasty's cabinet and the Ministry of War, hoping to increase efforts to support the Inner Khalkha people.

Together with the Haixi Jurchens and the Ula Tribe, they suddenly migrated to the territory of the Yehe Tribe, and now they are joining the group to keep warm. What will they do if they get the support of the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

Li Yongfang has been operating in Liaodong Town for many years. Although he has always been a guerrilla general, he is quite tactful, has deep connections, and knows many situations. He also vaguely knows that Liaodong Town wants to support the Ye He tribe to expand northward and contain the Jianzhou Jurchens.

"East China Sea Jurchens?" Nurhachi's face turned gloomy. If he received material and financial support from the Great Zhou Dynasty, it's hard to say what the group of savages from the East China Sea Jurchens would choose. After all, Ye He's tribe is also a Jurchen. "Then we won't let it go, Ye He."

The ministry will pay the price."

"But the Great Khan and the Great Zhou Dynasty will definitely let the Inner Khalkha people serve as the backing of the Yehe tribe." Li Yongfang reminded, "This should be Feng Tang's routine. Unless it is a last resort, the Liaodong Army will only provoke but not attack, but this kind of

This strategy will make Jianzhou very uncomfortable."

Nurhachi shook his head proudly: "Yongfang, don't think too much of the Liaodong Army. I admit that Feng Tang has some methods, but all methods and strategies are still based on his own strong force. The problem of the Liaodong Army is that it lacks morale and is war-weary and unmotivated.

In this case, what can Feng Tang do even if Zhuge Liang is resurrected?"

Li Yongfang laughed, "I didn't expect that the Great Khan also watched "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"? Maybe what the Great Khan said is true, but I think the Great Khan may have overlooked one thing. Feng Tang is still reorganizing a new army.

I also mentioned to me that the Liaodong Army is transforming its infantry and is equipping a large number of firecrackers..."

Nurhachi smiled scornfully, "I know about fire guns, but how useful do you think they are? They can't be used in the slightest rain or snow. Moreover, the operation speed is slow and they have to be lined up when traveling. They are far inferior to the bows and arrows of our Jurchens.

Of course, the Han people are not good at riding and shooting, so they can only use this method to deal with us, but I don’t think this can change the outcome of the war."

Li Yongfang didn't have much to say about Nurhaci's confidence. He also admitted that compared with Jianzhou's elite, even the fire rifle soldiers after changing their uniforms could not take advantage. But the key lies in Feng Tang's determination. It seems that

If the equipment change continues untiringly, once the number of fire gun troops in Liaodong Town reaches a certain level, can the Jianzhou soldiers still maintain their advantage?

The only factor restricting Liaodong may be the huge cost of firecrackers. It is impossible for the Zhou Dynasty court to support such expenses, which makes Li Yongfang feel relieved.

Seeing that Li Yongfang was not talking, Nurhaci looked around with satisfaction, and then said in a deep voice: "What else do you want to say?"

"Great Khan, my son also wants to ask General Li. I heard the name of Feng Tang's son Feng Keng when I was in the capital city. It was said that this man was eight fights tall. The Inner Khalkha people went south and suffered a defeat in Qian'an. This is it.

The man who led the Yongmin people to fight vigorously is still building Yuguan Port in a big way and wants to directly supply logistics support to western Liaoning and eastern Liaoning by shipping from the south of the Yangtze River. I wonder if General Li knows this person?"

Dai Shan has now begun to master the Jianzhou Jurchen's external intelligence collection, and he is very interested in this point. However, Jianzhou Jurchen's investment in this area was very weak until last year, when the Khan realized the importance of intelligence.

As their sexual orientation became more and more serious, they began to arrange for people to intensify their efforts to collect the internal and external conditions of the Zhou Dynasty to provide auxiliary reference for the Jurchen army in Jianzhou.

This question stopped Li Yongfang. He knew Feng Ziying, but he didn't know much about him. However, the several situations mentioned by Daishan also made him a little wary. After thinking about it, he said: "The Yongfang mentioned by Erbeile is not

I understand too well, but the battle of Qian'an also proved the power of fire guns. The Great Khan should not underestimate him. As for this person being a civil servant and a fellow magistrate of Yongping Prefecture, he will definitely have dealings with Liaodong in the future, so it is okay

Get to know it well."

While Jianzhou Jurchen was researching the Feng family and his son, Feng Tang also happened to receive a letter from Feng Ziying.

 In addition to talking about her wedding next month, Feng Ziying mostly discussed the Liaodong strategy with her father.

 Feng Ziying never believed that the Jurchen problem in Jianzhou could be solved by replacing the guns with firecrackers. That idea was too naive.

The Jianzhou Women's Realm was in a period of rapid rise. At this time, the Eight Banners system was still in a state where its advantages were fully demonstrated and its disadvantages could be overcome. The model of integrating farming and war and emphasizing military merit, coupled with the long-term laziness of the Liaodong Army, had actually

The entire situation in Liaodong was in a dangerous inertial stalemate, and the Liaodong Army was struggling to maintain it in a perfunctory manner.

It's not that there aren't many who can fight among the 100,000 troops in Liaodong. The key is that these 100,000 troops no longer have the courage and courage to fight and achieve results. They are more accustomed to hiding on the sidelines.

Passive defense within the wall is a bit like being a monk beating the clock every day.

No general has ever considered how to mobilize all resources to completely eliminate the Jurchens in Jianzhou. Of course, this may also be because all the generals who can speak in Liaodong know that the court cannot provide so many resources to support the realization of such a good wish.

Over time, this desire disappeared, and gradually evolved into how to ensure that the border wall was intact, and then into how to survive in this border-guarding life.

 The more you lose your will to fight, the more you can only solve problems in a passive or even retreating way. At this point, no one is willing to fight, especially if you go out and take the initiative to fight.

In the letter, Feng Ziying also frankly told her father that currently Liaodong does not have the strength to challenge the Jurchens in Jianzhou. Liaodong should continue to reorganize its army and decisively reorganize those armies that have completely lost the courage to fight in the First World War.

How skilled the archers are and how experienced they are.

 An army without the courage to fight can no longer be called an army.

"Wenzhao, come and read the letter from Ziying." When Cao Wenzhao came in, Feng Tang had already read it and handed Cao Wenzhao a few pages that specifically talked about Liaodong military affairs.

"Oh? A letter from Ziying? Have the destinations of Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu been decided?" Cao Wenzhao asked with a smile: "These two people will never come back once they leave. Aren't you going to suffer a big loss, Lord Governor?"

Lao You has made a profit."

"Ziying only said that we might have to wait until the Ministry of War conducts an inspection, but I am afraid that the Hushan unit will not be able to come back. If Li Ruzhang's unit is saved, Hushan may become the youngest guerrilla." Feng Tang was also very proud.

Cao Wenzhao read it very carefully, especially the part about the Inner Khalkha people, and read it over and over again, "Sir, are the Inner Khalkha people trustworthy? Ziying has met Zai Sai, but Zai Sai has always been ambitious.


"I think what Ziying said is right. If Zasai has no ambition, it may not be a good thing for us. It is precisely because he is ambitious, even as big as Dayan Khan, that he will regard the Chahar people as prey.

, what we need is time, wouldn’t it be bad if there was chaos on the grassland?”

Feng Tang's questions failed to convince Cao Wenzhao, "But if the grassland is in chaos, the Jianzhou Jurchens will also benefit. If the Horqin people become the thugs of the Jianzhou Jurchens, it will be difficult for the Ye He tribe to survive."

“In the final analysis, it all depends on ourselves.” Feng Tang said with a sigh: “The Horqin people must be removed, otherwise they will become the biggest scourge among the Inner Khalkha, the Yehe tribe and our alliance.”

"Then how do you plan to deal with the Horqin people?" Cao Wenzhao found it difficult. The Horqin people are in a very important position. They are just northwest of the Yehe tribe. To the west are the Inner Khalkha people, to the southwest are the Chahar people, and to the southeast are the

The Yehe tribe and the Northeast are the scattered Jurchen tribes of the East China Sea, but in fact they are now gradually controlled by the Jianzhou Jurchens.

"I don't have any good ideas yet." Feng Tang also sighed: "Ziying also mentioned in the letter that there may be major personnel adjustments in the court after the new year. Our food and salary in Liaodong next year will be worrying.

If you pretend to be a problem, I’m afraid you’ll have to suffer a big loss.”

Cao Wenzhao was surprised, "How can that be done? Isn't that just giving up halfway?"

“We can’t help it. I always feel that there is something weird here.” Feng Tang had some things that he couldn’t say, and even Feng Ziying didn’t mention them in his letter.

There was also great controversy within the imperial court over the whereabouts of military pay. The harassment by the Japanese along the Yangtze River and canals did give the imperial court another heavy blow, especially the interruption of water transportation, which was an unbearable burden for the imperial court.

The depletion of armaments in the southern Zhili prefectures has also led to constant criticism from the Jiangnan scholars, and calls for re-strengthening river defense and water transport defenses are getting louder. Feng Ziying feels that someone here seems to be adding fuel to the flames, but for a while he can't find any clues.

 After all, it is a fact that Jiangnan's defense has been abolished. Military affairs in Jiangnan have been slack for a long time. It is normal for the scholars in Jiangnan to run around and cry out for this.

It's just that the Japanese's strange way of running away with one attack is puzzling. They didn't plunder much property, but they attacked many places in succession, which caused extremely bad effects. For example, the whole of Nanzhili was in turmoil, and the Nanjing Ministry of War was even more concerned.

They wrote letters one after another, requesting that part of the autumn tax shipped directly from the south of the Yangtze River should be withheld as military pay, the town of Jiangbei should be established, and the Jiangbei Water Defense Division should be rebuilt. This opinion also caused huge controversy within the imperial court.

It is inevitable to clean up the defense in the south of the Yangtze River, but to establish the Jiangbei Town based on Xuzhou and the Jiangnan Water Defense Division based on Jinling and Yangzhou, the required silver taels are three million taels. This amount is too huge and obviously exceeds the affordability of the imperial court.

Although the opinion of the Nanjing Ministry of War was that after Jiangbei Town was established, it could be shipped to Huguang for use in the southwest war, but it still far exceeded expectations.

This chapter has been completed!
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