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Xin Zi Scroll Chapter 322 Cloud Movement

 Cooperation with Jianghu sects proposed by Wu Yaoqing is indeed a feasible way.

Judging from the current level of the White Lotus Sect, there are also many martial arts masters in it, which also makes Wu Yaoqing and the others face many difficulties in tracking.

It turns out that the people in the third class of yamen are good at following and investigating ordinary people, but they seem to be a bit inadequate for these people.

If, on the one hand, we can attract some martial arts masters who are willing to serve the imperial court, and on the other hand, simply use interests as a link to directly ask these martial arts sects to serve the government, we should be able to achieve better results.

"Well, Yao Qing, I will negotiate with the Ministry of Justice, but I can't guarantee the effect. I can only do my best in each state and county. I estimate that some states and counties can achieve the effect, but for others, I can only do my best and let fate dictate.

"As for the cooperation with Jianghu sects, I authorize you to have full authority to handle it. Regarding the related business and money, you can discuss it with Wen Yan, Gu Dengfeng, and even Qian Guisheng."

Qian Guisheng was the most rarely seen member of the team that Feng Ziying took over from Lin Ruhai, the salt envoy to Huaidu and Huaidu. If Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing were the most visible members of the team, then Cao Yu was the mouthpiece of public opinion.

He and Gu Dengfeng, who was in charge of the Feng family's management, were half-covered, while only Qian Guisheng was covert.

Qian Guisheng is mainly responsible for reactivating some of Lin Ruhai's original hidden assets and connections, including the connections that Lin Ruhai made through the relationship with the Supreme Emperor. This includes the original people in the court but not limited to the government.

Personal connections also include various invisible things among powerful gentry in some places, but they are mainly concentrated in the south.

Seeing that Feng Ziying had made up his mind, Wu Yaoqing didn't say much, "If that's the case, then my subordinates should seize the time to do it. In fact, after the third team of Shuntian Prefecture agents carried out a purge and elimination, the Jianghu sects in the Gyeonggi area were a little restless.

After all, the vacant positions for dozens or hundreds of people are very attractive to these Jianghu sects. Not only can they obtain positions in the government offices, the remuneration is generous, but also the key hands have considerable power, which can be more or less achieved.

It is helpful to the sect, so many people are asking about it, even Ni Er has come to ask..."

"Didn't Ni Er say that he would give his subordinates some opportunities?" Feng Ziying was surprised. He remembered that he had already given orders to Wu Yaoqing and Li Fang.

"Your Majesty did give instructions, but I think it still needs to be done step by step and carefully selected." Wu Yaoqing pondered for a moment, "This is what I think. If it's just Ni Er's personal thing, of course there's no problem, but behind Ni Er is Shaolin.

sect, then I’m afraid we need to pay attention to some balance. We also need to see how much help Ni Er and Shaolin can do for Shuntian Mansion and the adults. We can’t say that relying on the name of Shaolin sect, we can take it as a matter of course to join the Shuntian Mansion as the third officer.

Captain Ban, that is unfair to other sects, and it can easily breed arrogance and indulgence in Shaolin."

Feng Ziying thought about it carefully and felt that Wu Yaoqing had really thought it through.

I still underestimated the importance of these three groups of police officers in Shuntian Mansion and their attraction to people in the world. This may be because I have never really been in touch with and understood the specific living conditions of this group and this class.

I didn't realize how important these roles of head catchers and couriers are before, but these people have extensive and huge power in every aspect of daily affairs, and can even decide whether a person or a shop will be the same.

The survival of a ship or a caravan.

Do not trust those who employ people, and do not trust those who doubt them. Since Feng Ziying delegated power to Wu Yaoqing, she no longer thought about it, "Yaoqing, I will leave this matter to you. It is best to take action in the near future. It should be faster. In terms of time,

We may not have much."

"I understand." Wu Yaoqing clasped his fists and said with full confidence: "When necessary, please ask an adult to show up and give some encouragement. Maybe the effect will be better."

Even after achieving this step, Feng Ziying still felt uneasy.

Because he felt that the little power he had now was not enough to change or leverage the overall situation. The White Lotus Sect's power in the capital might not be as much as one-tenth of what they had hidden underwater.

Even so, I can't completely investigate them all.

One month later, Feng Ziying felt tremendous pressure in Tiewangshan Qiuyi. Even sleeping was a little uncomfortable. He was sure that something was going to happen to Tiewangshan Qiuyi, but what exactly happened and how much impact it would have, he was not sure.



"What?!" Feng Ziying's butt that had just sat down suddenly bounced up as if it had been burned by a soldering iron, "Your Majesty, is it settled?"

"It has been decided that Chen Jixian will be appointed as the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town, and the general of the fifth military camp will be eliminated. Lao Shi will be appointed as the Jiedushi of the Beijing Camp and the general of the fifth military camp. However, Lao Shi may be a little embarrassed now. The Ministry of War agreed to Chen Jixian's proposal to start from the fifth military camp.

The Fifth Army Camp has transferred a group of generals, officers and elite soldiers to leave, so Lao Shi is very anxious, I am afraid he wants to transfer some people from Jizhen, Shenshu Camp and Shenji Camp to the Fifth Army Camp."

King Zhongshun didn't look very good, and the appointment was made very abruptly. There was almost no movement from the cabinet and the Ministry of War, and he made the announcement lightly. This in itself was a very subtle move.

"It is reasonable to recruit soldiers from Shenshu Camp and Shenji Camp. I am afraid that Ji Zhen is not in compliance with the regulations, and the Ministry of War will not agree." Feng Ziying shook her head: "It seems that the emperor put pressure on the Ministry of War, otherwise how could the Ministry of War agree?

Chen Jixian also took away the elite of the Fifth Army Camp."

The Beijing camp, the Wei army, and the frontier army are three different systems.

The broad Beijing Camp not only includes the three major battalions of the Beijing Camp, namely the Fifth Army Camp, the Shenshu Camp, and the Shenji Camp, but also includes the Warriors Camp, the Four Guards Camp, the Five City Soldiers and Horses Division, and the Patrol Battalion, which are the capital's security and garrison forces.

The Guards generally refers to the troops under the jurisdiction of the guards in various places, except for the border towns, and also includes the people under their jurisdiction.

The border army system is the largest. In addition to the existing nine border towns, it now also includes the newly established Denglai Town, Jingxiang Town, and the soon-to-be-established Huaiyang Town.

In other words, now the entire Zhou Dynasty is about to have twelve border towns, but in fact, if Denglai Town can barely be said to be facing North Korea and Japan on the sea, it can be called a border town. Jingxiang Town and Huaiyang Town are mostly facing the inside.

Of course, Jingxiang Town can be said to be really targeting the chieftains in southwest Huguang who are dissatisfied with the king's rule, and Huaiyang Town can be said to be targeting Japanese pirates who may come from the sea. If you say this, it can barely be justified.

"It's still unclear how many people Chen Jixian will take with him, but the Ministry of War has made an announcement. Chen Jixian definitely wants to take more of his elite elites with him, I'm afraid the number will not be small." King Zhongshun looked gloomy, "Last time the emperor asked five

The military camp also sent troops to fight the Mongols. Chen Jixian tried to find a way to send out most of the African direct descendants in the fifth military camp. As a result, most of them were lost. Now the fifth military camp is almost dominated by Chen Jixian. This time, he was asked to lead people to Huaiyang Town.

I'm afraid it's the emperor's intention to simply clear it out and rebuild the five military camps, and everyone will be happy."

The initial establishment of Huaiyang Town will be set at between 60,000 and 70,000 people. If there is support from Nanjing in the later stage, it may expand to a establishment similar to that of Ji Town and Xuanfu, which is 100,000 people.

Up and down.

After the disastrous defeat of Santun Camp, the number of the Fifth Army Camp is only over 20,000 people. Even if they are all moved there, there will only be one third, and it is impossible to spare all of them. After all, some of them are not direct descendants of Chen Jixian, so it is estimated that

Chen Jixian can take away more than 10,000 people at most, which is the limit.

With these more than 10,000 people as the base, it is enough to build a Huaiyang town, but what its combat effectiveness is is unknown. The Beijing camp has not been in battle for many years, and its combat effectiveness is worrying. The Santun camp was exposed in the first battle.

Its weak nature, but it is difficult to say that the direct lineage of Chen Jixian in the Fifth Army Camp is difficult to say. To verify, it can only be known by actually being in the battle formation.

"It is not that simple to rebuild the fifth military camp. Shenshu Camp and Shenji Camp have limited troops, and Shenji Camp has only been rebuilt for less than half a year. The only one that has truly fully formed its combat effectiveness is Qiu Shiben's Shenshu Camp. He will not agree to transfer him

I guess the emperor is not willing to do it. Qian Guozhong from Shenji Camp has just taken office and his prestige has not yet been established, and the various departments of Shenji Camp have also been newly formed. Prince Zhonghui has taken a liking to Shenji Camp." Feng Ziying


Prince Zhongshun understood, "Lao Shi has a good idea, but Ziying, do you think the marriage between Qiu Shiben and Su Shengdu will cause resentment to the emperor?"

One is the Commander-in-Chief of Shenshu Camp, the other is the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Shanxi Town, and Concubine Su has two adult princes. It is definitely impossible to say that Emperor Yonglong has no sympathy at all, but it is impossible for him to do anything.

Once the fifth military camp was dismantled, only the Shenshu Camp among the three major battalions of the Beijing Camp had some combat effectiveness. The Shenji Battalion was established very quickly, but after all, it was only established for less than half a year. Most people would find it difficult to form combat effectiveness, but Feng Ziying did not think so.


In Feng Ziying's opinion, the Shenji Battalion, which was built entirely with fire guns, or even self-generated fire guns, was far better than Qiu Shiben's Shenshu Battalion, which mainly relied on traditional knives, shields, spears and old-fashioned fire guns.

The training time of the Shenshu Camp may be longer, but Feng Ziying believes that as long as the Shenji Camp follows the training method he provided to He Huchen, Yang Zhaoji and others and supplements it with a full complement of firecrackers, then at least the two units of He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji will be able to gradually transform into modern times.

The musketeer mode advances and crushes the Shenshu camp, which still uses old-fashioned traditional battle formations.

"Regardless of whether there is any knot in his heart, the emperor will not touch the Shenshu Camp now, and Qiu Shi will only listen to the emperor. Now it is equivalent to disrupting the Fifth Army Camp and the Shenji Camp and rebuilding the regulations. As long as there are two or three years, the Fifth Army Camp and the Shenji Camp will

The machine camp can be rebuilt, and the Beijing camp can truly become the anchor of Beijing." Feng Ziying's words were full of wit.

This chapter has been completed!
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