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Renzi Scroll, Section 42, The Beginning of the Lineup (3)

"Well, he looks like he's in a hurry. I don't quite understand what he's doing." Wei Ruolan said casually: "Judging from how restless he is, even if he's going to Xuzhou for a few years, he's going to Beijing."

There is no need to dispose of the objects, right? Can his father still be the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town for the rest of his life? Will he have to return to Beijing sooner or later?"

Feng Ziying was a little confused for a while. She always felt that there was something wrong here, but her mind was a little confused and she hadn't sorted it out yet.

"Is he going to sell all the mansions in Beijing?" Feng Ziying asked hesitantly.

"Probably not. He was just disposing of some old things in the mansion. I heard him casually say that some things were old and worn out, and it would be better to dispose of them. But I have seen the person who spoke to him. His surname is Leng, it seems.

He is a relative of one of the servants in the Rongguo Mansion. It turns out that he dealt with some of the mansion's belongings for the Shi family and the Ma family. Ziying, do you have any impression? The Shi family of Xiuguo Gong and the Ma family of Zhiguo Gong collapsed two years ago.

We can only sell all kinds of objects and mansions to support our lives, that person named Leng,..."

Wei Ruolan's words moved Feng Ziying's heart, "Are you talking about Leng Zixing?"

Doesn't the opening chapter of "Dream of Red Mansions" use the words of Leng Zixing, an antique dealer, to introduce the second house of Rongning to Jia Yucun? Feng Ziying still remembers this very well. He is Zhou Rui's son-in-law, and Zhou Rui and his wife are Wang's companions.

Those who have come here have the most trust from the Wang family, which means Zhou Rui and his wife should be members of the Wang family this time.

"I don't know his specific name, but I know that his surname is Leng, and he has some connections with the Rongguo Mansion. In the city, he mainly helps to make a living by tinkering with antiques. In the past two years, he seems to have changed his family and followed a big shot. He is very happy with antiques.

Granges and houses are being built,..."

Wei Ruolan shook his head, "I have nothing to do with these people, but you also know that after the great defeat of the Beijing Camp last year, many people had to go to the Mongols to redeem their people. Many families were actually made of horse shit skin.

, In fact, we don’t have any savings in the house, so we can only sell the money we have at home for money. The man named Leng must have earned a lot there..."

Feng Ziying didn't know that there was such a thing here. He thought that only Wang Xifeng, Jia She, and Jia Rui made a fortune from it. He didn't expect that this industry chain would extend to pawn sales and other things that wanted to redeem people's houses.

In his hometown, Leng Zixing can also make a fortune from it.

It seems that the war between the Inner Khalkhas last year really brought trouble to the people in Jingying. Many people spent all their money to redeem themselves, but the initiator of this was himself.

It's just that I am helpless. If I don't give the Inner Khalkha people a sufficient reward under such circumstances, it may really turn into a disaster. It is not impossible that most of the tens of thousands of soldiers in the Beijing camp will be slaughtered. Feng Ziying would rather

I chose to pay a large sum of money to save this bunch of losers, and I didn't want to see that happen.

He has no impression of Leng Zixing and Feng Ziying. He has been to Rongguo Mansion so many times and has never seen him once. He never cared about it before, but what Wei Ruolan said today made him a little wary.

Zhou Rui is from the Wang family, but Leng Zixing is Zhou Rui's son-in-law. It's hard to say how close the relationship between the two is.

If Wang Ziteng really had any objections, I'm afraid the families in Beijing would be well prepared. Of course, it doesn't rule out that Wang Ziteng would be more cautious. He had already dealt with it long ago, leaving behind some old and hard-core items that were difficult to sell.

It can also cover people's ears and eyes.

Logically speaking, Chen Jixian shouldn't be like this. After listening to Master Qi's words, shouldn't Chen Jixian go out to control Huaiyang under the instructions of the emperor and the court? Why did Chen Yejun sneak back and dispose of the things at home?

Or are you looking for Zhou Rui’s son-in-law?

There seems to be a vague thread connecting it, which makes Feng Ziying always feel that she wants to capture something, but there is still something missing, and she still can't figure it out.

Until Wei Ruolan left, Feng Ziying was still deep in thought, sorting out the joints here.


After sending Zhen Yingjia to the gate and watching him get on the car and leave, Jia Yucun returned to the flower hall thoughtfully, picked up the remaining cup of tea again, and began to taste it slowly.

The tea from my hometown is better. If Zhen Yingjia hadn't come, Jiayu Village would really not be willing to serve this kind of tea to guests.

This Zhen Yingjia is a narrow-minded villain. Jia Yucun knew that the matter could not be discussed today, and the other party would definitely come back disappointed, so he brought out the purple bamboo shoot tea from his hometown to entertain the guests. As expected, Zhen Yingjia responded to this

He was full of praise for the tea, and even gave him a bag before leaving, but the other party walked away angrily with a cold face, and of course, he didn't leave the tea behind.

"My lord, is Mr. Zhen gone?" the capable man who had been standing aside asked cautiously.

"Well, let's go. Why don't we leave? If we can't talk anymore, why are we sitting here? He is also a face-saving person. He always feels that Gu Tianjun didn't have a good deal when he came, and Zhu Guozhen didn't have a good deal when he came. He came to talk.

What a great deal of face you have gained, you will naturally be able to claim credit after you return, but to my surprise, we still haven’t reached an agreement." Jia Yucun said calmly.

"Then I don't intend to fight with them..." The capable man hesitated to speak.

"It's too early to say this now. I'm an official of the imperial court. It's the imperial officials who can appoint me, not the Nanjing officials. Why should I listen to them?" Jia Yucun's face showed a look of defiance mixed with disdain.

, "It would be ridiculous to just talk to me here for a while and ask me to clarify my attitude."

Gu/span> "But sir, Jiangnan really has the final say. If they refuse to cooperate, it will be difficult for you to move forward in Jinling Mansion. It's just a matter of saying that you can't leave the government office." The capable man sighed, "You

They are also people who have suffered losses. They were framed back then and had to retire. If they want to repeat the story now, I'm afraid they can still do it."

A dark cloud passed over Jia Yucun's face, and he didn't speak for a while.

He knew that what the other party said was true. It would not be difficult for people like Tang Binyin, Gu Tianjun and Zhen Yingjia to join forces to overthrow himself, the governor of Jinling.

I have not been spotless in the past few years. It is not difficult for local snakes like them to find out what they are doing.

But Jia Yucun knew that the other party had not yet thought of completing the matter and was still evaluating and weighing it.

In the past few years, I have worked hard to manage Jinling. The magistrates of the following counties are all my own people. In the government offices, from Fu Cheng to Tong Magistrate, most of the officials are recommended or promoted by myself, and they are considered to be my confidants.

, if you really want to move yourself, you have to consider your own backlash.

And they don't want to get a paralyzed Jinling Mansion, and they don't want to stir things up and cause an uncontrollable situation, so now everyone is trying to fight the wolf with straw, and they are afraid of both sides, and they are not determined to completely break up.

But this time point is gradually approaching, and everyone is paying attention to the changes in the situation in the capital city.

They are also looking to see if they will actually give in under pressure or temptation.

"If they really want to do this, the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate has already come." Jia Yucun said coldly: "It shows that they are still hesitant in their hearts."

"But Sir, what do you think about it?" The capable man said anxiously: "Is it because the letter from Mr. Feng of the capital made you hesitate?"

Jia Yucun did not respond to this question.

This guy is a little presumptuous, asking questions that should or shouldn't be asked with just one mouth.

But think about it, I just came to Jinling Mansion to take up the post, I am not familiar with the place, and the forces in Jinling City are intertwined, and I know nothing about it. If this person had not taken the initiative to help, I would have been a little blind at the time. Over the years, this person has been in trouble.

Also loyal and hardworking.

What's more, this person is also an old acquaintance and seems to have some fate.

When I was living a miserable life in the Calabash Temple, this man was also working as a novice monk in the temple to earn a living, but I didn't expect that a few years later, the two of them would meet in the Jinling Mansion Yamen, and this guy would actually get married.

As a disciple, he also has a deep understanding of the connections and backers of various dignitaries in Jinling City. Thanks to his advice and guidance, he has been able to steadily control the situation in Jinling Mansion over the past few years, and will not be ruined by the Zhen family.

The new four major families headed by him were emptied out.

This person is good at everything, but he has a somewhat arrogant and impetuous temperament.

It turns out that before I came to Jinling Mansion, this guy was not doing well in Jinling Mansion. The main reason was that his mouth was so offensive that the clerks and servants in the yamen couldn't see him, and almost pushed him out of the yamen.

Fortunately, he came and was able to keep his position. He also realized that the world is difficult and dangerous, so he was a lot more cautious. However, nature is easy to change and hard to change. From time to time, the old state will still relapse, and it needs to be beaten from time to time.

However, over the years, I have not treated him as an outsider, and I have not concealed many secrets from him, such as Feng Ziying's correspondence to myself, and this guy also knows about it.

Seeing that Jia Yucun's face turned slightly gloomy, Yan Mingxiang quickly slapped his mouth and said, "Sir, I'm a little presumptuous, so please forgive me, but I remember that in the past two years, I didn't have much correspondence with you, Mr. Feng.

It’s only one or two letters a year, but since last year, it seems to have suddenly become more frequent. You said that when he was the Prime Minister of Shuntian, he had a lot of correspondence with you. After all, one is in Nanjing and the other is in Beijing. But last year he was still in the permanent office.

Are you a co-president of Pingfu? How come we keep writing to you, but when we were in the Hanlin Academy, we only talked in general terms?"

Jia Yucun snorted softly, "How can a sparrow know the ambition of a swan? You are just a frog in a well with a superficial view. How can you know Ziying's ability?"

"Haha, Sir, don't mention it. Even in Jinling City, Xiao Feng's reputation is often spread. I have heard Sir mention it many times. You should have gotten acquainted with him during the Linqing Civil War, right?

Your Excellency was still in despair at that time. Well, there was also a female young master who was the censor of salt inspection in Huaihe River. Why was Master Feng so optimistic about your future?" Yan Mingxiang looked puzzled, "And this Excellency was just then.

How old are you, twelve or thirteen years old?"

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