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Renzi Scroll, Section 99, Outpost Battle (2)

 When the first row of Xuanfu troops finally took steps to charge, a gap finally appeared in the entire shield formation.

This is inevitable when the pace changes at an accelerated pace. At this time, the opponent is less than twenty steps away from the bridgehead and only thirty-five steps away from the Henan Touhuo Gun camp.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" The exploding sounds like exploding beans gathered together, blowing up a storm of metal projectiles, which converged from both sides of the bridge at a ninety-degree angle toward the center of the bridge.

The first and third formations are the fire gunners ambushing on both sides. They first attack the entire shield hand camp from both sides to disrupt the opponent's rhythm, which can create the best opportunity for the second formation in the front.

The first round of attacks caught Xu Mengda's troops of the Xuanfu Army by surprise.

When everyone was focused on the front, preparing to receive a wave of attacks, they never thought that the attacks would come from both sides.

Although they also considered possible attacks on both sides and used placards for protection, but during the march, especially in the dark, gaps would inevitably appear with the ups and downs of the pace, and at this time the fatal blow would come from

This flank attack...

The metal projectiles easily penetrated the cotton armor of the Xuanfu soldiers. The projectiles penetrated into the human bodies, tearing apart the bones, muscles and blood vessels of the soldiers, and drained every ounce of strength from their bodies.

Following this round of firing, Zhang Dingyuan's second order was immediately issued, and the second formation in front also began to fire.

There is only thirty steps away, which is the most comfortable distance for the fire gunners. At this distance, even plate armor cannot withstand their frontal strikes.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" Another burst of smelly smell of gunpowder floated in the air. The Xuanfu army's smooth shield formation, which was speeding up with their shields gritted and gritted their teeth, was like a neat mouth.

His teeth were suddenly hit hard by something, and they suddenly fell into pieces.

This ferocious round of shooting easily tore the shield's direction apart, and the foreskin wooden shield was unable to withstand such a close-range firecracker bombardment.

This is not the previous three-eye firegun or clip gun, but a genuine firegun from the "Gyeonggi Military Manufacturing Factory". It is a complete imitation of the matchlock gun from the West, and even the barrel material is even better.

The quality of gunpowder has also officially evolved from the original powdered gunpowder to granular gunpowder, and its texture has been much purified, and its power is far superior to the gunpowder originally produced by the Wang Gong Factory of the Ministry of War.

Xu Mengda noticed something was wrong at the first moment.

As General Manager of the headquarters, he has always taken the lead and set an example. Standing in the center of the formation, he could feel that after being hit by fire cannons on both sides, the entire formation subconsciously became chaotic. The result of the chaos was that the entire formation became more loose.

This would bring more opportunities for the enemy's muskets. Before he could figure out how to deal with it, he was hit by another metal storm right in front of him.

This was expected, but to his disbelief, more than 70% of the twenty soldiers in the first row were defeated in one fell swoop. More than fifteen soldiers fell to the ground wailing and exhausted, screaming miserably.

The sound penetrated the bone marrow, and the shield was discarded on the ground.

Although the soldiers who followed up filled the gap without hesitation, such a tragic result still gave everyone a chill in their hearts.

This is only the first round.

Before I had time to think about it, from the wings to the front, the explosion of firecrackers sounded again, and the entire bridge deck was enveloped in a strange smell of blood and gunpowder smoke that lasted for a long time.

Xu Mengda clearly saw that in this round of attacks, at least forty brothers fell down and could not get up again, and their corpses or injuries even affected the subsequent partners to continue moving forward.

Even Xu Mengda, who has experienced many battles, was frightened by such a bloody and tragic situation.

He is not a new recruit who has experienced bloodshed and death. In the many years of fighting with the Tumuts and Chahars, he himself has lost count of how many comrades died beside him, wailing, but never like today.

The casualties made him feel lonely and helpless, and he didn't know how to continue.

He had never experienced such a defenseless attack, such an attack at such a heavy cost, and he had no desire to experience it.

It's just that he can't help it now. He is only ten steps away from the enemy in front, and he can reach them with just one charge.

Xu Mengda could even see that after that round of shooting, the executioners were methodically getting out of the way without even turning their heads. They were replaced by a new round of partners who were aiming their guns.

His heart tightened, and Xu Mengda didn't have time to think too much. He roared suddenly: "Brothers, rush over, the victory or defeat depends on this!"

At this time, whether you retreat or stop, you can only become a living target for the enemy to shoot one after another. If you want to fight for a bloody path, you can only rush forward, regardless of everything, and rush through this short period of time at all costs.

Within twenty steps, he completely rushed into their camp and used the blade in his hand to exchange their flesh and blood and lives.

Following the general's roar, the soldiers on the bridge suddenly accelerated their speed. Even though the gap between the shields was larger, they no longer cared about it.

The effect of the shield at this distance is no longer important. As long as you are hit, you will die or be injured even if you have a shield. It is better to take a step forward and rush over. As long as you plunge in, victory will be achieved.

Zhang Dingyuan also saw this. He raised his energy and shouted suddenly: "One or three formations, gather in the center and fire!"

In the early stage, one or three formations concentrated their strength to attack the flanks in order to achieve effective damage and disrupt the opponent's advance rhythm. But now that it is a close combat stage, it is necessary to suppress the momentum of the opponent's frontal charge and severely destroy the enemy's momentum.

Hit the ground.

As soon as Zhang Dingyuan finished speaking, the officers took the order one after another, instructing the soldiers to slightly adjust the shooting direction, so that the nozzles of all the muskets were pointed directly in front of the bridge.

At this time, it is no longer possible to achieve uniform shooting, at least between the first, second and third formations. Being able to fire round after round of fire as quickly as possible is the greatest victory.

The three consecutive rounds of shooting did not have the rhythm as imagined, but were slightly messy. One and three rounds were in front. The first round of shooting was one beat slower than the third round of shooting, while the second round of shooting was delayed.

In the end, the three rounds of banging bursts were like three heavy hammers hitting the prey on the anvil, completely breaking the Xuanfu army's spirit.

Each round of bursts of fire rolled up a burst of blood mist, and twenty or thirty soldiers fell down. The shields had no shielding effect. Such overlapping, repeated and skillless massacres were difficult for any army.

It's unbearable, especially when there is no room to fight back.

When the nearest shield bearer had already thrown himself on the bridge, less than ten steps away from the front gunner, he finally fell.

Under the light of the torch, the stone bridge deck was illuminated like daylight. Everyone could see that his blood-stained face was filled with unwillingness and helplessness. One hand was still holding on to the shield, but he could clearly see

There were two broken bullet holes in the cowhide on the shield, and there was a heavy flow of blood on his lower abdomen, thighs and chest, slowly seeping into the ground along his body, forming a pool of blood on the stone bridge.

At this time, the Xuanfu army on the bridge had completely collapsed. No army could maintain its morale under such a massacre. This was not an attack, it was suicide.

Like the wind and the lingering clouds, the soldiers who turned around and ran away, almost abandoning their shields, could not have a good result. If they continued to shoot at this time, Zhang Dingyuan could conclude that the hundreds of Xuanfu troops would be able to escape back 10% to 10% at most.

But he stopped his men from continuing to shoot.

At this time, there is no need to hunt down these opponents who are not even dead dogs. Their morale has completely collapsed. Even if they are organized again, they can no longer launch an attack. This nightmare will remain in their hearts and let them

Telling it back can also effectively demoralize your opponent.

Not to mention that the already heated barrel needs to rest in order to prepare for the next attack, which will only become more brutal and ferocious.

Silence finally returned to the entire bridge. No, it cannot be called silence, it can only be called relative calm. The soldiers who were seriously injured but not dead were still moaning and wailing. Abandoned by their companions, they were just like this in the light of torches on both sides of the river.

He was lying on his back, lying down or sitting, looking so miserable and helpless.

The light and shadow changed, and the smell of blood on the bridge and the smell of water on the river intertwined, making this stone bridge seem to have turned into a Naihe Bridge.

Li Daming stared blankly at the scene in front of him. He couldn't believe it and was unwilling to accept it. It made him feel at a loss after being struck by lightning.

Six hundred elite people, Xu Mengda's firm and powerful face and bold and powerful commitment, just disappeared in the wind?

It took half an hour to capture the stone bridge, but less than half an hour later, the stone bridge remained the same, but they disappeared.

Less than a hundred people escaped back. They were all so devastated that they couldn't even speak. They huddled in a corner silently, not knowing what to do.

After all, Li Daming had experienced countless separations and separations. He just couldn't accept how he could face a tragic defeat so quickly. Although the defeat was only a few hundred people and had little impact on the battle situation, he needed to consider how to deal with it.

Such a situation.

Using soldiers to make life-saving charges is what a fool calls it. Li Daming knew very well that it would only help the opponent's record. The narrow stone bridge made it impossible for the large army to deploy, and the darkness became the best weapon for the opponent's gunmen who were ambushing on both wings.


This can't be done anymore. Li Daming already understood that it would be difficult for him as a forward to break the deadlock. "Go, report to your Excellency immediately and bring the car camp up as quickly as possible. I want to see how their firecrackers can break us."


This chapter has been completed!
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