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Xin Zi Scroll, Section 167, Dangerous

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The house in Gongxian Hutong is much smaller, but it is also much more exquisite and gorgeous. It can be seen that people have put a lot of effort into building and decorating it, but they have just moved to a larger house, so they are selling it.

Feng Ziying didn't show up for this small courtyard. She just looked at it outside and thought it was suitable, so she asked Ruixiang to buy it.

After finishing these two things, Feng Ziying felt much more at ease. At least she had an explanation for Wang Xifeng and Busia Mara, and the capital city gave them a place to stay. As for Wang Xifeng's belly, she became pregnant.

It is up to Wang Xifeng to decide how to arrange it. Of course, Feng Ziying prefers to go to Linqing.

Linqing has convenient transportation and a prosperous market. In addition, the old house has been renovated and is very luxurious. Of course, there are disadvantages. That is, Wang Xifeng lives in it and it looks a bit conspicuous. After all, this is Feng's house. Everyone knows that this is the old house of the Feng family in the capital.

You, a woman with a big belly, came here to hide and give birth to a child. Her identity is unknown.

Now the people guarding the house in the old house are all old servants of the Feng family, and they must be tight-lipped, but they are also open to outsiders.

If it were to Feng Ziying's father and mother, it would be impossible for them to hide it.

What's more, from their point of view, this is a good thing, to spread the branches and leaves of the Feng family. It doesn't matter what status the woman is, whether she is a concubine or an illegitimate child from an outside wife, as long as she is Feng Ziying's father.

The Feng family has so few heirs, and the older generation is looking forward to the stars and the moon, hoping to have more children. At this time, who will care about who the mother is.

The only scary thing is that this stay will definitely last for a year and a half. After I get pregnant, I will probably have to hide here at least four or five months old, and then wait until the birth is over, at least until the baby is half a year old.

You can only talk about whether to return to Beijing or not after you are 12 years old.

During this year, Wang Xifeng's temperament may not allow her to stay huddled in Feng's house in Linqing. For Wang Xifeng, it would be too difficult to hide in the house for a year, with only a few servants looking up and down.

Moreover, even these people in the capital city would become suspicious. If they disappeared for a year, there must be a reason. It would be best to show their faces, or even meet guests.

But meeting guests is also troublesome. After giving birth to a child and still breastfeeding, anyone with some experience or shrewdness will be able to see some clues, but not meeting guests will make people more suspicious.

All in all, there will be a lot of troubles in the future, and Feng Ziying is too lazy to think about it. The soldiers will come to block the water and the earth will cover it up. Who told you that you only wanted to be happy at that time, and other people's stomachs were made bigger by you? What can you do?

We can't abort the child, that's absolutely impossible, so we can only take it one step at a time, and dig the road again when we get to the mountain.

Feng Ziying came out of the house in Gongxian Hutong, got into the carriage with Third Sister You, and then returned to Shuntian Mansion Office.

When getting on the bus, both Feng Ziying and You Sanjie felt a gaze looking over them. They looked back subconsciously and saw only a few people walking in a hurry, passing by each other without much impression.

Third Sister You was very vigilant, her eyes tracking the other person's slowly passing back. Feng Ziying also subconsciously shook her head, did she have a guilty conscience and be too sensitive? Everyone seemed a little suspicious.

"Ms. sir, I see that the few people just now are all members of the Lianjia family. Didn't they all make a special agreement with the Wucheng Army and Patrol Battalion to strengthen the inspection of Fang City here? Why are there still so many Jianghu people arrogantly coming in? It's really

Is there no one left in the capital city? How about I follow up and take a look?"

In addition to guarding Feng Ziying, Third Sister You is also in constant contact with Wu Yaoqing to keep abreast of information. She has even contacted Zhao Wenzhao to learn about the progress of the assassination case at Guhe Ferry, but there is no such thing as Long Jinwei.

Too much progress.

"No need, the capital city has a population of one million, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and it is the center of our great Zhou Dynasty. It is normal for a few Jianghu people to come in. Now that you are gone, what if someone takes the opportunity to assassinate me?" Feng Ziying asked.

I was joking, but I was still a little dissatisfied inside.

To say that there are still some talents in the Wucheng Soldiers and Horses Division and the Patrol Battalion, he has dealt with both the Wucheng Soldiers and Horses Division and the Patrol Battalion, and he also has an understanding of these two forces through Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing.

The Five Cities Soldiers and Horses division is mainly composed of masters selected and trained by the military system. Among them are those from Jianghu sects who want to join the army and want to have a good career, and there are also children who have been in the military for generations and have been practicing martial arts since they were young.

A capable person.

The Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division is different from the Border Guards and even the Beijing Camp. It is originally positioned as an armed force for public security, similar to the armed police of later generations. It is not their strong point to charge into battle, but it is their strength to fight against small groups of people in the city.


The patrol battalion is similar to the special police patrol, and also has some responsibilities as criminal police. Catching, pursuing and even fighting are also their strengths. Their source of personnel is also different from that of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division, because the patrol battalion does not belong to the military.

Therefore, most of the patrol camp personnel come from the martial arts gangs in the North. Of course, some members of the martial arts gangs from other regions join. After all, being able to establish a foothold in the patrol camp is also a status for the martial arts gang itself.

and a symbol of strength.

The status of the patrol camp is slightly lower than that of the Wucheng Soldiers and Horses Division, and it is in a subordinate position. However, both the Wucheng Soldiers and Horses Division and the patrol camp are under the supervision and jurisdiction of the patrol censors of the Patrol City Procuratorate.

The institution of the City Patrol Inspector is also somewhat special, and the City Patrol Censor is somewhat similar to the Salt Patrol Censor.

Generally speaking, the censors who patrol the city come from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but they are different from other censors.

Other censors were all Jinshi, and they only needed to be approved by the cabinet and appointed by the officials. The emperor generally would not intervene in individual cases, otherwise it would easily arouse criticism from the scholars.

The city patrol censor is different, because he is actually in charge of the security of the entire capital city, even the Shuntian government office has to give way. Therefore, the five city patrol censors of the city patrol court are all from the capital court, but in the end they need the emperor.

Sign and approve in person.

Moreover, the difference between the City Patrol Censor and the Salt Patrol Censor is that they are very mobile. The five City Patrol Censors rarely serve for three years, and they basically change every year. It is very rare to work for two years.

, this is also the consensus reached by the emperor and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which is to prevent a certain person from staying in this position for too long, forming a chain of interests, and even endangering the safety of the imperial court.

Because of this, although the censor patrolling the city has great power, the commanders and deputy commanders of the Five Cities Military and Horse Division have more say in specific affairs. This is also a normal restriction model in the Zhou Dynasty.

The military commanders of the five cities and the patrol battalions restricted each other, and the patrol censors and the military commanders of the five cities restricted each other. In the end, they could only listen to the emperor.

Of course, this is just a theory. For specific cases, not to mention the emperor, even the censors who patrol the city and the military commanders may not be able to take care of them. In a city with a population of more than one million, this does not include one day every day.

Entering the city early in the morning, leaving the city at sunset, and traveling merchants coming and going, how can such a complex metropolis be managed with a relatively primitive management model?

There are countless cases of rape, robbery, abduction, and murder that happen every day.

Whether it is the Five City Military and Horse Division, the patrol camp, the Shuntian government office, Daxing government office, or the Wanping county government office, they can only be said to be struggling to maintain themselves and avoid malignant cases with too great impact and egregious consequences.

Even so, it would be abnormal if there were not a few horrifying and major cases that shocked the government and the public every year in the capital city.

Third Sister You couldn't help but look at the figures who were gradually going away again, and said unwillingly: "Ms. sir, there must be something wrong with those people. Ordinary Jianghu people try to avoid 30% to 50% of the time when they enter the capital city.

The purpose of gathering in groups is to prevent them from being targeted by the people from the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division, the Patrol Battalion, and the Shuntian Mansion Yamen. However, these few of them are so bold, either unscrupulous or ambitious, but they all have problems anyway...


When Feng Ziying heard what Sanjie You said, her heart trembled, and she suddenly became wary, "Then let's go quickly, speed up, get off the car at the corner, and leave Ruixiang sitting alone on the shaft..."

The carriage suddenly accelerated, and even Third Sister You and Ruixiang started to panic.

Third Sister You said it casually, but she reminded Feng Ziying.

During this period, the Five City Soldiers and Patrol Battalions stepped up their inspections and patrols in the cities along the Imperial City. Originally, the Patrol Battalion mainly conducted patrols at night, but considering that many people in the Patrol Battalion came from Jianghu, this aspect is more important.

He is good at it, so he also specially dispatched some plainclothes patrol battalions to camp around the imperial city and conduct interrogations. As long as suspicious persons are found, they can be captured first.

Because of this, even the gang of bachelors under Ni Ershou have restrained themselves a lot. They usually avoid the streets, but now these people have come to Andingmen Street. This is a bit incredible. For example, Third Sister You

As I said, apart from having some agenda to take this kind of risk, I can't think of any other reason why I have to go to Andingmen Street in broad daylight.

As soon as the carriage passed the corner, Feng Ziying and Third Sister You jumped out of the car lightly. However, the carriage did not even stop and went straight along Tieshizhutong and turned towards Jixian Street.

Feng Ziying took Sanjie You and squatted down behind the door of a house next to Iron Lion Alley to observe carefully.

As expected, several figures quickly followed from behind and quickly chased into the Iron Lion Alley.

Feng Ziying and Third Sister You exchanged looks of horror, and Third Sister You turned pale. Although the other party might not be able to succeed even if they encountered several people from the other party, the risk was too great.

Third Sister You wanted to follow her and take a look, but Feng Ziying stopped her.

People come prepared, so they will naturally have backup plans. There might be someone behind them. If they come out like this, won't they reveal their true colors and be discovered by the other party that they have been aware of it?

Feng Ziying's face was stern, staring at the depths of Iron Lion Alley, motionless.

This chapter has been completed!
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