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Xinzi Scroll

Of course, Feng Ziying would not rashly bring up the problem of solving the Fujian Navy to Shen Yourong. He just casually mentioned the comparison of the combat effectiveness of the Fujian Navy and the Denglai Navy. Made a review.

Before the establishment of the Denglai Navy, the Fujian Navy was responsible for the maritime defense of the entire north of Zhangzhou. The other navy was the Guangdong Navy, but the Guangdong Navy was far inferior to the Fujian Navy in terms of scale and combat effectiveness.

However, as the Japanese threat gradually diminished after the Imjin Japanese Rebellion, the Fujian Navy, as the main force, gradually declined. The court's lack of attention to the navy caused the replacement of naval ships to stagnate, and naval training became a mere formality. In addition, The officers' lack of pay, smuggling, and slack training caused this navy, which was originally the most elite navy in the Great Zhou Dynasty, to quickly transform into a team that was no different from an ordinary guard. It even seemed clumsy and slow when facing the attack of Japanese pirates.

This is also the reason why Shen Yourong is unwilling to continue to stay in the Fujian Navy. No one can save a sluggish Navy with no enterprising spirit, and the impact of this deepening shortcomings cannot be saved. One person can eliminate them, so Shen Yourong is more willing to rebuild an elite force. Especially Feng Ziying's proposal to build a brand new navy with large ships and firearms as the core makes his heart beat. Only then did Denglai Navy become what it is today.

In addition to Shen Yourong's arrangements, Feng Ziying also pays special attention to Dongfang.

In addition to the reclamation in Dongfan by the Anfu Chamber of Commerce and Longyou merchants, the operation of the Butai Salt Fields on the right bank of Dongfan by Fujian tycoons has also made great progress in recent years.

In the past few years, Feng Ziying has never relaxed her attention to Dongfan. Even in Yongping Mansion, she still maintains regular contact with Dongfan.

Lian Wenzhuang and Lin Huosheng made great moves in the Budai Salt Field, which even exceeded Feng Ziying's expectations. They were a bit desperate. They originally thought that it might take three years to produce salt, and five years to start to enter a stable profit period, but Unexpectedly, it only took two years to produce salt. In the third year, the profit and loss were even, and it is estimated that the fourth year will enter the profit period.

Of course, this has a lot to do with their investment at all costs in recent years. In one year, they moved nearly a thousand people from Fujian, and also established a stable transfer station in Penghu. The next year, the right bank area The population has exceeded 3,000 people per 1,000 households, and is expected to exceed 5,000 people by this year.

Such a large-scale move made the people of Anfu and Longyou Chamber of Commerce who were colonizing the north and south stunned. It must be known that their specialized reclamation only moved six to seven thousand people in the north and south of Dongfan in three years. These salt collectors dare to relocate four to five thousand people at once. You must know that everything in Dongpan now needs to be imported from Fujian and Zhejiang. The cost is so high that ordinary people can't imagine it, so this momentum is really It feels like success or failure.

When Cao Cao was told, Cao Cao arrived. As soon as Feng Ziying returned to the house, Wang Wenyan came with Wang Jiuyu.

Feng Ziying hasn't seen this big salt owl in Nanzhi and Fujian and Zhejiang for a year or two. It is said that this guy has been traveling between Dongfan and Fujian and Zhejiang. Looking at this guy's appearance, he is much thinner and leaner, but his momentum is even more obvious. He is fierce and fierce, probably sharpened by his battles with the Dongfan mountain people.

"The common people have seen the adults."

The last time Wang Jiuyu came to see Feng Ziying was before Feng Ziying went to Yongping Mansion. She met him in Beijing and Feng Ziying also had a long conversation with him.

This gap has been more than a year. Now Feng Ziying has not only been working as a tongzhi in Yongping Mansion for more than a year, but now she has become the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion. Even Wang Jiuyu has long known that Feng Ziying is not a natural, but this is almost

The promotion that took off from the ground still makes people sigh with emotion. It's no wonder that Lian, Lin, and Zhu are paying more and more attention to this line and must hold on to this thick leg.

"No courtesy, get up Jiuyu, we are all old acquaintances, why are you being so polite? Sit down." Feng Ziying waved her hand, and Wang Jiuyu sat down half-assed.

"I haven't seen you for more than a year. Looking at you like this, life in Dongfan is a bit hard."

Feng Ziying looked up and down at this guy who was born in a salt lord. In the past two or three years, Wang Jiuyu has used various means to bleach his identity. Of course, he himself did not have any criminal records in the government. In addition, he was surrounded by Fujian tycoons.

He also participated in the reclamation and expansion plan led by the imperial court, so naturally no one asked about his dark past.

"Your Majesty, you have worked so hard. Yongping Mansion defeated the Mongolian army in one fell swoop. Even in the south of the Yangtze River, ordinary people are aware of your reputation." Wang Jiuyu said quickly.

"Haha, I asked you, but you came to praise me. What a big defeat for the Mongolian army. It was just a small defeat of the enemy by relying on the city to defend the enemy. The Mongolians were not willing to make a loss and retreat. But you, I heard that there was a lot of action in Dongfan.

Damn, have you cleared up the security around the salt field?"

Feng Ziying waved her hand, saying that the south of the Yangtze River is famous is a joke. Only those who care about her would know that ordinary people would not care about the affairs of Yongping Mansion. They may not even know where Yongping Mansion is.

"Sir, I can only say that preliminary progress has been made, but you also know that there are many natives in the Dongfan Mountains and forests, and it is impossible to completely eradicate them in a short time. However, this year we have good weather, and the amount of salt produced has increased significantly.

All the owners are very happy, so the population introduced from Fujian continues to increase, and our strength is further strengthened. It is difficult for the natives to pose a big threat to us. In the next step, all the owners intend to further expand the scale.


When Wang Jiuyu talked about these situations, he couldn't help but get excited. He could transform from a salt owl into an upright tycoon. Although he couldn't be called a country squire, didn't Lian Lin and others just take a fancy to his bravery? What if there were no such country people?

How could I have the opportunity to show myself and win such an opportunity without being harassed by others? I am afraid that I will have to wear the identity of Salt Owl for the rest of my life.

"Oh? Are you so sure?" Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows. It seemed that she had underestimated the other party.

"Sir, we alone are definitely not enough. Your bosses have also established a line with the Fujian Navy, and they are also willing to participate..." Wang Jiuyu paused, "In addition, our merchant escort team is also fully equipped.

The flint-fire muskets produced by Zhuangji in Foshan, Guangdong are more than enough to deal with these natives, as long as they are not attacked by a large group of natives. Moreover, we and the navy have carried out two consecutive attacks, and basically all the natives nearby have been destroyed.

After clearing them all, the rest fled deep into the mountains."

It turned out that he had hooked up with the Fujian Navy. Feng Ziying's heart moved slightly. Although the Fujian Navy was in decline, it was still considered a regular army. If these merchant escorts cooperated, it would indeed not be a big problem to deal with these mountain people.

"I didn't expect Lian Lin and the others to be very considerate." Feng Ziying nodded, "As far as I know, the imperial court still hopes to slow down the matter of setting up a government in Dongpan. The progress on your side is pretty good, but it only involves salt affairs.

Moreover, the imperial court collected almost all of it in advance. However, Anfu and Longyou merchants are not making too fast progress and their reclamation is not satisfactory. I have also negotiated with them and hope that they will speed up the progress, but the reclamation of raw land is indeed slower than your salt farm.

It’s a lot more difficult, and I can understand that…”

Wang Jiuyu can be regarded as the liaison between Feng Ziying and the big tycoons in Fujian. Although he was born in a big salt lord, he is still far behind Lian, Lin and Zhu. He is also very happy to play such a role.

After chatting for a while, Feng Ziying understood Wang Jiuyu's purpose clearly and explained some of his thoughts. Only then did Feng Ziying casually ask about other things.

"How is the situation over there in Jiangnan?"

"What are you asking about?" Wang Jiuyu still didn't understand.

"I heard that the Zhen family is very active now and is also involved in salt affairs?" Feng Ziying asked directly.

Wang Jiuyu was taken aback, and after thinking for a moment, he said carefully: "Sir, the Zhen family did make some requests, and also sent people to meet with several owners. They probably wanted to intervene in the salt field, but the owners did not agree and did not agree.

Maybe I agreed and invested so much, but I haven’t officially seen any profits yet. Although the Zhen family is strong, it’s too ugly to look at..."

"Then how could Zhen Yingjia give up so easily? I heard that he is now in Nanzhili very much like the wind and the rain." Feng Ziying laughed, "Your salt production should gradually increase this year.

I heard that Zhen Yingjia, the salt transport envoy Si Yamen from both Huainan and Zhejiang provinces, and the salt transport envoy Si Yamen from both Zhejiang provinces are able to intervene. If his wishes are not fulfilled, I'm afraid you will be in a lot of trouble."

Feng Ziying looked at Wang Jiuyu, who was also a little nervous and didn't know Feng Ziying's intentions.

The Zhen family and the Jia family have a close relationship. One is the new four great masters of Jinling, and the other is the old four great masters of Jinling. This one is inextricably linked to the Jia family, especially Lin Ruhai, the former salt censor of the Huaihe River and Huaihe River.

It is said that Jia Yucun, the father-in-law and the magistrate of Jinling (Yin of Yingtian Prefecture), also had some connections with this man, and Jia Yucun is now very close to Zhen Yingjia.

"Sir, the Zhen family is indeed a local snake in Nanzhili, but several of the bosses are not without status in Fujian. Even the common people have a small reputation in Nanzhili and Zhejiang. If they don't follow the rules and blindly use force to suppress them,

People, then we here can only accompany you to the end. Of course, we are not ignorant. Our salt must go to Nanzhi and Jiangyou. This is what your Excellency promised us at the beginning. We also know that this will ultimately be decided by the imperial court.

But we are willing to pay salt lessons according to the rules, but..."

Wang Jiuyu spoke very slowly, trying to figure out the other party's intentions, "We are all businessmen. We have invested so much, so we must be given a bowl of food to eat. And in the next step, we will follow the imperial court's wishes and continue to increase investment.


This chapter has been completed!
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