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Xinzi Scroll, The Tree of the Setting Sun, Section 42: Infiltration

  Wang Wenyan obviously came prepared.

Since Feng Ziying was expected to return to Beijing and serve as the Prime Minister of Shuntian, he took urgent action and together with Cao Yu began to dig out and collect all aspects of Wu Daonan.

From Wu Daonan’s resume and experience to his character and his main backers and party members in the court, of course his family situation, his political tendencies and personal preferences are also included.

Cao Yu also played a big role. As the editor-in-chief of "Today's News", the size of his editorial team has expanded to dozens of people. These three types include down-and-out scholars, incompetent children of officials and gentry, and idlers among merchants and citizens.

Humanoids account for almost one-third each.

Of course these three types of people have their own emphasis, but the first two are dominant in editing, while the last type is dominant in news gathering.

This team was slowly and painstakingly established by Cao Yu. Among them, the good treatment was eliminated, the good treatment and the cruel elimination mechanism were used to cultivate and train a group of talents in this field. Even Feng Ziying praised Cao Yu's introduction.

Needless to say, this is already somewhat similar to the prototype of modern media.

Cao Yu also followed Feng Ziying's suggestion and established a huge document database by category. Although it seems that nothing can be seen now because of the short time, Feng Ziying believes that the importance of this document database will increase as time goes by.

Increasing day by day.

One category of this kind of document database is about North Korean and Chinese officials. The content they appear in and involve in "Today's News" will be marked one by one, so that you can easily read what they have done and said in the past.

Of course this means public.

Wang Wenyan also has another intelligence collection system in his hands, but his collection system is not as open and broad as Cao Yu's "Today's News", but it is more secretive and targeted.

"Sir, I have done some research to get to know Mr. Wu." Wang Wenyan said calmly: "This person has served in the Ministry of Rites for a long time and was once the right minister of the Ministry of Rites.

There was a feud between Gu Bingqian, the left minister of the Ministry of Rites, and the two sides criticized each other. Later, Wu Daonan resigned and resigned, and four years ago he came back as the Yin of Shuntian Prefecture."

"Oh? He has a bad relationship with Master Gu?" Feng Ziying was quite surprised. Gu Bingqian was from Kunshan, Nazhi, and Wu Daonan was a scholar from Jiangxi. Generally speaking, they were both Jiangnan scholars. However, Gu Bingqian was considered an imperialist, and he still maintained the same relationship with the Jiangnan scholars.

There was a distance between them, but with Gu Bingqian's smoothness, it was difficult for Wu Daonan to get along with him, which was a bit strange.

"Well, Mr. Wu is a stubborn person. He thinks that Mr. Gu has no character and follows everyone else's opinions, especially Emperor Afu, who is even too flattering to the servants in the palace. He can't stand it, so he and Mr. Gu had tit-for-tat confrontations several times. Later, it got out of hand and he simply

Resign and step down,..."

Wang Wenyan’s introduction made Feng Ziying very interesting. Nowadays, it is rare to see such a strong-tempered scholar who would rather bend than bend.

You may not like it, Your Majesty Afu, but if you want to openly confront him, this is politically incorrect. Isn’t this openly disagreeing with the Emperor?

The cabinet elders and the six ministers also have differences with the emperor, and even serious conflicts, but you have to master the strategy of the struggle game. How can there be hard steel that knows the way?

  He is an interesting character.

"However, Mr. Wu seemed to be a tough-minded man, but Wen Yan thought it was just a superficial phenomenon. The reason why he chose to go out with Gu Bingqian was a political speculation. At that time, Gu Bingqian and Ye Fang were both cabinet ministers. There was discord, but the emperor was very protective of Gu Bingqian. At that time, he was suppressed by Gu Bingqian in the Ministry of Rites, so he simply pointed out the conflict and made a desperate move. The result was quite good. Although he resigned and resigned, it was only a mere two years later. Under the strong recommendation of Ye Fang and his two brothers, He has been appointed as the governor of Shuntian Prefecture..."

Wang Wenyan's introduction made Feng Ziying even more interested. It turned out that he was a political speculator. For him, this was not a bad thing. It showed that this person also had the pursuit of fame and fortune. So some of his achievements during his tenure as Shuntian Prefecture The performance is not unacceptable.

Being keen on literary and poetry gatherings is in itself an act of seeking fame and fame. Even Ye Fang should have noticed this. As scholars, there is nothing wrong with it. Once your reputation has accumulated to a certain level, you can directly enter the palace. This is Mr. Wu is nearly sixty years old, and he just hopes to take another step forward and become a second-rank minister. Gu Bingqian's current position as minister of the Ministry of Rites is undoubtedly Wu Daonan's goal.

As for not liking secular affairs, Feng Ziying had read the other party’s resume and found that he had almost always worked in the Ministry of Rites and was promoted step by step. He had no experience of serving in other departments. Moreover, according to Wang Wenyan, his two most effective staff members were both from the Ministry of Rites. The person he brought here also had no other experience, which shows that he was really not familiar with government affairs, didn't like it, and didn't want to take it seriously, but he still wanted to enjoy his success as the Yin of Shuntian Prefecture.

  No wonder he didn’t show much resistance to going to visit him, and even had a little expectation.

However, Shuntian Mansion is not Yongping Mansion. As a third-grade governor, Wu Daonan is definitely not willing to lose control of the entire government office. This should probably be a reminder from Ye Fang and others, so he has such a request to take it. The attitude is that he will review and approve the "policy outline".

Hmm, it’s a bit like the chairman of the board having to compare the general manager’s policy strategy after he takes office to see if it’s satisfactory.

Feng Ziying doesn't care much about this. As long as the other person is not the kind of "upright" character who has no desires or demands, as long as she still has fame and fortune in her heart and the desire to make progress, she can totally do what she likes, even if Even if the other party is not interested at first, you can still arouse the other party's interest, and then gradually get involved, and "turn" your own assumptions and intentions into his "wish ideas".

On this point, Feng Ziying is still somewhat sure. There are too many areas where Shuntian Mansion can make political achievements. Similarly, there are easy places to poke trouble. Since Wu Daonan has a "gentle" temperament and hopes to see political achievements, naturally he will not

If you don't mind "poking trouble", you may even be proud of "poking trouble".

Didn’t he already do it in the Ministry of Rites? If he dared to offend the emperor by confronting Gu Bingqian, the left minister, he could still copy it in Shuntian Mansion. Even if he was dismissed again, maybe he would be the minister after he came back.

The conversation with Wang Wenyan was very effective. As Wang Wenyan complained about Wu Daonan's situation in Shuntian Mansion, Feng Ziying discovered that the other party had actually maintained a standout posture for four years, and had almost no contact with the Fu Cheng, Zhi Zhong, Tong San, etc.

Feng Ziying was also surprised by how many intertwining relationships there were among the officials and the clerks and clerks in each house.

He doesn’t know how Wu Daonan got here in the past four years. It’s no wonder that he hasn’t achieved anything in the prominent position of Shuntian Fuyin. It’s even because you haven’t done anything at all. The officials below you all maintain a gentle relationship.

Ru Shui's posture, as if I arrange it for you, you just follow it. How can things in this world be so simple?

Do you think that if you issue an order, all states and counties will pay summer and autumn taxes? Do you think that with one order, you can clean up military households and hidden households? Do you think that if you don’t actually recruit people with your bold words, they will be punished?

Do you usually confess truthfully when pouring beans into a bamboo tube?

 This is too ridiculous.

If you can't win over the governor and use him to your own advantage, then you have to capture one or two of the general judges and make them your confidants, right?

If you can’t control the promotion of officials, you will have a limp in criminal and civil litigation, and it will be really difficult to use your gavel.

In the end, Feng Ziying could only sum it up with one sentence: There are still such officials. To be honest, Feng Ziying felt that such a person was really only suitable to go to the Hanlin Academy or the Imperial College to study history and teach classics. Others were not suitable at all.

Isn’t it a joke to dream about chasing fame and fortune all day long? Once you sit in that position, you won’t be able to stop playing.

“Sir, actually you already have a suitable candidate.” Wang Wenyan smiled and prepared to leave.

“Oh?” Feng Ziying was stunned, “Who?”

 “Fu Shi.” Wang Wenyan smiled mysteriously.

“Fu Shi?” Feng Ziying felt that it sounded familiar, but she couldn’t remember where she had heard it.

"Yes, he is a disciple of the Rongguo government master and has always maintained close contact with the Jia family." Wang Wenyan smiled, "When Wenyan was still under the rule of Mr. Lin, this man once visited Mr. Lin in Yangzhou when he returned to Jinling.

, he is now one of the five general judges of Shuntian Prefecture."

“Oh?” Feng Ziying’s eyes lit up, “How is this person?”

The word "how" is very rich, but Wang Wenyan understood Feng Ziying's meaning and carefully considered his words, "He has some talents and a strong ambition to make progress. As far as Wen Yan knows, before he returned to Beijing a few days ago, he had posted to House, and also gave a gift,..."

“Oh, you also gave me a gift?” Feng Ziying frowned slightly. He was a little taboo about this. This person was too abrupt and had no relationship with him. To do so was too Meng Lang.

"Don't worry, sir. It's just a simple inkstone, and he also mentioned that he is a disciple of Mr. Jia, so it makes sense." Wang Wenyan said with a smile: "Although this man has a little more fame and fortune, he is very polite and polite in doing things. Zhang Fa, I guess he should also have informed Mr. Jia and Miss Lin."

“Well, I might as well meet you then.” Feng Ziying knew what was going on.

“There is another person who also has some connections.” Wang Wenyan added.

"Wen Yan, why are you hesitating today and refusing to explain clearly at once?" Feng Ziying said with a smile: "Are you afraid that I won't take care of you?"

“Haha, sir, you are joking, um, it’s that Zhang Hua.” Wang Wenyan hesitated, “I wonder if you have any impressions, sir?”

 “Zhang Hua?” Feng Ziying felt that it sounded familiar again, but she couldn’t remember who it was.

“Well, the second aunt You is referring to the one she is marrying.” Wang Wenyan reminded Feng Ziying, and Feng Ziying immediately thought about it, “It’s him, so what?”

This chapter has been completed!
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