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The 228th section of the Renzi Scroll

Seeing Feng Ziying speaking so casually, Baochai felt a little at ease, hesitated for a moment and then said: "Then my husband means to buy the second mansion, but do you want to renovate it?"

Feng Ziying understood the meaning of Baochai's words and smiled, "What do you mean, sister?"

Baochai shook his head and said nothing.

Feng Ziying then said seriously: "Since it has to be bought at such a high price, of course it needs to be renovated. Then the provincial villa in the garden must be renovated. The archway and houses must be renovated. In the future..."

Before Feng Ziying could say anything, Bao Qin took up the conversation: "My husband, are you really going to move there?"

To be honest, Feng Ziying hasn't thought about it yet.

The Grand View Garden is great, and for a woman with a big family living in her own house, it will definitely bring a different mood to the old place again, and it is indeed suitable for life, but this means that the three separate bedrooms may become mixed living.

This is probably also a psychological challenge for Shen Yixiu, Baochai, and Daiyu, but from my own perspective, this can prevent the gap between the three families from getting deeper and deeper, making it difficult for them to be human beings.

But can these problems be solved by moving into the garden? I'm afraid it's not that easy. Thinking of this, Feng Ziying hesitated again.

"I haven't thought about it yet, but my initial idea is to move there. As our family will definitely have more children in the future, this side is still a little smaller, and the side of Rongning Second Mansion is much wider. If I don't buy it, I will be It's okay for others to buy it, just for fear of leaving it there and no one will care about it. After a few years, it will be completely destroyed." Feng Ziying sighed and said: "In fact, the old lady meant the same thing. The Jia family must not be able to do it anymore. Now that we live there, instead of letting others ruin it or letting it be abandoned and abandoned, it is better for the Feng family to buy it as a memory. The younger sisters can also live back there. I remember when the younger sisters lived there, they were like immortals. , even Brother Yu is extremely envious,..."

Both Rongning and Ning Mansion have specially diverted streams from the outside, so if they are deserted, they will fall into disrepair within two years. For example, if no one takes care of the palaces and houses inside, they will fall into disrepair in three to five years. It's such a pity.

When Feng Ziying said this, Baochai, Baoqin and Yingchun couldn't help but feel excited.

To say that the most pleasant stage of living life is undoubtedly the time when we first moved into the Grand View Garden. There are lush vegetation, green peaks and rockeries, rows of pavilions and pavilions, and the blending of mountains and rivers. It can be said to be a magnificent sight. Unfortunately, this kind of time is too short. Originally, it was a grand sight. He proposed to establish a poetry club, but after a while of quarrels, the Rongguo Mansion was financially strapped, and everyone lost their thoughts. Not long after, Baochai and Baoqin got married, and Wang Xifeng also ran away from Li, and everything disappeared immediately.

So when talking about this time, Baochai and Baoqin also miss it very much.

"What Mr. Xianggong said makes sense, but if both Rong Ning and Rong Ning's houses were to buy it, it would be a bit too big. Even if it could accommodate thousands of people, it would be more than enough." Baochai thought for a while and then said softly.

"The area of ​​Ningguo Mansion is smaller, and mainly the area behind Huifang Garden is larger. If the Grand View Garden and the area behind Huifang Garden are connected, the water surface will be much larger. In this way, the overall area will be larger. It is spacious. At that time, some useless old buildings can be demolished and more places such as lawns, woods, bamboo forests and water surfaces can be retained..."

Feng Ziying was thinking about it. Baochai saw that her husband had already had this idea, so she stopped talking. She glanced at Baoqin and Yingchun, both of whom had expressions of hope on their faces, and realized that in fact, everyone was still looking forward to it. Move over.

It's actually a little too small here.

Not to mention the Yunchuan Uncle's Mansion, even the larger long-room Hulunhou Mansion is actually just a three-story courtyard. It is a bit crowded now that there is only one child. The Yunchuan Uncle's Mansion is even smaller. The only bigger one is that of General Shenwu's Mansion, but there is also a large family of mother-in-law and several concubines living there. If Daiyu marries there and takes Miaoyu with her, it will probably be even more crowded.

Moreover, the Grand View Garden also carries everyone’s best memories of time. Every mountain, water, plant, tree, pavilion and pavilion there can evoke infinite beautiful memories.

Baochai is like this, Yingchun is like this, why not Feng Ziying?

This life must always be remembered.

In addition to Baoyu who lives there, he is probably the man who visits the most in the Grand View Garden, including Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Hengwu Garden, Qiu Shuangzhai, Zhujin Pavilion, Lotus Champs, as well as Congcui Temple and Aojingxi Pavilion. Every place can evoke countless memories.

"Ms. sir, I wonder how much silver it will cost to buy the second residence?" One hundred thousand taels of silver?"

Xue Baoqin laughed out loud, "Sister, how is that possible? Not to mention that this is a government sale, it must be discounted, and my husband also said that the Jinchengfang where Rongning Street is located is far less than the Great and Small Shiyong There are a lot of things going on, such as Nanxunfang, Baodafang, and Jiqingfang, which are close to the palace and around the palace. In addition, they are inspected and sold, and illegal buildings need to be renovated. How many people are willing to buy, and there are so many houses for sale this time, there is so much room to choose from, why would people choose this one? The locations of houses like Wang's and Niu's are much better than those on Rongning Street, right? ?”

Feng Ziying slightly nodded, "Bao Qin is right, and it is said that it cost 400,000 yuan to build the Grand View Garden, but I estimate that at least 100,000 yuan was spent by others, and 200,000 yuan is already the limit, besides this kind of Who would recognize the cost of repairing a garden? Everyone has different preferences. What you like to admire may not be what I like. So if you say the garden is worth 400,000, others would consider it 100,000, which is pretty good. That’s us, after all, we have been there for a long time and have developed feelings over time, so we accept it. How could anyone else accept it? "

Baochai was taken aback, "If the photographer and Baoqin said this, wouldn't it mean that Rongning's second residence can't be sold for much money?"

"After all, Rong Ning's second residence is still so big. If there is no Grand View Garden, I estimate that Rong Guo Mansion can be sold for 60,000 to 70,000 taels of silver. Ning Guo Mansion is slightly smaller and costs about 50,000 to 60,000 taels of silver. The Grand View Garden is not easy to estimate. If you like it, I can give it to you. Two hundred thousand taels is not an exaggeration. If you don’t like it, 80,000 taels may be too much, so it still depends on the buyer’s wishes, but I think the entire second house will not exceed 180,000 taels.”

Feng Ziying said this, which made Xue Baoqin smack her tongue. She estimated that no matter how big the land was, Rongning's second house plus the Grand View Garden would be worth 70,000 to 80,000 taels of silver. How could she listen to her husband and add them all? It's only 180,000 taels of silver, so it's really too cheap.

Of course, the key reason here is that no one is willing to buy it. No one is bidding, so the price really cannot be sold. The court is eager to use the money, so it cannot be left there forever. It is not necessarily impossible to sell it for hundreds of thousands taels. .

The spring sale for the 10th year of Emperor Yonglong's reign has finally begun.

This time the sale is different from the previous one, not only allowing anonymous participation, but also allowing the transfer of the property title and title to the government temporarily after the purchase, and extending it to two years, which can be done with the sale payment voucher at any time.

There were too many mansions, but not many bidders. If Feng Ziying hadn't invited Jiangnan merchants in advance, Feng Ziying estimated that at least half of the more than 100 mansions and farms would be difficult to sell, which would be difficult for the court. accepted.

Fortunately, thanks to this anonymous sales method and Feng Ziying's work behind the scenes, Jiangnan businessmen donated generously. Basically everyone wanted to buy one or two mansions and farms. Even so, one hundred and twenty There are still more than thirty remaining mansions and farms.

Grand View Tower.

Zhang Chi leaned on his chair and looked casually at the salesman on the opposite stage who was holding up a picture to introduce it, "Lai Da, this is the Rongning Second House you are talking about? Who would buy that damn place in Jinchengfang?" ?”

"Your Majesty, although the second residence of Rongning is located in Jinchengfang, you see, it is actually close to Xianyifang, and it is also very close to the center of Xicheng in terms of convenience. In addition, there is only a private alley between the two residences. If you like it, my lord, you can open it up so that the two houses of Rong Ning can be connected together. The two houses together occupy an extremely large area, which is extremely rare in our capital city. And you also know that the Grand View Garden is based on the imperial concubine’s marriage plan. It was built according to the specifications of the provincial villa at that time. It was so beautiful that it cost 400,000 taels of silver and almost bankrupted the Jia family..."

Lai Da spoke so loudly that Zhang Chi couldn't help but laugh, "Four hundred thousand taels to build a villa for a noble concubine to visit her relatives? Are you kidding an orphan? You can spend half the money, and even the orphan feels that it can be compared to the palace. Isn't that right? Knowing how many people are inside, probably only fools like the Jia family will be fooled..."

"Your Majesty, you have never been there. If you had, you would know that every tree and plant there is paved with silver. I have lived in Rongguo Mansion for so many years and I understand it best. I dare to deceive you." Lai Da finally joined the sect of Shou Wang Zhangchi, and now he is even more focused on showing off, so he tried his best to persuade him, "Especially the provincial villa took a lot of work, everything is almost brand new Yes, the imperial concubine stayed there twice when she came back to visit her relatives..."

"Oh, is it really like what you said?" Thinking of Jia Yuanchun's beautiful jade and plump figure, Zhang Chi felt hot in his heart and suddenly became interested, "Where did Concubine Jia live when she came to visit the bride? "

Since this sale is mainly focused on residences, we adopted a picture and text introduction in the morning, an on-site introduction in the afternoon, and the official sale in the evening, so the process is relatively lengthy, but considering that basically every residence and estate has

It's a big deal of tens of thousands taels, so it makes sense to be cautious.

This chapter has been completed!
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