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Renzi Scroll Chapter 60: Do Your Own Thing

 Feng Ziying felt very complicated when she left.

Because he didn't know whether what Emperor Yonglong was talking to him today was really as wise as Emperor Yonglong showed, and he felt that the court might not be well prepared to deal with the various risks once the Prince Yi Zhong incident broke out.

Feng Ziying and Emperor Yonglong talked about the trial planting and promotion of potatoes and sweet potatoes in Shuntian Prefecture and Yongping Prefecture, and also talked about the layout of the "coal and iron complex" in Yongping Prefecture and Shuntian Prefecture, but he felt that Emperor Yonglong's current

His mind was no longer on these specific details. Even though he tried his best to show interest, in fact, his mind was already on the movements of Prince Yohitada and the performance of the princes after the Autumn Festival.

Feng Ziying had no intention of judging the princes. It had nothing to do with him, and it was not his turn to point fingers.

Emperor Yonglong may have already had a favorite candidate in mind, but he just wanted to use this method to listen to everyone's reactions and opinions, so that he could choose a more appropriate way to select the governor in the future.

The disappointed Feng Ziying wanted to return to the capital immediately, but Emperor Yonglong kept him here and wanted to summon him again in the next two days.

This made Feng Ziying very confused. Is it necessary to determine the candidate for the crown prince in these two days and allow herself to meet the new crown prince?

This is a bit too hasty.

The residence arranged for Feng Ziying in the palace was in the southwest corner of the outer palace.

After being brought here by the palace attendants to settle down, Feng Ziying had time to take stock of the situation here.

The Tiewangshan Palace is large in scale, covering an area of ​​approximately two thousand acres. This is only Feng Ziying's estimate. It is divided into two palaces: the inner and outer palaces.

The scale of the inner palace is slightly smaller, about six to seven hundred acres, and it is divided into two parts: the east and west parts. The east side is smaller, about a hundred acres. It is mainly the emperor's palace. Apart from the emperor and his servants and personal guards, there is no other part.

Others; while the west side is larger in scale, with more than ten pavilions and pavilions, mainly for concubines and adult children.

The composition of the outer palace is complicated. There are some low-rise bungalows where the Shangsanqinjun, Banner Guards, Warrior Camp and Fourth Guards Camp are all stationed, but only some generals and soldiers are stationed in them. They are mainly stationed in the southeast.

Some of the soldiers of the Third Family were stationed outside the palace.

The buildings in the southwest are much more exquisite and detailed, consisting of almost a dozen small courtyards. Adult princes, royal family members, and courtiers who come to visit can temporarily live here.

This small grid-like courtyard is more like the courtyard villas of later generations. It is independent but adjacent to a bluestone corridor passing in front of the door. It is simple and compact.

Several people who followed Feng Ziying also lived in the small courtyard with Feng Ziying. Feng Ziying lived in the east wing, while Wu Yaoqing and others lived in the west wing.

There should be no worries about safety here.

The Shangsanqin Army almost surrounded the entire palace, while another escort force, the Shenshu Battalion, was stationed around the entire Tiewen Mountain Hunting Garden, forming two internal and external defense circles with the Shangsanqin Army.

"Sir, from the look on your face, the interview is not going well?" Wu Yaoqing accompanied Feng Ziying into the room and asked in a deep voice.

He is well aware of Feng Ziying's thoughts and views. Feng Ziying's worries and fears may seem a little pessimistic to him, but it is indeed possible, but the situation may not be as bad as Feng Ziying fears.

For example, Wu Yaoqing does not believe that Jiangnan can be unified under the command of Prince Yi Zhong.

Because in his view, the chief minister of the Central Government, Ye Xianggao, the second minister, Fang Congzhe, and the elder Li Tingji were all Shilin leaders from Fujian and Zhejiang, as well as Gao Panlong, the minister of the Ministry of official affairs, Huang Ruliang, the minister of the Ministry of household affairs, and the minister of the Ministry of official affairs.

Gu Bingqian, Secretary of the Ministry of Justice Liu Yishui and others were all highly prestigious scholars in Jiangnan and had great influence on Jiangnan.

Although the Seven Ministries in Nanjing have also assembled a group of Jiangnan gentry spokespersons, compared with those on the imperial court, such as Tang Binyin, Miao Changqi, Zhu Guozhen, and Gu Tianjun, they are lower in both power and prestige. If you want to

Instigating the whole of Jiangnan to split and oppose the imperial court seems to be a little weak.

How could a group of Jiangnan gentry with different opinions and opposing views contend with the imperial court? That is almost unimaginable.

As for the armies such as the Xuanfu Army and the Denglai Army, they are second. As long as Prince Yi Zhong cannot get the support of Jiangnan, everything is just a castle in the air. The imperial court only needs to cut off the logistics, food and pay of the Xuanfu Army and the Denglai Army. Then

The Xuanfu Army and Denglai Army will naturally fall apart, or even switch sides.

On the contrary, Wu Yaoqing was a little worried about whether the White Lotus Sect and the Mongols outside the border wall, and whether the Jurchens would take advantage of this opportunity to cause trouble.

In particular, although the White Lotus Sect seems to be a mess now, based on the current situation, we can know that a looming thread is connecting the White Lotus forces in Beizhi, Shandong, Shanxi and Fengzhoutan outside the border wall.

The trend of convergence, once this force gathers together to form a unified force, it cannot be underestimated and the harm will be great.

However, the White Lotus Sect has existed in the North for tens of hundreds of years. Over the years, it has had its ups and downs, its prosperity and decline. Perhaps it is not clear whether they themselves have split or even collapsed due to internal strife. This situation is not uncommon.

These secret societies without much organization are inherently like this. They fight for power within themselves. If they encounter a few unreliable leaders, it is not impossible that something unbelievable to ordinary people will happen because of one or two incidents and they will collapse.

"Well, the emperor may have other plans, but I am still worried that they underestimated the severity and complexity of the situation, and there are also great variables." Feng Ziying said briefly, "I still have the same view, Prince Yi Zhong

If we really want to take action, it will definitely be a one-hit kill, or even a multi-pronged approach, leaving no chance, but I feel that the emperor and the court still have some leeway, which is very dangerous."

"My lord, even though you have tried all your efforts, since the emperor has made arrangements, we should still focus on our own affairs. Everything you are worried about has been reported to the emperor and Mr. Qi Ge. They should understand the interests and dangers. Our hands

What we need to do is, as you said, make all preparations, like what Mr. Xue is doing now, increase efforts to transport and stockpile food, just in case; and ask the Governor to do everything possible.

Preparation, or does Feng Mansion also need to store some food in Beijing..."

Wu Yaoqing's words made Feng Ziying wave her hand, "I have already made arrangements with my father and brother, and we just need to proceed according to the established plan. As for whether the mansion needs to reserve food, the two ladies in the mansion will consider it. Yaoqing, what do you think?

The top priority we have to do now, or the countermeasures we can do, what should we do most at the moment? In other words, if the situation is really as unbearable as I expected, what else can I do now to help the future?


Feng Ziying's question put Wu Yaoqing under great pressure. He thought about it for a long time before slowly saying: "My subordinates believe that everything else is uncertain, but the most important thing is to tighten the control over the Shuntian government offices, and even the government offices in various states and counties."

, but for now, the states and counties may not be able to achieve the results for a while, but the government offices can do it, especially now that Mr. Wu does not care about government affairs and even resides in the Tiewan Mountain Palace. It is about time

Sir, this is a great opportunity for you to establish your own prestige."

"That's very well said!" Feng Ziying showed a satisfied smile on her face, "The government office has done a good job in the early stage. The major reorganization and adjustment of the three shifts of government offices have been very effective. The experience department and nursing office, as well as the office and execution room have all been settled.

Now, the next step may be the household buildings and military buildings. When I go back this time, I will organize the household buildings and military buildings..."

Households and workshops have always been the territory of general judges. As for household houses, although Feng Ziying intervened through Fu Shi in the early stage, only two of the five general judges are now leaning towards Feng Ziying, one is neutral and slightly leaning towards Feng Ziying, and the other two have ambiguous attitudes.

, considering that she had just stabilized the official housing and criminal housing, Feng Ziying temporarily let go of the household housing.

As for the barracks, due to the special location of Shuntian Mansion under the eyes of the imperial court, the Qing army and civilian Zhuang affairs that the barracks mainly managed could not get involved. According to convention, they were almost directly managed by the Ministry of War.

But how can the Ministry of War manage the affairs of the Qing army and Minzhuang, which are obviously local affairs? It is just a continuation of the old practice since the Taihe and Guangyuan years. In the 25th year of Yuanxi, the Mongols invaded Shuntian Prefecture and briefly took over the Qing army and the Ministry of War.

The Minzhuang Affairs Office was established, but then it was restored to its original form after the situation calmed down, so now it is in name only.

Considering the current tense atmosphere, Feng Ziying thought that she might be able to take this opportunity to clear the air with the Ministry of War and handle these two matters single-handedly.

Wu Yaoqing didn't expect that Feng Ziying had such a big appetite. Once he wanted to take over the households and military buildings, it would almost be the power and responsibility of the governor. But having said that, being the governor is mainly responsible for the experience department, the Zhaomo Office, the official housing, and the household housing.

, now that Feng Ziying basically controls the experience department, nursing office and staff room, Wu Daonan has no objections, so what's the surprise if he takes over the household room and military room?

"Sir, you still want to stay here?" Wu Yaoqing asked casually.

"The Emperor wants to see me for two days, so I have no choice but to wait." Feng Ziying sighed, "But I don't think it makes much sense to see the Emperor again. The Emperor has made up his mind, and I have no intention of caring about the selection of the heir apparent that he cares about.


"But your Excellency doesn't know that many people are already concerned about the fact that you were summoned by the Emperor to inquire. As soon as you entered the palace, someone has already come to us to inquire about it and left a name note." Wu Yaoqing laughed.

, "This is all about choosing a reserve, but you said you are not interested. This is so disappointing."

"Oh?" Feng Ziying was surprised, "Someone came to the door so quickly? I don't remember meeting anyone along the way."

This chapter has been completed!
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