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Geng Scroll 221: The Coming of the Era of Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan after Yongping Mansion

 "Ziying, you are getting married in the capital. You and I cannot be absent at the same time, so I have to ask someone to bring you a gift to say goodbye. Congratulations." Seeing Feng Ziying come to the door, Zhu Zhiren beamed.

He has received reliable news from Beijing. Although his great backer Zheng Jizhi has taken office, he still recommended him before taking office. If nothing unexpected happens, he will go to Beijing to take office at the latest in March.

It’s just that the issue of position has not been decided. It is impossible for the Minister of Taichang Temple. That is the third rank. The Shaoqing of Taichang Temple is the fourth rank, which is considered average. Or the minister of Honglu Temple is also the fourth rank, but he is better than the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple.

After all, he was in charge of sacrifices, court meetings, and banquets, which was also very glamorous.

There are two other positions: Taipu Temple Minister and Guanglu Temple Minister, but these two positions are from the third rank, which means that you must be promoted to one level to be eligible to sit in this position.

It turned out that Zhu Zhiren had also had extravagant hopes, but soon the people from Huguang Township in the DPRK gave up on him.

Unless you have made outstanding achievements or made great contributions as a local official in Beijing, it is very rare for you to be assigned a position at the same level. This is because of Zheng Jizhi's strong recommendation before he took office. If there is anything else,

A little out of touch with current affairs.

So after all calculations, the most likely possibility is that he is the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple or the Minister of Honglu Temple, but no matter which position, Zhu Zhiren is satisfied.

As long as he can leave the local area and go to Beijing to serve as a Beijing official, he will not be short of money, but he will lack the qualifications of a Beijing official.

Even if you become an official in three to five years, whether you stay in Beijing and become a rich man, or you return to your hometown and become a country squire, it will all be excellent.

Zhu Zhiren also got some vague information, saying that the big bosses in Beijing were also very satisfied with Feng Ziying's performance in Yongping Mansion, especially the performance of Yongpingzhuang in the battle of Qian'an compared with the disastrous defeat of Jingying, which made the emperor appreciate it very much. Maybe this

The boy was about to be promoted after being dissatisfied with his work for three years, which made Zhu Zhiren sigh with emotion and also envious.

However, he is not jealous either. He achieved this feat based on his ability and bravery, and he even benefited a lot from it. What else is there to say? He is almost sixty years old, how can he still be with this person?

Twenty-year-old juniors competing?

For such young people with a bright future, it is wisest to make good friends and leave some incestuous feelings, so he also gave Feng Ziying a generous gift when he got married.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Fu, for your thoughtfulness." Feng Ziying bowed her hands and thanked her solemnly. Zhu Zhiren stroked his beard with satisfaction, "Hey, why do you and I have to be so polite? Sit down, sit down!"

Feng Ziying also briefly talked about the situation in the capital city during this period, and inevitably also talked about the upcoming "capital investigation", "big plans" and the changes that may bring to the entire court situation.

"It is said that during this time of 'Beijing Inspection' and 'Grand Plan', the DPRK and Central Government have given clear instructions. Those who are promoted must have actual performance, and the actual performance must be verified from several aspects..."

Zhu Zhiren listened very carefully.

Local officials like him seem to be supreme in the government and have all the power. However, because they have been local officials for a long time, intelligence and information are not smooth enough, so they can only convey information through the correspondence of some township parties in the same year.

For example, when Feng Ziying returned to the capital city and happened to catch up with the "Beijing Inspector" and the "big plan", she must have obtained a lot of inside information, so of course Zhu Zhiren would not let it go.

When Feng Ziying talked about the new policies of "Beijing Cha" and "Big Plan", Zhu Zhiren needed to compare his work performance in the past two years to see what aspects he could make up for and improve in order to be more effective in the official department and the capital.

When the procuratorate comes to inspect, I will be able to hand in a more beautiful answer sheet.

After hearing Feng Ziying's introduction, Zhu Zhiren's brows slowly relaxed.

Obviously, this new "big plan" policy is extremely beneficial to Yongping Mansion.

For example, among the listed items, one is to solve the problem of displacement caused by disasters.

Yongping Prefecture not only successfully resolved the refugees caused by the "military disaster" caused by the Mongolian invasion, but also assisted Shuntian Prefecture in dealing with the livelihood problems of nearly 100,000 refugees, which can undoubtedly be a big plus.

Another example is the tax revenue increase issue mentioned in the new policy.

Although Yongping Prefecture's summer and autumn taxes have not changed much, and have even declined due to the impact of the Mongolian invasion, the mining tax and commercial tax, which are required to be paid into the Ministry of Industry's treasury, have increased significantly.

This is unprecedented and far exceeds the decline in summer and autumn taxes, which is another huge plus.

Zhu Zhiren felt that he was fully qualified to obtain a good position based on these two aspects alone, not counting the achievements in public security, the Qing army and the successful defeat of the Mongolian invasion.

After calculating this, Zhu Zhiren felt more and more that his prospects were very bright.

Of course, there are negative factors. The hostility and criticism of local gentry increased a lot last year compared to the previous two years. This was also a side effect of Feng Ziying's arrival in Yongping Mansion.

However, Zhu Zhiren is very tolerant. If you want to achieve political achievements, you will inevitably have conflicts with the local gentry. This is all to be expected.

And now Feng Ziying is using mining, building roads and building roads to attract businessmen from Shanxi and Shaanxi, creating a huge area of ​​​​profits. This not only suppresses the local gentry and merchants, but also attracts a group of flexible gentry and merchants to start to move closer to her side.

This is a good change. With the benefits, no one can refuse. If you want to join and get a share of the pie, you have to be submissive and obedient.

During this spring break, the number of local gentry and merchants coming to visit their families for New Year greetings has not decreased but increased compared with previous years. Moreover, many of them used to pay New Year greetings with no more than courtesy, but this year almost all the family heads came in person with gifts, and they also looked for opportunities to grow.

Talking about it, this change also made Zhu Zhiren deeply moved.

On the one hand, I admire the shamelessness of these gentry and merchants, and on the other hand, I also have a new feeling for these guys' pursuit of interests. They really turn enemies into friends under the influence of interests, and there is no barrier to such things as shaking hands and talking happily.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that merchants from Shanxi and Shaanxi are entering Yongping Prefecture more and more, their presence and influence are getting stronger and stronger, and they are becoming more and more popular.

Although the Shanshan and Shaanxi merchants are now at a disadvantage in the duel with the Jiangnan merchants, their basic strength is not comparable to these local gentry and merchants. If these Shanshan and Shaanxi merchants are allowed to continue to grow, their real interests will be taken away by them.


This is certainly unacceptable to local gentry and merchants.

Since we can't win, we can only cooperate, and we must do so as soon as possible.

In fact, when Feng Ziying got married in the capital city, she also received some congratulatory gifts from the gentry of Yongping Prefecture.

Feng Ziying, a gentry who showed closeness to these soft-spoken gentry, would certainly not refuse. The gentry in Beizhili were considered to be the basic base, especially since they had a deep connection with the Qi division and were able to win over and be friends with them. Feng Ziying did not hesitate to provide some benefits.

Because of this, the relationship between Feng Ziying and the gentry in Yongping Mansion also improved rapidly after becoming famous in the Battle of Qian'an, and even improved by leaps and bounds during the spring break, especially in areas such as Qian'an, Funing, Lulong and Luanzhou.

The attitude of the gentry in various states and counties was more positive.

For example, in Changli and Leting, Feng Ziying's work focus this year was mainly on the other four states and counties, but they maintained a state of neither salty nor light.

"Ziying, everything you brought back is good news." After hearing Feng Ziying's introduction, Zhu Zhiren was overjoyed, rubbing his hands with a smile on his face, "I know that this time Yongping Mansion has such a good atmosphere, you have contributed a lot.

No, don’t worry, when people from the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate come, I will tell you the truth about your achievements..."

Feng Ziying also laughed. Zhu Zhiren was afraid that he might leave before him because he didn't know yet, but at this time he could only express his gratitude.

After talking for a while, he quickly returned to the official business of Yongping Mansion. The problem of Huimin Salt Field was imminent. Originally, Zhu Zhiren had "voluntarily asked Ying" to handle the matter personally. He only needed Feng Ziying to help him contact Denglai Navy.

, I didn’t expect that the situation had changed.

Recently, not only have Changli and Leting become more peaceful, but the key point is that there is no trace of the Japanese pirates on Xiangyun Island and they have disappeared into the vast sea. This makes Zhu Zhiren anxious and embarrassed. He originally hoped to use this matter to make real progress.

His political achievements have been greatly enhanced, but he did not expect to encounter such a troublesome thing.

Fortunately, the news Feng Ziying brought back this time was very happy, which diluted Zhu Zhiren's sense of loss.

"Sir, since the Japanese pirates are temporarily hidden, we don't have to force it for a while. What's more important for you now is to seek stability and survive the inspections of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Now there is no need for you to care about this city or place.

With the gains and losses in mind, just go to Beijing and take up the post with peace of mind."

Feng Ziying's relief made Zhu Zhiren even more grateful, but he didn't know Feng Ziying's inner thoughts.

In Feng Ziying's view, there is absolutely no need for Zhu Zhiren to earn this credit. Since Lian Guoshi is coming to Yongping Mansion soon, why not put it aside for a while and wait until the time is right for Lian Guoshi to defeat these Japanese pirates in one fell swoop.

Eradicate, and by the way, clean up the powerful and evil gentry in Changli and Leting?

This kills two birds with one stone, it can not only help strengthen national affairs and establish prestige, but also eradicate Japanese pirates to please the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The Huimin Salt Field is affiliated to the Changlu Du Salt Transport Department and is under the dual management of the Ministry of Revenue and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. As long as the Huimin Salt Field is restored, it will definitely make Minister Lian Guo look good.

Even Huang Ruliang and Zhang Jingqiu cannot bury this great contribution to practicing state affairs.

For Feng Ziying, he needs to plan the "post-Xiao Feng Xiu Zhuan era" of Yongping Mansion in the past two months.

Although he left, he left a deep imprint of his own in Yongping Mansion this year. He did not want this imprint to be blurred or disappear when he left, so he strongly recommended people with the same concept and excellent personal friendship.

Practice national affairs to take over your own duties to ensure that your efforts do not go to waste halfway.

So in order to strengthen Lian Guo's voice and influence, necessary help and preparation are necessary.

This chapter has been completed!
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