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Xin Zi Scroll Chapter 123 Yin Wind

"Normally, only Yu Chuan'er and I can come in." Jin Chuan'er couldn't hide her pride in her words, "There is a row of study rooms, reception rooms, and my lunch room over there. I am often there, and Yu Chuan'er and I can come in."

Chui'er can only go in at certain times, or only when called upon by me. Do you see the attics on the roofs of the wing rooms on both sides?"

Zijuan had also seen the lofts at both ends that were obviously higher than one end. It was obvious that they were police posts, so she nodded.

"There are people watching day and night. That's my most secret place over there." Jin Chuan'er smiled, "I said it's not the most important thing, but I don't like outsiders to disturb me, so even grandmas can't do anything about it.

Come on, even if you come, you won’t enter that row of houses.”

Zijuan joked, "Hey, I said you are fat and you are breathless. You are really a caring person to me. Only you two sisters can enter, not even the grandmothers. I just want to show that you two sisters are important to me."

Don’t you think it’s normal?”

Jin Chuan'er blushed at Zijuan's words and quickly explained: "No, the main reason is that the grandmas will not come at all, and of course others will not come."

"Okay, I'm not here for inspection, you don't need to explain to me." Zijuan laughed, "You are due at the end of the month, and there are only a few days left. My girl also said that you are working hard by my father's side.

Let me bring you a gift. Come on, take it. My girl bought this specially from Sun Jinji. You can also hang it next to your body..."

Zi Juan put a ring-shaped jade pendant into Jin Chuan'er's hand. Jin Chuan'er was shocked and quickly declined: "How can this be done? Miss Lin is kind to me, I am grateful, but this..."

"Okay, I know that you have always been unwilling to accept things from others, but my girl is different. You also know that her temper is like that, but she treats people with sincerity. If you are honest with me, my girl's heart

I understand, and I don’t mean anything else. Are you still worried that Uncle Feng will be dissatisfied with my girl for doing nothing for you?" Zijuan laughed, "Don't worry, my girl will tell me if she gets the chance, no.

Make it difficult for you, besides, my girl will be married next year, we are just a family, why do we need to see each other outside?"

 Jinchuaner hesitated.

She also knew that my father's affection for Miss Lin had always been different from that of Grandma Shen and the two Xue family members. It was a fate of life and death. It was said that he was the first to be engaged to Miss Lin.

It is also because Miss Lin is too young, and the wife and the others hope that I will get married early so that they can continue their relationship, so they chose Grandma Shen. It is not known whether this is true or not, but it is enough to show that the relationship between him and Miss Lin is not stable.


Just when Jin Chuan'er hesitated, Zijuan put the jade pendant into Jin Chuan'er's hand, and then took out her own gift, a feather-white silk silk handkerchief with a bunch of red cherries embroidered on it.

, it’s really cute, “This is mine, it’s not as good as my girl’s, it’s just a piece of mind.”

Jinchuaner accepted Zijuan's gift without hesitation. After thanking him, he hid it preciously.

"Then Zijuan, please thank Miss Lin for me. I also want to report it to Uncle Ming. Tomorrow, the uncle, his wife, and the whole family are going to visit Haichao Temple in Xunhechang. I will also go with them. Find a time

I'll make it clear to you." Jin Chuan'er nodded.

"Oh? Are you going to Xunhechang Haichao'an?" Zijuan's eyes lit up, "My girl has also been saying that the scenery at Xunhechang Haichao'an is beautiful, and the mountains and rivers are very beautiful. She wants to go there, and she also

Third Miss, Miss Yun and the others have said that they just haven’t chosen a time..."

Jinchuaner glanced at Zijuan with a smile but not a smile, "Zijuan, it's better to choose a day than to hit it. Maybe you girls think tomorrow is the right day?"

Zijuan blinked her eyes: "Yes, the almanac says that tomorrow is just the right time to go out, and the weather is good these days. I think most of my girls have chosen to go out tomorrow."

 Both of them laughed.

Jin Chuan'er inadvertently revealed the date of the trip to Feng Ziying and his entourage. Zijuan naturally understood it. Although it was not suitable for the unmarried couple to meet in private, such public outing encounters had no impact. If there were other people together, it would be no problem.

Well, this is also an opportunity to meet together, which is far better than the girls coming to Feng Mansion in the name of meeting Grandma Shen and Grandma Xue.


"What's wrong? We agreed that the whole family would go on an outing to Haichao Temple in Xunhechang, but you didn't go? Is this a deliberate attempt to displease your grandma or your father?" Feng Ziying looked at the circles under her eyes, which were obviously dark.

Qingwen's pretty face seemed to be a bit sharper. It was obvious that the arrival of her biological parents in the past few days had caused her a lot of trouble. She didn't think about food and food, and she couldn't sleep well, which was why she looked like this.

"Master, I have always been uneasy. I don't know why. I am just upset. Although I understand what I said, I just can't get over the hurdle." Qingwen bit her lips and twisted the sweat towel with her fingers.

, standing in front of Feng Ziying, short of breath and guilty.

"If you can't overcome this hurdle, then just leave it there for the time being. As time goes by, your mind becomes calmer, and you see more of all the mundane things in the world, you will feel that there is nothing you can't overcome." Feng Ziying smiled faintly, "My lord, too.

I don’t force you to accept anything. You should understand your own things on your own. There will always be a time when you understand. However, it cannot affect my mood. If you don’t follow me today, there will be one less person, and I will not be happy in my heart.


This is to act arrogant and domineering, but Feng Ziying likes this tone and can't do whatever he wants. Wouldn't it be a waste of time?

 Qingwen felt hot in her heart. Regardless of whether the other person's words were sincere or false, she was touched by how much she cared about her.

She knew that she was handsome, and this man probably came here because of her looks. But as she left Rongguo Mansion and went to Feng Mansion, the more she interacted with him, the more she became more and more admired for his talent and ability.

At the same time, Qingwen felt that she was increasingly unable to understand this man's thoughts.

She had already agreed, even her grandma had agreed, and Qingwen had already been prepared to be taken over. From the bottom of her heart, she was also willing. No one in her daughter's family could do this. It turned out that there were still some in Rongguo Mansion.

She missed Baoyu, but now Baoyu's impression has become dim and pitiful in Qingwen's eyes. This man is her backbone, the man she can rely on for the rest of her life.

"My master said this. If I say anything more, I will be disrespecting you. I will go and talk to my parents." Qingwen nodded lightly, said a blessing, and prepared to go down.

Feng Ziying thought for a while, "There is still some time now, and they have to clean up. Qingwen, go and call your parents. I will meet and talk. Don't say that your parents are here, but I am not generous."

As soon as I saw him, I lost my etiquette."

Qingwen was startled, "Sir, isn't this necessary?"

"Go, they are your parents after all. I will meet them sooner or later. It is better to meet them sooner rather than later so as to leave an impression." Feng Ziying waved her hands indifferently.

Qingwen felt more and more moved, bit her lip, nodded, and hurried down.

Shen Yixiu also came in and asked slightly surprised: "Ms. sir, do you want to meet Qingwen's parents?"

"Well, it would be nice to meet you. There is a severe drought in Yizhou, and I will also learn about the situation there." Feng Ziying nodded, "If there is a severe drought in Hefu in Baoding Prefecture, I am afraid it will be difficult this winter. I am worried about the refugees."

Several major cities around the capital, such as Baoding, Hejian, and Zhending, are all densely populated and narrow. Once floods and droughts occur, the pressure of the refugees will be quickly transmitted to the capital city. In the past few years, the weather conditions in the entire North including Beizhili

Not only are small families unable to survive, but even some middle-class families are in dire straits. If there is another severe drought this year, big problems will easily arise.

Shen Yixiu also sighed. North Zhili was facing severe pressure from the drought, and Shuntian Prefecture was the first to bear the brunt. It not only had to bear the pressure of Shuntian Prefecture itself, but also had to face the impact of surrounding prefectures. This is the responsibility that the capital must bear.


 It is the first time for my husband to serve as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Prefecture, and he also encounters a Prefecture Yin who does not take care of him or arrest him. Naturally, he has to shoulder the responsibility. You can imagine how much pressure the husband will have this winter.

Soon Qingwen came in with a middle-aged man and woman.

 Feng Ziying’s first impression was not bad.

Although the couple's clothes are shabby, they are still neat and tidy. Maybe they are considering coming to their daughter's master's house, or Qingwen specially ordered them to clean up, and they look neat and tidy. They wear coarse cloth jackets and old cloth shoes.

The man was a little timid, but the woman was quite shrewd.

Feng Ziying briefly asked about the situation at home. The man almost answered every question, but the woman was more generous and said a few more words. After Feng Ziying finished asking, she changed the subject and started asking about the situation in Yizhou.

When this topic was brought up, the man's attitude was more positive, and he introduced that there has been very little rain in Yizhou since last year, especially this spring, when there was almost no rain, and the summer grain harvest has become a reality.

Feng Ziying slightly nodded her head, "Yizhou is planting wheat in spring and sowing millet in summer. If the weather for sowing millet improves in May and June and the rain is suitable, it should still be able to maintain it, right?"

In this era, corn was still the largest contributor to autumn taxes in the North, accounting for more than 60% of it. This meant that in the North, wheat cultivation continued to expand and its importance continued to increase, but it still had not yet replaced corn as the largest contributor to taxes.

, the largest levy of corn is the autumn tax in the north.

 So, what really determines whether people can get through it or survive depends on the corn harvest in the autumn.

The man was a little surprised, but he thought that this was the eldest man of Shuntian Prefecture. He had Wenqu stars in the sky and came down to earth, so he naturally knew about the farming season.

"Back to my lord, autumn food is of course the most important thing, but if wheat is the life-saving food for our farmers to survive this year, the autumn tax will be paid by the government and the gentlemen. How much can be left, and I heard the old people say

, the weather this year is similar to that of the 28th year of Yuanxi and the 3rd year of Yonglong. It seems that the rain is also scarce, and the autumn grain harvest will definitely be difficult..."

The man was talking nonchalantly, sometimes with some native accents, which made it difficult for Feng Ziying to listen, but he still insisted on asking a few questions, mainly to understand if there was a debt in Baoding Prefecture like Yizhou.

When there is a harvest or even no harvest, and when government relief cannot keep up, ordinary people generally have options to choose from.

There was no surprise. The man didn’t understand Feng Ziying’s intentions at first. After a while, he finally figured out that what Feng Ziying wanted to ask was their habits after the disaster.

He also said honestly that he could borrow money, escape from famine, sell himself, or go directly to Baoan Prefecture and Wandu Division in the north. This mainly refers to the young and strong labor force. Although it is hard to get to the border areas, it will be difficult because of the large army.

Stationing requires a lot of effort. Although it is difficult and there is a risk of death in battle, you can always fill your belly and avoid starvation. Those who are brave enough to flee can even climb over the border wall to beg for food from the Mongols.

Of course, the old, weak, women and children definitely don’t have the physical strength to go over mountains and ridges to the border areas.

“That means that most of the people on your side ran to the border areas when they couldn’t survive? Well, there are also people who climbed over the border wall to get out?” Feng Ziying asked calmly: “How is this situation like?”

"Sir, it's because we have no choice but to do this. We have no land, no one even wants to lend us money, and we have nothing to sell at home. What else can we do?" The man sighed, "Come to the capital city and the officials from all over the country can't do it.

They tried to stop them, but they ran to the north, and the government just turned a blind eye..."

Feng Ziying nodded, asked a few more questions, and then sent the two of them out.

The middle-aged man and woman went out and led Qingwen to a cramped sleeping space in the backyard. After saying a few words, Qingwen left and exchanged fearful glances with each other. They were all worried, and behind their backs

But he was already soaked in sweat.

This chapter has been completed!
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