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Renzi Scroll, Section 197, Vertical and Horizontal, Gu Dengfeng

"Not only that, in addition to the royal family shareholders, Haitong Bank's shareholders also have quite a few Jiangnan businessmen. Under this situation, if Nanjing wants to forcibly seize the cash of several branches, it will still cause a lot of dissatisfaction.

." Jia Yucun glanced at Yan Mingxiang, "Haitong Yinzhuang has continued to pay dividends in the past two years, which makes the shareholders very satisfied. It is said that many of the shareholders of Jiangnan merchants are anonymous shareholders. Among Haitong Yinzhuang, only probably only one knows the identity of all shareholders.

King Zhongshun and Feng Ziying."

"I don't know how much share capital this Haitong Bank has? How much silver deposits has it absorbed from external depositors?" Yan Mingxiang asked curiously.

"This is even more of a secret. Haitong Yinzhuang will definitely not tell the outside world." Jia Yucun shook his head, "But it is definitely not a small amount. It is hard to guess, but it is definitely not a big deal, but a few million taels."

Yan Mingxiang took a breath of cold air, "If this is the case, and the imperial court relies on this, then it's really hard to say."

"That can't be said. After all, Haitong Bank has so many shareholders. If the imperial court declines and it wants to borrow money from Haitong Bank, the bank will have to consider whether it will lose everything." Jia Yucun

Shaking his head, "Haitong Yinzhuang's deposits will definitely not be all stored in the capital city. Most of them will be stored in scattered places. Some relatively safe and unaffected places are the focus, such as places like Guangzhou and Datong."

"Your Excellency, you know so much about the situation of Haitong Silver Village?" Yan Mingxiang asked puzzledly.

"Because Feng Ziying told me." Jia Yucun said calmly.

Yan Mingxiang was surprised again, "Did Mr. Feng write again?"

"Yes, the communication between me and him has never been broken." Jia Yucun stretched his body lazily, "He sent someone this time. I guess he not only contacted me, but also

Someone else."

Yan Mingxiang glanced outside subconsciously and lowered his voice: "What do you think, sir?"

"What do you think?" Jia Yucun murmured: "What can I think? I can only take it one step at a time. If it is too explicit, of course you can be liked by Nanjing and even be given the position of minister, but so what?

I am now sitting in the position of the governor of Jinling. Although my power has been weakened a lot, so what? I have to worry less and I am still happy and free..."

"But this is not a long-term solution." Yan Mingxiang was anxious. He was from a disciple, and he finally joined the line of Jia Yucun. Naturally, he hoped that Jia Yucun could prosper and reach higher and higher, but did not want Jia Yucun to just stop there.


"Ming Xiang, haste makes waste. The more impatient you are now, the easier it is to make mistakes in judgment, and even lead to irremediable consequences. So now we need to be more cautious to avoid risks." Jia Yucun shook his head and said: "I am now

When you are in this position, why should you easily express your attitude for those illusory things?"

Yan Mingxiang didn't know what his boss was thinking, and sometimes he felt like he was leaning towards Nanjing. He was very cooperative with Tang Binyin, Gu Tianjun and Jia Jing in arranging some matters, and even met some of Zhen Yingjia's unreasonable demands.

But sometimes he refuses to bow his head.

In fact, sometimes it is just a gesture, but this one was vague and refused to make it clear, which made some people have a bad opinion of him. Otherwise, with his qualifications, he would have definitely made one among the six ministers, but so far he has not done so. news.

Yan Mingxiang has met this man since he was at the Calabash Temple. He has no moral integrity, and it is even less likely that he regards glory and wealth as rubbish. He still refuses to take the last step, which means that the other party must not be optimistic about Nanjing. .

But if you are really not optimistic about it, then why bother to be attached to this position? It is better to resign openly and step down to wait for the opportunity, and still get a good reputation. If the court really wins and triumphs in the future, he can also rise and fall again, and even come back again. The last step is not impossible, after all, he has made his attitude clear.

Jia Yucun also knew that his staff was confused and confused, but there were some things that he could not explain to the other party. No matter how close the relationship was, it was a matter of wealth and wealth, and he still understood the truth that if the minister did not keep the secret, he would lose his virginity.

When Feng Ziying sent people to Nanjing, he could tell them, but he would not go into detail about what they were talking about.

He could even tell people like Tang Binyin and Jia Jing that the northern court sent people to contact him. This was nothing new in Nanjing.

As the war begins, many people will go south and north, and both sides of the court will resort to bribery and poaching to fight. As the governor of Jinling, it would be abnormal if no one comes to contact me.

Feng Ziying indeed sent people to Nanjing.

Of course, Jia Yucun was not the only one who came to contact, Jia Zheng was also one of them. Of course, Jia Yucun was the most important, and Jia Zheng was just a sideshow.

The person who came to contact Jia Yucun was Gu Dengfeng, a man under Feng Ziying who rarely appeared.

Gu Yi

Several core staff members under Feng Ziying's current command are all from Lin Ruhai's past. After an inspection and confirmation of their loyalty, they were truly accepted as confidants.

There was no way. Feng Ziying was too young back then, and no one followed him. Although Ruixiang and Baoxiang had followed him since childhood, they were far behind in terms of experience. It was okay to do some shady things, but it was hard to really get on the stage. You have to wait three to five years.

Lin Ruhai, the staff in the pocket, are all experienced and have gone through many years of experience, and their ability level is not bad. Moreover, they have been in Yangzhou for a long time and are very familiar with the situation in Jiangnan. They also have personal connections. As long as they are loyal, there is no problem. question.

When Lin Ruhai was about to die, he entrusted his two daughters to Feng Ziying. Naturally, he wanted to give all his resources to his son-in-law.

His capable staff also needed to find a more reliable employer, so they hit it off.

If it turns out that Feng Ziying was just a Hanlin Academy editor, it would be a bit extravagant to have such a few staff, but after all, his father's identity as the governor of Jiliao was behind it, so it was barely justified.

But as Feng Ziying rose through the ranks, from being a co-president of Yongping Prefecture to being the Prime Minister of Shuntian Prefecture, these staff all felt that their former boss had really sharp eyesight and had chosen the right son-in-law. He became a fourth-rank official at the age of ten. I dare not say that there was no one before or after him, but at least he was the first person in the Zhou Dynasty.

The people Lin Ruhai prepared for Feng Ziying all had their own strengths, and Feng Ziying did not follow Lin Ruhai's previous recommendations, but discovered their strengths on her own.

For example, although Wang Wenyan continued to serve as the general manager, Cao Yu was promoted from the role of public opinion propaganda by Feng Ziying based on his original experience, and Wu Yaoqing became the general manager in charge of security and intelligence.

Qian Guisheng is the most mysterious, but in fact he plays the role of Feng Ziying's personal financial manager. He is responsible for the behind-the-scenes operations of Haitong Bank, one with Duan Xigui and one with Duan Xigui. With the extra money and food support from his father, some of Shen Yourong's needs at the Denglai Navy had to be handled through Qian Guisheng.

Gu Dengfeng acted as Feng Ziying’s spokesperson.

For example, when contacting Jiangnan gentry and merchants, communicating with Jiayu Village, and making friends with merchants from Shanxi and Shaanxi, it was Gu Dengfeng who came forward on behalf of Feng Ziying, which could be done openly or covertly, depending on the situation.

Feng Ziying's explanation to Gu Dengfeng was to contact Jia Yucun and befriend Jia Yucun. She may not have to do anything now, because it seems that Nanjing still has the upper hand at this time, and Jia Yucun may not be willing. That would make the relationship between the two parties difficult, so what she told Jia Yucun was Communicate information and understand the changes in the situation between Nanjing and China, including the factions, conflicts, and trends within the Nanjing court. These are more valuable for the court's next actions.

Especially some casual details can play a key role sometimes.

These words that Gu Dengfeng brought to Jia Yucun also made Jia Yucun feel relieved. He was also most worried that Feng Ziying would force him to express his attitude, but now although Jia Yucun felt in his heart that the court would gradually gain the upper hand after this difficult period. , but he is not sure, so the best way is to communicate secretly and keep his face secret.

Now Feng Ziying's request is much simpler. It doesn't matter if some information is leaked. If you don't leak it, others will.

People in this era still have little awareness of secrecy. Some major military events are known to be kept secret, but many specific details are not paid much attention to. However, often these details are combined and after professional analysis, many more than the so-called More important information on military aircraft events.

Just like now, Jia Jing's Ministry of Household Affairs cannot come up with money to pay to Huaiyang Town, but instead supports the Xuanfu Army and Datong Army in Shandong. As a result, Chen Jixian's Huaiyang Army may cut off water transportation and seize the goods sent by Nanjing to Shandong. Qianliang, if this news is true, if we observe the movements of the Huaiyang Army in a targeted manner, we can find out whether this possibility will become a reality. If we do this in the future when the war between the two sides is tense, even just a piece of news can make people happy. The morale of the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army was shaken, leading to unimaginable consequences.

Gu Dengfeng went directly to Suzhou after leaving Nanjing.

His mission this time was very heavy.

In Yangzhou, he secretly met with several representatives of salt merchants and discussed some matters.

None of the salt merchants came forward, but quietly arranged for some characters who usually didn't show up but were close friends to meet Gu Dengfeng. This was quite a face-saving gesture, not entirely because of Feng Ziying's original friendship, but more because of everyone. Everyone knows that Feng Tang's army has entered Henan and has now passed Luoyang and entered Kaifeng.

This means that the Northwest Army has officially entered the Central Plains and is preparing to fight the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army in the Western Shandong area.

It is still unclear who will win and who will lose, which also attracts merchants who are concerned about their own destiny. The Yangzhou salt merchants who live in the north of the Yangtze River and Shandong are only separated from each other by Xuzhou and Huai'an, so they are naturally more concerned.

This chapter has been completed!
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