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Xinzi Volume 131: The Shady Story of Tongcang

 Feng Ziying was surprised, "So serious?"

He and Fang Kezhuang had been keeping in touch through letters before, basically one letter every half a month, informing them of their respective situations. Fang Kezhuang began to focus his main energy on investigating the situation outside Tongcang.

It should be said that Fang Kezhuang's ability is remarkable. Not long after he took office, he took control of the entire state government. One of the two corrupt officials was sent to jail, and the other was expelled from the state government.

He reported an ambassador from the Department of Taxation to the Metropolitan Procuratorate. After the Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate came down and verified the situation, he removed this unpopular official from his post.

In addition, there was a local gentry who was unruly and rude to him. He found out that his son was having an affair with a married woman, which caused her to become pregnant and die in childbirth, so he deprived his son of his reputation as a scholar and made it public.

, the family was immediately despised by the local scholars and became a lost dog.

At the same time, Fang Kezhuang also specifically commended a local wealthy family for their exemplary filial piety to their parents, reported it to the Shuntian Prefecture Yamen, and requested the Shuntian Prefecture Yamen to report to the Imperial Court Etiquette Department for commendation.

These actions can be said to be both kindness and power, and they immediately established Fang Kezhuang's prestige. In addition, Fang Kezhuang, who committed Su Daqiang's night murder case, also got Feng Ziying's credit. In the court report, he was praised as "thorough and diligent in doing things."

The comment "careful" also made Fang Kezhuang quite proud, and further helped to increase his prestige in Tongzhou.

Because of this, Fang Kezhuang quickly won the hearts of the people in Tongzhou Yamen. There are many people in the Yamen who watch your words, including your deputies, such as state magistrates, judges, etc., who will first evaluate your ability. This ability is also important.

It depends on your prestige and ability, whether there is room for advancement or profit by following you.

Obviously, Fang Kezhuang quickly opened up the situation and won the support of many officials, including fellow magistrates and judges. As he had meat to eat, he could be promoted. Those who obey me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish. This is also the last word for Yin who destroyed his family.

Typical portrayal, no one who hangs around here doesn't understand it.

It was under this situation that Feng Ziying supported Fang Kezhuang in conditionally starting to investigate some of Tongcang's shady affairs.

According to Feng Ziying's judgment, without three to five months of peripheral clues and verification, it would be impossible to get to the core of the Tongcang shady case.

Even after figuring out the situation, you still need to carefully consider when and how to take action.

Unexpectedly, it has only been more than a month, but Fang Kezhuang is actually going to take action. This was not mentioned in the last letter, which made Feng Ziying very puzzled.

"There are some unexpected situations that we did not expect, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate has already informed Mr. Fu Yin. It seems that you, the Fu Cheng, are not aware of it, right?" Fang Kezhuang sneered, "Mr. Fu Yin is really awesome.

You are so arrogant. For such a big thing, just a piece of official document was dropped, and even you, the prime minister, were not informed. I guess the torture chamber in the mansion was also unaware of it."

Feng Ziying was a little embarrassed. It seemed that Fang Kezhuang had even squeezed himself and thought that he had not fulfilled his responsibilities. However, he did not hear any news about this, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate did not give him any advice, or someone else

He gave it directly to Fu Yin, but Master Wu happened to ignore him?

She was a little angry in her heart, but Feng Ziying remained calm and said, "Maybe Mr. Wu has forgotten, or maybe he thinks the problem is not serious and can just leave it to your state to handle it."

"So simple and easy?" Fang Kezhuang snorted coldly, "Ziying, you are the prime minister of the government, and you have certain responsibilities. I heard that you were traveling to several counties in Huairou, Miyun, and Shunyi in the north some time ago. You were also in charge of farmland and water conservancy.

You were also involved, and even coordinated with the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry on the transfer of the Zunhua Iron Works and the Ordnance Bureau Workshop. You could have left this to Zhizhong and Tongpan. Why are you so sad?

Why have you forgotten your real job?"

This is already a bit rude.

Logically speaking, Fang Kezhuang is a subordinate, and these words have already been committed by the following. However, Fang Kezhuang is both a township party member and his senior. The two of them have formed a community of interests in the Tongcang shady case. Fang Kezhuang's early stage

A lot of progress has been made, so it is understandable that Feng Ziying is angry and rude when he sees that Feng Ziying is not doing his job properly.

Feng Ziying did not feel dissatisfied, but instead laughed, "It seems that you are quite concerned about my work. You have indeed made a long trip to the north. Some things have been delayed for too long in the government and are backlogged.

Come on down, Mr. Mei is too busy, so I have to shoulder my responsibilities. I worked a little more, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t affect the main business. What happened?"

"Humph, I hope so. I'm afraid you will regard yourself as a Zhizhong and a Tongjuan." After venting for a while, Fang Kezhuang's anger gradually subsided, and then he spoke in a deep voice about the business, "Two

Ten days ago, the Metropolitan Procuratorate sent a notice to the government. The main clue came from an old case of the Water Transport Governor's Mansion investigated by the Metropolitan Procuratorate..."

Feng Ziying listened with raised eyebrows. It was obvious that this case was not small. The Metropolitan Procuratorate came forward and it involved the Governor's Office of Water Transport. The former Governor of Water Transport was the current Cabinet Secretary Li Sancai. The current Governor of Water Transport was Zhu Guozhen, who was also a famous minister in Jiangnan.

He was originally intended to be the Minister of Civil Affairs in Nanjing, but after some wrangling, he was finally appointed as the Governor of Water Transport.

Zhu Guozhen once came to Qingtan Academy with Mu Changqi to give lectures when Feng Ziying was still studying at Qingtan Academy. At that time, it was once known as a gathering dialogue between scholars from the north and the south. This was also the beginning of Feng Ziying's fame.

Now that Miao Changqi has been serving in Nanjing, he has become the representative of Jiangnan scholars. Together with Gu Tianjun, he has become the spokesperson of Jiangnan scholars in the Six Ministries of Nanjing.

"Last year, a clerk in the Water Transport Governor's Mansion hanged himself, which involved a lot of people. I originally thought it was a matter in Qingjiangpu, but later the Metropolitan Procuratorate found that the situation was very complicated and involved a wide range of people, including Nanjing and Tongzhou.

They were all involved, and the Ministry of Punishment also got involved. They found some clues and handed them over to Shuntian Mansion. Unexpectedly, the Mansion got rid of them all at once. In the past few days, I arranged for people to check a lot, and then reported it to the Shuntian Mansion for verification.

After ten days of communicating with the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Punishment and the Governor of Water Transport, there was still no news. I asked someone and it was said that there seemed to be no movement at all at your government office..."

"The clerk of the Water Transport Governor's Mansion was also involved in Tongcang?" Feng Ziying found it incredible.

The Great Zhou Dynasty was slightly different from the previous Ming Dynasty. The Water Transport Governor's Office was located in Qingjiangpu, Huai'an, and coordinated and managed the transportation of grain from Jiangnan and even Huguang and some other materials needed by the capital to Jingcang and Tongcang, commonly known as Jingtongcang.

There are warehouses along the way, such as Linqing, Xuzhou, Yangzhou and other places, which are all under the control of the Water Transport Governor's Mansion.

But when it comes to Jingcang and Tongcang, that is to say, when the grain enters Jingcang and Tongcang, it falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the Governor's Office of Water Transport has no right to interfere. The maintenance and repair of the warehouses is also the responsibility of the Ministry of Works, but Jingcang still

There are cavalry troops stationed and responsible for guarding Tongcang, but these cavalry troops are not under the jurisdiction of the governor general of water transport, but are under the jurisdiction of the general military officer of water transport.

It's a bit complicated to say that among the three giants of water transport, the governor of water transport is the first, followed by the patrol censor. They all have great power. Only the general military officer of water transport is useless. He only manages the troops but does not do anything. He is controlled by the governor of water transport and the patrol censor.

But in terms of guarding Tongcang, it is the power and responsibility of the commander-in-chief of water transportation, and neither the governor of water transportation nor the patrol censor can take charge of it.

From the time when the grain from Jiangnan and even Huguang is loaded onto the ship until it enters the Jingtong warehouse, it is the authority and responsibility of the governor of water transportation. Therefore, it even includes along the Yangtze River waterway, from Huguang to the canal mouth, as long as the water ship and the wharf the water ship pass through,

When it comes to water transport matters, the Governor of Water Transport also has the authority to govern.

This also creates a de facto overlapping of jurisdictions, so lawsuits are often fought and fought all the way to the Ministry of Household Affairs, Ministry of Works and even the cabinet level.

Of course, the water transport itself is closely related to the Ministry of Revenue and the Ministry of Works. The governor of water transport is basically at the same level as the ministers, and is mostly appointed by important officials from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Revenue, or the Ministry of Works.

The jurisdiction of Tongcang has always been under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Household Affairs after the water transportation arrives. Ambassador Tongcang is also responsible for the deputy envoys and other officials, all of whom are high-ranking officials. Fang Kezhuang said that a clerk in the Governor's Office of Water Transport

It's a bit strange if officials from Tongcang are involved.

"Well, it's very complicated here, and it involves a wide range of things. It is said that both the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Punishment find it very difficult, so they just want to limit the matter to water transportation and are unwilling to expand it any further..." Fang Kezhuang sighed.

In one breath, "But who would have thought that the few people involved felt that they were guilty of serious crimes and could not escape death, so they wanted to survive in death. I don't know how they got in touch with each other in the Nanjing Penal Department Prison, and included everything they knew about him.

Everyone who was involved or what he saw or heard was revealed. This suddenly stirred up a hornet's nest. In addition to the Water Transport Governor's Office, it also involved the Ministry of Revenue, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of War, Ministry of Revenue, Ministry of Industry and the Metropolitan Procuratorate in Nanjing.

And Huai'an Mansion,..."

Feng Ziying took a breath of cold air, this really stirred up a hornet's nest.

If this were just one person, it would be fine. It could be said that it was a false accusation that Mikishita could not bear the punishment for. But if there were several people, it would probably form an evidence chain or even an evidence network. No one would dare to ignore or ignore it anymore.

No wonder he reported to Beijing.

"What did the Capital Procuratorate say?" Feng Ziying asked closely.

"The Metropolitan Procuratorate is also investigating, but they also lost part of it to Shuntian Mansion, so why don't they just leave it to me." Fang Kezhuang sighed.

"I know this, I mean what does the Metropolitan Procuratorate want to do?" Feng Ziying stared at Fang Kezhuang and said every word: "I don't believe you will go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to find out what they think?

Do you have a different idea from Mr. Wu?"

Fang Kezhuang glanced at Feng Ziying and said, "This is the purpose of my coming to the government office. If you ask me, it's my turn to ask you."

This chapter has been completed!
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